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The company was founded in the year 1981 in bokaro (jharkhand). The company has been successfully growing under the competent guidance of mrs. Sangita puri, who is the leading light behind the efforts to bring gatyatmak jyotish to the web. To ask astrology related queries, horoscope and related things and please add date of birth, time of birth, place of birth.
About gatyatmak jyotish
gatyatmak jyotish is the brain child of astrologer sri vidya sagar mahtha, whose scientific bend of mind and life long devotion gave way to this new branch of astrology. Sri mahtha was born on 15th july 1939 in the bokaro district of jharkhand. In his college years, he developed much interest in the astronomy paper, so much so that finding out the effects of the stars and planets on this earth became sole aim of his life. He did not find satisfaction in a simple job or business. He questioned the reliability of traditional astrology based on the fact that different astrologers gave a different reading of the same horoscope.
The main weakness of traditional astrology is related with the calculation of the strength of planets. The surplus of formulas hinder the astrologers to come to a unanimous decision. After studying thousands of horoscopes, he discovered the dynamic strength of planets. The planets can be grouped under 6 different speeds in relation to earth- (1) very fast, (2) fast, (3) normal, (4) slow, (5) retrograde, (6) maximum retrograde. He concluded in his studies that at the time of a persons' birth, very fast and fast planets grant easy success to their respective signs of the planets to the native. Whereas normal and slow planets give the natives abundant success corresponding to their signs. In the same way retrograde and maximum retrograde planets have a negative effect on the natives. In 1981 the formula of dynamic and static strength based on the angular distance of planets from sun and earth was established. In this way we could get rid of the flaw in traditional astrology mentioned above.
The second flaw in traditional astrology was the calculation of 'dasha-kal.' traditional theories related to the determination of dasha padhati were also confusing. After having done years of research work, he found that each planet affects a person's life for a period of 12 years. From birth to the age of 12 years, moon, 12 years to 24 years, mercury, 24 to 36 years, mars, 36 to 48 years, venus, 48 to 60 years, sun, 60 to 72 years, jupiter, 72 to 84 years, saturn, 84 to 96 years, uranus, 96 to 108 years, neptune and 108 to 120 years, pluto affect human life. Seeing the special effect of various planets during special periods gatyatmak dasha padhati has been established. All planets affect their natives in their respective periods depending on their dynamic and static strength.
On the basis of these two above mentioned scientific basis it was easy to do further research in this field. Soon it was possible to draw a person's life graph charting one's ups and downs, one's pleasures and troubles in life based merely on one's date, time and place of birth. For the information on one's positive and negative period, the calculation of comparative dynamic strength came in handy. Almost 100 % accurate forecasts could be made and one could tell when and to what extent one could achieve success. We believe there is no importance to the presence of any planet in a sign of a horoscope, the dynamic and static strength of that planet is more significant, in the absence of which, prediction would be impossible. In the calculation of 'gochar' also, once the static and dynamic strengths are ascertained, date-based predictions can be done confidently.
Customer satisfaction
being a client-centric organization, the company believes in providing the best services to the clients all across india. Therefore, we first listen to the problems of the clients patiently, understand them, and then provide them with effective and realiable solutions.
Our competitive edge
100 % accurate forecast and proper counselling
experienced team members
ensuring total confidentiality
affordable rates
prompt customer care support
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