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R32 is a single component, zero ODP gas with a GWP of 550, significantly less than R410A's 1, 980. It is classified as A2, or mildly flammable, under ASHRAE classifications. Ironically, R410A is a mixture of R32 and R125 - the R125 suppressing R32's flammability. more...
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Refrigerant Gas Manufacturers in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu is widely placed as the best gas manufacturing industry. We are the finest manufacturers in importing refrigerant gases in catering to the demands and needs of the customers. Since our industry is well-trained in availing many more other refrigeran more...
A blend of R-125, R-143a, and R-134a intended for low and medium temperature refrigeration applications where R-502 was previously used. Most new supermarket and refrigeration equipment has been built for an HFC such as R-404A, R-507, or R-407A. It is also possible to retrofit charge R-507 systems with R-404A more...
Best quality gas people who worked at Middle East knows the gas quality more...