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Industrial & Engineering Products
2 Products available
Flowmotion hydraulics and instruments, brand " fm-loktm " is a reputed brand in the international
market for more than 10 years. They manufacture all different types of pressure, needle valves, ball valves,
snubbers, siphon, gauge cock and high precision products under the brand name “ fm-loktm ” is the brand of
flowmotion hydraulics and instruments company. The facilities in india adhere to worldwide production
standard, health & safety, environmental, process and quality norms. The attention to detail, starting from the
foundation is prominent to providing a high quality product to the customer or end user. The team has invested
thousands of man-hours gaining experience from sources all over the world to bring together a blend of
Flowmotion hydraulics and instruments is a spread over 400 square meters at ahmedabad, gujarat and
sales offices in all metros and major cities in india to cater the requirements of valued indian customers. The
organization is managed by technocrats, having wide 12 years of rich experience in projects, maintenance, and
production & marketing of industrial valves for the leading valve manufacturing companies based at
ahmedabad. The key factor for the success & wide acceptability of fm-loktm product program has been simplicity
of the design providing maintenance free & reliable measurement . The main focus has been to focus on the
customer’s requirement and providing innovative solutions for the varying customer needs & work environment.
The management of the company has adopted total quality management as its organizational goal and the
quality policy is to satisfy our valued customer with excellent quality products and prompt services at
competitive prices.
The company’s product mix includes pressure gauge, snubbers, gauge cock gate, globe, check, butterfly, ball valves
& needle valves, siphon (q -type, u type, o type) and pipe fitting, these valves find application in hydraulic /
agriculture, chemical / process industries.
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