Our Products
We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Briquette Mould, Cylindrical Mould, Le-Chatelier Mould and Shrinkage Bar Mould
Product Code:EKE 349
Mould, 150 mm x 300 mm highISI certification mark IS:10086 (On request)
EKE 350100 mm dia x 200 mm high
EKE 351100 mm dia x 100 mm high
EKE 352150 mm dia x 150 mm high
EKE 354300 mm dia x 300 mm high
Product Code:EKE 400
It consists of a small split cylinder forming a mould 30 mm internal dia.and 30 mm high. On either side of the split cylinder, two parallelindicating arms with pointed ends are fixed.
Two loops of suitable material and strength soldered to the upper halfof the mould on each side of the central split is provided to facilitatedemoulding of the hardened paste specimen after test.The resilience of the mould shall be such that the action of a mass of300g applied shall increase the distance between the indicator ends ofthe needle by 17.5mm 2.5mm without permanent deformation.The mould is supplied complete with two glass plates and leadweight.
Product Code:EKE 401
Standrad:IS:10086, IS:4031
Optional Extra
EKE 40201Set of 20, Smooth Reference Points
EKE 40501Set of 20, Knurled and Threaded ReferencePoints
ASTM C 151 also specifies the use of shrinkage bar moulds for thedetermination of soundness. The change in length of the specimen isdetermined by Length Comparator listed in the concrete section.Two models are offered. One is provided with stainless steel smoothreference points and the other is provided with knurled and threadedreference points. Both the models are available as single mould andmultiple mould compartments.Each mould is supplied complete with base plate and two referencepoints per compartment of mould.Mould size: 25 x 25 mm section and 250 mm effective length(Distance between two inner-most of the reference points
No of compartments | Cat No of mould with smooth refrence points | Cat No of Mould with Knurled and threaded reference points |
One | EKE 402 | EKE 405 |
Two | EKE 403 | EKE 406 |
Four | EKE 404 | EKE 407 |
Product Code:EKE 424
Standrad:IS:269, BS:12, ASTM C307
to the dimensions in relevant specifications.
EKE 425Base Plate
Steel, for Briquette mould
EKE 426Briquette
Similar to EKE 424, but three gang, complete with steel base plate