Our Products
Toilet Seats
1 Products availableUrinals
1 Products availableBathroom Cabinets
1 Products available
The Toilet series is fitted with water saving mechanism using just 3Ltrs and 6 ltrs in single/ Dual Flush. The model is made such that it can flush 6 ping-pong balls or 75 polypropylene balls in single 6 ltrs flushing . The products are not only water saving but also the noise level is too low thanks for “S” Trap design with correct degree angle.
Our target is to provide Truly International Quality on Indian Prices, It has been appraised by many Arcitects and Builders of Repute in their projects.
Our products range:
Single Pcs Toilets in 4”/9”/ 12” Roughings .
Wall Hung Toilets.
Wash Basins with Pedastals.
Counter Top Art Basins.
Upper Counter and Under Counter Basins.
Basins used for Cabinets.
Basic Information