Our Products
Our offered Product range includes Triaxial Rock Testing System, Classifications Suite, LabSuite, Asphalt Testing Equipment and Geotextile Permeameter.
Product Code:CLS
CLSuite combines our popular grain size distribution program with software for calculating Atterberg limits and soil classifications. This package generates professional quality grain size test reports, Atterberg limits test reports and a USDA textural triangle report.
The software calculates:
Click for a sample Atterberg limits test report
Sieve percentages (i.e., percent finer) and conformance to specification
Fractional percentages (e.g., percent gravel, coarse, medium and fine sand, etc.)
Calculated diameters and various percentages (e.g., D10, D30, D60)
Fineness modulus
Hydrometer results
Coefficients of concavity and uniformity (Cc and Cu)
Natural moisture
Index values (liquid and plastic limit, plasticity and liquidity index)
Soil classifications, including USCS (ASTM D 2487) AASHTO M 145 (also designated as ASTM D 3282), USDA, Burmister and AS 1726, and additional DOT-specific classification systems are freely downloadable from our website
New in version 4Export reports in .PDF and .XML format (ideal for e-mailing results to clients)Liquidity index calculationNatural moisture contentAustralian Standard 1726 soil classification and support for Australian Standards AS 1141.11 (grain size), and AS 1289.3.1.1, AS 1289.3.2.1 and AS 1289.3.3.1 (Atterberg limits)Printed USDA textural triangle reportFractional grain size percentages can be calculated using the particle size divisions specified by ASTM, AASHTO, Burmister, Wentworth, AS 1726 and various state DOTsMultiple sample splits for sieve testsNew particle size chart styles, including Wentworth (Phi) and log(size) vs. probabilityNew chart reportsContainer weight database: The software can be set up to keep a list of IDs and weights for sample containers. This new feature allows you to skip weighing moisture content and sieve test sample containers.Printed charts can include color curvesSelectable chart scalesChart reports can include a disclaimer and "Tested by" and "Checked by" signature areasIntegrated system means no more switching between your grain size, Atterberg limits and soil classifications modules. Your soil classifications are calculated automatically without you needing to view the USCS, AASHTO, etc. test windows.
Product Code:LS
LabSuite combines our popular grain size distribution and moisture-density (Proctor) programs with software for calculating Atterberg limits and soil classifications. This package generates professional quality grain size test reports, Atterberg limits test reports, moisture-density reports and a USDA textural triangle report.
Sieve percentages (i.e., percent finer) and conformance to specificationFractional percentages (e.g., percent gravel, coarse, medium and fine sand, etc.)Calculated diameters and various percentages (e.g., D10, D30, D60)Fineness modulusHydrometer resultsCoefficients of concavity and uniformity (Cc and Cu)Natural moistureIndex values (liquid and plastic limit, plasticity and liquidity index)Soil classifications, including USCS (ASTM D 2487) AASHTO M 145 (also designated as ASTM D 3282), USDA, Burmister and AS 1726, and additional DOT-specific classification systems are freely downloadable from our websiteOptimum moisture and maximum dry density results; results can be automatically corrected for the presence of oversize (rock) materialNew in version 4Export reports in .PDF and .XML format (ideal for e-mailing results to clients)Liquidity index calculationNatural moisture contentAustralian Standard 1726 soil classification and support for Australian Standards AS 1141.11 (grain size), and AS 1289.3.1.1, AS 1289.3.2.1 and AS 1289.3.3.1 (Atterberg limits)Printed USDA textural triangle reportFractional grain size percentages can be calculated using the particle size divisions specified by ASTM, AASHTO, Burmister, Wentworth, AS 1726 and various state DOTsMultiple sample splits for sieve testsNew particle size chart styles, including Wentworth (Phi) and log(size) vs. probabilityNew chart reportsContainer weight database: The software can be set up to keep a list of IDs and weights for sample containers. This new feature allows you to skip weighing moisture content and sieve test sample containers.Selectively omit compaction test points from the moisture-density curveMoisture-density test results rounding are now selectable on a per-test specification basis (e.g., ASTM D 698 requires rounding the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content to the nearest 0.1, while D 1557 requires rounding to the nearest 0.5)Latest standards versions, including ASTM D 698-07a, D 1557-07, D 448-03a, and AASHTO T 99-01, T 180-01 and T 224-01Printed charts can include color curvesSelectable chart scalesChart reports can include a disclaimer and "Tested by" and "Checked by" signature areasIntegrated system means no more switching between your grain size, Atterberg limitsm, soil classifications and Proctor modules. Your soil classifications are calculated automatically without you needing to view the USCS, AASHTO, etc. test windows, and Proctor oversize corrections are automatically adjusted for the sieve percentages entered for your grain size tests.
The Geotextile Permeameter has been designed to meet the testrequirements of water permeablity of Geotextile. It has been madekeeping in view the growing requirement of testing of coir geotextile.The geotextile is tested in the uncompressed state for permittivity.The determination of permittivity of geotextile is carried out, either byusing constant head or falling head test procedures. The equipmentcan be used for performing tests as per ASTM-D4491-92The equipment comprises of specimen holder assembly suitable for73mm & 100mm dia sample, complete with interconnecting tubeshouses inside a metal housing & mounted on a table alongwith a pumpfor delivering de-aried water from de-airing below the specimenholder assembly unit.A water tank of 60 ltrs. capacity is placed alongside the mainequipment on a steel stand to store and supplies de-aired watercontinuously, as required, during the test.Geotextile permeameter comprises of specimen holder assembly forholding specimen of dia 73mm. Housing for specimen holdercomplete with inlet and outlet valves, head differential measurementarrangement mounted on a stand and a Water Tank, complete withwater level gauges suitable for falling head and constant head tests.
