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We offer the best product range of Engineering Research Publication Journals, English Hindi Education Journals and Best Engineering Journals.

Engineering Research Publication Journals

1,500 /Set Get Latest Price
ER Publications India has, until recently, been publishing new imprints to cover Science and Technology Books, Education Books, Academic Books, Text Books, Literature and Language Books, Poetry books, comedy and children books and its local commercial fiction and non-fiction publishing.
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English Hindi Education Journals

1,500 /Set Get Latest Price
Enhanced research (er) publications is one of the leading international publishers, distributors and subscription agents of national and international research journals, academic books, technical books, e-books, newsletters and innovative magazines. Er publications have different types of four international peer reviewedrefereed journals with good impact factor which publishes high quality manuscripts on monthly & bi-monthly basis. All the journals are indexed in google scholar, thomson reuters researcherid, endnotes, europeana libraries and many more national & international libraries. It is an association of a number of researchers, scientists, engineers, scholars, professors and academic professionals supported by an international and national advisory editorial board consisting of outstanding individuals representing many well-known universities and organizations in india, usa, canada, australia, china, algeria, russia, malaysia and many more.
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Best Engineering Journals

1,500 /Set Get Latest Price
Er publications india publishes in both print and digital media to serve the needs of authors and academicians at all levels and the scholarly community as a whole. We ensure that every title benefits from our challenging professional standards from copyediting to layout, production and use of new technologies. We also make sure that our books are perfectly panned and distributed in the market channel physically and online databases to reach our primary audience students, teachers, research scholars, authors, writers, libraries, bookstores, global web portals and electronic and national and international databases. we are committed to publish globally oriented, high quality research articles at the lowest possible cost with the highest possible world-wide access. We publish original research articles, review articles, short notes and conference proceedings on request by checking the best quality in books, magazines and articles as well.
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