Our Product / Services
Reciprocating Compressors
2 Products availableFruit And Vegetable Processing Machine
1 Products availableMeasurement Gauges & Fittings
1 Products availableOil Free Air Compressor
1 Products availableDryers
1 Products availableLaboratory Apparatus
1 Products availableHeat Exchangers
1 Services availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Custom Built Compressors, Air Accessories, Skid Mounted Compressors 475 to 1500 Cfm, Trolley Mounted Compressors 185-1100 cfm and Air Compressors Equipment.
Custom Built Compressors Designed to fulfill specific requirements like motors of specific voltages, customized control panels, product color and finish to meet customer requirements, provision of additional safety features like low oil switch and hooter/alarm Custom built to meet customers application requirements .
Water Raising Apparatus Highly reliable for raising water in coaches. Compact and light weight design . Mono-block vertical configuration, single cylinder, single-stage, oil splash lubricated, air-cooled, direct coupled.
It is a surprising fact that 100% of the electrical power (energy) is converted to heat energy during the Compression process In an Air compressor & all the heat energy goes as a waste if not used judicially.In a typical compression system, the theoretical recoverable heat is 96% of the overall electrical energy consumption. It consists of heat dissipated in the oil cooler (78%) the aer cooler (13%) and the heat radiated from the drive Motor (5%). The rest 4% heat cannot be recovered since 2% radiates through the canopy and the other 2% vents inside the canopy.
Keeping in mind the eects of Global warming in the present environment. ELGi has come up with a system where in 96% of the waste heat generated from the compressor can be utilized for heating air (space) and heating water. This in turn eliminates the necessity to go for an additional equipment to heat water or Air, there by reducing the CO2 emission to a larger extent.
Compressed air generated by air compressors contain inherent impurities that are detrimental to compressed air conveying and the end application. Some common contaminants of compressed air can be water, dirt, small wear particles, bacteria and sometimes even degraded lubricating oil. All these impurities mix together and often form an acidic sludge that might increase the wear and tear of end applications like pneumatic tools, machineries, valves orifices and electro pneumatic controls like relays etc., Only compressed air that is totally clean and dry shall ensure reliable working of compressed air systems and maximise energy savings. ELGi offers a wide range of pneumatic downstream and upstream accessories that make the air friendly to the environment and end use. The air treatment downstream accessories offered by ELGi are called AIRMATE systems and energy conservation systems are classified as ELGi CONSERVE.
This range of compressorsare ideal for mounting on drill rigs or utility trucks and suited for applications like water well drilling. ELGi is one of the few companies in the world to offer the full line of single and two stage compressors in this range. ELGi compressors are widely used by drill rig OEMs globally.
Known for their reliability and ruggedness, ELGi portable compressors are available in single and two stage models to meet a wide range of applications like jack hammers, rock drills, impact wrenches, chipping tools and sand blasting.
Oil carry over less than 2ppm . Grouped service points ensure easy access to components for maintenance . Optimized cooler design and cooling fans ensure low running temperatures . Versatile neuron II micro controller provides easy diagnostics of system parameters Models available as bare units/side located drier/variable speed drive variants Wide range of accessories vertical air receivers, driers, automated supply side controller and variable frequency drives to meet diverse operating conditions .