Optional Extras
Specimen Holder Assembly for 100mm dia specimens.De-Aired Water Apparatus.Blanking Die for 73mm dia sample.Sample collection beaker - 500ml.
Product Code:EKE 001
Standrad:ASTM D 1452
EKE 001:Sampling Auger Outfit, Blade Type, 75mm dia
EKE 002:Sampling Auger Outfit, Blade Type, 100 mm dia
EKE 003:Sampling Auger Outfit, Blade Type, 150 mm dia
Eke 005:Extension Rods, For use with the above mentioned Auger Heads, One metre in length, Threaded at both ends with Hexagonal Couplings.
EKE 00501Handle and T-piece
EKE 00502Spanner, for use with EKE 005
Hand-operated screw-type augers as well as post hole (blade type) augers are available in different sizes as listed above. The screw-type auger can be used both for advancing the hole and for disturbed sampling. The auger outfit is supplied with an extension rod, T-piece and a tubular handle. Additional extension rods are available for sampling at deeper location.
Product Code:EKE 006
EKE 008:Sampling Outfit, Heavy DutyThe outfit consists of the following:
EKE 00801:Auger, Blade Type, 150 mm dia with 38 mm dia x 1 m long road, T-piece and a handle
EKE 00802:Extension Rod, Heavy Duty, I m long and 38 m dia
EKE 00803:Spanner, for tightening the extension Rods
EKE 00804:Jarring Link, large, for Driving Samplers, This can be connected to the sampler to EKE 00802Extension Rod, Eye Hook, Wax container, Methylated Spirit Stove and wax ladle complete as above, in a carrying case.
EKE 016: Split Spoon Sampler, Ref. Standard 1S: 9640
EKE 017: Split Spoon Sampler, With liner Ref. Standrad IS: 9640
EKE 024: 'A' Drill Rod, 1.5 m long, complte with adapter
EKE 13401: Dymanic Cne, Plain 50 mm dia base and cne angle of 60 degree
EKE 13402: Cone Adapter, Wth Standard Threads
EKE 13403: Dynamic Cone, Threaded for Type 'A' Rod coupling
EKE 022: Tripod With Pulley and ladder
For collecting undiaturbed samples of soil at different depths. This kit includes all necessary implemants for boring, driving and melting wax. The outfit, in conjunction with samplers, can be used to collect undisturbed samples to depth of 6 m. If the site conditions permit the depth of operation can be increased by adding extra extension rods.
Sampling Tubes, 50mm to 150 mm dia
These Undisturbed Sampling tubes can be used with EKE 008 Sampling Outfit. Each sampler is 450 mm long and supplied complete wih two end caps, cutting nose, driving head with air outlet value and three C-spanners
Tin Wall Samplers
Each sampler is 600 mm long and has a hardened cutting edge. Samplers can be used with 'A' drill roda or EKE 008 Sampling outfitby selecting suitable sdapters.
Sampler Cat.No. | Inside Dia | Extra Tube Cat.No. | Extra Cutting Nose Cat.No. | Extra Driving head cat. No | Extra End caps Cat.no/ | Extra set of Three c-Spanners Cat.Number |
EKE 009 | 50mm | EKE 00901 | EKE 00902 | EKE 00903 | EKE 00904 | EKE 00905 |
EKE 010 | 100mm | EKE 01001 | EKE01002 | EKE 01003 | EKE01004 | EKE 01005 |
EKE 011 | 150mm | EKE 01101 | EKE 01102 | EKE 01103 | EKE 01104 | EKE 01105 |
Sampler cat No. | Inside Dia | Adapter for use with EKE 008 | Adapters for use with 'A' Drill Rod |
EKE 012 | 50mm | EKE 01201 | EKE 01202 |
EKE 013 | 75mm | EKE 01301 | EKE 01302 |
EKE 014 | 100mm | EKE 01401 | EKE 01402 |
Product Code:EKE 025
EKE 02-501:Anvil
EKE 02502: Front wheel
EKE 00503: Hammer Guide Assembly
EKE 02504: Fall Hammerattached to a flexible rope and drum, operated manually.
EKE 0205: Base Assemblyfor the hammer system with suitable wheels for moving about when attached to a vehichle.
Essential Accessories( included in the standrad outfit)
EKE 016: Spit Spoon sampler
EKE 02: Tripod with Pulley and built in Ladder
EKE 02402: 'A' Drill Rod, 1.0 m long, with adapter
Optional Acessories
EKE 017:Split spoon sampler, with Liner
EKE 13401:Dynamic Coneplain, 50 mm dia bae and come angle of 60 degree
EKE 13402:Cone Adapterwith standard threads
EKE 13403:Dynamic ConeThreaded for Type 'A' Rod Coupling.
It is desighned to deliver equal impact energy in each blow while performing Standard Penetration Test. This is acheived by providing a trigger mechanism to standardise the height of fall and a suitable guide system for maintaning vertically of guide rod and drill rod assembly. The guide system also maintains their alignment throughout the duration of the test. The system is compact and easy to use, provides maximum safety for the operator.
