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1 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of Aluminium Composite Sheet, Kodak AAA Battery, Wire Blistle Scratcher, Positive Centrilizer and Spring Turbolizer
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This is a hinged collar featuring double coiled hardened & tempered steel wire bristles to remove mud cake and improve bonding. These are mounted on the casing between stop collars or between a casing collar and a stop collar and are available in the size range 2-3/8 to 20.
This is a single piece high strength corrosion resistant aluminum alloy collar having the same features as Type G44 & G45 .
AURAV ASSOCIATESmanufacture theGAMArange ofMud Agitators. TheseMud Agitatorsare used for agitating mud slurry for obtaining consistency through proper blending in flow controlled applications.
GAMA Mud Agitatorshave been designed keepingin mind the oilfield's most severe mud mixing conditions at any weight. It's rugged and sturdy design requires lower maintenance.GAMA Mud Agitatorsare highly energy efficient.
GAMA Mud Agitatorsincrease performace of solids removal equipment, maintain uniform mud density and prevent solids setting.
GAMA Mud Agitatorshave compact design and their low profile reduces headroom requirements providing more layout space on top of the tanks for other equipment. The low center of gravity ensures stability and safety should sudden shock loads be encountered by the Impeller.
GAMA Mud Agitatorscan be provided with either a worm gear or a helicalbevel gear reducer; both are field tested in demanding conditions and have proven reliability and dependability. The operation is smooth, quiet and vibration-free.
GAMA Mud Agitatorsare available in Eight models ranging from 1.5 to 30 Horsepower.
Impellers range from 20" to 52" and are available in AIr-o-foil, Canted, Flat or Turbine blade design. The Air-o-foil design promotes axial as well as radial flow and ensures all fluid is mixed continuously and the same fluid consistency is maintained in all parts of the tank. This design provides homogenous mixing over a wide spectrum of installations and assists in eliminating troublesome heavy slugs or light spots. Flat Implellers provide adequate radial agitation and may beused on tanks shallower than 5 feet or as a bottom impeller in a two impeller installation in very deep tanks.
GAURAV Now Weld Positive Centralizers are designed for positive centralization of the casing pipe. Specially designed flat-bottomed U shaped blades are provided for maximum fluid flow and required rigidity.
These Centralizers provide nearly 100% stand-off (Concentricity) when run inside a cased hole even in highly deviated and horizontal wells. While the self-locking design ensures a firm hold, its non-weld structure eliminates any brittle spots and increases durability.
GAURAV Non Weld Positive Centralizers are available in the size range 3 to 20 and a choice of different bow heights makes it easy configuring the Centralizer for any combination of Casing Size and Hole Dia. These can be shipped in half-assembled condition for economy in shipping and storage costs. Assembly at site is conveniently done.
GAURAV Non-Weld Turbolizer induces a spiral flow of the fluid increasing the displacement efficiency. Specially designed multi-directional steel turbo fins, available as left hand or right hand, are fitted on to High Quality Alloy Steel Bow Spring that are heat treated under controlled conditions.
These Centralizers improve the cleaning action of drilling fluids, distribute the cement slurry into wellbore irregularities and minimizes channeling effect. These Turbolizers can be shipped in half-assembled condition for economy in shipping and storage costs and easy on-site assembly. Five standard bow heights make it easy configuring the Centralizer for any combination of Casing Size and Hole Dia.
These are available in size range from 4-1/2 to 20 and can also be provided with double turbo fins fitted on each bow at both ends in opposite orientation.
GAURAV Semi-rigid bow centralizer withstands high lateral loads and is specially designed with double crested bow profile which enable these to be compressed through tight spots and severe dog legs where low starting / running forces combined with very high centralization forces are required.
These Centralizers combine the features of a standard spring bow and rigid centralizer; bows are manufactured from heat-treated alloy steel and a non- weld design eliminates brittle spots; and attains a higher stand-off due to its higher restoring force.
This design increases contact area for less bow penetration into the formation and aids in complete mud removal while cementing. A choice of different standard bow heights makes possible the configuration for any hole dia.
These are available in all sizes ranging from 3-1/2 to 20.