Our Product / Services
Security Guards Services
2 Products / Services availableBusiness Management Consultants
1 Services availableManpower & Recruitment Solutions
1 Services availableAuditing Services
1 Services availableSecurity Solutions
1 Services availableManpower Service
1 Services availableWe offer the best product range of Fire Prevention Services, Maintenance Upkeeping Services and Maintenance Services.
We render highly reliable Security Audit and Training services to the clients. Under our offered Security Audit & Training services, we conduct audits of your security threats and perceptions and suggest a complete solution for you to know what compromises or calculated risks are being accepted in your organization and to improve security through better systems, procedures or equipment. Our professional team has extensive experience in helping our clients to design a total security solution, integrating electronics, human resources and security procedures. We constantly innovate the Security Audit & Training services and solutions to meet our customers ever changing requirements.
We also undertake provision of in-house training to personnel of different organizations on demand by arranging training classes/ seminars/ discussions for employees and management as well as conducting the workshops on different subjects related to security concepts, safety, fire prevention and control, executive protection, event management, first aid, etc.
Entellus Security and Allied Services Pvt Ltd is a single point source for all fire and safety products & services. We are a trusted partner in qualified design, supply, installation and maintenance of all types of fire fighting & fire prevention systems. Stringent quality standards followed in all stages of project from concept to commissioning and zero error culture in fire services has rewarded us with the confidence of our customers. We carry out a fire risk assessment and keep it up to dated. Based on the findings of the assessment, we advice adequate and appropriate fire safety measures to minimize the risk of loss of life & property in the event of fire.
Products & Systems : The products offered by us are well renowned in various sectors owing to their high-end features. These include -Fire Extinguishers : Complete range of ISI Marked Fire Extinguishers.
Fire Detection Systems & B.M.S. (Building Management System) :
Water Based Fire fighting Systems :
Gas Based Fire Suppression Systems :
Passive Fire Protection System :
Services : We at Entellus Security and Allied Services Pvt Ltd provide comprehensive testing, repair and maintenance services at regular intervals for proper functioning of fire prevention and suppression systems.
We undertake Design, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning (D-SITC) and AMC for the following systems
Fire AlarmSystem:
Access Control Systems :
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) :
Security AlarmSystems :
Other Security Equipment and Systems:
Hiring the right manpower is the most important factor with respect to the success quotient of a business entity, department or process. However, aiming towards limiting of liability and owing to the time constraint of recruiting manpower directly, outsourcing of non core competencies is on rise. In response to the industry’s growing demands for provisioning of locally based and managed resource service, Entellus Security and Allied Services Pvt Ltd has developed a fully Integrated Manpower Provisioning Services, Human Resourcing, Contracting, Recruitment and Training facility across multiple domain. We are developing our competence to be one of the major Suppliers of competent manpower to the varied clientele that we have.
We provide the under-mentioned manpower on contractual basis.
Highly Skilled
Semi- Skilled
We offer highly reliable services for providing Armed and Unarmed Security Guard. Our team, at Entellus Security and Allied Services, chooses the best Armed & Unarmed Security Guards only after testing them on several physical and intelligence parameters. Also, all the Armed & Unarmed Security Guards are fully trained and experienced. We can assure the customers that these Armed & Unarmed Security Guards will perform their assigned tasks with complete dedication and sincerity.
This is a well-known fact that the era of traditional security has gone. These days, the security of your organization requires a well-planned security program managed by professionals who can provide security by identifying dangers and providing for their elimination.
We offer choice of following types of security personnel
Note : Physical and mental agility, resourcefulness, responsiveness, service with smile and strict adherence to the code of conduct are the hallmarks of ESAS team.
Selected after 2-stage interview :
Training :
Three-tier training i.e. basic/induction training, onthe- job training and refresher training is carried out at ESAS Training Academy. 15 days intensive basic/induction training. One week on-the-job training under instructor specially positioned at clients premises for the purpose. Refresher training is conducted at regular intervals to keep all personnel abreast with the latest techniques.
Curriculum Includes :
In our Management Support Services we offer provisioning of personnel trained in various fields like general liaison, with dealers/vendors or local authorities. Reception personnel, mail room attendants, office runners/peons, catering personnel for in-house canteens and various other personnel to carryout daily tasks effectively. The general works includes the under-mentioned tasks.
Help Desk
Reception :
Mail Room Attendant :
Office Attendants
Pantry Services
Our firm is one of the leading names that is acclaimed for rendering the most reliable yet affordable Maintenance and Upkeeping Services to the clients. We provide the best Maintenance & Upkeeping Services for any sector whether housekeeping, security systems, administration, office management, etc. We are assisted by a team of qualified professionals who specializes in offering the Maintenance & Upkeeping Services as per the requirements of the clients. All the issues related to troubleshooting, application, maintenance or support is covered under our offered Maintenance & Upkeeping Services.
