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We offer the best product range of Chloropyriphos-Orecle Insecticide, Thiodan Insecticide, Orecle Insecticide, Orphate Insecticides and Lunar Insecticides.

Chloropyriphos-Orecle Insecticide

  • Min. Order (MOQ) as per order Litre
We supply Orecle, which is also known as Chlorpyriphos 20% E.C.(Insecticide) and is a contact and stomach poisonous emulsify concentrate formulation based on chlorpyriphos technical. This product is not phytotoxic when used as per field recommendation. Methods to use: Knapsack sprayerFoot sprayerCompression knapsack sprayerCompression knapsack battery sprayerASPEE-HTP power sprayer

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Packaging Details : as per order

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Thiodan Insecticide

We are a major Thiodin Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier in Vadodara, Gujarat. We can produce Thiodin as per the individual requirements of the customers. Thiodin contains Endosulfan 35 % E.C. (Insecticide), which is very effectual against all insects and pests occurring in the crops. We provide Thiodin in suitable packaging so that it remains contamination free during storage and transit.Can Be Used In :Foot sprayerKnapsack sprayerStrip pumpsPrecautions :Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after sprayingKeep it away from eyes, skin, and mouthDo not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while sprayingWear full protective clothing while mixing and sprayingStorage Conditions :The packages containing the insecticides shall be stored in separate rooms or premises, or shall be kept in separate almirah under lock and key depending upon the quantity and nature of the insecticideIt is necessary to have properly built, dry, well lit, ventilated rooms for storing the Orbit safe from vapor.
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Orecle Insecticide

We offer Orecle, which is also known as Chloropyriphos 20% E.C. (Insecticide) and is a contact and stomach poisonous emulsify concentrate formulation based on chloropyriphos technical. When used as per field recommendation, Orecle is not phytotoxic and is safe to be used. Orecle is suitably packed so that it remains protected from the adverse effects of the pollutants present in the air.Can Be Used In :Foot sprayerKnapsack sprayerCompression knapsack sprayerASPEE-HTP power sprayerCompression knapsack battery sprayerPrecautions :It should be kept away from all food items and animal foodStay away from the inhalation of spray mistWash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after sprayingWear full protective clothing while mixing and sprayingKeep it away from eyes, skin, and mouthDo not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while sprayingStorage Conditions :The packages containing the insecticides shall be stored in separate rooms or premises, or shall be kept in separate almirah under lock and key depending upon the quantity and nature of the insecticideIt is necessary to have properly built, dry, well lit, ventilated rooms for storing the Orbit safe from vaporRecommendation :Crop(s)Common Name of pestDosages/HaWaiting Period between lastspray to harvest (in days)PaddyHispa Leaf rollerGall midge StemBorer WhorlMaggot25037525025025012501875125012501250500-1000500-1000500-1000500-1000500-1000CottonAphid BollWormWhite fly CutBrown2502502507501250125012503750500-1000500-1000500-1000500-1000BrinjalShoot & fruit borer2001000500-1000CabbageDiamond Backmoth4002000500-1000OnionRoot grub10005000500-1000AppleAphid0.05%3750-5000500-1000BerLeaf hopper0.03%2250-3000500-1000CitrusBlack Citrus------.
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Orphate Insecticides

We are involved in the manufacturing, exporting and supplying of process of Acephate 75% S.P (Insecticide), also known as Orphate. Our Orphate is a soluble powder important in controlling jassids, boll-worms, and aphid on sunflower & cotton crops. Orphate provided by us as proper formulation and is as per the international quality standards.Can Be Used In :Foot sprayerASPEE-HTP power sprayerCompression knapsack sprayerKnapsack sprayerCompression knapsack battery sprayerPrecautions :It should be kept away from all food items and animal foodWear full protective clothing while mixing and sprayingDo not smoke, drink, eat, and chew anything while sprayingWash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after sprayingKeep it away from eyes, skin, and mouthStay away from the inhalation of spray mistStorage Conditions :The packages containing the insecticides shall be stored in separate rooms or premises, or shall be kept in separate almirah under lock and key depending upon the quantity and nature of the insecticideIt is necessary to have properly built, dry, well lit, ventilated rooms for storing the Orbit safe from vapor.

