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Construction Machinery & Equipment

We offer the best product range of Automatic Soil Compactor, Tile Flexure Strength Testing Machine and Tile Abrasion Testing Machine.

Automatic Soil Compactor

  • Weight 2.6 Kg or 4.9Kg
Invariably in every soil laboratory, compaction and penetration tests on soils are carried out regularly. The electrically operated mechanical compaction process eliminates the tedious hand compaction process and results in a considerable saving of time. With the rammersprovided and two stroke lengths available, the apparatus can be used to carry out all the normal compaction operations required in soil testing laboratories including the CBR tests.
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Tile Flexure Strength Testing Machine

Product Code:EKE 460
Standrad:IS:654, 1237

For clay roofing tiles (Mangalore Pattern) and Cement ConcreteFlooring Tiles. This is a double lever (leverage 1:12) loading machineand the load is applied by flow of lead shots which automatically stopswhen the sample breaks. The load is applied at the rate of 450 to 550N/minute (200 Kg/minute) and the accurancy of load indication 2%.The sample is mounted between rollers 40mm dia or 20 mm dia.

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Tile Abrasion Testing Machine

Product Code:EKE 481
Standrad:IS:1237, 1706

EKE 48101Thickness Measuring Device, with Dial Gauge, having 25 mm travel and0.01 mm least count.
EKE 48103Abrasive Powder

The tile sample is pressed under a specified load against a grindingpath, strewn evenly with abrasive powder, revolving at the rate of 30 1 rpm. At the end of 100 revolutions of the disc, the second parallelside of the tile is subjected to wear for an equal number of revolutionsof the disc.The wear of the tile is measured using EKE48101 thickness measuringdevice (which is supplied at extra cost). The abrasion testing machineconsists of a replaceable grinding path, fitted on to a disc rotatingabout its vertical axis. The rotating disc and the grinding path areenclosed by a circular tray. A bracket holds the specimen. The loadingis by a counter- balanced lever. A funnel is provided to facilitatecharging the grinding path with abrasive powder.

Supplied complete with automatic pre-set revolution counter and one7.5 kg weight, but without abrasive powder and thickness measuringdevice. Suitable for operation on 415 V, 50 Hz, 3 phase, AC Supply.

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Tile Abrasion Testing Machine

  • Voltage 415 V
The tile sample is pressed under a specified load against a grinding path, strewn evenly with abrasive powder, revolving at the rate of 30 1 rpm. At the end of 100 revolutions of the disc, the second parallel side of the tile is subjected to wear for an equal number of revolutions of the disc.The wear of the tile is measured using EKE48101 thickness measuring device (which is supplied at extra cost). The abrasion testing machine consists of a replaceable grinding path, fitted on to a disc rotating about its vertical axis. The rotating disc and the grinding path are enclosed by a circular tray. A bracket holds the specimen. The loading is by a counter- balanced lever. A funnel is provided to facilitate charging the grinding path with abrasive powder.
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