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  1. Laboratory Apparatus 46 Products available
  2. Testing Equipment 32 Products available
  3. Industrial Machinery 15 Products available
  4. Measuring Instruments & Equipment 13 Products available
  5. Testing Equipments 11 Products available
  6. Laboratory Equipments 5 Products available
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  10. Others Products 114 Products available

Industrial Machinery

We offer the best product range of Digital Compression Testing Machine, Mechanical Impact Testing Machine, Digital Impact Testing Machine, Triaxial Testing System and Compression Testing Machines.

Digital Compression Testing Machine

The unit is compact, making its useful for site applications. The digital machines are provided with a pace rate indicator to indicate pace rate on a Bar Graph. With a little experience, the pace rate can be manually while the test is in progress.The loading unit is of fully welded construction having a cross head, base and solid plates. The hydraulic jack is fixed to the base. The platens of the machine are hardened, ground and polished. The upper platen is provided with self-aligning action. To facilitate testing of various size specimens, suitable size spacers are provided.
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Mechanical Impact Testing Machine

65,000 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Voltage 220 V
  • Frequency 50 Hz
  • Material Stainless Steel
  • Brand Enkay Enterprises
  • Temperature - 452 Deg.F to 500 Deg.F
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Digital Impact Testing Machine

  • Pendulum Weight 22 Kg
  • Accuracy + 0.5 J
Maximum capacity : 300J for Charpy Test, 170J for Izod Test, Minimum Scale Graduation : 0.5 J, Pendulum drop angle for Charpy : 140, Pendulum drop angle for Izop : 90, Striking Velocity : Charpy-5.3 ms, Izod-3.9ms, Distance of Pendulum centre to specimen Centre : -815 mm.
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Triaxial Testing System

Product Code:EKE 215

EKE 211Triaxial Cell
EKE 066Load Frame, Motorised, capacity 500 kN, twelve rates of strain
EKE 213Constant Pressure system
EKE 214Electronic Instrumentation

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Compression Testing Machines

High stability

Self-aligning platen assemblyLoad Gauges are calibrated in kN against certified Proving Rings, traceable to NPL / NCCBM/PTB Germany (on request)Suitable for testing cubes and cylinders of various sizesUsing special platens, bricks can also be testedLogged data printing facility through a parallel portinterface available in digital and micro controller basedversionsCalibration process accredited by NABL (National AccreditationBoard for Laboratories, Ministry of Science & TechnologyMachines with CE mark also available, on special requestOperators safety features like metal door with a perspexwindow and overload tripping device are provided in allmodelsElectrical interlock safety switch provided in the FullyAutomatic Compression Testing Machines, for the front dooroperation.

ENKAY Series Compression Testing Machines are the finest of theirtype obtainable. The rugged construction and extreme simplicitymake it possible for even non-technical personnel to operate themwith ease and complete dependability. In particular, the portable units, which are small in dimension, sturdy and light in weight, make qualitycontrol testing possible in areas where commercial testing facilitiesare not available and where the transportation of larger and muchheavier machines would be difficult.ENKAY Compression Testing Machines conform to IS:14858 (2000)and calibrated with an accuracy of 1% as per the requirement of1828 (gradeA) It can also be supplied as per BS : 1881 and otherassociated International Standards. These machines are available in50kN, 100kN, 500kN, 1000kN, 2000kN, 3000kN, 5000kN, &10, 000kN Capacities

Portable modelAnalogue modelsDigital models with pace rate indicatorsFully automatic models

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Portable Compression Testing Machine

Product Code:EK 307-1

The equipment consists of a Loading Unit, an integral double actingmanually operated pumping unit fitted to the base of themachine and a calibrated Load Gauge is fitted with the top. It has adetachable Hydraulic Jack. The hydraulic cylinder is placed onthe base of the Loading Unit.


Capacity : 1000kNMax Vertical Clearance : 350mmMax. Horizontal Clearance : 220mmPlaten Size : 165mm SquarePiston Dia : 152.4mmPiston Stroke : 25mm

Optional Extras:

  • Brick Platens
  • Pumping Unit
  • The hydraulic pumping unit is:
  • Manually Operated or
  • Electrically operated

Analogue Compression Testing Machines

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Digital Compression Testing Machines

Product Code:EKE 305H-EK

The Digital Compression Testing Machine has been designed to meetthe need for a simple, economic and reliable means to test concretefor its compressive strength. The design emphasizes simplicity, bothof construction and operation, and makes the machine easy to useand maintain.The unit is compact, making it useful for site applications. The digitalmachines are provided with a pace rate indicator to indicate pace rateon a Bar Graph. With a little experience, the pace rate can becontrolled manually while the test is in progress.