Product Code:EKE 031
EKE 03101: Sample Extractoir Frame, Screw Type with a wire Sample Trimmer
EKE 03102: Jarring Link, For sriving the Sampling Tube of 38 mm dia
EKE 03103: Adapter with Locking Screw, for fitting the 38 mm dia Sampling Tube to Jarring Link
EKE 03104: Split Mould, 38 mm dia x 88 mm long, provided with Quick Release Clamps, It can be fitted to EKE 03101 Sample Extrator
EKE 03105: Split Mould, Same as EKE 03104 But with length of 76 mm
EKE 006: Sampling Tube, Unrelieved, 38 mm dia x 200 mm longpair
The sample extractors shown in this section meet the requirements of Indian, British, ASTN and AASHTO standards.Soil core specimens can be extracted from sampling tubes with minimum disturbance. Specimens of smaller dia can also be extracted from larger size samples.
This Extractor has been specially designed to overcome the difficulties faced in extracting specimens from longer sampling tubes.
Hydraulic Sample Extruder Electrical-cum-Hand Operated
60 cm piston stroke
50kN pushing force
Adapter rings and ejector discs for 38, 50, 75, 100 and 150 mm diasampling tubes or moulds, included
Electrical-cum-hand operated or only hand operated hydraulicsystem
Built-in safety valve to prevent loading beyond 50kN
Portable, but with facility for floor mounting
Lever for selecting up/down movement of piston
Top-plate for holding upto 6 sampling tubes of 38 mm dia
6 nos. EKE 006 Thin wall sampling tubes of 38 mm dia and 200 mmlength, supplied alongwith.
Product Code:EKE 046
Standrad:IS:2386 (Part 3)
Consists of a 1 kg Glass Jar with Brass Cone, Locking Ring and Rubber Seal.
These are supplied as a set of six.
Specific Gravity is the ratio of the weight in air of a given volume of a material at a standard temperature to the weight in air of an equal volume of distilled water at the same stated temperature. The equipment mentioned below can be used to test a wide range of materials from clay to sand and gravel smaller than 10 mm.
Product Code:EKE 054-1
Optional Extras
EKE 05401: Adapter, for 30 cm diaSieves
To make the process of sieving easier and quicker, electrically operated mechanical Sieve Shakers are offered for dry sieving.The mechanical Sieve Shakers provides a more elaborate and standardised sieving action to produce accurate results and eliminate personal errors involved in manual sieving. On the basis of experience gained in the manufacture of these sieve shakers for more than forty years, considerable improvement has been made in the design and performance of these units. These Sieve Shakers are popularly used not only in soil laboratories but also in a number of industries where sieving is required, such as for ores, refractory materials, minor aggregates, pigments, powdered coal, soap, cement, roofing materials, plastic moulding powders and pharmaceutical.
Product Code:EKE 056
Standrad:IS:2720 (Part 4)
EKE 055: Anderson Pipette Stand
Incorporates a sliding carriage which is operated without transmittingvibrations to pipette or to sedimentation tube when the pipette isinserted and withdrawn from the liquid.Supplied complete with:
EKE 05501 Anderson Pipette, Glass, 10 ml. capacityEKE 05502 Sedimentation tube, Glass, 500 ml. capacity
Optional ExtrasEKE 05601 Dispersion CupEKE 05602 Baffle
Designed as a compact bench-mounted laboratory Stirrer for the pretreatment stage of soils before particle size analysis. The mixer spindle operates within a Dispersion Cup which can be fitted with an antisplashing Baffle to improve the efficiency of mixing.Supplied without cup and baffle.Suitable for operation on 220 V, 50 Hz, single phase, AC Supply.
The analysis of soil by particle size provides a useful engineering classification system from which a considerable amount of empirical data can be obtained. This helps in ascertaining possible frost action, determining graded filters, selection of grouting materials, designing of cement and asphaltic concrete mixes, etc. Sieving is used for gravel as well as sand size particles.
Standard IS:460 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Item Code : EKE 053 (20cm dia) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Item Code : EKE 05401 | |
The Sieve Shaker can carry upto 8 sieves. It is driven by a 1/4 HP geared motor. The Sieve Table is inclined from the vertical axis and the direction of inclination changes progressively in the clockwise direction. In addition to the gyratory motion of the table, there is a tapping motion as well.Operating on 220 V, Single Phase AC. |
All proving rings are integral type viz. the loading (outside) bosses areforged integral with the ring body. This ensures that there is nopossibility of abutment shift and consequent loss of accuracy inreading that always exists with bolted abutments.The dial gauge and anvil are mounted on U-brackets clamped to thering body by set screws. The dial gauge is fitted with a special backcover and a threaded bush, which does not permit any shift from theoriginal dial alignment, coaxial with the loading boss centres, that isset at the factory before calibration.For all compression proving rings and tension-compression provingrings up to and including 5 kN capacity, the loading bosses havefemale threading 1/2" BSF (16 tpi)
The boss faces are ground and polished and are plane parallel towithin 0.02mm total DTI run-out. Tension compression rings havetheir integral loading bosses male threaded, 1.25" dia, 8 tpi, squarethread, 1.25" long. Caps are provided for use when loading incompression.Repeatability is as stipulated in IS:4169. The rings are suppliedcomplete with dial gauge and Works Calibration Chart, individuallypacked in polished wooden boxes. NPL (India)/ NCCBM Calibration/NABL Calibration can also be arranged for any proving ring at anadditional cost. Proving rings to meet special requirements are alsoavailable on request.
