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2 Products availableWe offer a comprehensive range of Advanced Burn Management Concepts based on collagen both medicated and non-medicated which are time tested, clinically proven and found to be extremely useful to treat extensive BURNS and Skin Donor Sites.
Product Description : Amogel is a amorphous hydrogel dressing and is formulated with the vital ingredient carboxy methyl cellulose, Amogel gently hydrates dry necrotic tissues and facilitates autolyticdebridement. Amogel provides optimum moist environment to the wound bed and accelerates faster wound healing.
Salient Features :
Benefit :
Indications :
Contra-indications : Contra-indicated on heavily exuding wounds.
Application Methodology :
Application :
Ordering Information
Code | Description | Units |
AGLD 1001-01 | AmogelTM, 25g | Box of 1 |
AGLD 1002-01 | AmogelTM, 10g | Box of 1 |
AGLD 1003-01 | AmogelTM, 15g | Box of 1 |
Introduction : Gelatin is a substantially pure protein food ingredient, obtained by the thermal degeneration of collagen, which are the structural mainstay and most common protein in the animal kingdom. Gelatin sponges have been used in clinical practice as hemostats for more than 50 years and been proven to be effective and safe as other types of haemostats. Due to the threat of BSE/TSE issues on Bovine origin materials, Porcine Gelatin Materials have been developed and now they are widely being used in Pharmaceutical Industry.
Product Description :
Indications :
Application & User Guide : Scrofalon® is white, pliable, light, and insoluble in water. It is removed from the package under strict aseptic conditions and can be cut to desired size, applied dry or saturated with physiologic. salt solution or thrombin or an antibiotic solution of the desired concentration. Squeeze the material between two fingers to remove the air bubbles so that the sponge, while immersed in the solution will regain its original size and shape almost immediately. At the time of use, the superfluous solution may be allowed to drip upon a gauze compress. The saturated sponge is then applied to the haemorrhage area and is then held in place with moderate pressure for 10-15 seconds. Usually the first application of Scrofalon® will control bleeding, but if not, additional applications should be made using fresh pieces of sponge. When bleeding is controlled, the pieces of Scrofalon® should be left in place, otherwise bleeding may start again. Since Scrofalon® causes little more cellular infiltration than the blood clot, the wound may be closed over it.
Contraindications : Scrofalon® should not be used in closure of skin incisions because it may interfere with the healing of skin edges.
Precautions & Warnings :
Ordering Information
Code | Description | Units |
SCFS 1002-10 | SCROFALON®, Standard 80x50x10mm | Box of 10 |
SCFS 1017-10 | SCROFALON®, Special 80x50x1mm | Box of 10 |
SCFS 1021-10 | SCROFALON®, Film 200x70x0.5mm | Box of 10 |
SCFS 1013-10 | SCROFALON®, Dental 10x10x10mm | Box of 10 |
SCFS 1008-05 | SCROFALON® , Anal 80 x Dia 30mm | Box of 05 |
Introduction : Surgeons who treat chronic non-healing ulcers including diabetic ulcers and pressure ulcers etc., face a real challenge when it comes to the closure of the wounds due to inadequacies of conventional treatment protocols and complexicities of ulcers. The result is catastrophic and traumatic. Quality of life suffers as many patients get into the stage of amputations especially in the case of diabetic foot ulcers. It is for this reason, useful biomaterials like collagen play a very important role in the wound management to alleviate the sufferings of millions of victims in the category.
Collagen : Collagen is an extra cellular matrix protein playing a major role in connective tissue. It is the most abundant protein in humans and performs multiple functions. In fish, the largest concentration of collagen is found in the skeleton, fins, skin and air bladder. Collagen as a biomaterial and its role in wound management is a well-documented subject. Collagen encourages wound healing through the deposition and organization of freshly formed fibers and granulation tissues in the wound bed and thus creating a very conducive environment for wound healing.
Role of Collagen in wound healing :
Salient Features :
Indications :
Contraindications :
Application Methodology :
Do not pack the wound tightly sponge is highly absorbent and need room for expansion. Always maintain a moist wound environment.
Ordering Information
Code | Description | Units |
KSPN 1001-05 | Kolspon Sponges, 5cm x 5cm | Box of 5 |
KSPN 1004-02 | Kolspon Sponges, 10cm x 10cm | Box of 2 |
Product Description : Hydrez®-Plus is a silver impregnated hydrophilic foam dressing with a transparent breathable Polyurethane skin and soft silicone wound contact layer. The silicone wound contact layer is highly perforated thereby enabling the routine vertical absorption of exudates by the foam and also protecting the fragile wound bed from being macerated. Hydrez®-Plus is offered with & without an adhesive border.
Salient Features :
Indications :
Contraindications :
Application Methodology :
Precautions and Warnings :
Ordering Information
Code | Description | Units |
HZPA 1001-05 | Hydrez®-Plus , 5x5cm | Box of 5 |
HZPA 1002-05 | Hydrez®-Plus , 10x10cm | Box of 5 |
HZPA 1003-05 | Hydrez®-Plus , 10x20cm | Box of 5 |
HZPA 1004-05 | Hydrez®-Plus , 15x15cm | Box of 5 |
HZPA 1005-05 | Hydrez®-Plus , 20x20cm | Box of 3 |
Ordering Information
Code | Description | Units |
KGNS 1005-05 | Köllagen®, 10x10cm | Box of 5 |
KGNS 1007-02 | Köllagen®, 10x20cm | Box of 2 |
KGNS 1011-02 | Köllagen®, 15x30cm | Box of 2 |
We offer Neuskin sterile collagen membrane in dry form the bovine collagen membrane is offered in freeze dried form to avoid pre-treatment of collagen membrane in normal saline before application. It is gamma sterilized and available in different dimensions. Neuskin - trade mark under registration in india.