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We offer a complete product range of EPABX Demonstrator with P & T Interface and Faults Creating Facility SA-904, Op-Amp IC 741 Application and Characteristics (Parameter) Trainer SB-913, P,PI,PID Control System- Temperature Control SE-1027, 4:1 Multiplexer & 1:4 Demultiplexer SD-311 and Graphic Equalizer Trainer SD 214

Characteristics Of All Diodes SB-903

The Trainer has DC 12V / 500 mA Variable Power supply, Semiconductor PN Junction Diodes (Si and Ge), Zener (5.2V and 6.2V), Schottky, 5mm Red LED, Varactor diodes are used to study their characteristics and Test Points for connecting the meters.

Objectives :

  • To Study the Forward & Reverse characteristics of Semiconductor Diode  (Si, Ge) &  To Determine forward static & dynamic resistance of  diode at a given operating point.
  • To Study the Forward & Reverse characteristics of Zener Diodes & To Determine the  Zener Voltage Vz from the reverse characteristics of Zener Diode.
  • To Study the  characteristics of Schottkey Diode & Rectification Property of Schottkey Diode w.r.t. change in I/P Signal frequency.
  • To Study the Forward characteristics of light emitting diode (LED). To Observe & Note the Change in the Intensity & Voltage across LED w.r.t. applied  forward Voltage.
  • To Study the characteristics of Varactor Diode &  To Observe & Note change in Capacitance C w.r.t. change in applied reverse Voltage.

Accessories Included :

  •  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
  • In Built Digital Meters options are also available on demand.
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EPABX Demonstrator With P & T Interface And Faults Creating Facility SA-904

The trainer intended to demonstrate the installation and working of EPABX and its signal/voltage analysis on various sections. The trainer is fully comprehensive, easy to understand and perform experiments on EPABX. This has functional Block Diagram printed in multicolor on the front panel of the board with maximum test points and control sections, completely enclosed in elegant  wooden cabinet. On board detail block diagram of MDF Section, Extension Hybrid Mixer, Trunk Hybrid Mixer, Digital Switching Matrix Network, Tone Generators, System Control section and Power Supply section. On board MDF section for 8 Extensions and 3 Telephone line interface. On board LED indications for Power ON, 8 Extensions and 3 Telephone lines. On board Power ON/OFF control. On board Open Circuit board (PCB) to observe the various components of EPABX circuit.

Features : Non blocking, Distinctive ringing, DTMF/Pulse Dialing, Music on holds, Line Status indication on the exchange. Abbreviated dialing, Automatic Call back, Barge-in-with/without tone, Call camp-on, Call Parking, Call Pick-up, Call Restriction, Call transfer, Call Forwarding, Follow me, Conference 4-Party, Direct outward dialing. Do not disturb, Extension Privacy, Extension to Extension Call, Hotline on Extension, Hunting Group, Last Number Redial, Selective Trunk Line Access, Simultaneous Ringing, Wake up Alarm/Reminder Call, Printer Interfacing.

Technical Specifications :

  • Line In Section - DOT line and Extensions connection port
  • No of Subscribers - 3 DOT Lines and 8 Extension Lines (3 x 8 System)
  • Line Section - Opto Isolation for Trunk Lines and 8 Extension Lines.
  • Tonic Generation - Dial Tone, Busy Tone, Ring Back Tone, Hold-on music etc.
  • CPU Section - Microprocessor Z80 or other
  • Memory - 64KB Program memory (EPROM) and 32KB Data RAM for buffer
  • Speech Path - Fully Non-Blocking
  • Loop Resistance - Extension - 600 Ohms   and Co-line -1200 Ohms
  • Cross Talk Attenuator - > 70 dBM
  • Idle Channel Voice - > 70 dBM
  • Insertion Loss - Extension to Extension and Extension to DOT Line -60 dBm
  • Dial Pulse Ratio - 10pps +/- 10%
  • Dialer - Tone and Pulse
  • Input Power - 230V AC, 50HZ.
  • Longitudinal Balance - 60dBm
  • Telephone Instruments - 4 Nos.
  • Power supply - +12V, +5V, etc.

Objectives :

  • To study the basic Principle and concept of EPABX.
  • To study the functional Block Diagram of EPABX.
  • To study the Dial Tone.
  • To study the Busy Tone.
  • To study the Ringing Tone.
  • To study the Power Supply Section of EPABX.
  • To study the MDF section.
  • To study the EPABX Programming.
  • To study Pulse and Tone Dialing.
  • To study switching mechanism between subscribers.
  • To observe & note the signals at the various points of the circuit.  