Separate polished and ground pair of Loading Pads for CompressionProving Rings and pair of Shackles for Tension Proving Rings areprovided to suit each proving ring, at extra cost and on request.
Sieve Shaker Overview:
It is used for sieving and grading tests on soils, mineral aggregates etc. Designed for easy transportation from one place to another. Positive sieving action both vertically and laterally. 0-99 minute timer is included.
Product Code:EKE 081-1
Range : 0 to 16 bar (0 to 16 kg/cm)
Steps of pressure: 0.1 bar (0.1 kg/cm)
Accuracy : +_ 1% of the indicated pressure
Electric supply : 220 v, Single phase, 50 Hz, AC Supply
oil water constant pressure system is an extremelyt versatile apparatus which can be used for a wide range of applications.This system provides an effective to the accepted mercury and water constant pressure system wherew the use of mercury is objectionable and/or laboratory head room is insufficient.The apparatus is desighned to provide confining pressure upto 6 bar (16 kg/cm) to triaxial cells.
Product Code:EKE 082
Measurement of volume of fluid entering the cell to compensate the change in volume of the sample
The volume of fluid expelled from the pore space of the soil
The direct measurement of the change in lenth and dia of the sample.
This constant pressure system is operated with pneumatic pressure when applied through a compressed air line.Its simple to use an air water constant pressure especially where more than one outlet are to be taken from a single source.
Equipment is provided with three air water interface chambers with individual reegulators to control the outlet pressures at desired pressure levels.The interface chambers are provided with acrylic plastic chambers and two ball valves for outlet and intel of water.The chambers are fixed over a console which houses the three regulators and three pressure gauges.
Product Code:EKE 084
The apparatus consists of a volume measuring polythene tube running along both sides of a scale and connected at both ends to two mercury traps.
This volume change gauge works on the principle of reversing the direction of flow when the limit of the volume change scale is reached.The number of cycles with the volume of fluid handled in each cycle provide the total volume change, whereas the sensitivity of 0.003 mi/mm with 6 ml volume of fluid per cycle has been realized by this sensitive volume gsuge.
Product Code:EKE3000
Up to 64 input analogue channels, 32 of which may be digital
Up to 64 tests can be run fully independently
Automatic data collection
Automatic test start and stop conditions
user programmable time intervals for data collection
on board large graphics display and keypad'
Menu driven command selection
Battery backed data storage and real time clock
User programmable time intervals for data collection
on board large graphics display and keypad
EKE 3000 Data logger (basic unit without input channels)
EKE3000 -8A 8 Channel internal Analoeue Module
EKE3000-4A 4 channel external Analogue Module
EKE3000-4D-MIT 4 Channel external Digital dial gauge Module
EKE-3000-SG 4 Channel External Analogue Module for strain gauges
EKE3000-APC 8 Channel External Digital Module Interfacing APCs
Analogue channel input : LSCT, Pressure or Load Cell (0-100mV)
Transfuser Excitation Supply :I O V D C
Digital Channel Input : Digital Dial Gauge input (can be used for load, strain or volume)
Local display : Large graphics display (240 x 128 pixels)
Key pad : 20 key
Clock :Battery backed real time clock
Data storage up to 12000 readings for a single channel
Host PC Link Via RS232, 9600 Baud, 8 data bits anbd i stop bit
Network Link Via Rs232, 9600 Baud, 8 data
Power supply 110-240v AC Iph
Dimensions(L X W X H) : 380 X 450 X 150 MM
Weight :8 kg
The EKE3000 data logger is supplied as a fully configrable system, which can be upgraded by adding channel modules.up to 32 interval analogue channels, in block of 8 channels within the logger itself and a further 32 channels can be added externally by daisy chaining junction boxes each with 4 analogue or digital channels.
Item Code : Pleae see the chart for details. | |
All proving rings are integral type viz. the loading (outside) bosses are forged integral with the ring body. This ensures that there is no possibility of abutment shift and consequent loss of accuracy in reading that always exists with bolted abutments. |
Product Code:EKE114-1
Rammer - circular faced 50 mm dia adjustable to 2.6 Kg or 4.9Kgweight.Drop - Adjustable to 310 mm or 450 mm.The equipment is suitable for operation on 220V, 50 Hz, Single Phase, AC supply
Invariably in every soil laboratory, compaction and penetration testson soils are carried out regularly. The electrically operated mechanicalcompaction process eliminates the tedious hand compaction processand results in a considerable saving of time. With the rammersprovided and two stroke lengths available, the apparatus can be usedto carry out all the normal compaction operations required in soiltesting laboratories including the CBR tests.This is a new design motor driven mechanical compactor, useful forsoil compaction in 100 mm or 150 mm dia moulds. The rammer travelsacross the mould and the table rotates the mould in equal steps on astable base. The number of blows per layer can be set at the beginningof the test.