The Complete unit comprises of Loading Unit :

The loading unit is of fully welded construction having a cross head, base and solid side plates. The hydraulic jack is fixed to the base. Theplatens of the machine are hardened, ground and polished. The upperplaten is provided with self-aligning action to facilitate testing ofvarious size specimens, suitable size spacers are provided.

Pumping Unit:

The two speed pump facilitates rapid approach of the platens fordaylight closure and also provides comprehensive control over theapplication of load. A control valve provides fine control over theloading rate for accuracy of pacing.The digital read-out unit, incorporates a 4-digit display, calibrated inkN and features integral load pacing in kN/Sec. Maximum load is heldand retained for approx 15 min, unless cancelled, using the panelmounted reset switch. Pace rate set for running the test can bemaintained manually with the help of a bar graph indicator. Loggeddata printing facility through a parallel port interface is provided in themachine. Readings upto 1000 complete runs/tests can be stored inthe memory.

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Flexural Strength

Product Code:EKE 331

The Flexure Strength Testing Machine. conforms to IS:516, IS:9399, BS:1881 and ASTM C78.The Flexure Strength Testing Machines are designed to test flexuralstrength of concrete beams. The design provides maximum rigiditythroughout their working range.The load is applied by the downward movement of the piston.A spacer is provided for testing different size of beams.The load is indicated on a calibrated bourdon tube type load gauge ofrange : 0 -100 kN x 0.5 kN (0-10, 000 kgf x 50 kgf).The load gauge is calibrated against National Physical Laboratory /National Council for Cement and Building Materials certified provingring.

Flexure Testing Machine

Light weight, rugged high strength frame

Double action hydraulic pump

Self-aligning roller assemblyHydraulic jack provided with retraction springFor testing beams of 100x100x500mm and 150x150x700mConforms to IS:516, BS : 1881 AND ASTM C78

Two Models are available:-

EKE 331
100kN Flexure Testing Machine with double action pumping unitmanually operated.
EKE 332
100kN Flexure Testing Machine with Electrically operated PumpingUnit, fitted with 1 H.P. motor, suitable for operation on 415 V. 3 phaseA.C. Suplly

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Aggregate Testing Machine

Product Code:EKE 458

EKE 45801Abrasive charge, consisting of a set of12 hardened steel balls of 48 mm diaOptional Extra
EKE 45802Revolution Counter
EKE 45803Sound-proof Cabinet

This machine is for determining the resistance to wear of small sizecoarse aggregates and crushed rock. The machine consists of ahollow cylinder, mounted on a sturdy frame on ball bearings. Adetachable shelf which extends throughout the inside length of thedrum catches the abrasive charge and does not allow it to fall on thecover. The drum is rotated at a speed of 30- 33 rpm by an electricmotor through a heavy duty reduction gear. Motor is suitable foroperation on 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz, AC Supply.Supplied complete with a tray for collection of the material, butwithout abrasive charge.

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Ductility Testing Machine

Product Code:EKE 565

EKE 56501Ductility Mould, with Base Plate 4Nos.

Designed to test three specimens simultaneously. The machineconsists of a carriage moving over a lead screw. An electric motordriven reduction gear unit ensures smooth constant speed andcontinuous operation. The entire assembly is mounted with a copperlined water bath completely encased in metal bound hardwood. It isequipped with an electric pump circulator and heater. Thetemperature is controlled by digital temperature controller. Two ratesof travel i.e. 5 cm/min and 1cm/min are provided.Suitable for operation on 220 V, 50 Hz, Single Phase, AC supply.

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Tensile Testing Machine

Floor mounted, vertical type, two column construction speciallymanufactured for various applications.TENSILE TESTING MACHINES are designed for determining theTensile Strength and Elongation of a host of materials like ferrous and non ferrous materials, cables & conductors, Plastic, PVC, Rubber specimens, paper, plywood etc.Our TENSILE TESTING MACHINES are also capable for conductingcompression, Cross breaking and Shear tests thus making themmore versatile with a few additional attachments.TENSILE TESTING MACHINES are available in various capacitiesdepending upon the requirements right from 5 kgf to 10 Tonnesensuring 1% accuracy in test results.We assure high accuracy, sensitivity, reliability, consistency, repeatability and excellent workmanship.TESTING MACHINES are backed up by prompt andeffective after service by a team of factory trained technicians.Our machines are available in KGF/ kN/N as per your specificrequirements.TENSILE TESTING MACHINES are also available with State of ArtElectronic Microprocessor based Digital Indicator systems withPC and Printer.

