Our Complete range of products are Oil Immersed Distribution Transformers, Cast Resin Transformers, Dry Type Distribution Transformers, Oil Immersed Power Transformers and Cast Resin Power Transformers.
Oil Immersed Distribution Transformers
The transformers are built in accordance with IEC 60076 standards (or other International standards) and with efficiency as per EN 50464-1.
The transformers are built in compliance with IEC 60076 (or other on request).For European market , the calculation is made according to Ecodesign regulation, norms EN 50588-1.The core is made of high permeability crystal oriented steel sheet low loss, in a step section with 45 joints step-lap assembly, and is fitted with cooling channels.
The transformers are built in compliance with IEC 60076-11 standards and, IEEE C57.12.01 (or other on request). The core is made of cold rolled oriented grain steel sheet with low specific loss, cut at 45C, step-lap, assembled at interleaved joints, with high care. It is calculated to obtain the minimum residual flux, reduced inrush current, low noise, low iron loss.