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Lab Instrument

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of CONCRETE TESTING PRODUCT- Longitudinal Compressometer, Laboratory Ball Mill, Rolling Thin Film Oven, Seed Germinator and Longitudinal Compressometer.

CONCRETE TESTING PRODUCT- Longitudinal Compressometer

Product Code:EKE 372

This apparatus is used for determination of the strain and deformationcharacteristics of cement concrete cylindrical specimens of 150 mmdia x 300 mm long.The Compressometer consists of two frames for clamping to thespecimens by means of five tightening screws with a hardened andtapered end. Two spacers hold the two frames in position. Anadjustable pivot rod rests on pivot screws. A spring enables the pivotrod to remain in contact with pivot screws. The Ball chain is foradjusting the tension of the spring. A dial gauge, fixed to a bracket, fitted to the top frame, is used for taking deformation measurement.Supplied complete, with a dial gauge 0.002 mm x 10 mm, in awooden carrying case.

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Laboratory Ball Mill

Product Code:EKE 441

EKE 44101Steel Ball, 40 mm dia
EKE 44102Steel Ball, 30 mm dia
EKE 44103Steel Ball, 25 mm dia
EKE 44104Steel Ball, 19 mm dia
EKE 44105Steel Ball, 12.5 mm dia

Laboratory Ball Mill is primarily designed for grinding pigments. Thematerial is ground at a specific speed by using a specific quantity ofgrinding media (steel balls) for a specific period.The equipment is used for making the ground cement samples in thelaboratory. Apart from the cement industry, it is also used in the paint, plastic, granite and tile industries.The equipment comprises of a welded steel drum made of 8 mm thicksteel plate, having an internal diameter of 300 mm and length of 300mm. The drum is supported by heavy ball bearings at the two ends. Ithas an opening of 100 mm length x 100 mm width for insertion of thespecimen for grinding. A water and air tight cover is provided to closethe opening after the specimen has been loaded, and has anarrangement for holding at any desired position. Rotation of drum isregulated a t 30 rpm.It is fitted with an electric motor and gear box to operate on 220 V, single phase, 50 Hz, AC supply.The equipment is provided with a four digit revolution counter forrecording the revolutions.It is supplied with twelve 19 mm dia steel balls.

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Rolling Thin Film Oven

Product Code:EKE 9710
Standrad:ASTM D2872

  • Certified temperature control
  • Digital Display
  • Internal Fan

The Rolling Thin Film Oven Test is used to obtain homogeneouslyaged material by the application of heat and air in order to simulatethese affects in conventional mixing.The oven is of double wall construction with side vents and of theheated convection type of air Circulation. An electronic controller0 maintains the temperature at 163+ 0.5 C. A vertical, carriage issupplied to support 8 glass sample containers, which are rotated at15+ 0.2rpm. An outlet orifice 1mm in diameter is connected to a7.6m length of copper tubing and flow meter which controls theairflow at 4000 ml/min. Air is blown into the sample containers attheir lowest point of travel by an internal airjet.The oven is supplied with 8 glass sample containers and athermometer (IP 47C/ASTM 13C). Internal dimensions 483 x 450 x381mm.A separate source of compressed air is required to operate this oven

Operating Voltage 230 V A.C., Single Phase


EKE 9710-1 Compressor
EKE 9710-2 Glass sample container Thermometer

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Seed Germinator

INSIDE CHAMBER SIZE (W x H x D) LTR.SINGLE CHAMBER555 mm x 910 mm x 605 mm 308


1. Exterior lighting arrangement (on both sides)2. Automatic Timer (0-24 hours)3. Electronic Digital Temperature Indicator-cum-Controller.4. Dual Setting Digital Temperature controller for setting two differentTemperature for day and night.5. Automatic Voltage Stabilizer 3 KVA.6. Humidity stable to control Humidity Inside the chamber.

Most suitable for conducting various experiments on a variety ofseeds under different conditions of temperature and humidity.Atmospheric conditions are created within the chamber to performdifferent chamber made up of anodized Aluminium or S.S. and outerchamber of M.S. Sheet duly painted. Angle Iron frame with casterwheel at bottom for easy movement. Humidity (not adjustable) iscreated in a S.S. water reservoir fitted at the bottom to provided 90%to 95% 3% RH Humidity.The door is having a viewing glass window / double door to view thegermination of seeds inside the chamber. The unit fitted withEco-Friendly Kirloskar / Tecumseh Compressor / condensing kit.Supplied complete with 10 adjustable perforated trays. Complete withcor and plug to work on 230 V A.C. Supply.

Pipette And Burettes


Model No. Description Capacity
EKE 11020-1 Graduated Pipette 10 ml (nominal)
EKE 11020-2 Graduated Pipette 20ml (nominal)
EKE 11020-3 Bulb Pipette 50ml
EKE 11020-4 Burette 50ml (nominal)
EKE 11020-5 Burette 100ml (nominal)


1 EKE 11021-1 Evaporating Dish, Shallow form with spout,
porcelain 100 x 40mm nominal Diameter x height
2 EKE 11021-2 Evaporating Dish, Shallow form with spout,
porcelain 150 x 45mm nominal diameter x height
3 EKE 11021-3 Evaporating dish, shallow form with spout,
porcelain 200 x 66mm nominal diameter x height

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Longitudinal Compressometer

  • SIZE 150 mm dia x 300 mm long
This apparatus is used for determination of the strain and deformation characteristics of cement concrete cylindrical specimens of 150 mm dia x 300 mm long.The Compressometer consists of two frames for clamping to the specimens by means of five tightening screws with a hardened and tapered end. Two spacers hold the two frames in position. An adjustable pivot rod rests on pivot screws. A spring enables the pivot rod to remain in contact with pivot screws. The Ball chain is for adjusting the tension of the spring. A dial gauge, fixed to a bracket, fitted to the top frame, is used for taking deformation measurement. Supplied complete, with a dial gauge 0.002 mm x 10 mm, in a wooden carrying case.
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