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Certification Services

We offer the best product range of Iso 9001 Certification Services, ISO 14001 Certification Services, ISO 18001:2007 Certification Services, ISO 22000 Certification Services and Iso 13485 Certification Services.

Iso 9001 Certification Services

ISO 9001 ISO 9001 standards main objective is to obtain quality management systems that will be of actual advantage to your organization to assist & manage your business successfully and put in place best practice tactic. ISO 9001 certification will give your organization the quality systems that will provide the base to better customer satisfaction, staff motivation, and continual improvement. The ISO 9001 certificate is suitable for all types and sizes of organization and is well recognized around the world as a very useful quality management system. It is suitable for organisations in all business sectors and will help your organization to improve management processes to participate locally and/or globally. The process encompasses the entire organizations and requires senior management buy-in; it is not just a function of the Quality Department.

ISO 14001 Certification Services

Iso 14001 (environment management system) iso 14001 standards main objective is to obtain environment management systems that help organization to minimize how their processes negatively affect the organization. Compliance with applicable laws, regulations and all other environmental regulations and continually improvement in its operations and processes. Iso 14001 and 9001 are similar to each other pertaining processes of quality management system of how a product is produced, rather than to the product itself. As with iso 9001 certification is performed by third party organizations rather than being awarded by iso directly. Iso 14001 is known as a common management system standard, meaning that it is appropriate to any organization looking for to improve and manage assets more effectively. This includes: single -site companies to large incorporated companieshigh-risk organizations to low-risk service organizations.Manufacturing, processing and the service industries, including local governments.All industry sectors including public and private sectorsoriginal equipment manufacturers and their suppliers.
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ISO 18001:2007 Certification Services

Occupational Health Safety & Management System (OHSAS) 18001 is an international specification of standards. It contains two sets, 18001 and 18002. OHSAS 18001 is an Occupation Health and Safety Assessment Series for health and safety management systems. It is intended to help an organization to control occupational health and safety risks. It was developed in response to widespread demand for a recognized standard against which to be certified and assessed. Main areas that will be assessed by Ohsas 18001 standard ? Main areas that will be assessed by Ohsas 18001 standard? Management system in placePlanning and risk assessmentStaff awareness and trainingSafety management systems communicationAwareness towards emergency preparednessContinual improvement and monitoring

ISO 22000 Certification Services

Iso 22000 is food safety management system is applicable in all type of organizations serving or manufacturing in food industry. By getting iso 22000 certification organizations shows that he has implimented food safety management system standard in the organization. This is becoming more and more important as customers demand safe food and food processors require that ingredients obtained from their suppliers to be safe.Benefit of iso 22000 efficient precondition programs in place to make sure a clean sanitary environmenta hazard analysis and critical control plan developed to identify, prevent and remove food safety hazards, established documented food safety management system processes to manage food safety all over your organization.Iso 22000 standards contains the specific requirements to be addressed by the food safety management system. The standard requires food safety management system processes including:having an overall food safety policy for your organization, developed by top management.Setting objectives that will drive your companys efforts to comply with this policy.Planning and designing a management system and documenting the system.Maintaining records of the performance of the system.Establishing a group of qualified individuals to make up a food safety team.Defining communication procedures to ensure effective communication with important contacts outside the company (regulatory, customers, suppliers and others) and for effective internal communication.Having an emergency plan.
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ISO 13485 Certification Services

Iso 13485:2003 specify the requirement for a quality management system in medical devices manufacturing and suppling industry where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to provide its services. Which fulfill customer and regulatory requirement applicable in this standard-13485 : 2003. The basic purpose of iso 13485:2003 is to help harmonized medical device regulatory requirement for quality management system. All necessities in medical devices of iso 13485:2003 are specific to organization, regardsless of the style and dimension of organization. Most international medical devices market regulatories requires manufacturer to implement a quality management system (qms) as part of their product registration attempt in its organization. In most countries, iso 13485 certification is the preferred or required method of meeting qms requirements in any of the organization. Iso 13485:2003 is based off international standard iso 9001 with specific requirements to meed regulatory needs

ISO 10002 Certification Services

ISO 10002:2014 provides guidance on the process of complaints handling related to products within an organization, including planning, design, operation, maintenance, and improvement. The complaints-handling process described is suitable for use as one of the processes of an overall quality management system. ISO 10002:2014 is not applicable to disputes referred for resolution outside the organization or for employment-related disputes. It is also intended for use by organizations of all sizes and in all sectors. Annex A provides guidance specifically for small businesses. ISO 10002:2014 addresses the following aspects of complaints handling: enhancing customer satisfaction by creating a customer-focused environment that is open to feedback (including complaints), resolving any complaints received, and enhancing the organization's ability to improve its product and customer service;top management involvement and commitment through adequate acquisition and deployment of resources, including personnel training;recognizing and addressing the needs and expectations of complainants;providing complainants with an open, effective, and easy-to-use complaints process;analysing and evaluating complaints in order to improve the product and customer service quality;auditing of the complaints-handling process;reviewing the effectiveness and efficiency of the complaints-handling process.
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ISO 10004 Certification Services

Iso 10004:2012 - customer satisfaction - guidelines for monitoring and measuringiso 10004 provides guidance in defining and implementing processes to monitor and measure customer satisfaction.In order to pursue this goal the organization should:identifying customer requirements;meet customer satisfaction data;evaluate customer satisfaction data;provide feedback for improvement of customer satisfaction;supervise customer satisfaction on-going.The purpose and objectives influence what, when, how and from whom the data is gathered. They also influence how the data is analyzed and how the information is ultimately to be used.For whom?the international standard series iso 10000 can be used by any organizations no matter what type, size or product. The focus is on customers outside of the organization, not suppliers or its personnel. Benefits:obtain information on new expectationresolving complaints to the satisfaction of the complainant and the organizationidentify trends and therewith eliminate causes of complaintscustomer-focused approach to resolving complaintsencourage personnel to improve their skills in working with customersbasis for continual review and analysis of the complaints-handling process
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ISO 39001 Certification Services

BS ISO 39001 sets out the minimum requirements for a Road Traffic Safety Management System. Governments, road authorities, safety groups and private companies were keen to develop such a standard due to the rising number of people killed or injured on the road each year. QCL helps you to understand and implement ISO 39001 to your organization for improved performance and safer working conditions and new business opportunities. To apply for assessment, Implementation, maintenance and certification of ISO 39001 in your organization, feel free to call us.

ISO 29990 Certification Services

ISO 29990:2010 (Learning services for non-formal education and training - Basic requirements for service providers) is a international standard to enhance transparency and allow comparison on a worldwide basis of learning services, providing a single substitute backed by international consent to the huge range of national service and management standards which now exists in the field of non-formal learning. ISO 29990:2010 is the first standard developed by ISO technical committee ISO/TC 232, Learning services for non-formal education and training Non-Formal education and training-providers shall consider the effectiveness of training through well recognizing of their customers expectations and this requires them to be more interacting with their customers and also their delegates. While understanding and designing the training services to meet their customers expectations, they also need to evaluate, monitor and improve their competency to deliver a high quality services by regularly measuring the effectiveness of their customers.
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