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Immigration Consultancy Services provided by FEDERAL GLOBAL SERVICES, is simply unequaled. Due to the excellence of our outstanding Global Immigration Services, we have been widely known at trustworthy and reliable immigration service providers. We serve our visitors with appropriate information concerning their student visa and studying abroad. Our goal is to provide you with professional, competent and experienced service which will help you accomplish your personal immigration goals. Use the extensive resources and guidelines that we provide here to learn more about temporary visas , permanent residence , citizenship and more. You can keep up to date with changes in immigration laws as they may affect you and your family personally. If you have any questions as to whether you qualify for any particular visa, please feel free to ask to get the helpful information. Available ServicesAs a successful and reputable firm of migration consultants, FGS is serious about its responsibilities to clients and to the worldwide public generally. To all interested persons we offer, for free, information about immigration on our website and email newsletter.
List of Countries for which we provide Immigration Services.As a UK immigration consultancy Federal Global can assist you with your relocation to the UK, whichever tier is right for you. Our immigration consultants can provide a complete service for the range of existing UK visas and working permits available. We can guide you at every stage from immigration lawyer advice on your initial application through to on arrival services designed to help you adjust to living and working in Britain. The Tier system will simplify the process of applying for a UK visa, restructuring more than 80 types of visa for immigration currently in use into a more straightforward, transparent system.
The tier 1 visa category is essentially a rebranded version of the previous Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP). It is available to highly skilled individuals who can bring professional skills, qualifications and experience to the United Kingdom. A job offer is not required in order to apply for a tier 1 visa. If your application is successful you will have the right to immigrate to the UK with full and free access to the employment market. This means that depending on the category of tier 1 visa you have successfully applied for, you will be permitted to live and work in the UK, seek and undertake employment, establish a business, make a substantial investment, or be self-employed. BenefitsOne of the key benefits of the tier 1 visa system is that you do not require a job offer to enable you to lodge a successful application. Furthermore, the tier one visa provides you with a route towards settlement in the UK, with an opportunity to apply for as 'permanent residency' in the UK.
There are 4 categories of tier 1 visaThe points system is designed to allow a wider variety of candidates to reach the pass-mark threshold based upon performance in the different areas of assessment. For example in situations where an older candidate may lose points in terms of age, they may be able to recoup the balance through claiming more points for their previous earnings. Alternatively, younger candidates without an established career may not yet command high earnings but they may be able to reach the minimum points threshold based upon their qualifications and age. A total of 75 points is required to qualify for a tier one general visa. Provided below is an overview of how the points criteria will function.
AgeThe earnings component will be weighted to take into account the country and currency in which your earnings were generated. Applicants may be eligible for a further 5 points where they can show proof of earnings or evidence that they gained their qualifications while in the United Kingdom.In addition to the points system outlined above, you will also be required to show that you are proficient in the English Language and that you can support yourself or any dependants without requiring assistance from public funds. DependantsUnder the new Points Based System, spouse and dependent visas will allow you to bring your husband, wife, civil partner or unmarried partner to join you in the UK. Tier 2 Work Permits: Skilled individuals with a job offerThe Tier 2 visa is similar to the previous work permit scheme whereby a job offer is required in order to submit a successful application. Tier 2 is intended to cater to people with qualifications or important work-related experience within a wide range of sectors from health service workers to white collar jobs and the trades. Under tier 2 requires you to obtain a certificate of sponsorship. Tier 2 visa applications are employer led and the sponsoring employer will need to satisfy certain responsibilities, one of which is being registered as a licensed sponsor with the UK Border Agency. To qualify for a tier 2 work permit (general category) you are required to score 70 points in a skills assessment and you must also prove that you are proficient in the English language and can satisfy maintenance requirements. Within the tier 2 visa category there are three visa sub-categories:
Employer ResponsibilitiesEmployers recruiting candidates through the tier 2 work permit system must provide a sponsorship certificate detailing the job title and demonstrating that the salary offered is appropriate for such a position and that the role is at or above NVQ3. The certificate acts as confirmation that the candidate has the necessary skills and the intention to fill the specified position. Where a position being offered is not a shortage occupation the employer must illustrate that they have attempted to fill the role from the domestic workforce through appropriate advertising, without success. In circumstances where a candidate wishes to change employment, a new certificate of sponsorship is required and a reassessment against the points system needs to take place. Additional InformationUnder the tier 2 of the points-based system family immigration will be permitted for your wife, husband, civil partner, unmarried partner and/or dependent children. Furthermore, the marriage visa, unmarried partner visa and UK fiance visa categories have remained distinct from the new 5 tier visas for points based immigration. Tier 3 Visas: Low skilled workersTier 3 is designed to cater for people immigrating to the UK in order to perform temporary low skilled work. Please note that the tier 3 visa category is currently suspended and no information is available as to when or if it will be implemented. Tier 4 visas: StudentsIntroduced in March 2009, the tier 4 visa category caters to students who are paying for tuition in the UK and reflects the importance that universities and colleges attach to income from overseas. In recent years student visas have proved controversial amid allegations that it has been an entry route that is particularly open to abuse. For this reason education providers are now increasingly responsible for ensuring that overseas students obey the rules of their visas. In this case, the sponsor will be the educational institution offering a place which a student has accepted. Each sponsoring institution will be required to vouch for the ability of students. General studentThis category includes students studying in Britain at or above degree level in a publicly funded institution, or engaging in more than 15 hours of study per week. In this category you are permitted to work for 20 hours each week during term time and full-time during holiday periods. If you have any dependants they will be able to join you. School studentThis category includes students in full time study at an independent school up to the age of 18. Working hours are the same as the general student category but dependents are not permitted. Study through work studentThis category caters to students on work experience courses or placements. Working hours will be the same as the other two categories and dependants will be permitted in instances where the principal applicant will be in the country in excess of 12 months. Additional informationDependants of students making a successful tier 4 UK visa application will be permitted to enter the UK, however as with tier 3 visas and tier 5 visas, this tier is regarded as a temporary immigration route. In addition, spouse and dependent immigration in these circumstances will also be temporary and will reflect the grant of leave awarded to the principal applicant. Tier 5: Temporary workers and youth mobilityTier 5 visas cover cultural exchanges or working holidays in the UK undertaken by young people. The Youth Mobility scheme is the replacement for the popular Working Holidaymaker programme. Tier 5 also caters to a range of specific temporary employment opportunities including professional sports people or professional musicians who want to come to the UK to participate in a specific event such as the Olympics, a football match, or a concert. EligibilityApplications for the tier 5 visa require a certificate of sponsorship to be issued by the Government in your home country. This certificate will serve as an assurance that you will abide by the terms of the scheme undertaken. Youth Mobility SchemesThe new tier 5 visa replaces a range of youth mobility schemes such as the Working Holidaymaker visa and the Au Pair Programme with a single visa system. Tier 5 is available to you if you are from a participating country and you are aged 18-30 years old. If your application is successful you will be granted leave to enter the UK for a maximum period of 24 months. Immigration to the UK via this route is temporary and you will be required to return to your home country at the expiry of your visa. Tier 5 visa category does not lead to permanent residence in the UK. Furthermore, you are not allowed to be self-employed in the UK or to function as a professional sportsperson and you cannot bring any dependents into the country or switch to any other tiers of the system. Temporary workersTier 5 visas for the UK also accommodate the following categories of temporary workers immigrating to Britain who do not qualify under the requirements of a tier 2 visa. Once again, the maximum duration of leave is 24 months and switching to other tiers is not permitted. Dependents will be admitted but will only be allowed to work in the UK if the principle applicant is afforded more than 12 months leave. Creative/SportingUK visa applications can be made by creative artists, sportspeople or entertainers provided that a sponsor has been organized. Sponsors must be able to confirm that applicants pose no threat to the domestic workforce and will engage only in the specified activity. Charity/Voluntary WorkersIf you are a volunteer worker seeking to enter the UK via this route you will need to provide evidence of sponsorship from a charity or benevolent organization. Your sponsor must be able to demonstrate that the activity is directly relevant to the organization and that it will not be permanent. Religious workersWith the exception of ministers of a faith who engage in a preaching and pastoral capacity, religious workers may visit the UK if they are sponsored by the faith community. Government authorised exchangeEntering the country as part of an accredited exchange, development or knowledge sharing scheme is permitted subject to sponsorship by the organization running the scheme is question.