Recommendation :

Crop(s) Common Name of pestDosages/Ha A.I (gm)Formulation (ml)Waiting Period between last
spray to harvest (in days)
Dilution in (Litr)

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Lunar Insecticides

We are a reputed Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Lunar, which is specially formulated to effectively protect the crops from various insects and pests. Lunar is a soluble powder formulation containing 20% of the active ingredient Acetamiprid. This Acetamiprid 20% SP (Insecticide) is used for the controlling aphids, jassids, and white flies in cotton crop. Our product is not phytotoxic when used as per field recommendation.Can Be Used In :Foot sprayerKnapsack sprayerCompression knapsack sprayerASPEE-HTP power sprayerCompression knapsack battery sprayerPrecautions :Stay away from the inhalation of spray mistDo not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while sprayingKeep it away from eyes, skin, and mouthWash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after sprayingWear full protective clothing while mixing and sprayingIt should be kept away from all food items and animal foodStorage Conditions :The packages containing the insecticides shall be stored in separate rooms or premises, or shall be kept in separate almirah under lock and key depending upon the quantity and nature of the insecticideIt is necessary to have properly built, dry, well lit, ventilated rooms for storing the Orbit safe from vaporRecommendation :Crop(s)CommonA.IDosages/HaDilution inWaiting Period between lastspray to harvest (in days)CottonName of Pest(gm)Formulation (gm)(Ltr)--Aphids1050500-60015Jassids1050500-60015Whiteflies20100500-60015Scheme for testing storage stability/shelf-life :Type of packing : Only BIS approved packing should be used whenever ISI specification are not available, the standard packing, used by the manufacturer/approved by the registration Committee should be followed.Locations : A minimum of three locations should be included in carrying out the storage stability test. The selected locations should represent diverse enigmatic conditions of the country especially from the view points of temperature of 35C, 40C.Duration of trials : The trials should be carried out for a period of claimed as minimum 1 year or less and 6 month for the products for which Shelf life is claimed as minimum one and half years of more.Frequency of sampling : Samples should be analyzed at 0, 6, 12, 16, 24 and 30 months for Group I* pesticides and their formulations and at 0, 3, 12, 15 and 18 months for Group II* pesticides and their formulations.Number of samples to be analyzed every type : Preferably three samples should be taken at each sampling but in any case analysis in duplicate must be carried out and number of samples to be analysed/every time should not be less than 3 months.Test to be carried out for samples drawn at different frequencies : All the tests given in the relevant ISI specifications should be carried out for all the samples drawn at each frequency.Method of testing : Pesticides and their formulations are to be tested as per the methods of analysis given in the relevant ISI specification wherever available. The formulations for which no methods given by manufacturer / formulator, CIPAC methods of analysis may be followed.In a many ISI specification 2 or 3 more methods of analysis for active ingredients are prescribed. Some of these methods being the reference methods. The referred method is specific for particular compound methods. The referred method is specific for a particular the information on the contentment of such material should also be supplied.As for possible the above data should be generated in collaboration with Central/State Govt. / Institution/Universities.The applicants who have generated data on enhancement of Shelf life should submit the detailed information of following parameters.Chemical Composition indicating the common names the specification, process details and test methodology.Information packaging i.e. Type of packaging material with detailed specificationsAny other relevant information which has led to improvement in Shelf Life.Group I*: pesticides and their formulation whit min. 2 years Shelf life. Group II*: Pesticides and their formulation with min. 1 year shelf life.
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Monocare Insecticides

We manufacture, export and supply bulk quantity of Monocare. Our Monocare is a systemic and contact soluble liquid formulation based on Monocrotophos technical. The Monocrotophos-36% S.L. (Insecticide) is not phytotoxic when used as per field recommendation. Our Monocare is tested in the laboratories and are safe to be used.Can Be Used In :Knapsack sprayerFoot sprayerCompression knapsack sprayerCompression knapsack battery sprayerASPEE-HTP power sprayerWarning :Banned for use on vegetablesPrecautions :Stay away from the inhalation of spray mistIt should be kept away from all food items and animal foodWash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after sprayingWear full protective clothing while mixing and sprayingDo not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while sprayingKeep it away from eyes, skin, and mouthStorage Conditions :The packages containing the insecticides shall be stored in separate rooms or premises, or shall be kept in separate almirah under lock and key depending upon the quantity and nature of the insecticideIt is essential to have well built, dry, well lit, ventilated rooms for storing the insecticides safe from contamination with vapors.

Recommendation :

Crop(s)Common Name of PestA.IDosages/HaDilution in
PaddyBrown plant
Green Leaf hopper
Leaf roller/folder
Yellow stem borer
MaizeShoot fly250625500-1000
CottonAmerican boll worm
Leaf hopper
Grey weevil
Spotted boll worm
Pink boll worm
White fly
PeaLeaf miner4001000500-1000

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