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Our Complete range of products are APM 460 NL PM 10 sampler, APM 550 mini, APM 411 TE Gaseous Pollutants Sampler, APM 411 Respirable Dust Sample and APM 433 Gaseous Pollutants Sampler.

Beta Attenuation Particulate Monitor

Met One Instruments BAM-1020 beta attenuation mass monitor has US-EPA certification (EQPM-0798-122) as an Equivalent Method for PM10 monitoring. It has corresponding certifications in the United Kingdom, Korea, and China for automatic monitoring and recording of PM10 concentrations. The BAM-1020 may be equipped with a sharp cut cyclone PM2.5 or a WINS PM2.5 sampling inlet for automatic monitoring of finer particulate matter. The BAM-1020 can also be configured for the monitoring of total suspended particulate (TSP).
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APM 460 NL PM 10 Sampler

  • Features Lockable top cover and gaseous attachment., Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) to TVs totally eliminated
The APM 460 NL uses an IMPORTED brushless, continuous rated induction motor driven blower to significantly reduce equipment downtime, maintenance efforts and inconvenience to community. This new improved PM 10 sampler avoids problems arising due to frequent brush wear and limited armature life of blowers used in earlier models.
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APM 550 Mini

  • Time totalizer: Records the actual time duration of each sample
  • Vacuum Pump: Oil Free, light weight pump driven by brushless induction motor
  • Size & Weight: Compact & Light: Single unit compact cabinet made of Aluminum is light and robust
Ambient Air enters the APM 550 MINI sampler through an omni-directional inlet designed to provide a clear aerodynamic cut-point for particles larger than 10 microns. The air stream then passes through a WINS Impactor that retains the fraction between PM10 and PM2.5. The PM10 and PM2.5 impactors used in the APM 550 MINI are based on designs standardized by USEPA and as such the system complies with international norms for PM 2.5 Samplers. The sampling rate is held constant at 1 m3hr by a critical orifice. A special light weight oil free pump has been used in the instrument and adequate cooling air draft has been provided to ensure that the operating temperature near the filter holder remains close to ambient temperature. Sampling rate is continuously displayed on a built-in rotameter while the duration of sample is available through a Time Totalizer. Special features: PM10 and PM2.5 Impactors of sampler based on designs standardized by US EPABrushless, Oil-free, light weight pump practically requires no maintenanceFilter holder designed for any 47mm diameter filter mediaCritical Orifice maintains constant sampling rate of 1 m3hourProvision to attach gaseous samplerCompact cabinet design for easy portability
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APM 411 TE Gaseous Pollutants Sampler

The APM 411TE is designed as an attachment to operate with Envirotechs Respirable Dust or High Volume Samplers and PM 2.5 samplers. When paired with an appropriate dust sampler, the APM 411 TE allows the user to collect gaseous pollutant samples (for monitoring SO2, NOx, NH3, Ozone, etc) as well as dust samples simultaneously.
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APM 411 Respirable Dust Sample

The Respirable Dust Sampler is essentially a particulate sampling system requiring a high flow-rate. Gaseous sampling requires only a few LPM of air flow. All models of Envirotech Respirable Dust Samplers are provided with a suction port and mounting hardware to facilitate interface of the Gaseous Sampling Attachment APM 411.
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WM 271 Wind Monitor

  • Feature Ethernet Or Modems Reduced Power Consumption. New Battery Backed Power-pack With Optional Solar Panel Charger Enables Operation In Open Fields New Windows Compatible Software Allows:
  • Specifications Wind Speed : Envirotech WS-10 range 0 to 100 Km/hr. Wind Direction: Envirotech WD10 range 0 to 360

Reliable information of wind movements is a critical requirement for air quality management. Polluting gases and particulates released from elevated industrial stacks disperse by a variety of mechanisms and by the time the pollutants reach ground level their concentration is reduced to a fraction of the emitted level. The extent of dispersion and the resultant ground level concentration (GLC) depends upon local meteorological parameters like wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric turbulence or stability and the mixing height. Reliable local wind data can also help to identify possible sources that could be adversely affecting air quality in an area. Envirotech Wind Monitoring Systems have been used for past several years all over the country by consultants, industry and researchers to generate micro-meteorological data. Feedback from this large body of users has often led to system upgrades. The WM271 is our latest model Wind Monitor with important new features specifically incorporated for Indian field use

