Totapuri Mango fruit (Mangifera Indica LAnacardiacae VAR Alphonso). Practically free from any objectionable factor affecting quality of the fruit. Product prepared bythermal treatment to render it Commercially sterile and completely free from any additives and any pathogenic spoilagemicro - organism.
Tomato pulp or puree is derived from fresh, sound ripe, Tomato fruits practically free from any objectionable factor affecting quality of the fruit. Product prepared by thermal treatment to render it Commercially sterile and completely free from any additives and any pathogenic spoilage micro organism and any other hazard
Fresh fruits including Mangoes, Bananas are processed along with tropical vegetables like Okra, Egg plant, Lemon, Bitter gourd etc. The facility also holds ripening chambers, pre cooling chambers and cold storage to handle fresh fruits and vegetables.
Located in Mango belt of India, Galla Foods has access to variety of fresh Mangoes like Alphonso, Banganapalli, Neelam, Rumani etc. The fresh mangoes are handpicked, processed in the pack house as per international standards for Domestic and Global markets.
The product derived from fully matured, sound, fresh, naturally Controlled Ripened Cavendish variety banana fruits which are harvested and quickly transported to our fruit processing plant.
The product derived from fresh, sound ripe, redyellow papaya fruit (carica papaya l.) practically free from any objectionable factor affecting quality of the fruit.
Farms around the facility grow tropical vegetables like Okra, Egg plant, Cluster beans, Ridge Gourd, Bitter Gourd and leafy vegetables. Galla Foods has entered into contract farming with the farmers to ensure quality produce.