Accessories Included : Telephone Instrument (4 No.), Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Op-Amp IC 741 Application And Characteristics (Parameter) Trainer SB-913

This has Built-In DC ±12V/1A regulated fixed Power supply, variable ±12V Power supply, Potential divider network to provide V1-V4 DC input levels, Two Op-Amps IC 741 with Open terminals for interconnection with RC components bank provided on the board to study following applications of Op-Amp IC741, fixed and variable Resistor bank (17 Nos), fixed capacitors bank (4Nos), detailed instruction manual with circuit diagram and procedure to determine all 16 parameters of given Op-Amp.  

Objectives :  

  • To Study the following Op-Amp based Applications.
  • To study the Op-Amps applications Trainer
  • IC 741 as Inverting Amplifier.
  • IC 741 as Non-Inverting Amplifier.
  • IC 741 as an Adder Circuit.
  • IC 741 as an Averager Circuit.
  • IC 741 as Subtractor Circuit.
  • IC 741 as Unity Gain Amplifier.
  • IC 741 as AC Amplifier.
  • IC 741 as Differential Amplifier.
  • IC 741 as a first order Low Pass Filter
  • IC 741 as a first order High Pass Filter
  • IC 741 as Differentiating Circuit.
  • IC 741 as Integrating Circuit.
  • IC 741 as Square wave generator Circuit.
  • IC 741 as Schmitt Trigger Circuit.
  • To Study the Op-Amp Parameters/ Characteristics/ Specifications

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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P,PI,PID Control System- Temperature Control SE-1027

Product Category :  Instrumentation and Control System Lab Trainer (Series: 1000)

Product Name : P, PI, PID Control System- Temperature control

Model No.: SE-1027

Product Details

  • This has Built-In DC +5V/±12V/500mA regulated fixed Power supply, Variable Reference input adjust, Variable Set Point input control, temperature process P, PI, PID control system, RTD as Temperature sensor, 31/2 digit LED type Temperature Indicator (0C) display, the Temperature controller circuit has Op-Amp IC 741 based Integrator with amplifier as "Integral Controller (I)" and Op-Amp IC 741 based Differentiator with amplifier as "Derivative Controller (D)" wired with Op-Amp based summing amplifier and error controller as "Proportional Controller (P)" to drive the AC Heater input and maintained the temperature of the heater at desired preset value, facility to select P/PI/PID control process, facility to control AC Heater condition, on board Ref/set point/ feedback gain/temp set/PI-Gain/PD-Gain/P-Gain controllers, Electrical Heating arrangement, complete setup with maximum test points.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Principle of P, I, D Controller.
    • To Study the Operation of PID Temperature controller.
    • To Study the Temperature controller in Open Loop.
    • To Study the Temperature controller in Closed Loop-PID mode.
    • To Observe and note the ON/OFF of AC Heater at the set value in closed loop.
  • Accessories Included :  Electrical Heating Arrangement, Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.


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4:1 Multiplexer & 1:4 Demultiplexer SD-311

7,000 - 8,000 /no, Get Latest Price

The trainer is intended to study the Truth Table of Multiplexer and Demultiplexer. The trainer has on board DC +5V fixed Power supply, Digital TTL Logic Level Generator (7 No), Digital TTL Logic level Indicator (5No). 4:1 Multiplexer : On board IC 74153 with open terminals wired as to study the 4:1 Multiplexer using IC and verify its truth table. On board 4 bit data input and 2 bit control input. 1:4 Demultiplexer : On board IC 74155 with open terminals wired as to study the 1:4 Demultiplexer using IC and verify its truth table. On board 1 bit data input and 2 bit control select input. Facility to change the Digital Data Input, Control Inputs and observe the corresponding MUX/DEMUX output.

Objectives :

  • To Study 4:1 Multiplexer using IC 74153 and to verify its Truth Table.
  • To Study 1:4 Demultiplexer using IC 74155 and to verify its Truth Table.