Product Code:EKE0650A
EKE0650A Pneumatic Loading Consolidation Frame, completewith built in pneumatic force controller
EKEO285 Transducer Bracket for LSCT transducerEKEO286 Transducer Bracket for digital dia gaugetransducerEKE-WINDOW Windows Based Consolidation SoftwareEKE0545 Air Compressor I0 Bar: w tn 50 litre receiverand 2.5HP motorEKE0545F Filter for air compressor with auto drain forclean air supply
Sample Diameter: | 50mm | 75mm | 100mm |
Max. Load: | 8000kpa | 3500kPa | 2000kPa |
Maximum Frame Capacity: | 15kN (with 800kPa air pressure input) | ||
Resolution: | l kPa | ||
Power: | I 101240V AC 50160 Hz. | ||
Dimension (L x W x H): | 20 x 20 x 43cm | ||
Weight: | 29.1 kg |
Product Code:EKE 133
Standrad:Standards IS:2131, IS:9640
EKE 016 Split Spoon Sampler, 50.8 mm OD and 38 mm ID
This sampler consists of:
EKE 01601 Body, split lengthwise
EKE 01602 Shoe, hardened with an inside cutting edge
EKE 01603 Head, fitted with a ball check valve and adapter to connect 'A' type drill rod
EKE 019-1 Drive Weight, Cast Iron, 63.5 kg, 78 mmbore ID approx.
EKE 021 Guide Pipe Assembly, Bore 73 mmOD approx.
EKE 022 Tripod, with Pulley and built-in Ladder
Standard Penetration Test is a powerful tool for measuring thepenetration resistance of the ground and relating it to the degree ofcompactness of cohesionless soil and consistancy of cohesive soil.The results can be used for design of foundations. SPT is widely usedfor measuring the undisturbed strength of the soil and for assessing itsresistance to liquefaction due to ground vibrations caused byearthquakes or other dynamic forces.The Standard Penetration Resistance is measured as the number ofblows 'N' required to drive a split spoon sampler to a depth of 300 mmusing a 65 kg weight falling freely through a height of 750 mm.
Product Code:EKE 158
This truss is of welded I-Girder construction in two halves which canbe bolted together when required. The lower chord, the cross piecesfor holding the truss down and the vertical thrust members are all ofwelded box type construction with two channels enclosed andwelded to an I-girder. The anchorages are of a design tried out andperfected at the Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee. Theyconsist of semi-cylindrical pieces, each held down by 1 m long steelspikes, driven in through holes drilled in the semi cylinder. The spikesenter the ground at about 60 to the horizontal, four from each sidespaced along the length of the anchorage. The cross pieces aremoored to the anchorages by channel straps and bolts. Eight suchanchorages are supplied with 200 kN truss. Guy wires with turnbucklesare supplied to keep the truss erect.
Supplied complete with anchorages, guy wire and spikes as described above.
Other models available are :
EKE 159Load Truss, Capacity 300 kN(30, 000 kgf)
EKE 160 Load Truss, Capacity 500 kN(50, 000 kgf)
Descri ption | EKE-158 | EKE-159 | EKE-160 |
Truss | 2 parts | 2 parts | 2 parts |
Joists | 2 parts | 2 parts | 2 parts |
Anchor spikes | 100 | 150 | 200 |
Semi-cylindrical anchors |
8 | 12 | 16 |
Bolts with nuts for anchor straps |
16 | 24 | 32 |
Anchor straps | 8 | 12 | 16 |
Guy wires with six turn buckles |
6 | 6 | 6 |
Top Flange splice plate | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Small bolts with nuts for item (8) |
8 | 8 | 8 |
Jointing bolts with nuts | 8 | 8 | 8 |
Bolts with nuts for bottom splice plate |
6 | 6 | 6 |
Sledge hammer | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Spanners | 2 | 2 | 2 |
The Triaxial loading frame is desighned as a stand unit in which the mechanic, pneumatic as well as the necessary electronic interface to the computer have been installed.The loading frame is available n three embodiments:
The new invention relatsto a device comprising an embedded system for industrial process measuring and control technology and for automation.said device comprises a computer an intelligent card eqiipped with a processor and a main memory.one or more function cards that are provided with the functions require for the industrial application and a back plane, to which the intelligent card and the function cards are connected and via which said cards communicate with one another.
The cards are provided exclusively with those functions that are required for the industrial application.
Standards System : Triaxial T
The software installed is desighned for a large number of triaxial studies and controls the tests in a fully automatic mode, records the measurement data generated and calculates and supplies the online graphic as well as evaluation protocols.Even while triaxial studies are in progress, the system shows the measurement results obtained and ghe calculations that have been made.various triaxial tests can be called up by mouse click
path controlled triaxial test (standard)
Load controlled triaxial test (option)
combined system :- K, S, T, P. (one apparatus for all test)
using corresponding mechanical add ins, in addition to the triaxial cell it is also possible to install an oedometer shear box, or test cylinder into the load system for performing the following test in fully automatic mode:
Triaxial test
compression test
shaer test
permeability test (T.Cell)
Extension test (special device)
Dynamic test (special device)
Product Code:EKE 110 K
The operating software installed simultaneously and individuallycontrols each individual test for a wide variety of compressionstudies, records the measurement data generated and calculate andsupplies the Online graphic.Even while compression studies for other soils are in progress, thesystem can simultaneously, evaluate, calculate and graphicallypresent the results of a soil test in printed form.Inserting the soil specimen and starting the test is easy; all test entriesrequired are menu controlled.The operating instructions can be called up ONLINE while makingentries.The system is calibrated in compliance with International Standards.The electronics is made up of high-quality elements and designed forcontinuous long-term operation.
