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Our offered Product range includes Suspension Strut, Seat, glass components, cng tank and Column Mounted Manipulator.

Instrument Panel

  • Feature Instrument Panel for Cars Instrument Panel for SUV / MUV
Cockpits or Instrument Panels are typically assembled on a separate sub-assembly conveyors, Cockpits are required to be inserted through door aperture. cockpits are lengthy and heavy weighing around 80 kg including all the mountings on it such as HVAC, Steering column etc. This makes insertion a difficult task, Fine Handlings Gripping solution for handling of Instrument Panel has successfully handled various types of Instrument panels cockpits such as
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Cylinder Block

Fine Handling has solved multiple challenges in handling of Cylinder blocks of a variety of sizes, shapes and weight. The solutions include specially designed and engineered equipment to ply 24 block cylinders, alongside specific handling needs of the process. All of Fine Handling's gripping solutions are customized and specifically designed meet your cylinder block designs.
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Crank Case

Fine handling has provided many customized pick and place solutions for transfer of crank case in your machine shop. Some of the solutions are especially recognized for their innovative approach to the handling problem and highly efficient design to perform the handlingtransfer tasks, safely. Here is a glimpse of some of the gripping systems, conceptualized, designed and engineered by Fine Handling for efficient, expedited and ergonomic handling of crank case, s as per the specific needs of your process:
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Crank Shaft

Mounting the crankshaft on the precision inspection machine is one tricky task. The complexity of handling crankshaft steps-up significantly, as it is mounted on the centers of the inspection machine posing the risk of damage for both, the center and the crankshaft. Achieving very high level of accuracy in mounting the machine is very critical to the process of handling crankshaft. Fine Handling has developed highly advanced gripping solutions to meet all the precision typically demanded in the mounting process. Here is a glimpse of some of the gripping systems, conceptualized, designed and engineered by Fine Handling for efficient, expedited and ergonomic handling of crankshafts, as per the specific needs of the customer's process:
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Engine Front Cover

Safe and easy handling of engine front covers is an important task on the machining line. The engine front cover has close tolerances and special care has to be taken while designing the grippers in order to keep the surface finish, tolerances as-is while handling the covers. Fine Handling's solutions, designed to meet all the specifications of engine front covers in your process, have proved of great help in improving productivity, achieving cycle time while reducing the effort required in handling and accurate placement of engine front covers.
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Clutch Housing

Clutch Housing is part of engine Assembly line of tractor, typically clutch housing is presented in horizontal lines, which is tilted and needs to be placed vertically on to the engine.
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Battery Handling Equipment

  • feature Precise and compact grippers for easy operations Polyurethane jaws to ensure safety of batteries
Automotive batteries weigh around 30 kgs or more. Placing the battery among the engine components without disturbing the other parts is often time consuming primarily because the available space in engine compartment is relatively less. Also, if both legs of batteries get connected while handling with a metallic equipment, it can discharge the battery. The customized Grippers from Fine Handling serve specific battery handling needs of the customers process including easy operations, safety in handling and firm clamping.
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Suspension Strut

  • Feature Tilt arrangement for easy entry of suspension strut below wheel arch. Manual rotation operation for easy alignment of bolts to bolt holes.
Suspension struts need to be placed exactly below the wheel arch. Further, bolts are to be aligned to bore so struts can be fixed quickly without much hassle to the operator. Fine Handling's gripping solutions are being used on assembly lines of several leading automobile companies to ensure fast handling and precise positioning of struts. Fine Handling has developed a variety of customized grippers to handle suspension struts as per customer's specific needs:
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  • Feature Front Seats Rear Seats Middle Seats (in case of SUV / MUV Captain Seats, 60:40 or 40:60 seats and Pool Seats) Rear Seats
Seats are heavy, bulky to handle and oddly shaped for easy placement. On the assembly line, the seats need to be inserted through the door aperture and precisely positioned for quick and easy bolting on the automotive body without any damage. Further, many times, the same gripper needs to be compatible to handle multiple variants of seat. Here is a glimpse of some of the gripping systems, conceptualized, designed and engineered by Fine Handling for efficient, expedited and ergonomic handling of seats as per the specific needs of the customer's process:
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Car Door

  • Country of Origin India
  • Size Customized
  • Type Car Door
  • Feature Successfully Achieved 45 Jobs Per Hour Rail Mounted 4 Gripper Solution For Fast And Safe Assembly Of Doors.

