Operating procedure audits: Unlock your operations potential.There are a lot of factors that influence mine performance. Operational audits from FLSmidth are designed to give you a detailed look at those factors, and to give you the information you need to optimise your operations for increased profitability and efficiency. Reaching full potentialAre you getting the most out of your operation? Answering that question is sometimes more difficult than it should be. It demands an in-depth understanding of a variety of interconnected factors, and it requires specific equipment and industry expertise to evaluate. But once youve developed a clear picture of your operation and how to improve you, the potential benefits are undeniable more throughput, reduced costs, improved health and sustainability, less downtime and better product quality, to name only a few. Our operating procedure audits help you develop that picture, and then advise you on how best to act on it. Audits are performed by our experienced industry experts. These auditors take all of the important factors into account and work with you to ensure that your site achieves maximum, sustainable performance. And whether you want to get expert assistance for the entire site, or you are looking to add extra efficiency to a particular part of your operation, we have a solution that is right for you. Well identify any problem areas, give you a clear, detailed picture of current performance, and work with you to find possible opportunities going forward.