IMMIGRATION SERVICES FOR CANADAImmigrating to Canada permanently is an exciting opportunity. However, there are Several things you should consider before you apply to be a permanent resident.If you want to immigrate to Canada, there are a few different ways to apply. You will need to decide which immigration program will work best for you and your family. Find out about the requirements and the steps to apply in eachcategory: Skilled workers and professionalsFor people who want to settle and work in Canada (outside of Quebec) Quebec-selected skilled workersFor people selected by the Quebec government to settle and work in Quebec Canadian Experience ClassFor people who have recent Canadian work experience or have graduated and recently worked in Canada Investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed peopleFor people who want to start a business in Canada
Skilled workers and professionals Skilled workers are selected as permanent residents based on their education, work experience, knowledge of English and/or French, and other criteria that have been shown to help them become economically established in Canada.The term federal skilled worker refers to the category under which skilled workers apply if they want to live in any Canadian province or territory except Quebec. ELIGIBILITYSkilled workers are people who are selected as permanent residents based on their ability to become economically established in Canada. Your application will be reviewed in three steps. Your application is eligible for processing ifNew Zealand welcomes new migrants people who will contribute to the country by bringing valuable skills or qualifications, setting up a business, or making a financial investment. The New Zealand immigration system is quite complicated but here is a brief summary. Essentially, there are five main ways to immigrate. The usual categories for permanent residence classes are: Skilled Migrant, Family, Business, and Family Quota. The other option is to apply for a temporary visa. SKILLED MIGRANT CATEGORYApplying under skill categories has always been the most popular visa class for permanent residency in New Zealand. All applicants for this visa class must be under 56 years of age and are required to meet a minimum of 100 points and meet the health, character and English language prerequisite before an Expression of Interest can be lodgedwith Immigration New Zealand. Points are awarded for an offer of employment in New Zealand, work experience, qualifications and age. Bonus points are available for employment in areas of identified future growth, cluster or absolute skill shortages. Bonus points are also available for employment outside Auckland and for New Zealand qualifications. Expressions of Interest are pooled and then ranked by Immigration New Zealand according to specific selection criteria. Those applications that meet the selected criteria will be selected in sufficient numbers to meet the places available and will be invited to lodge an Applicationfor Residence in New Zealand. It is not on a first in, first served basis. Applicants will then need to send all the necessary documents to support the claims made in their Expression of Interest. The key to success under this class is meeting the prerequisites as outlined above AND arranging a relevant, valid skilled job offer in New Zealand. Recent changes to the SMC policy now mean that applicantswith skilled jobs in New Zealand or an offer of skilled employment prior to applying have a greater likelihood of being selected and invited to apply for residence. Applicants are strongly advised to engage the services of a recognised migration consultancy with a job search or employment office in New Zealand, as they will be able to assist you with the lodgment and processing ofyour visa application as well as the coordination of job leads / interviews in New Zealand. New Zealand General Skilled Migrant - Immigration Process New Zealand welcomes everyone with relevant qualifications, skills and experience that can contribute to the development of the New Zealand economy. If your occupation appears on the Essential Skills in Demand List for New Zealand occupations, you must not delay to immigrate to New Zealand. Skilled Migrant Category is the most suitable immigration category that gives you the freedom to live and work in New Zealand permanently. FGS can help this dream come true for you in the easiest way possible. Given below is the detailed procedure that we follow to help our clients get approval under the skilled migrant category: 1. Meeting the basic requirements We assist you in submitting the Expression of interest to enhance your chances of acceptability for minimum NZ immigration requirements. Points at this level are awarded on the basis of your qualification, if you have an offer letter for a job in NZ or not and other such factors. Besides, some other basic requirements for occupational registration, health, English language ability and character must also be fulfilled. Our immigration specialists ensure that the information provided work to your utmost advantage and get your EOI accepted for further processing. An acceptance of EOI is followed by a request to apply for residency in NZ. 2. Selecting EOI EOIs that successfully claim over 100 points are submitted into the pool. EOI that claimed 140 or above points are selected automatically from this pool, whereas those that have points between 100 and 140 are selectively picked up according to the demands of NZ. Sometimes EOI may remain in the pool for six months. In that case, your EOI is withdrawn from pool and you are notified about the same and we can then assist you in applying with an EOI again. But if Immigration New Zealand did not select any EOIs from the pool at all, your EOI may stay in the pool itself even after six months until the next lot of EOIs is selected. 