The most useful way of harnessing solar energy is by directly converting it into electricity by means of solar photo voltaic cells. SOLKRAFT range of Photovoltaic systems include SPV Modules, Solar Lanterns, Solar Home Lighting Systems, Solar Street Lights and Solar Power Pacmore...
Solar streetlight is a stand-alone solar system consisting of a pole, battery bank, photovoltaic module and LED or CFL luminaires. The use of solar power coupled with energy-efficient luminaires make this doubly environment friendly. The configuration can be customised to the watmore...
Su-Kam’s Solar Home Lighting System (SHLS) harnesses the sun’s energy to light up your home and power your small applications. With benefits that extend both to your wallet and to the environment, Su-Kam’s Solar Home Lighting System is not just a ‘brilliant’ idea; it ismore...
Solar Panels are stationary devices which is fixed at a position. The produced electrical energy can be increased if we move the solar panel as the movement of the Sun. more...