Instruments Required : Digital Multimeter (Optional)

Other Models Available (Model No) :

  • Multiplexer 4:1 using IC 74153 (SD-301)
  • Multiplexer 8:1 using IC 74151 (SD-302)
  • Multiplexer 16:1 using IC 74150 ( SD-303)
  • Demultiplexer 1:4 using IC 74155 (2:4 Decoder) (SD-304)
  • Demultiplexer 1:8 using IC 74138 (3:8 Decoder) (SD-305)
  • Demultiplexer 1:16 using IC 74154 (4:16 Decoder) (SD-306)
  • Multiplexer 4:1 using Gates (SD-307)
  • Multiplexer 8:1 using Gates (SD-308)
  • Demultiplexer 1:4 using Gates (SD-309)
  • Demultiplexer 1:8 using Gates (SD-310)
  • 4:1 Multiplexer & 1:4 Demultiplexer (SD-311)
  • 8:1 Multiplexer & 1:8 Demultiplexer (SD-312)
  • 16:1 Multiplexer & 1:16 Demultiplexer (SD-313)
  • Multiplexer Trainer (4:1, 8:1, 16:1) (SD-314)
  • Demultiplexer Trainer (1:4, 1:8, 1:16) (SD-315)
  • Multiplexer 8:1 and Demultiplexer 1:4 (SD-316)

Product Category : Digital Electronics Lab Trainer (Series : 300)

Product Name : 4:1 Multiplexer and 1:4 Demultiplexer

Model No.: SD-311

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Nand & Nor As Universal Gates SB-309

The trainer has on board DC +5V fixed Power supply, Digital TTL Logic Level Generator (3 No), Digital TTL Logic level Indicator (2No). On board two Input NAND gates by using IC 7400 (6 No) with open terminals for constructing all the logic gates. On board two Input NOR gates by using IC 7402 wired as AND, NAND, OR, NOR, NOT, Ex-OR and Ex-NOR gate separately. Facility to change the Digital Input and observe the corresponding gates outputs.    

Objectives :

  • To study the NAND gate as universal gate.
  • To study the AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR gate using NAND gate.
  • To study the EX-OR/EX-NOR gate using NAND gate.
  • To study the NOR gate as universal gate.
  • To study the AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR gate using NOR gate.
  • To study the EX-OR/EX-NOR gate using NOR gate.

Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Graphic Equalizer Trainer SD 214

This trainer is intended to plot the frequency response of 5 Band Graphic equalizer with individual gain controls for the applied audio frequency input. This uses two Quad OP-Amp IC LM324 wired with Buffer amplifier, 5 Band Pass filters with gain control and Summing amplifier as 5 Band Graphic Equalizer circuits to output the desired equalized audio signal. Graphic Equalizer-5 Band type. Centre frequencies are 60Hz, 300Hz, 1KHz, 3KHz and 12KHz. Gain controlled ±dB by potentiometers. Low frequency bands LF1-60Hz & LF2-300Hz, Medium Frequency Band MF-1KHz, High frequency bands HF1-3KHz & HF2-12KHz. Facility to control the gain individually. Facility to plot the characteristics of every BPF. Audio Input range 20Hz-20KHz. Built-in fixed DC ± 12V/500mA Power supply and maximum test point.

Product Category :  Audio, Video, Radio, Television Lab Trainer (Series : 200-D)

Product Name : Graphic Equalizer Trainer 

Model No. : SD-214

Objectives :

  • To study concept and operation of 5 Band Graphic Equalizer circuit.
  • To study and plot frequency response of Low frequency bands 60Hz and 300Hz AF output.
  • To study and plot frequency response of Medium frequency bands 1KHz AF output.
  • To study and plot frequency response of High frequency bands 3KHz and 12KHz AF output.
  • To observe and note the change in selected AF output bands w.r.t. change in AF input Vi.
  • To determine centre cut-off frequency, Bandwidth and Voltage gain for all bands.

Instruments Required :  Function Generator 1MHz, CRO 20MHz, Digital Multimeter (DMM).

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Signal Generator Demonstrator SE-806

Product Category :  Electronics Measuring Instruments Demonstrator (Series : 800)

Product Name : Signal Generator Demonstrator  

Model No. : SE-806

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In DC ±12V/500mA regulated fixed Power supply, IC XR- 2206 with its associate circuitry of variable RC Bank and BJT NPN 548 as direct coupled amplifier wired as to provide Sine, Square, Triangular signal O/Ps with variable amplitude (10Vmax) & frequency (100KHzmax) in steps, on board frequency and amplitude control, frequency range selector in 100Hz/1KHz/ 10KHz/100KHz/1MHz, sine/square/triangular output selector, complete setup with maximum test points.  
  • Objectives :
    • To Study operation of IC XR-2206 as Function generator to generate Sine, Square, Triangular wave O/P.
    • To Observe & Note  time period, amplitude , frequency of Sine, Square, Triangular wave O/P w.r.t. change in RC  Components values.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.
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Optical Communication Trainer With Analog Link SE-201

