Started at the end of the year One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Eight by its Founder Leader, Shri B.D. Garware, became pioneer in India in the manufacturer of Nylon Monofilaments, Bristles, Fishing Line & PP Bristles. Sold under the “GRAFLON” brand, these products enjoy the reputation of being to International Standards. “Garflon” has perfected its product by a continuous technological renewal in order to maintain the competitive level of Manufacturer. “Garflon” bristles are flexible, strong and adaptable. They respond excellently to the exacting quality standards required by the companies producing tooth-brush, shaving brush, paint brush, industrial and household brushes. Garware uses the most modern advance techniques, carry out stringent quality tests and have an efficient consultative and marketing staff at the disposal of its customers to work out the best Solutions. A sufficiently large production capacity, continuous technological renewal, the search for new products and the technical assistance towards the customer all make for the success of “Garflon” a success of which is confirmed by the growing expansion of its experts all over the world.