Doors are typically fixed on the automotive body by two ways i.e. hinge or pin and bore type. Achieving the desired cycle time is a highly critical parameter in case door fitment. Fine Handling's gripping solutions are customized for the door deisgns of the manufacturer, and the handling equipment is perfectly synchronized to the assembly line. Fine Handling has developed specialized, customized grippers for its customers to handle variety of doors such as:

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Glass Components

  • Feature Front and rear wind shield Sunroof
Handling glass components, on a fast moving assembly line, is very critical typically because of the weight, delicate nature of the components and mechanism for the opening and closing after placement. Operator safety is a key concern in handling glass components. Fine Handling's gripping solutions have helped automotive companies to solve all the above challenges, while raising the efficiency and safety for the operators several notches higher. Fine Handling has developed specialized, customized grippers for its customers to handle components such as:
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CNG Tank

  • Feature Gripper developed for easy, safe, and secure placement of CNG tank in the Car. Fast quick and easy entry of CNG tank either through boot space or door aperture.
With increased awareness about environment automotive manufacturers have launched CNG fuelled vehicles. The CNG Tanks used in such vehicles are bulky and heavy with weights often exceeding 80 kg. Fine Handling has developed gripping solutions for easy, safe and secure placement of CNG tank unit in the automobile through boot space or door aperture. Examples of some of the customized gripper solutions for handling CNG tanks, along with its handling equipment are show below:
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Front Cover

Sheet metal walls need to be placed from one fixture to another during manufacturing. The components are bulky and sharp edges across make handling of these components difficult and unsafe. Fine Handlings customized grippers are designed to suit the specific needs of your work in sheet metal. The handling equipment can be totally customized to meet your process needs and can include rotation, easy pick and place, movement from one station to another etc. as per your needs.
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Precipitated Calcium Carbonate

We are offering a wide range ofPrecipitated Calcium Carbonate.

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Tail Gates

Hood and tail gates are difficult to handle because of large size and higher weight. Sharp edges around the corners make them equally risky to handle and use of simple tackle in handling increases the risk of injury. Fine Handlings gripping solution makes handling of gates quick, easy and safe. Operator can easily pick the component from one fixture and place it on to the other without any hassles.
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Rear Wall

On a welding line, Rear wall needs to be move from one fixture to another with a 90 orientation change. Rear wall is relatively bigger in size and are sharp on the edges, like all body shop components. Fine Handlings gripping solution for rear walls perfectly picks rear wall and places the same on the fixture in the required orientation.
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Door Frames

Door frames are difficult to handle because they have sharp edges which makes handling these components risky. Improper handling may lead to cut or wound injuries to operators. With safety at its core, Fine Handling has developed customized grippers to meet the Door designs of automotive manufacturers and ensure risk-free and easy handling.
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Column Mounted Manipulator

  • Features Arms to achieve maximum ergonomic reach and lift. Economical as compared to rest of solutions
Column mounted manipulators are ideal in conditions which require stationery picking and placing positions where limited approaches are required. With Extensive experience of over a decade fine handling is one of leading manufacturer of Manipulators. Each Manipulator from Fine Handling is designed to suit the space in which it operates.
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Rail Mounted Manipulator

  • Features Excellent solution in case of movement of manipulator. Arms to achieve maximum ergonomic reach and lift. Each Manipulator is designed to suit the space in which it operates
Overhead Rail Mounted Manipulators from Fine Handling are ideal for activities like assembly line, production line etc. Manipulator is mounted on Fine Rail Systems which enables the movement of manipulator across the line. Rail mounted manipulator avoids any encumbrances on the ground; its an excellent solution in places where erecting a column on the floor is not possible due to space constraints.
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Portable Manipulator

