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eStartIndia Pvt. Ltd.
Delhi, India
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Trademarks Services #6573262

Trademark Registration Services

A trademark which is otherwise cited as mark can be explained as a unique indicator, symbol, graphic design, word, emblem, color combination, the shape of packaging or signature, which has a legal recognition that distinguishes a product or service from its competitors. A trademark can be used either by an individual, firm or business entity. Even smell and sound can be trademarked in some cases. The Trademark Registration is exercised by Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India and the process is governed by the Trademark Act 1999. The Trademark Registration is categorized under different classes which are selected by the applicant. Once the mark is registered the applicant will be allotted with TM number which allows to track your application and also be authorized to use the symbol for the products registered under a particular class and on successful completion of Trademark Registration symbol can be used for the product. And the Trademark Registration will be valid for 10 years which can be renewed thereafter. To ensure a unique and attractive trademark for a business, you must establish a connection between your product and the mark that easily catches the attention but different from other existing trademarks used by competitors.
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Trademark Objection Services

Trademark is a unique mark, symbol or label that distinguishes your product from those of your competitors helping in its easy identification. If your status in the trademark registry shows that it is objected, it means that the registrar finds the mark you selected in the application filed is not eligible for being registered. The registrar can object the registration of your trademark on the grounds stated in Section 9 and Section 11 of the Trademarks Act 1999. And a reply can be filed by the applicant within one month from the date of receipt of Examination Report before the registrar to reconsider the application for registration. Filing an effective, well-framed objection to justify the reasons for objection will be satisfactory and the registrar becomes more likely to allow the registration of your trademark. eStartIndia comprises of best professionals who would help you in filing an effective reply for Trademark Objection before the Registrar. We also provide for trademark registration, trademark objection, trademark assignment, trademark renewal, trademark opposition, and trademark rectification. eStartIndia will help you with all Trademark registration and other connected services from the comfort of your home by offering you services that are very specialized and tailored as per your requirements. Get a Free Consultation for any Trademark objection with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration.
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Trademark Renewal Services

Trademark is a unique mark, symbol or label that distinguishes your product from those of your competitors helping in its easy identification. This trademark can be registered and the registration will be valid for 10 years. A registered trademark owner can apply to renew the mark before the expiry of its validity. This renewal will help the owner in extending the ownership over the trademark for another 10 years. The trademark owner can apply to renew the trademark, 6 months before the expiry of the trademark by remitting the prescribed fee and can also apply after 6 months from the expiry of the mark on the payment of a late fee. eStartIndia comprises of best professionals who will assist you in the renewal of your trademark. Seeking professional help is important as the expert hands can draft your application in a way to widen the scope of your trademark ownership rights under different classes. Moreover in the process of trademarking and its renewal, keeping a track on the developments with Trademark Registry is important and that will be handled with ease by our agents and therefore reduces the burden of the clients. We offer assistance to various services like trademark registration, trademark objection, trademark assignment, trademark renewal, trademark opposition, and trademark rectification. eStartIndia will help you with all Trademark renewal and other connected services from the comfort of your home by offering you services that are specialized and tailored as per your requirement.
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Trademark Assignment Services

Like any other asset, the trademark can also be transferred to another person for commercial purposes. The process of assigning the trademarks ownership title either partially or fully to a person on consideration is known as an assignment of the trademark. A contract will be created in the form of the deed by the assignor and assignee for the purpose of conducting Trademark Assignment and the assignee must apply to the registrar of trademarks within 6 months from the date of assignment. eStartIndia provides best professionals who would help you in drafting an effective trademark assignment agreement or applying to the registrar for licensing that would broaden the scope of your business interests. We offer assistance to various services like trademark registration, trademark objection, trademark assignment, trademark renewal, trademark opposition, and trademark rectification. eStartIndia will help you with all Trademark registration and other connected services from the comfort of your home by offering you services that are specialized and tailored as per your requirement. Get a free Consultation for Trademark assignment with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration.
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Trademark Rectification Services

Trademark is a unique mark, symbol or label that distinguishes your product from those of your competitors helping in its easy identification. And the owner of the mark can get it registered considering various conditions laid down by the Trademarks Act and Trademark Rules. If any person is aggrieved by the registration of a trademark due to any errors or mistakes in it, they can approach the registrar to apply for rectification of the trademark which means to remove the mark from the registry. eStartIndia comprises of best professionals who would help you in filing an effective Trademark Rectification or a counter-statement before the Registrar by understanding your grievances and identifying the best possible defenses that can address the issue. We offer assistance to various services like trademark registration, trademark objection, trademark assignment, trademark renewal, trademark opposition, and trademark rectification. eStartIndia will help you with all Trademark registration and other connected services from the comfort of your home by offering you services that are very specialized and tailored as per your requirements.
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Trademark Opposition Services

Trademark is a unique mark, symbol or label that distinguishes your product from those of your competitors helping in its easy identification. Once an application is filed before the registrar, it will be kept for examination and the successful approval will lead to advertising the application in the Trademark Journal before it is registered. This advertisement is made to invite any opposition that a person raise against an application. The opposition can be raised on various grounds against the mark for being deceptive, cause confusion, scandalous, a threat to national security or similar with an existing mark or to. eStartIndia comprises of best professionals who would help you in filing an effective and well drafted Trademark Opposition or response to the opposition before the Registrar. We offer assistance to various services like trademark registration, trademark objection, trademark assignment, trademark renewal, trademark opposition, and trademark rectification. eStartIndia will help you with all Trademark registration and other connected services from the comfort of your home by offering you services that are very specialized and tailored for each individual. Get a free Consultation for Trademark opposition with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration.
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