3. Official request to apply for residence In case, you have been lucky enough to get your EOI drawn by INZ (Immigration New Zealand) and your claims are successfully verified, you are then sent an official request to apply for residence. The invitation mentions a period of four months, before which you must apply under the New Zealands Skilled Migrant category. We help you arrange all necessary documents, such as passport, certifications and qualifications that are to be provided, along with duly filled application forms and the applicable fees. Our immigration experts guide you in filling the form correctly and assure hassle-free approval of your application. 4. Complete assessment Once your application for residence is received, your claims as well as your suitability to stay in NZ are assessed. Sometimes, INZ may also wish to interview you and your dependants. At this time, they may ask about your current support networks, employment prospects and familiarity with the country. Contact our experts today to know more about the probable interview questions in your case. For speedy processing of your application, it is better to have an employment offer in NZ, beforehand. If INZ is satisfied with your interview, approval to your application is granted. But in case, the officials are not completely satisfied, they may give you a resident permit or visa to come to NZ and see if you could get a skilled job. Your residence application is approved as soon as you get the job. The time period allowed to get a job in NZ is nine months. If youve got the required skills and want to make New Zealand your long-term destination, Skilled Migrant Category (SMC)offers you the opportunity to move to New Zealand to work and live permanently. Requirements for the Skilled Migrant CategoryIf you want to move to New Zealand under the Skilled Migrant Category, you will have to meetfollowing requirements. Health: You must be in good health. If your Expression of Interest is accepted and you are invited to apply for residence, you will have to be assessed by an approved doctor. Your application must be accompanied by medical and chest x-ray certificates for each person. Character: You must be of good character. You will have to provide a police certificate and evidence for all applicants over 17 years. English language ability: You must speak sufficient English. Whether you are the principal or non-principal applicant, you will need to meet a certain level of ability in spoken and written English. Occupational registration: In certain fields of work, you will need to ensure you have occupational registration if you want to work in New Zealand. If you require registration and do not have it, you will be unable to work in your chosen occupationunder the Skilled Migrant Category.
Industries which have a strong demand for skilled people include:Among the broad spectrum of services, Federal Global Services is here to give you excellent guidance on Overseas Education Services. Our unique Education Information Services has been widely preferred by the students and education community. We also provide guidance pertaining to student loan for availing Overseas Education Services. In addition to this, we consider client's satisfaction as our preference. We also offer very affordable prices for our Overseas Education and Immigration Services. The world class guidance on Overseas Education provided by us comprises of :-
Canada, which occupies the top half of the north American continent, is the second largest country in the world. History and trade have made Canada's ties with the united states, western Europe and Japan particularly close. These links have been strengthened with economic, political, and military agreements of a bilateral and multilateral nature. If you are one of those who seek a high quality of life above anything else, Canada is the place for you. It has been consistently ranked by the UN as the number one country in the world to live in. Having a large Asian Diaspora of students, Canada offers a truly international educational experience. Furthermore, the Canadian degree or diploma is instantly recognized around the world as being of the highest standard. And you get all this at a remarkably low cost.both in terms of cost of education and the cost of living. Tuition fees for international students in Canada are much lower than comparable countries. Top reasons to study in Canada
Poland is a pioneer of European constitutionalism. Poland lies in the central part of the European continent, the geometrical centre of which is near Warsaw. This is where the lines from Nordkyn in Norway to Matapan in Greece, and from Cabo da Roca in Portugal to the central Urals intersect. The boundary between the East and West European continental masses also runs through Poland. Poland's total surface area is 322, 500 sq km (312, 600 sq km of land, 1, 200 sq km of inland waters, and 8, 700 sq km of territorial waters). This makes it the ninth largest country in Europe, after Russia, Ukraine, France, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Finland and Norway, and the 63rd largest in the world. Climate Poland has a moderate climate with both maritime and continental elements. This is due to humid Atlantic air which collides over its territory with dry air from the Eurasian interior. As a result, the weather tends to be capricious and the seasons may look quite different in consecutive years. This is particularly true for winters, which are either wet, of the oceanic type, or - less often - sunny, of the continental type. Generally, in north and west Poland the climate is predominantly maritime, with gentle, humid winters and cool, rainy summers, while the eastern part of the country has distinctly continental climate with harsh winters and hotter, drier summers. CURRENCYPolish monetary unit is called zoty (z, PLN). 1 zoty is divided into 100 groszy (gr.) The banknotes come at 200, 100, 50 and 10 zloty, and coins in 5, 2 and 1 zloty, and 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 groszy. Currency can be exchanged in banks or exchange points ("kantor"). Credit cards are widely accepted in Poland, but small shops and newsagents in smaller localities accept cash only.