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1 Products availableWe offer the best product range of Anilophos and Triclopyr.
Description : Permethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action, having a slight repellent property. It is also used for insect control in animal houses and in public health, for ectoparasite control on animals and as a wool preservative.
Specifications :
Grades : Permethrin with different cis : trans ratio i.e. normal cis (50%) and low cis (25%) is also available.
Formulations : Emulsifiable concentrates 25%, 50% w/w.
Compatibility : Compatible with many insecticides and fungicides. Mixing with calcium nitrate is not recommended.
Shelf-life : Two years under normal storage conditions.
Toxicity :
Packing :
Description : SULFOSULFURON is a selective, systemic sulfonyl urea herbicide, absorbed through both roots and leaves. It translocates throughout the plant and acts as an inhibitor of amino acid biosynthesis, hence stopping cell division and plant growth. It is effective against grasses and broad-leaved weeds in wheat. Barley and oats are sensitive.
Chemical Name : N-[[(4, 6-dimethoxy-2-pyrimidinyl) amino] carbonyl]-2- (ethylsulfonyl) imidazo [1, 2-a] pyridine-3-sulfonamide
CAS Registry No. : [141776-32-1]
UN No. : 3077
IMDG : Class 9 (Environmentally Hazardous Substance, Solid, N.O.S.)IMDG 2004 Edition Vol.2, Page No. 152
Structural Formula :SULFOSULFURON - Structural Formula
Specifications :
Formulations : Water dispersible granules 75% w/w.
Compatibility : Not compatible with fertilizer solutions with pH < 5, nor with non-ionic surfactants or other additives that alter the pH of the spray solution below 5.
Toxicity :
Shelf-life : Two years under normal storage conditions.
Packing :Technical Grade : 25kg, 50 kg, 100 kg, 200 kg UN approved Fibre Board drums with HDPE liner.Formulation : 25 kg UN approved G. I. Drums.
Description : QUINALPHOS is an organophosphorus insecticide and acaricide with contact and stomach action. By penetrating the plant tissues translaminar action, exhibits a quick effect.
Specifications :
Toxicity :
Formulations : Emulsifiable concentrate 25% w/w, Granules 5% and Dust 1.5%
Compatibility : Compatible with most insecticides and fungicides etc.
Shelf-life : One year under normal storage conditions
Packing : Technical Grade : 225kg approved epoxy lacquered M.S. Drums.
Formulation :Liquid : 200 Lit UN approved MS Lacquered or MS Polylined Drum
Description : DICAMBA is a selective systemic herbicide, absorbed through both roots and leaves. It translocates throughout the plant and acts as an auxin-like growth regulator. It is effective against annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds and brushed species in cereals, maize, sorghum, sugarcane, turf, pastures, range and non-crop areas. It can be used in combinations with many other herbicides.
Specifications :
Toxicity :
Compatibility : Compatible with most other herbicides.
Shelf-life : Two years under normal storage conditions.
Packing : Technical Grade : 45 kg flaked material / 70kg fused material in fibre Board Drums with LDPE liner, Also 500 kg antistatic jumbo bag.
Description: FIPRONIL is a broad-spectrum, moderately systemic insecticide acts by contact and ingestion. It belongs to the new class of phenylpyrazole insecticides. It acts as a nerve poison by blocking gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) regulated chloride channels. It controls a wide range of insect pest in soil and on foliage in many crops viz. rice, cereals, cotton, sugarcane, oilseed rape, vegetables and other high-value crops
Toxicity :
Formulations : Suspension concentrate 5% w/w, Granules 0.3% w/w.
Compatibility: Compatible with most insecticides and fungicides
Packing : Technical Grade : 25kg, 50kg and 100 kg UN approved HDPE / M.S. Drums with LDPE liner
Formulations :
Description : CHLORPYRIFOS is an organophosphorus insecticide. It controls a wide range of insect pests in soil or on foliage in a variety of crops, by contact, ingestion and vapors action.
Specifications :
Toxicity :
Formulation :
Formulations : Emulsifiable concentrates 20%, 21.2%, 22.5%, 37.9%, 38.7%, 40.8%, 45%, 48%, 50% w/w & w/v, Wettable powder (25% w/w), Granules 10% Dispersible powder 1.5%, RTU 2% is available.
Compatibility : Compatible with most insecticides and fungicides etc.
Grade : Also produce 95% minimum and 99% minimum (low odor) grade Chlorpyrifos Tech.
Shelf-life : Two years under normal storage conditions.
Packing : Technical Grade: 283.5 kg UN approved M.S. lacquered Drums / Polylined drum
Formulation :Liquid: 200 Lit. in UN approved M.S. Liquid Drums / Polylined Drums[GCL holds EPA approval for the sale of Chloropyrifos Grade, 4E, 4E-NA, 4E-SG, 6 MUP and 15 G in the USA, which are sold under Navigator, Pilot and Regatta labels.]
Description: ACETAMIPRID is a systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. It belongs to the new class of neonicotinoid insecticide. It is used to control sucking pests including hoppers, aphids, thrips, and whitefly on a wide range of crops, especially cotton, vegetables, fruits, and tea.