Standard devices
EKE 110 K / 1 HID slimlineEKE 110 K / 2 HID slimlineEKE 110 K / 3 HID slimlineEKE 110 K / 6 HID slimline
The most important advantage of the load apparatus is precision aswell as clear design and easy handling.After the soil specimen has been inserted, the soil test runscompletely automatic
Product Code:EKE 202
This unit is designed for cutting andgrinding cylindrical rock specimensupto NX size. The outfit includes 200mm dia diamond impregnated cutter, afine diamond impregnated grindingwheel, a water supply system andsample holder.
A V-Vice, to hold the sample upto 55mm dia x 140 mm long to be cut parallel and square to the longitudinalaxis is provided. Cores longer than 140 mm can be prepared byreversing the specimen and holding against the vice. A hand feedarrangement is provided to facilitate the specimen with a uniform andsmooth feeding motion.This unit is provided with a 1HP, single phase, AC motor.
Product Code:EKE 203
Compact tablemodel20 cm dia Topand Adapter tohold polishingcloth or pasteSample Holdersto accommodateupto NX sizeCoresContinuouswater feedarrangementduring operation
This unit is provided with a HP, single phase, AC motorThis bench mounted, single spindle lapping machine is ideally suitedfor the final polishing of mounted rock or concrete specimens. Twosample holders of sample size ordered for are provided with eachmachine as standard supply. Sample holders of other sizes can also beprovided on request. This is a motor driven unit with 450/500 rpm. Aswing-in tap, for continuous water supply during operation, is alsoprovided.This unit is operated on single phase, 220 V, AC motor
EKE 20301 Sample Holderfor Ex sizeEKE 20302 Sample Holderfor Ax sizeEKE 20303 Sample Holderfor 8 mm sizeEKE 20304 Sample Holderfor Bx sizeEKE 20305 Sample Holderfor Nx sizeSample PreparationEKE 201EKE 202
This equipment is used for determining the permeabilitycharacteristics of soils, solidified soils and rock cores. High pressurepermeability studies can also be carried out using this unit.
The complete outfit comprises
EKE 20501 Mould, 50 mm dia x 100 mm high, with Collar
EKE 20502 Top Plate
EKE 20503 Base Plate, with recess for Porous Stone
EKE 20504 Pipette, 6 mm x 300 mm long
EKE 20505 Reservoir Tank, fitted with 7 kg/cmGauge, Valves, Flow Control Regulator andFoot Pump
EKE 20506 Porous Stone, to fit into Base Plate
Product Code:EKE 241
Thickness is one of the basic physical properties used to control thequality of many geotextiles and geosynthetics.This equipment is simple to operate and thickness of thegeosynthetics/ reinforcing material can be measured with anaccuracy of 0.002 mm for thickness upto 10 mm. Accuracy is 0.01mm for thickness greater than 10 mm. Simple mechanism is providedto apply desired foot pressure varying from 1 to 10 kPa as per variousinternational standards. Surface plate is grounded and is rust free toenable reproducible results.
Product Code:EKE 24611
In this test, developed by the Corps of Engineers, USA, the geotextilespecimen is clamped to obtain an inside dia of 44.45 mm and force isapplied through an 8 mm dia plunger till failure. The Modified ASTM D-3787 provides for a hemispherical plunger and accordingly EKE 24612has been developed. The puncture strength so obtained is felt toreflect the fabric's ability to withstand aggregate penetration.
Product Code:EKE 248
EKE 13111Overhead Tank
EKE 24801Loading unit, Dead weight type, 300 kPa capacity
Permeability of a geotextile must be substantially greater than that ofthe protected soil, so that water can pass freely from the soil throughthe fabric without build-up of hydrostatic pressure. A high value of thepermeability of the geotextile also infers that partial clogging will notreduce the permeability.Both Constant and Falling Head permeameters are generally used formeasuring normal permeability known as permitivity. Permeability isdefined as the volumetric rate of flow of water per unit cross sectionalarea under unit hydraulic head across the plain of the geotextile.ASTM D 4491 specifies permeability test using Constant Head andFalling Head Permeameters. The constant head test is carried outusing a head of 50 mm of water.Specimen diameter is 100 mm
Product Code:EK10
The main characteristics are:
LCD graphics data acquisition and controls system EK10 is designedto control the machine and processing of data from load cells orpressure transducers installed on the compression machine frame.The easy to read LCD graphic display and touch-button data pad keysmake the unit quick and straight forward to operate. All interactionswith the measuring system are via the front control panel by usingsimple menu-driven procedures. The EK10 is contained in light alloyhousing and its design satisfies the ergonomic requirements forvarious use. The Ek10 digital graphic display allows real time load vstime graph. At the end of the test cycle, the results can be stored in thelarge memory or downloaded to a PC in ENKAY software format.Dedicated software package is available for further online dataprocessing, database management and certificate printing.
CPU card by microprocessor 32 bit ARM risk architectureCan make manual tests if requiredLarge permanent memory up to 256 test resultsRS232C (optional Ethernet) connection at 57600 bandOne RS232 serial port for connecting either PC or printer for datatransmissionTwo analogical channels, use for Load Cell or pressure transduceA sample type and dimensions can be entered respect to thestandard18 key touch membrane keyboardEasy to operate with 6 main function keysCan control two frames.