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Real Time Noise Monitoring Terminal

  • Standards IEC 61672, Class 1,
  • Frequency weighting: A, C,
  • Time weighting: Fast, Slow, Impulse
  • Measured data SPL, Leq, Lmax, Lmin, Lpeak, Ln and other parameters
Envirotechs Noise Monitoring Terminal is optimized for outdoor use and can be left unattended as part of an environmental noise monitoring system for mobile, permanent and semi-permanent monitoring. It can be used in all climatic environments and is especially suitable for industrial, city and field use. The terminal consists of a weather proof cabinet, special outdoor microphone, data logger, a GPRS modem and a battery. The terminal can be mounted on a mast or a pole and can also be powered by a solar panel for smooth operation in harsh Indian conditions. State of the art software is provided to control the terminal remotely from a central receiving station via GPRSEDGE3G. Post processing software for report preparation and data analysis is also included. Real time data can be made available on a website or shown on a display board as required.
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Ammonia Analyzer

  • Ranges Autoranging 0-20ppm (Analogue ranges 0-50 ppb to 0-20 ppm)
  • Concentration display User selectable mg/m3, μg/m3, ppm, ppb, ppt
  • Noise < 0.2 ppb
  • Lower detectable limit < 0.4 ppb or 0.5% of reading whichever is greater
  • Linearity < 1% of full scale
  • Precision 0.4 ppb or 0.5% of reading whichever is greater
  • Zero drift 24 hours: < 0.4 ppb
  • Span drift 7 days: < 1% of reading
  • STP reference 0°C, 20°C, 25°C at 101.3 kPa
  • Sample flow rate 680 cc/min (total for 2 channels)
  • Temperature range 0 – 40 °C
  • Power 99-132 VAC, 198-264 VAC 47-63 Hz
  • Dimensions 3.5 RU, 429 x 175 x 638 mm
  • Weight 21.85 kg
  • Communications USB, RS 232, TCP/IP, Bluetooth
  • Item Code Serinus44
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Wind Monitor

  • Frequency 50HZ
  • Feature Reduced power consumption, corrosion resistant, designed accurately, highly efficient
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Sound Level Meter

  • Feature Easy to operate and is light in weight
  • Type Sound Level Meter
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So2 Gas Analyzer

  • Feature Secure data transfer, hassle free functionality, Simple to use and maintain, Long Life
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APM 433 Gaseous Pollutants Sampler

The APM 433 Gaseous Pollutants Sampler has been designed for monitoring Gaseous Pollutants like SO2, NO2, Cl2, H2S, O3, NH3 etc. in ambient air. The APM 433 is an independent stand-alone monitoring instrument (unlike our gaseous sampling attachments APM 411 and APM 411 TE that need to be paired with a dust sampler). A suction pump is also made an integral part of the sampler, besides a flow-meter, time totalizer and timer. Sampled air is bubbled through suitable reagents that absorb specific gaseous pollutants and the absorbing media analyzed as per standard wet chemical methods.
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Handy Dust Sampler

  • Feature Durable, Fast Cleaning, Rechargeable, Maintenance free Battery
  • Item Code APM821
  • Frequency 50Hz
  • Power Supply 230+/-10V AC
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SAMPLER VSS1 PLS Vayubodhan Stack Sampler

  • Feature Cumbersome Manometer has been replaced with digital pressure cell Designed to determine the velocity of gases also. Measures total quantity/volume of the emissions very accurately. Size and weight of panel has been reduced considerably. Etc
  • Specifications Stack Temperature Range: Ambient to 600 deg C and 500-1000C read on separate Digital Pyrometers Etc
The most common and widely used method (world over) is extractive sample method or Grab sampling technique. Grab sampling technique is also often treated as the reference standard method. Grab Sampling technique is not restricted to a specific pollutant. The same system with different reagents may be used for a variety of pollutants and over different ranges of concentration. Stack Sampler VSS1PLS is one such Grab Sampler which can monitor Particulate Matter (PM) and any water-soluble gaseous pollutants l ike SO, NO., HF, Cl, , H, S, NH, etc., in industrial emissions from Stationary source I Chimney and Vent. Utilizing the experience of last 30 years, CPCB in 2015 revised the specifications of the Stack Sampling System & Envirotech has produced a new model VSS1PLS with improved features strictly in compliance with latest CPCB guidelines so as to obtain reliable results. VSS1PLS overcomes all the drawbacks of previous models.The operating principle is simple. The Particulate Matter is collected over a filtration thimble. It entrapsand absorbs various gaseous pollutants in suitable reagents, which are analyzed subsequently by simple Wet Chemistry methods to determine the concentration of specific pollutants.
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APM 520