This scope of work essentially indicates Maintenance & upkeeping services pertaining to upkeep & smooth working of the equipment installed at the premises. Preventive Maintenance will be carried out for each & every equipment listed in this scope of work as per routine maintenance practices/OEM manuals.
Power Generation and Electrical Distribution System :
Heat Ventilation & Air Conditioning System
Water Supply & Treatment System
Hydro pneumatic water transfers system. Operation, monitoring and maintaining like motor greasing, gasket replacement etc.
Additional Services
Fountain & Water Pumps – Operations and maintenance of pumps like greasing, checking alignment, tightening & replacement of gland packing, cleaning trainers.
All Drainage System - Checking and clearing drains choke ups.
Replacement of washers, taps & other fittings.
Cleaning of fountains pumps, raw & filter water pumps, chiller pumps, submersible pumps, sump pumps etc.
Minor Carpentry Repairs
Changing / replacement of door / cupboard locks, tower bolts, door closers etc.
Tightening loose screws on hinges, furniture, self supports, pelmets etc.
Replacement of chair casters.
Repair, replacement of drawer slides & knobs/ handles.
Painting / Polishing Touch Ups :
Paint - touch up on scratches etc. provided exact shades of paint available.
Polishing - Using readymade available products e.g. Rubbing compound, Can lacquer spray, wax, polish etc.
Painting on services pipelines for color-coding / identification.
Minor Civil Jobs : Rough plaster, mortar, and concrete repairs.
Note : Major Break down maintenance and overhauling of the equipment will be coordinated with the OEM/Annual Maintenance Contractors.
Scope - To provide proper & efficient engineering services in the premises by deploying sufficient number of trained, experienced and competent technical personnel. AII statutory requirements like EPF, ESIC will be met with. Necessary training to staff will be provided by ESAS in house/on site as & when required.
Materials Consumable & Spares
Annual Maintenance Contracts
ProvidingOperations & Technical Support
This scope of work essentially indicates Maintenance & upkeeping services pertaining to upkeep & smooth working of the equipment installed at the premises. Preventive Maintenance will be carried out for each & every equipment listed in this scope of work as per routine maintenance practicesOEM manuals.
Power Generation and Electrical Distribution System : Heat Ventilation & Air Conditioning System Water Supply & Treatment System Hydro pneumatic water transfers system. Operation, monitoring and maintaining like motor greasing, gasket replacement etc. Plumbing Additional Services Fountain & Water Pumps Operations and maintenance of pumps like greasing, checking alignment, tightening & replacement of gland packing, cleaning trainers. All Drainage System - Checking and clearing drains choke ups. Replacement of washers, taps & other fittings. Cleaning of fountains pumps, raw & filter water pumps, chiller pumps, submersible pumps, sump pumps etc. Minor Carpentry Repairs Changing replacement of door cupboard locks, tower bolts, door closers etc. Tightening loose screws on hinges, furniture, self supports, pelmets etc. Replacement of chair casters. Repair, replacement of drawer slides & knobs handles. Painting Polishing Touch Ups : Paint - touch up on scratches etc. provided exact shades of paint available. Polishing - Using readymade available products e.g. Rubbing compound, Can lacquer spray, wax, polish etc. Painting on services pipelines for color-coding identification. Minor Civil Jobs : Rough plaster, mortar, and concrete repairs. Note : Major Break down maintenance and overhauling of the equipment will be coordinated with the OEMAnnual Maintenance Contractors. Manpower Scope - To provide proper & efficient engineering services in the premises by deploying sufficient number of trained, experienced and competent technical personnel. AII statutory requirements like EPF, ESIC will be met with. Necessary training to staff will be provided by ESAS in houseon site as & when required. Materials Consumable & Spares Annual Maintenance Contracts ProvidingOperations & Technical Support
This is a well-known fact that the era of traditional security has gone. These days, the security of your organization requires a well-planned security program managed by professionals who can provide security by identifying dangers and providing for their elimination.
We offer choice of following types of security personnel Note : Physical and mental agility, resourcefulness, responsiveness, service with smile and strict adherence to the code of conduct are the hallmarks of ESAS team. Requirement Selection Selected after 2-stage interview : Training : Three-tier training i.e. basicinduction training, onthe- job training and refresher training is carried out at ESAS Training Academy. 15 days intensive basicinduction training. One week on-the-job training under instructor specially positioned at clients premises for the purpose. Refresher training is conducted at regular intervals to keep all personnel abreast with the latest techniques. Curriculum Includes :