Product Category : Fiber Optics Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-E)

Product Name : Optical Communication Trainer with Analog Link

Model No.: SE-201

Product Details :

  • This has Optical Analog Transmitter coupled to Analog Receiver through Fiber optics cable to link the analog electrical signal from Transmitter to receiver section in the form of light signals. The optical Analog Transmitter section is wired using Op-Amp IC741, RC Components, Transistor Driver and FOC LED transmitter to provide the optical output for the applied AF input. The optical Analog Receiver section is wired using FOC Photo Diode Receiver, Op-Amps and RC components to provide the analog output for the received optical input signal. Plastic Fiber optics Transceiver pair. FOC Transmitter LED 650nm wavelength. FOC Receiver Photo Diode 650nm. Plastic Connector Housing with 2.2mm aperture holds standard 1000 micron Plastic Fiber. Fast switching time. No cross talk. No fiber stripping required. Forward current greater than 2mA. Molded Microlens for efficient coupling. Fiber optics cable. Sine wave AF signal generators (1Nos) with variable frequency upto 100KHz and 10 Vpp amplitude. Built-in fixed DC ±12V/+5V/1A Power supply and maximum test points.  
  • Objectives :
    • To study the concept of fiber optics communication
    • To study the transmission and reception of analog signal using fiber optics.
    • To observe the change in received data w.r.t. transmitted data.
    • To study the operation of fiber optics LED transmitter.
    • To study the operation of fiber optics Photodiode receiver.
    • To observe the change in the O/P w.r.t. Bending of cable.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Fiber optics cable, Operating Manual.
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Characteristics Of Loud Speaker & Microphone SD-218

Product Category :  Audio, Video, Radio, Television Lab Trainer (Series : 200-D)

Product Name : Characteristics of  Loud Speaker & Microphone

Model No. : SD-218

Product Details

  • This has Built-In DC +12V/500mA regulated fixed Power supply. For Microphone: Condenser type microphone wired with resistive network and fixed DC supply to study the characteristics of microphone w.r.t. applied external sound input. For Loud Speakers: Three types of speakers Woofer, Midrange and Tweeter to be wired with respective three way cross-over network to study the frequency response of these speakers for the applied external AF input. All Enclosed in High Quality Poly coated wooden box. Test Points to observe all corners of experiment.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study Symbols of Loudspeakers and Microphone.
    • To Study the frequency response  of Microphone w.r.t. applied variable AF sound input.
    • To Observe the various types of  loud Speakers like Woofer, Midrange and Tweeter.
    • To Study the different Parts of Speakers.
    • To Study the three way Cross-over network.
    • To Study the frequency response of Woofer, Midrange and Tweeter w.r.t. applied AF input.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch cords and detailed Instruction manual.
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QAM Modulation & Demodulation SB-224

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : QAM Modulation &  Demodulation


Model No. : SB-224


Product Details  

  • QAM Modulation: This circuit has four bit Data Splitter, 2-bit DACs, two Balance modulators wired using IC 1496, 900 RC Phase shifter network, two low pass filters and OP-AMP IC 741 as summing amplifier. The 12 bit digital data input with clock input is applied to four bit Data splitter network to split the data into four bits, which is then applied in pair to respective 2-bit DAC and balanced modulators with direct and 900carrier input to provide balance modulator outputs which is after LPF and summing network provides QAM modulated data output. On board 12 bit digital Data generator, Clock input, Sine wave carrier signal generators (1No) with variable frequency upto 100KHz and 10Vpp amplitude. facility to change the digital data input bits and carrier input. facility to connect external clock  and data input. variation in phase and amplitude of carrier for the given data input pattern. 4-QAM system, maximum carrier frequency 50KHz, Discrete level circuit.  QAM Demodulation: This circuit is wired with two mixers, 900 RC Phase shifter, two low pass filters, logical decision device circuit, multiplexers and OP-Amps to form QAM Demodulation circuit to provide the demodulated serial data output with minimum noise for the applied QAM input signal. QAM input, Digital Data input 12 bit, carrier reference input, maximum carrier input frequency 50KHz, QAM detector bandwidth upto 2KHz, Discrete level circuit, Built-in fixed DC ±12V/+5V/1A Power supply and maximum test point.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM).
    • To observe & note the change in QAM O/P w.r.t. the change in digital Data I/P.
    • To observe & note the change in QAM O/P w.r.t. the change in Carrier I/P.
    • To Study the Quadrature Amplitude Demodulation.
    • To observe the note demodulated O/P w.r.t. change in modulating digital Data I/P.
    • To observe and note the change in the O/P w.r.t. change in carrier I/P.
    • To observe and note the distortion/error in O/P w.r.t change in applied digital data I/P.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.
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Logic Gate Trainer Using IC SC-901

