Voyager 1250gbuilding on the legacy of the world-renowned voyager series ofscanners, honeywells voyager 1250g single-line laser scannerprovides a superior out-of-box experience and aggressive readingof linear bar codes, including larger bar codes up to 23 inches away.Optimized for fast scanning of linear bar codes, including poorlyprinted and damaged codes, the voyager 1250g allows enterprisesto minimize manual data entry, leading to increased productivity andreduction in errors. The ability to read distant bar codes improvesworker comfort as cashiers reach to scan items in the bottom ofcarts, and inventory takers scan out-of-reach products on shelves.This plug and play scanner incorporates a multi-interface design withautomatic interface detection. Simply plug the cable into the hostsystem and the voyager 1250g will automatically configure itself tothe appropriate interface, shortening the installation process. Forusers who require hands-free scanning, the stand can be assembledquickly and easily.Honeywell offers service made simple service plans andremote mastermind for scanning software to help lower thetotal cost of ownership for voyager 1250g users. Service madesimple is honeywells affordable solution for customers whorequire easy, hassle-free repair service for their scanners, andremote mastermind for scanning provides turnkey remote devicemanagement to easily manage and track usage of installed devices.Voyager 1250g provides superior scan performance and extendeddepth of field, which combine to deliver an ergonomic solution forscan-intensive applications.