  • Features Primary Standard Automatic Photo-optic sensing and timing ensures high accuracy Calibration traceable to national standards Digital display directly in LPM Etc.
  • Specifications Flow Range:20 ml/min to 2 Liters/min, Accuracy:1%, Operating Mode:
The Envirotech APM 520 Flow Calibrator is designed to provide a reliable and portable flow standard for flow verification of environmental sampling systems. The APM 520 is a primary standard flow calibrator based on a glass body soap bubble meter. Photo-optics based sensing and quartz crystal clock is utilized to provide an automatic and accurate estimate of elapsed time for the soap bubble motion through a fixed volume. Each APM 520 calibrator is tested against positive displacement flow standards traceable to NIST or FCRI, maintained at Envirotech. Optionally third party certification of individual calibrators can be provided at an extra cost.
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Sampler VSS3 Stack Sampler

  • Specifications Stack Temperature Range: Ambient to 600 deg C read on a Digital Pyrometer. Stack Velocity Range: 3 to 60 m/sec Thermocouple: T/C sensor in SS 304 casing, length of insertion: 1 m with 2m long cable.
MAIN FEATURES Specially to monitor Dioxins, Furan & provision for monitoring of Heavy Metals emissionsCollection based on wet chemical techniquesMeasures total quantity volume of the emissionsHeating Probe & box assembly with auto temp controllerRugged & convenient for sampling for long duration with oil free Vacuum Pump assemblyGlass lining inside the nozzle, thimble holder & probe pipeTripod stand for better accessibilityProbe set accommodated in a carrying caseConvenient to use List of Components VSS3: (1) :Instrument panel consisting of pyrometer, manometer rotameters, vacuum gauge, stop watch, dry gas meter & temperature controller. (2): Probe kit consisting of probe pipe, pitot tube, connecting hoses, tool kit, filter holder, nozzles, thermocouple, heating system, tripod etc. (3): Cold box assembly consisting of glass impingers, condenser glass coil, moisture bottle & water pump. (4): Vacuum pump assembly. In addition Stainless Steel Probe, Hose Pipe, Thimble Holder, Set of 3 SS Nozzles, Set of 4 Glass Impingers (240ml.) for normal Stack Emission Monitoring also provided.
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SAMPLER VSS1 Vayubodhan Stack Sampler

  • Feature DigitalPressure Cell in place of cumbersome manometer. Measures total quantity I volume of emissions. Determines velocity of gases. Reduction in size and weight of panel. Extendable arm for pitot and probe pipe. Etc.
The most common and widely used method (world over) is extractive sample method or Grab sampling technique. Grab sampling technique is also often treated as the reference standard method. Grab Sampling technique is not restricted to a specific pollutant. The same system with different reagents may be used for a variety of pollutants and over different ranges of concentration. This Stack Sampler VSS1 is one such Grab Sampler which can monitor Particulate Matter (PM) and any watersoluble gaseous pollutants like SO, , NO., HF, Cl, , H, S, NH, etc., in industrial emissions from Stationary source I Chimney and Vent. PORTABILITY FOR ROUTINE SAMPLING Only repeat and frequent monitoring can give a true insight into the emission characteristics. It is thus more important to have a simpler and handy device, which can be used more often with ease and convenience, rather than a bulky and cumbersome system. At times transportation efforts become more hectic & expensive than the actual monitoring exercise. Based on our experience and valuable feedback obtained from our large group of valuable customers, regulatory authorities, consultants, and R&D Centers, need for improved and Handy instrument has been felt. The Stack Sampler VSS1 has been designed to overcome such problems. The operating principle is simple. The Particulate Matter is collected over a filtration thimble. It entrap and absorbs various gaseous pollutants in suitable reagents, which are analyzed subsequently by simple Wet Chemistry methods to determine the concentration of specific pollutants.
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APM 821 Handy Sampler

APM 821 is a light weight, battery operated Handy Sampler that can be used for accurate, reliable and frequent assessment of work place pollution and worker-exposure to gaseous pollutants as well as particulates.
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