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Dr.Onic Liquid Limit Apparatus is especially designed to determine the liquid limit of soil. It is also used to determine the plasticity index of soil. Liquid Limit is a specific water content at which a definite part of soil is cut by a groove of standard dimension that will flow together up to a distance of more...
For effficient use of nutrients in the soil, to test the purity of drinking water and for waste water testing, the company has introduced Microprocessor Water and Soil Analysis Kit LIM-158. This is a unique portable instrument for measurement of various parameters i.e. pH, Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, Tempera more...
Sand Cone with Tamper As per ASTM: C 128, AASHO: T 84 Used for determining the slumps of fine aggregate in the determination of bulk and apparent specific gravity and absorptionof fine aggregate. The Equipments comprises of a conical metal mould 1.5inch dai. at the top, 3.5 inch dia. at the base and 2.7/8 inc more...
The sand cone density test is an accepted and inexpensive method of determining the in-place density of soils. Effective in soils with particle sizes up to 2in (51mm), using test hole volumes of approximately 0.1ft³ (2.8L). more...
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Specification: Augers are used to collect disturbed soil samples at reasonal depths for laboratory tests. Augers are available in two types and each in different sizes. Blade type (posthole type) and helical type (screw type). Each auger outfit consists one each of auger head, one meter long rod, tee piece a more...
Chloride Permeability Test Apparatus accurately tests concrete samples of 100mm diameter with 50mm thickness. The best thing about our Chloride Permeability Test Apparatus is that it can test up to three samples at a time as per ASTM C1202. It is specially designed to assess the resistance of concrete to the more...
Direct Shear Apparatus has been fabricated as per IS: 2720 (Part XIII). This apparatus is widely used in the construction industry to determine the direct shear strength of soil or specimen. We provide the Direct Shear Apparatus in assorted specifications to meet the assorted requirements of the clients. Mode more...
Understanding infiltration and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity over a large research area can be difficult —the more spatially variable your soil is, the more measurements you have to make. Traditional tension infiltrometers are heavy, complex, and take a near-expert to run, limiting the measure more...