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Epoch Filtertech
gstGST : 24AAFFE7539M1Z2 Verified Write a Review

Epoch Filtertech

Epoch Filtertech is located in Mehsana, Gujarat, India.

The company is being managed by young, dynamic and professional people and committed to deliver the best for customer, employee and society.

Epoch Filtertech is a leading manufacturer of custom made filter bags and cages to nearly any customer specification. We makes the filter bags from most filter media with various top and bottom configuration to fit all type of dust collectors like pulse-jet, reverse- air and shaker bughouse. With the comprehensive range of non woven/woven fabric, coating and finishes treatment, we cater almost all industries in air/hot gases and dust filtration requirement. Our products are being manufactured under the strict quality control with state-of-the-art manufacturing facility equipped with modern production equipment.

We strive for success though quality product, processes, price and service.


Basic Information

  • Nature of Business Manufacturer / Exporter / Supplier / Retailer
  • Contact Person Sandip Patel
  • Registered Address Plot No.81/82, Shri Sai Industrial Estate,Iskcon Circle, Mahesana Bypass Road, Post:- Nugar, Tal&Dist: Mehsana, Gujarat - 384205
  • Total Number of Employees Below 20
  • Year of Establishment 2016
  • Legal Status of Firm Partnership
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