  • Feature Easy to move across plant, factory with excellent ease Ideal in cases where availability of space on ground and overhead is limited Comprises of heavy duty trolley
Portable Manipulator from Fine handling is extremely useful in moving and lifting component or load from one place to other across shop floor, factories, warehouse with extreme ease and with minimum effort. Various operations can be included with inclusion of variety of Pneumatic, hydraulic or electronic solution or with combination of these. Gripper attached to portable manipulator can be customized as per the component.
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FineLIFT Twin-rope Balancer

  • Features Loads can be lifted with very minimal lifting effort Equipment goes into balance only after proper sensing of jobs
The FineLIFT twin-rope balancer is a perfect zero gravity balancer, which balances loads up to rated capacity as required using only air-pressure as the power source.
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Drum Handling

  • Feature No sudden jerks in case of sudden pressure rise or fall (or loss of air) Component remains in clamped condition though there is a loss of air supply for 20 mins post which intervention is required.
Handling of drums can be one of most tedious and frustrating task for Chemical, Food or any other industry where a drum packed material is used. It's not just cumbersome and repetitive but also somewhat dangerous while handling drums, especially in case of chemical industry. Hygiene, wastage and environment are also important areas of concern for these industries.
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Specialized Equipment

  • Features Developed according to international safety norms Customized according to your specific needs Optimum utilization of human resource
Every production activity has its unique material handling needs. At Fine Handling, we put our in-depth expertise to work and create a customized material handling solution that perfectly fits into your existing production set-up and solves its material handling challenges. Exhaustive understanding and analysis of your challenge along with thorough testing of the solution ensures that each of your unique needs is precisely met.
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Every gripper is Simulated in CAD, extensively tried and tested before deliveryControl logic of the gripper is designed and well coupled to ensure seamless functionality and operationsThe pneumaticvacuum gripper (or combination of both) designed according to applicationUse of wear-pads (NylonPU) in the grippers to hold the component prevents component damageIncase of specific requirement magnetic gripper or even a tackle can be used to hold the componentGrippers can be equipped with Intelligent Electro-pneumatic control sensors to enhance the functionality.
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Overhead Mounted Manipulator

  • Features Arms to achieve maximum ergonomic reach and lift Each Manipulator is designed to suit the space in which it operates Modular Design with Ergo controls, switches for ease of operations
Fine Handling's Overhead mounted manipulator is specifically designed for places with space constraint. This manipulator enables the avoidance of any encumbrances on the ground. Overhead manipulator from Fine Handling is ideal for moving variety of loads. Capable to moves smoothly within 360 and option of infinite rotation can be provided.
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Truck Loading System

  • Features Engineered to travel over inclined slopes (approx. 5 - 8°) Adjustable inclined belt conveyor - Vertical and horizontal movement LED lighting with swivel base
Truck loadingunloading system designed by Fine Handling is a specialized equipment to improve speed, ease and reduce manpower in loading or unloading for trucks. Robust design and rigid built makes it ideal in instances where continuous multi-shift operation is required.
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Elbow Lift

  • Feature Ideal for the applications where the headroom is less Useful in handling large size components with extreme efficiency and speed
Elbow Lift ElbowLIFT are ideal for handling of large components like frames and chassis, tackle orgripper can be customized to meet specific requirement depending on application and the load.
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Mono Rail Runway

  • Features Easy alignment possible for smooth movement of material Proven as zero maintenance rail systems
Recognized for extreme ease of use, the Mono rail system from Fine Handling is one of the simplest forms of load transformation. Mono rails have a low rail profile which also make it highly cost efficient.
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CV Manifold Component

Manifold is one an important component for the Vehicle's performance. The manifolds in the enginepower train line are typically stacked horizontally and are required to place vertically on to the machine. Handling solution for the manifold has to be carefully designed to precisely fit the relatively complex profile while easing the actual operation. Fine Handling has designed gripping solutions for CV Manifold that can be mounted on Manipulator or an air balancer, as per the process requirements.
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Fine Handling and Automation is a leader in the design and manufacture of manipulators with vast experience and an extensive customer list. Manipulators with customized grippers are very helpful for various material handling needs on assembly lines, machining shops etc., where lifting, positioning, orientation change of the component is critical. It works on zero-gravity principle i.e. a balancing cylinder nullifiesbalances the weight of the component, so that operator can lift and handle the weight with almost zero efforts.
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Rail Systems

