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Valves & Valve Fittings

We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Rotary (Spherical) Valves, Cast Steel Gate Valves, Louvre Dampers, Dust Catcher Cut-Off Valves and Push Lever Valves

Rotary (Spherical) Valves

Through Rotary Valves, Fouress has brought to India over 50 years of B Fouress Private Limited experience in design of these valves for hydro schemes the world over. Over this period the Rotary valves have undergone a lot of design changes to cope up with the water heads up to 795 meters or the lower heads associated with water distribution scheme. Used at the inlet of hydro turbines, these valves perform the function of isolating water turbines and emergency closure against turbine trips. One of the prominent advantages of these valves is that they have a clear bore when in open condition, thus offering a negligible friction head loss. While the low-pressure rotary valves are supplied with resilient rubber seals, metallic seating surfaces are provided for higher pressures. A combination of metal and resilient seals can also be specially designed. Our manufacturing range includes sizes between 400 mm to 2600 mm and operating pressure up to 80 kgcm2 with the operation accomplished by one or two double acting hydraulic cylinders. Depending on the working parameters, we can also offer valves with alternative drive mechanism namely Electrical and Pneumatic.
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Cast Steel Gate Valves

FOURESS ASME class 150, 300 and 600 Cast Carbon Steel Gate Valves, bolted bonnet, rising stem, outside screw and yoke, wedge and seat rings with 13% Cr. 13% Cr. steel facing, end flanges in accordance with ASME B16.5 conforming to API 600.
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Louvre Dampers

Louvre dampers are designed to provided a guaranteed sealing efficiency of 99.9%, or better, on cross-sectional area. They incorporate various flexible metallic sealing systems made of austenitic stainless steel or high nickel alloys. Units can be supplied for both circular and rectangular ducts of all size for temperatures and differential pressures upto, and in excess of 650OC and 2000 mm H2O respectively.
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Dust Catcher Cut-Off Valves

Used for bleeding gas to atmosphere in steel plants at the locations like furnace bleeder valves and dust catcher bleeder valves.Used for isolation of the dust catcher from the blast furnace. located in the descending gas line, on the top of the dust catcher.
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Push Lever Valves

  • Construction Fabricated design
  • Body Carbon steel
  • Seal Nitrile/Silicon seal/ special asbestos
These are used for isolation of mains carrying gaseous media such as combustion air, cold blast, fuel gas, B.F. gas, nitrogen etc. Used in metallurgical, chemical and power plants.
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Two Lever Valves

  • Body Carbon steel
  • Seal Nitrile / Silicon seal / Special asbestos
  • Seat ring Stainless Steel
These are used for isolation of mains carrying gaseous media such as combustion air, cold blast, fuel gas, B.F. gas, nitrogen etc. Used in metallurgical, chemical and power plants.
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Snort Valves

  • Construction: Fabricated design
  • Body Carbon steel
  • Flanges Carbon steel
Installed in the cold blast line of the stove in the steel plants. The valve has a blow off device. This is used to regulate the cold blast quantity which is being supplied to stoves, without creating the back pressure on the blower, as the excess air is blown away through a blow off device which is mechanically interlinked with the main valve for proportionate opening closing.
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Cast Steel Check Valves

FOURESS ASME class 150, 300 and 600 Cast Carbon Steel Check Valves, bolted cover, (swing type hinged disc for Swing Check Valve and Plug type disc for Lift Check Valve) disc and seat ring of 13% Cr. facing 13% Cr. steel end flanges in accordance with ANSI B16.5 conforming to BS 1868.
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Three Lever Valves

  • Body Carbon steel
  • Seat ring Nitrile / Silicon Seal / Laminar
  • Seal Alloy Steel
These are used for isolation of mains carrying gaseous media such as combustion air, cold blast, fuel gas, B.F. gas, nitrogen etc. Used in metallurgical, chemical and power plants.
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BEI Rotary Airlock Valves

Bombay Engineering Industries offers both custom engineered and standard Rotary Airlock Valves. These are extensively used for handling bulk solids including fine (100mm) and granulate material (300 mum). Detailed engineering for specific applications and proper selection of materials of construction enable BEI make Rotary Airlock Valves highly reliable. In the standard version, 5 capacities are offered ranging from 3 litres per revolution to about 52 litres per revolution. This range meets all the requirements in most of the cases, but if some specialized requirements exists, custom built designs can be offered. There are many specially designed Rotary Airlock Valves currently handling abrasive and corrosive materials. The design is backed by technical assistance from Fouress Engineering India Ltd., Bangalore, who are leaders in Industrial gas tight, damper technology for minimizing air leakage. If you have a requirement that does not fall in the above range, please consult our marketing department. We can develop it for you. Remember the following criteria for better Bearing life Corrosion Resistance of mating surfacesInitial lubrication for longer lifeProtection of Bearing area against any ContaminationLow Bearing temperatureFinish of mating surfacesIdeal fit H7, P6 Care while assembling the shaft on bearing
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