Our Products
Our offered Product range includes Lateral Extensometer, Proctor Penetrometer, Pocket Penetrometer, Concrete Penetrometer and Air Entrainment Meter.
Product Code:EKE 165
Standrad:ASTM D 1558
Comprises hydraulic proctor needle system complete with a pressuregauge fixed at easily readable angle reading 0-70 kg x 2 kg. A set ofneedle points is supplied as a part of standard supply.
This is identical to EKE 164, except that the penetration pressure onthe needle is conveyed through a hydraulic system to a hydraulicpressure gauge. This system permits a greater control over rate ofpenetration because of better visibility of load indication on the gauge.
Product Code:EKE 166
Standrad:ASTM D 1558 D 2573
This instrument is used to estimate approximate unconfinedcompressive strength and the estimation to shear strength of soilCohesive soils can also be classified in terms of consistency usingthis Penetrometer. This is a handy and convenient instrument.
It consists of a light weight barrel assembly with a polished andground steel loading piston plunger. A direct reading scale is engravedon the piston barrel and indicates load in kg. / sq. cm. A maximum loadindicator ring is provided on the penetration
Product Code:EKE 164
Standrad:ASTM D 1558
EKE 16401 Needle Point Set, comprising one each of0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3.5cross sectional area and 6cm, and a Tommy Pin Complete as above in acarrying case.
The instrument consists of a needle attached to a spring loadedplunger, the stem of which is calibrated to read 0 to 40 kg division.Long stem is graduated at every 12.5mm to read depth of penetrationand for use with needles of larger areas . The small penetration stem isalso graduation in 12.5mm
Product Code:EKE 338
It consists of a cylindrical spring housing with a plunger attached tothe top of the spring. Penetration needle is attached to the other end ofthe spring housing. The plunger is graduated in 1 kg divisions, to amaximum capacity of 60 kg, which can be read with respect to the topend of the spring housing. A set of six needle points with areas of 645, 323, 161, 65, 32 and 16 mm are provided.
Product Code:EKE 340
EKE 340Capacity 0.005 m (5 litres), suitable foraggregate size upto 38 mm .
EKE 341Capacity 0.01 m(10 litres), suitable foraggregate size upto 75 mm
EKE 342Capacity 0.1 m (100 litres), suitable foraggregate size upto 150 mm. Supplied with FootPump in place of Pressure Bulb as supplied withother models.
Product Code:EKE 343
It consists of an alluminum vessel with built in handoperatedpressure pump, connected to the measuring gauge showingdirectly the air content in percentage
Air content range:010% div. 0.1% up to 8% and0.5% over 8%Dimensions: Dia. 250x450 mm
Product Code:EKE 373
This is for the determination of lateral extension of 150 mm dia x 300mm high cement concrete cylinders while testing themin compression.The extensometer consists of two movable frames pivoted at one end.A dial gauge measures the lateral extension, and a removable spacerstrip is for the initial setting of the dial gauge. Mounting extensometeron the specimen is with help of screws.Supplied complete, with a dial gauge 0.002 mm x 10 mm ina wooden case.
Indicating device Model S
MEMORY : Non-volatile memory for 40'000measured values and 60objects respectivelyDISPLAY : LCD with backlight optionINTERFACE : RS 232 or with Adapter for USB Porton PCSOFTWARE : ProVista for downloading data andevaluation on PCBATTERIES : 6 x 1.5V for 45h operation; 30h withbacklight onTEMPERATURE RANGE : -10 to +60 C
Power source 2 x 1.5 V AA (LR6) batteries
Voltage range 3.6 V to 1.8 V
Power on, backlight off 50 mA
Power on, backlight on 200 mA
Sleep mode 10 mA
Power off < 1 A
Backlight off > 50 h
Backlight on > 15 h
Sleep mode 30 s
Auto shut down 120 s
Temperature range -10 to 60 C (14 to 140 F)
Humidity range 0 to 100% rH
Protection class IP54
Bs1881 part 204; DIN1045; SN 505 262; DGZfP B2
Product Code:EKE 566-1
Benkelman Beam utilises the technique of using balanced beam inconjunction with a suitable vehicle to measure road flexure.The improved Benkelman Beam is a convenient, accurate device formeasuring the deflection of flexible pavements under moving wheelloads. Operating on a simple lever arm principle, the unit consists of aReference Beam, Body, two part Probe Beam and Rear Zero adjust.Supplied with carrying case.
EKE 566-1DEKE 072Dial Gauge, 25 mm travel and 0.01 mm least countfor EKE 566-1
EKE 072DDigital Dial Gauge, 25 mm travel and 0.001 mm least countfor EKE 566-1D