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Glyphosate 41 Sl It is a systemic herbicide, kills the weeds by inhibiting the EPPS synthesis in plant. Being a non-selective herbicide, it effectively kills all types of weeds. It is widely used in non-crop areas, open fields, bunds and water channels. It is also used in tea crop to control various weeds. more...
Glysil ( Glyphosate 41% SL) is a Non-Selective Herbicide which contains Isopropylamine salt of glyphosate 41% (w/w) , effective against Annual and Perennial grasses and Broad Leaf weeds of Tea and Non cropped area. It is absorbed by the foliage, with Rapid Translocation throughout the plant. It is widely more...
Glyphosate 41% SL is very effective against Axonopus, Cynodon Dactylon, Compressu, Dititaria, Sanguinalia, Imperata, Cylindrica, Paspalum, Scrobioulatum, Polygonum, Perfolatu, Arundinella Bengalesis and Setaria Palmogolia in Tea plantation. Glyphosate 41% SL is one of the most effective Herbicides. Glyphosate more...