Product Code:EKE 335
Standrad:IS:10510, IS:1199, BS 1881 (Part 104), AASHTO T126
Consists of a vibrating table, specimen pot, slump cone, graduated rodand, acrylic plate. Suitable for operation on 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz, AC Supply.
Flow Test
The Flow Table is designed for determining the workability of portlandcement concrete.The Flow Table top is 76.2 cm dia, finely machined from a solid brasscasting. The integrally cast ribs are designed for support and strength.The stand is fabricated out of cast iron and is of sturdy construction.Holes for mounting on foundations are drilled in the base plate. Theground and hardened steel cam is designed to drop the table by 12.5mm.
Product Code:EKE 336
Supplied complete as described above, with an electric motor suitablefor operation with 220 volts, 50 Hz, single phase, AC Supply.
Compaction Factor
Compaction factor is the ratio of the weight of partially compactedconcrete to the weight of the concrete when fully compacted in thesame mould. The weight of partially compacted concrete in relation toits fully compacted state is a reasonably good indication of theworkability of concrete.
Product Code:EKE 9891
Mixing Capacity : 40 Ltrs.Overall Dimension : 910mm (L) x 875mm (W) x 1250mm (H)Electric Supply : 440 VMotor : 2 HP, 3 Phase, AC, 960 Rpm
The Concrete Mixer has been designed for mixing small quantities ofconcrete used in preparation of concrete cubes, for testing inlaboratories. The purpose of the mixer is to smear mechanically theaggregate surface with cement paste uniformly and produce a mix ofuniform consistency. This in turn gives consistent quality of cubespecimens when casted in the moulds.The Concrete Mixer developed is transportable on wheels. Thedesign of mixing paddles ensure uniform & efficient mixing ofcement & aggregate both in dry & wet conditions. Theequipment can also be put to use for mixing of any other materialin dry / wet conditions. The arrangement helps the operators toaccess the pan contents conveniently & emptying the mixtureafter completion of the operation. The drum is driven off the ribbedbase. The lid with mixing paddles clears off the top of the drum toprovide maximum access to the operator.Operator safety being paramount, the same is ensured byelectrical interlocking switch which trips the supply to the motorof the drum even if the lid is lifted accidentally while the mixeris in operation.
Product Code:EKE 9701
The mixer consists of a steel vessel of 100 litres capacity, mounted on a frame. The vessel is rotated at 20-22 RPM withthe help of a motor and a reduction gear. The vessel can be tiltedto any angle by a handle. This facilitates mixing and discharge.Blades are provided inside the vessel to mix the materialthoroughly. The large handle strip facilitates manual rotation ofthe drum during power failure. The drum, handle and motor etc.are mounted on a steel frame. This model is provided with twolarge wheels for carting away.Supplied complete, with motor of 1 H.P. along with lead wire.Suitable for operationon 230 V, 50 Hz.
Product Code:EKE 345
EKE 345 Tamping Rod, Steel, 16 mm dia x 600 mmlength rounded at the lower end.For use with Cube and Cylindrical Moulds.
Beam MouldsTwo standard sizes of beam moulds are offered for casting concretespecimens for fiexural strength testing. These mouids are made ofcast iron and are supplied complete with a base plate
Product Code:EKE 355-1
24-Hour Cycle from time of mixing.
Controlled 35C or 100C 2C Curing Temperature forConcrete.
Controlled 27C 2C Curing Temperature for grey cement.
The tank has been designed to accommodate 150 mm/70.6 mmcube moulds upto 36/72 cube moulds and fully insulated, completewith a hinged lid, heater, thermostat and recirculation pump. Provisionof two removable racks allowing free circulation of water around eachmould is provided. The pump, drain valves and electrical equipmentare housed in a compartment located at one end of the tank. The tankis heated by a immersion heater under normal conditions andrefrigeration system. For grey cement, the temperature is controlledat 35C or 100C 2C/27C 2C, expect for the 15 minutes afterimmersion of the freshly-made specimens.
EKE 355-1 Curing Tank for 6/1 2 moulds of150 mm/ 70.6 mm sizeEKE 355-2 Curing Tank for 12/24 moulds of150 mm/70.6 mm sizeEKE 355-3 Curing Tank for 24/48 moulds of150 mm/70.6 mm sizeEKE 355-4 Curing Tank for 36/72 moulds of150 mm/70.6 mm size
Accelerated curing :
For warmer water method, Temp. Range : 55 2C
EKE 355-1 ACWAccelerated curing Tank for6 moulds of 150 mm size.EKE 355-2 ACWAccelerated curing Tank for12 moulds of 150mm size.EKE 355-1 ACBAccelerated curing Tank for6 moulds of 150 mm size.EKE 355-1 ACBAccelerated curing Tank for12 moulds of 150mm size
Product Code:EKE 365
Proper compaction of cement concrete while casting specimens forcompression testing is essential to achieve a better and moreconsistent mixture. ENKAY Vibrating Table is ideally suited for thispurpose. The table top is 500 mm x 500 mm size and has stops alongits edges to prevent moulds from sliding off the table duringoperation.The maximum load capacity is 140 kg. The variable pitch pulleyarrangement permits the frequency to be varied steplessly between60 Cycles/ sec and 43 Cycles/sec. Suitable for operation with 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz, AC Supply.