Our comprehensive and modular range of Rail System serves as the backbone of your handling system. Rails systems from Fine Handing are ergonomic, safe, cost effective and easy to operate. Available in Aluminium and Steel options, Fine Handling's Rails are able to carry load up to 3 MT (using various rail combinations) with extreme ease thus reducing the human fatigue and increasing the material handling efficiency.
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Vaccum Tube Lifters

Lifting load, repetitively & Fast, with poor postures does not require to be heavy to cause injuries or pain. Vacuum tube lifters from Fine Handling is a easy option to action above points, it is an easy and simple operate and reliable equipment. Vacuum tube lifters are extremely user friendly and require no or minimum training.
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Air Balancers

An Air Balancer is ideal for compact installation and quick pick & place operations. Air balancing equipment is excellent for repetitive tasks in assembly processes, repair, and production activities in many industries, including manufacturing, solar energy, automotive, railroad, aviation, health care, and food.
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Gantry System

Fine Handling and Automation has specialized in the design, development and manufacture of station-to-station component handling gantry systems. These are fully automated PLC-based family of gantries that are used to transfer components from one station to the next while maintaining the takt time of the process.
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Truck Loading Machine

Truck loadingunloading system designed by Fine Handling is a specialized equipment to improve speed, ease and reduce manpower in loading or unloading for trucks. Robust design and rigid built makes it ideal in instances where continuous multi-shift operation is required. Inclined belt conveyor at both ends of the machine are equipped with excellent flexibility to move the belt conveyor vertically as well horizontally. Combination of truck loading equipment with collapsible roller conveyor and vacuum tube lifter makes it complete truck loadingunloading system which not only reduces manpower and time consumption but also reduces the fatigue.FeaturesEngineered to travel over inclined slopes (approx. 5 - 8)Adjustable inclined belt conveyor - Vertical and horizontal movementLED lighting with swivel baseOperator presence sensing mat.- works only when operator is presentOperator Platform - vertical height adjustable with rubber ergo mat tread surface
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  • Type Monorail
  • Material Metal,  Stainless Steel
  • Color  Silver, Grey
  • Condition New, Old
  • Finishing Polished, Non Polished
  • Warranty  1 Yr,  2 Yrs
  • Features  Good mechanical strength, - Robust design, Seamless finish, Good Quality
  • Usage Industrial
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Cylinder Head

Cylinder Head needs to mounted on Cylinder Block, Fine handling has faced and solved many challenges in handling of Cylinder head which are of different size and shape and placing these head on different fixtures. All the grippers are specially developed by Fine Handling as per your Cylinder heads design and site conditions.
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Ergo Seat

  • Features Very easy to operate and move around attached tool holder for carrying necessary tools inside the vehicle Angular adjustment for smooth entry in the vehicle Reduces fatigue and increases the productivity
One of the tedious task on automobile assembly line is fitment of small parts inside the car, standing in awkward position resulting in fatigue and thus in turn loss of productivity.
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  • Feature Gripping systems for Reels Vacuum tube lifter for pick and place requirements
Paper and Printing Industry, in present scenario is one of most competitive industry with extreme pressure in maintaining profitability. Pick and Place transfer and further loading of paper on to the spool is tedious, time consuming & labor intensive tasks. Movement of other materials is also equally crucial. Fine Handling with innovative solutions offers various gripping system for effective handling of material in paper industry in order to assist the operatorsend users to reach their material handling goals ahead of schedule and safely.
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Fine handling offers pick and place solutions which are developed to reduce labor, increase productivity, minimize wastage and ensure safety. Vacuum tube lifters for safe and effortless pick and place requirementDrum handling Solutions with orientation change arrangement for effortless poring of liquid material without any wastageTruck loading unloading systems for fast and safe loading and unloading of trucks
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  • Feature Ergonomic handlers with mobile options Glass manipulator
Fine Handling offers innovative solutions to problems in glass handling in order to assist the operatorsend users to reach their material handling goals ahead of schedule and safely. Fine Handling offers a variety of solutions for glass handling including:
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