Our Products
We offer the best product range of Core Drilling Machine, core case and Pavement Core Drilling Machine.
Product Code:EKE 201
Heavy duty, pillar type frame with 2 HP, single phase, AC motorVarying cutting feeds provided with water-fed swivel head whichcan be connected to suitable water supply. Provision at base forwater collection/ drainage
Core preparation from regular and irregular samples
Core size: EX to NX
Clamping arrangement tohold specimens with regular/irregular shapes to the baseof machine
Four cutting speeds of 600, 800, 1100 and 1500 rpm
EKE 20101Core Drilling Bit, 21.46 mm dia(EX size)EKE 20102Core Drilling Bit, 30.10 mm dia(AX size)EKE 20103Core Drilling Bit, 38mm diaEKE 20104Core Drilling Bit, 42.04mm dia (BX size)EKE 20105Core Drilling Bit, 54.74 mm dia (NX size)
It comprises:
Percussion Hand Drill, 700 Watts capacity 1 No.
Feed Assembly including screw and shaft 1 No.
Anchor Bolts and Clamping Pliers 1 Set
Core Case is the first innovation in Concrete core drilling. Connected tothe core drill assembly with a flexible rubber coupling, the heavy duty, hand held, rotary drill easily produces cores upto 100 mm in diawithout the use of cumbersome frameand feed.The Water Jacket surrounding the core barrel is flanged, enabling it tobe clamped to the surface to be drilled. For added support, clampingpliers and anchors are supplied. A rubber O-Ring fitted with the flangeseals the water jacket core barrel assembly against concrete surface, enabling the return flushing water containing the cuttings to behosed away from the drill site.Water is fed into the upper water jacket nipple, from there the waterflows, through a manifold, into the drill spindle and continues to theinside of the diamond core bit. A steady feed pressure can bemaintained on the drill bit by turning the capstan wheel with one hand, while holding the electric drill steady on the coupling with the other.The drill feed assembly, common to all models, makes the systemadaptable to all core diameters with additional conversion kit.Core Case is a completely portable, self-contained system, easilycarried by a person in a standard brief case.EKE 36801 Core Bit and Water Jacket, 25 mm dia x 75 mm long
EKE 36802 Core Bit and Water Jacket, 3B mm dia x 100 mm longEKE 36803 Core Bit and Water Jacket, 50 mm dia x 100 mm longEKE 36804 Core Bit and Water Jacket, 75 mm dia x 100 mm longEKE 36805 Core Bit and Water Jacket, 100 mm dia x 100 mm longEKE 36810 Core Bit 50 mm dia x 200 mm longEKE 36811 Core Bit 75 mm dia x 200 mm longEKE 36812 Core Bit 100 mm dia x 200 mm long
Coring cannot be done if encountered by reinforcement steel, hence to be avoided.2. Core bits larger than 50mm dia may be avoided if concrete withstrength M60 is encountered, as this may overload the motorand damage the bit.
Diamond Core Bits:
50mm dia x 200mm long
50mm dia x 700mm long
75mm dia x 200mm long
75mm dia x 700mm long
100mm dia x 200mm long
100mm dia x 700mm long
150mm dia x 200mm long
150mm dia x 700mm long
The Pavement Core drilling machine, diesel engine powered roadbuilding drill has been designed specifically for the purpose of drillingtest cores from or holes in, roads, airport runways, bridges etc.The Machine comprises of two vertical support columns which carrythe drill head/ engine assembly accurately with the help of screwedspindle.
The 5hp diesel engine with pulley mechanism works with minimumvibrations. The double precision bit advances with screwed spindlewhich provides a constant, accurate drill pressure, minimum corechipping & long bit life.The complete assembly is supplied on a rigid metal base with levelingfacility and is suitable for vertically down coring applications only.
Bit diameter : 150mm
Length : 350mm
Maximum depth of core : 700mm
Drill Speed : 475 & 800 rpm
Drive : 5hp Diesel Engine
Guide Shafts : 50 mm dia
Screwed Spindle : 20mm dia
Water Tap : 12mm
Drill Wrenches : Included
Water Tank : Included