EKE 366Same as EKE 365 but with table top 2m x 1m
EKE 367Same as EKE 365 but with table top 1m x 1m
Hydraulic Jacks have multipurpose utility, i.e. application of loads while engaged in field investigation, determination of load carrying capacityof piles in the field. tensioning of wires in pre-cast structures, loading of members of any structure for deformation characteristics, etc. Thejacks are supplied complete with manually operated pumping units fitted with Bourdon tube type pressure gauge and a steel connectingpipe.
High Pressure Flexible Hose Pipe is required for connecting the pumping unit to the HydraulicJack. This is an essential extra to be ordered with any of the above jacks.The hose pipe is available in varied lengths as indicated below:
EKE 47501 High Pressure Flexible Hose, 1 m long
EKE 47502 High Pressure Flexible Hose, 2 m long
EKE 47503 High Pressure Flexible Hose, 5 m long, metallic.All the jacks have a piston travel of 50 mm and jacks upto 500 kN capacity are provided withretraction springs. These are available in the following ranges:
EKE 465 | 50 kN | 0.5 kN | 50 mm |
EKE 466 | 100 kN | 1kN | 75 mm |
EKE 467 | 250 kN | 2 kN | 75 mm |
EKE 468 | 500 kN | 5 kN | 110 mm |
EKE 469 | 1000 kN | 5 kN | 152.4 mm |
EKE 470 | 2000 kN | 10 kN | 215.4 mm |
This product is suitable for Supervision of the company, quality supervision on site sampling tests as well as testing centers, on site automatically assesment results and print without manual calculation.
Lcd large screen high resolution 160 * 160Low power 2.5 # batreriesSweet voice report numbers function to improve the efficiency of testing staff.Using USB Communicated interface then quickly export the computer component dataEasy to operate, the software set the upper and lower rebound values, he outliers can be automatically removedTest hammer using imported parts, mehchanical parts machining high precision long service life, superiorTechnaical DataMeasuring range: 10-60MpaImpact Energy : 2.207 JSpring constant : 785N/cmSpring extension: 75 mmThe consistency of the sample showing values :
The host and sensor integeration desighn, easy to operateHigh resolution LCD color screen 176 * 220Large capacity rechargeable lithium ion battery, environmental conservation, long service life.It can be used repeatedly without posts-inputsNon contact metal reflection grating + reflective encoder sensing high accuracyVoice reported, LCD and scale readings are triple guarantee the accuracy of the data.Field work without electricity and still can get the measured results through using the ruler readings.Voice reported can improve the efficiency of work at special environment.(Peer products in the market have no voice and ruler functions)using USB communication interface, then quickly export the computer component dataEasy to operate the software set the upper and lower rebound component dataEasy to operate, the software set the upper and lower rebound values, the outliers can be automatically removedTest hammer using imported parts, mehchanical parts machining high precision long service life superior price than the market peer products.
This product is suitable for supervision of the company, quality supervision on site sampling tests as well as testing centers on site automatically assesment results and print without manual calculation.
Techanical data
Measuring Ranges : 10-60Mpa
Impact energy : 2.207J
Spring constant : 785N/cm
Spring extension: 75 mm
The consistency of the sample showing values: < +_o.5 (Digital output sampling value difference with the cursor readings)
The average rebound values on steel anvil : 80 +_ 2
Display: 16-bit true color, 176 * 220 resolution .5 grades backlight adjustment
Data storage: 300 * 100*16=480000 testing results, 20special test strength curves could also be requested to add of their ownPower: 3.6v/1300m AH lithium battery, charging power adapter 5v/2A. Maximum backlight turn off speech cases continous work for 13 hoursPower consumption: Maximum backlight situation =100 mAVoice off)communication interface: USB2.0 full SpeedWeight : 1.1 kg
Product Code:EKE-UCT-170
Measuring Range of ultrasonic Transit time :01 us-9999.9 us
Display: 320 x 240 TFT LCD
Connector: BNC/BNC
Operating temperature : 20-50c
Power:6 x AA Rechargable battery
Battery life:continuosly 5 hours with 1.200 V Pulse
Size: 105 (H) x 172 (W) X 68mm (D)
Weight:1, 065 grams (main body with batteries inside)
Warranty:1 year
Ultrasonic wave is well propogated in hard materials, like concrete stone and wood other than sonic wave.The velocity of ultrasonic is affected by length or stiffness of the material.ultracon -170 evaluates the elastic property and measures the depth of crack in concrete structures as well.In order that ultrasonic wave could propogate easily, ultrasonic couplant should be applied to the surface of UT transducers or concrete
TheEKE-UCT-170 KitEKE-UCT-170 main bodyCarrying pouchBattery chargerA pair of 52 kHz UT TransducerRG 58 cable with BNC/BNC connectorsRefrence BlockInstruction Manual.
Testing is carried out directly on the structure. It can be measured onany point of the structure. For the determination of the tensionstrength it is not necessary to install test devices prior to the casting ofthe concrete. It is ideal for the evaluation of strength in concreterenovation.
such as plastic coatings, concrete coats, mortars and plasters, bituminous coats and paint finishes and coatings on metal.
DYNA Tensile force Resolution Accuracy
Permissible stroke
Z16 16 kN 0.01 N/mm < 2% 3.5 mm
Z6 6 kN 0.01 N/mm < 2% 4.0 mm