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Our offered Product range includes Smart Air Quality Monitoring System, Air Purification, Lake Treatment, Drain Treatment and Diffused Air Cleaning System (DACS).

Smart Air Quality Monitoring System

ESS Enviro has developed a unique low cost Sensor-based air quality monitoring system that can measure various gases simultaneously hence eliminating the use of different chemicals or different sensors for monitoring. The Monitoring system has been modified and made easy such that the data measured by the sensor can be transmitted to distant server using GSMGPRSWi-FiBluetooth module. There can be series of different units installed at various locations giving real time data.

Ambient Air Monitoring System

This product meets the ambient air quality monitoring standards by Central pollution control board. Continuous ambient air quality monitoring systemSimultaneous gas, particle and environmental data sensingView data remotely in real time on PC, tablet or phoneData analytics tools to find trends of pollutantsSensors are attached via probes which can be easily replaced

Air Purification

Urban air quality is a matter of concern all over the world. A study of air pollution in 24 megacities of the worldshows that in 20 megacities, ambient air pollution concentrations are at levels where serious health effects are reported (Mage et al., 1996).The National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) in its detailed report (2010) states that the major contributor of many of the key pollutants, such as CO (30-35%), PM (20-30%) NOx (35-70%) is from vehicular traffic and re suspended dust. Vehicular pollution may cause asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer and also increases mortality among susceptible groups. Indian traffic junctions are characterised by high population density and hence number of people exposed to the toxic air pollutants is very high.

Waste Water Management

Installation of sewage treatment plants (STP) for sewage and grey water treatment, drain (nallah) treatment and lake treatment using natural technologies like Phytorid. ESS Enviro has been working on various tools, technologies and processes through which some of the pollution sources are either eliminated at source and or addressed in-situ for different types of waste water. The organization has developed these technologies which are based on nature-based processes and do not need unnecessary energy and material. These have been tested at various levels and calibrated to an extent that these can be tailor made and designed for individual scenarios.

Lake Treatment

Lakes are an important part of the urban ecosystem. Though relatively small in size, lakes perform significant environmental, social and economic functions, ranging from being a source of drinking water, recharging groundwater, acting as sponges to control flooding, supporting biodiversity and providing livelihoods. These water bodies whether man-made or natural, fresh water or brackish play a vital role in maintaining environmental sustainability particularly in urban environments especially in todays context when the cities are facing the challenges of unplanned rapid urbanization.

Drain Treatment

In urban growth centers of developing nations like India, there is an increasing emphasis on cleaning natural storm-water drains (which carry rawpartially treated sewage) or nallahs. The discharge of untreated industrial wastes and municipal sewage into the natural water resources such as ponds, rivers, streams, etc. beyond their self-purifying capacity has led to the deterioration of physico-chemical and biological characteristics of the receiving water channels.

Solid Waste Management

  • features Composting Vermi-composting Anaerobic digestion/ biomethanation Incineration Gasification Pyrolysis
Decentralised solid waste management (DSWM) techniques along with consultation for recycle, reuse and safe disposal of solid waste which would be optimum and strategically aligned Solid waste is the unwanted or useless solid material generated from the combined residential, commercial and industrial activities. Proper management of solid waste reduces the environmental impact and health issues, and leads to aesthetics improvement and economic development. But due to rapid increase in population, change in lifestyle, inadequate infrastructure and expertise, and land scarcity, the management of solid waste has become one of the most critical issues. Solid waste management is one of the poorly managed sectors due to unscientific, outdated and inefficient ways of handling it.
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Diffused Air Cleaning System (DACS)

DACS is a technology designed to remove the air pollutants using Nano-particles (Nano coat). The technology works on the principle of photo-catalysis. Major pollutants get converted to harmless compounds.In the presence of sunlight, nanoparticles form hydroxyl radicals, which react with air pollutant to form harmless compounds like CO2 and H2O. The nanoparticles can be applied in various forms to treat pollution at sites like traffic intersections, odour abatement at landfill sites, highways, industrial clusters etc.
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