MODEL EKE 8010-1 EKE 8010-2 EKE 8010-3 EKE 8010-4
CAPACITIES (Kgf) 250 500 1000 2500
LEAST COUNT 0.1 gms. 0.1 gms. 0.1 kgf. 0.1 kgf.
TRAVERSE SPEED (mm/ min) 500 and 100 100 100 100
25 mm
1000 mm
25 mm
1000 mm
25 mm
750 mm
25 mm
750 mm
50 c/s AC
50 c/s AC
50 c/s AC
50 c/s AC
OVER-TRAVEL SAFETY SWITCHES Incor- porated Incor- porated Incor- porated Incor- porated
of extra cost
of extra cost
of extra cost
of extra cost

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Torsion Testing Machine


Unique "Talon -Claw" Grips for Round and flat speciemens ( optional at extra cost)Torsional Speed of 0.1/0.2 RPM (optional at extra cost)Torque Compensated MotorsMaintenance Free gear BoxAuto Range selection with Range selector wheel (optional at extra cost)3 or 4 Torque Ranges for higher Accuracy (optional at extra cost )

It is desighned for conducting torsion and twist tests on various materials.Torque measurement is by an electronic torque transducer for direct display of torque.Torque is applied to speciemen by geared motor through gear box.The accuracy of the torque indication is +_ 1% of the true torque.The complete system is hydraulicly damped for vibration free loading.

Main applications:

This kind of testing machine is used for the torsion test foir all kinds of materials, by imposting a torque.
There are two testing methods

Automatic Testing :- Turn the hand wheel until the test rod breaks.The testing machine will automatically test the yeild M1 and the maximum torque M2.

Manual testing :- Choose the test angles and tropes of any 9 points during the testing perios and recors them.

Able to petreeive or print testing results after the test

It is mainly suitable for materials labs of scientific resarch department.colleges or universities and industrial enterprises to test the mechanical properties under torsion condition

Main Technical Specification:

Item Names specification

Max.test torque (N.m) 200
Min.reading of torque (n.m) 0.02
Torque measurement angke (N.m) 20-200
max reading of tosion angle 9999.95
Min.reading of torsion angle (o) 0.5
Relative error of torque indications

Model TT-6 TT-10 TT-20 TT-50
Capacity Kg-m 6 10 20 50
Torsion speed Fixed  Fixed  Fixed  Fixed 
Direction One way Reserve Reserve Reserve
Gear Motor 3ph (hp) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
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Fatigue Testing Machine

Application & operation

This machines is used to test the fatique strength of materials and to draw S-N diagram ideal equipment for Technical insitutions, Resarch insititutes, Laboratories etc.This is a rotating beam type machine in which load is spplied in reversed bending fashion, The standard 8 mm dia speciemen is held in special holders at its ends and loaded such that it experiences a uniform bending moment.The speciemen is rotated at 4200 RPM by a motor. A complete cycle of reversed stresses in all fibres of the speciemen is produced during each revolution.The bending moment is applied with a lever system and can be easily changed by moving a weight over the lever.Total number of revolutions at which thw speciemen fails are recorded by a electronic counter.An interlocking system puts off the motor at speciemen failure.Machine meets requirements of international / indian standards.


1) Maximum bending moment kg cm 200
2) Bending moment adjustable kg cm  30-200
3) Ranges 1-kg cm 30-100
4) Gripping dia of speciemen mm 12
5) Testing dia of speciemen mm 8
6) Rotating speed rpm 4200
7) Accuracy of applied bending moment.   +_ 1%
8)  Electronic counter
No of digits
9) Power required HP 0.5
10) Main supply A.C.3 PH. 440 V,50 Hz
11) Overall size (Approx) mm 1000l x 500w x 600H
12) Weight (approx) kg 120

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Flexure Testing Machine

Light weight, rugged high strength frame. Double action hydraulic pump. Self-aligning hydraulic plump. Hydraulic jack provided with retraction spring. For testing beams of 100x100x500mm and 150x150x700m
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Aggregate Testing Machine

We are offering sand & aggregate testing machine.
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