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OXYFLOW (Oxyflourfen 23.5 % EC) is a Herbicide of the Diphenyl-Ether Group used for Selective Control in a wide range of Fruit Trees, Vegetables, Field Crops, Ornamentals, Forestry, Sugarcane and Non-Crop Areas. Its Broad spectrum activity - Continue to be Effective & Prolong action in soil. Excellent cont more...
We are offering acephate 75% sp. Action: contact and systematic insecticide. use: effective against semi loopers, aphids, army worms, bollworms, cutworms, diamond back moth, leafminers, leafhoppers, leafrollers, tent caterpillars, thrips & white flies on cotton, vegetables, rice flowers, forests and other maj more...
Pretilachlor 37 Ww Ew is a pre-emergency herbicide for transplanted rice. It is applied before emergency of weeds, within 0-4 days of transplanting. It controls almost all the weeds (annual grasses, Sedges and broad-leaved weeds) in rice. more...
Acephate 95% SG is an organo phosphorus insecticide used for the control of stem borer, leaf folder and brown plant hoppers on Paddy, Jassid on Cotton and Thrips, Aphids and fruit borer (H. armigera) on Chilli. * Caution :- It is toxic to honey bees, spray application should be avoided during the foragi more...
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