Chemical Name : (E)-N-[(6-chloro-3-pyridinyl)methyl]-N’-cyano-N-methyl- ethanimidamide.
CAS Registry No. : [135410-20-7]
UN No: 3077
IMDG: Class 9 (Environmentally Hazardous Substance, Solid, N.O.S.) IMDG 2004 Edition Vol.2, Page No. 152
Specifications :
Formulations: Water soluble powder 20% w/w.
Compatibility: Compatible with most insecticides and fungicides.
Toxicity :
Shelf-life: Two years under normal storage conditions.
Packing :
Description : TRICLOPYR BUTOXY ETHYL ESTER is a butyl cellosolve ester of triclopyr, selective systemic herbicide which is rapidly absorbed through the roots and foliage. It translocates throughout the plant, accumulating in meristematic tissues and inducing auxin type responses. It is used for the control of woody plants and broadleaf weeds in grassland, uncultivated land, industrial areas, plantation crops and rice fields.
Chemical name (IUPAC): 2-butoxyethyl 3, 5, 6- trichloro-2-pyridyloxyacetate
CAS Registry No : [64700-56-7]
UN No : 3082
IMDG : Class 9 (Environmentally Hazardous Substance, Liquid, N.O.S.) IMDG 2004 Edition Vol.2, Page No. 152
Specifications :
Formulations : Emulsifiable concentrates as 25% , 32% and 60% EC
Compatibility : Compatible with most other herbicides
Toxicity :
Shelf life : Two years under normal storage conditions.
Packing : 50 kg UN specified lacquered MS drums
Description : MEPIQUAT CHLORIDE is absorbed by the plant primarily through leaves and translocated throughout the plant. It inhibits the biosynthesis of gibberellic acid, and leads to a deeper green leaf colouring after 3-6 days. It is used on cotton to reduce vegetative growth and to advance maturation of the bolls. It is also used in combination with ethephon to prevent lodging in cereal and flax.
Chemical Name : 1, 1-dimethylpiperidinium chloride
CAS Registry No. : [24307-26-4]
UN No : 3082
IMDG : Class 9 (Environmentally Hazardous Substance, Liquid, N.O.S.) IMDG 2004 Edition Vol.2, Page No. 152
Specifications (50% w/w aqueous solution) :
Formulations : Aqueous solution 5% (w/w)
Compatibility : Compatible with pyrethroids and organophosphate group of insecticides and fungicide carbendazim.
Toxicity :
Shelf-life : Two years under normal storage conditions.
Packing : 50 kg, 100 kg, 200 kg UN specified polylined MS drums / HDPE containers
Description : ANILOFOS is a pre-emergence and early post-emergence selective herbicide used for control of annual grasses, sedges and some broad-leaved weeds in transplanted and direct seeded rice. Anilofos is absorbed by the weeds primarily through the roots and to some extent through newly emerging shoots and young leaves. Anilofos acts on meristematic tissues of weeds severely affecting cell division and cell elongation. Anilofos is being manufactured and marketed on a large scale for the first time in the world by Gharda, based on indigenous technology
Chemical Name: S-4-Chloro-N-isopropyl carbaniloylmethyl-O, O-dimethyl phosphorodithioate
CAS Registry No. : [64249-01-0]
UN No : 3018
IMDG : Class 6 (Organophosphorus Pesticide Liquid, Toxic) IMDG 2004 Edition Vol.2, Page No. 149
Specifications :The product conforms to IS : 13402 (1992)
Formulations : Emulsifiable concentrate 18%, 30% (w/w), granules and dispersible powder 50% (w/w).
Compatibility : Compatible with 2, 4-D formulations, Propanil and some other herbicides.
Toxicity :
Shelf-life : One year under normal storage conditions for TG & two years for EC.
Packing :
Chemical Name: Methyl Benzimidazol-2-ylcarbamate
Specifications:The product conforms to IS : 8445 (1977)
Formulations : Wettable powder 50% (w/w). See Trade names below.
Compatibility : Compatible with most insecticides and fungicides etc.
Toxicity :
Shelf-lifeTwo years under normal storage conditions.
Packing50 kg HDPE bags with an LDPE liner or multiwall paper bags with an LDPE liner.
Description : CLODINAFOP is a selective systemic post emergence herbicide, used for the control of grassy weeds in cereals mainly wheat. It belongs to aryloxyphenoxy propionate class of herbicide, acts by inhibition of acetyl COA carboxylase.
Chemical Name : propyny(R)-2-[4-[(5-chloro-3-fluoro-2-pyridinyl)oxy] phenoxy] propionate.
CAS Registry No : [105512-06-9]
UN No : 3077
IMDG : Class 9 (Environmentally Hazardous Substance, Solid, N.O.S.) IMDG 2004 Edition Vol.2, Page No. 152
Specifications :
Formulations : Wettable powder 15% w/w.
Compatibility : Mainly used in combination with the safener cloquintocet-mexyl.
Toxicity :
Shelf life : Two years under normal storage conditions (Tech grade and Formulation)
Packing :Technical Grade : 25kg, 50kg and 100 kg UN approved HDPE / M.S. Drums with LDPE linerFormulation : 16gms water soluble pouch. 10 such pouches in tri-laminated pack.