Product Category :  Digital Electronics Lab Trainer  (Series : 300)

Product Name : Logic Gate trainer using IC

Model No.: SC-901

Product Details :

  • The trainer has on board DC +5V fixed Power supply, Digital TTL Logic Level Generator (4 No), Digital TTL Logic level Indicator (2No). It has two sets of AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR logic gates using TTL Digital ICs and also the Basic logic gates AND, OR, NOT using diodes and Transistor. Facility to study logic gates using Discrete components and Integrated Circuits. Equipped with detailed instruction manual and the set of 2mm patch cords for interconnections.  
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the structure of Logic gates trainers for various inputs and outputs.
    • To Study basic logic gates AND, OR, NOT using diode and transistor. Verify its truth table.
    • To Study the truth table of AND, OR, NOT logic gates using TTL Digital ICs.
    • To Study the truth table of NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR logic gates using TTL Digital ICs.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual


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Digital Satellite Receiver DTH Trainer With Dish Antenna KU BAND SA-903

The Trainer is intended to demonstrate the Installation and working of Direct to Home (DTH) Digital Satellite Receiver. The trainer is fully comprehensive, easy to understand and perform experiments on DTH. This has functional Block Diagram printed in multicolor on the front panel of the board with maximum test points and control sections, completely enclosed in elegant poly coated wooden cabinet. This has KU Band Dish Antenna coupled to Digital Satellite Receiver to provide Audio and Video Outputs. On board detail block diagram of RF Section with Dish Antenna Input, Video Decoder, Audio Decoder, System Controller, RF Modulator, Power supply and Display unit.  Control panel has Audio (Left & Right) Out, Video Out, RF Out. On board Dish Antenna LNB Input control. On board Open Circuit board (PCB) to observe the various components of DTH Receiver. On board Remote sensor with LED indications. On board Power ON/OFF control. Facility to control all functions by Remote. Fault created by Switches in UP-Normal & Down-Faulty condition. Facility to study Signal and Voltage analysis of all sections. Facility to create 3 Faults on all sections.

Technical Specifications :

  • Power Supply - 110V - 250V AC 50Hz/60Hz
  • DC Power Supply - +12V, +5V 1A Regulated
  • Dish Antenna  - 3ft Parabolic
  • Dish Input -  F - Connector
  • LNB - 640
  • Receiver Type - Digital
  • RF Output - VHF / UHF  
  • RF Input - 950 MHz - 2150 MHz
  • RF Signal Level - 25dB -65 dB
  • RF Input Impedance - 75 Ohm
  • Channel Decode  - QPSK (SCPC, MCPC)
  • I/P Symbol Rate - 2 - 30 MSPS
  • Audio Out - Stereo Left and Right
  • Audio Frequency Range - 20Hz- 20KHz
  • Audio Decoding - MPEG –II layer I & II
  • Audio Sampling rate - 32/44.1/48KHz
  • Video Out -  CCVS- NTSC/PAL Out
  • Video Decoding - MPEG –II MP@ML
  • Out Terminal - RCA  
  • Video Output level - 1 Vpp ( 75 Ohms)
  • Satellite -  INSAT
  •  Display -  LED Graphical  
  • Distortions -  10 to 15% in live program
  • Controls on Board - Channel Up/Down , Volume Up/Down.
  • Remote Control  -  Control all functions 
  • Total Faults - 3 Faults

Objectives :

  • To study the principle of Digital Satellite Receiver.
  • To study the installation process of Digital Satellite Receiver (DTH).
  • To study the Operation of  DTH.
  • To study the control Panel of  DTH.
  • To study the RF part of Digital Satellite Receiver.
  • To study the MPEG Video Decoder of Digital Satellite Receiver.
  • To study the Audio Decoder of Digital Satellite Receiver.
  • To observe and note the Voltages at various sections.
  • To observe and note the signals/waveforms at various sections.  
  • To study 3 faults on DTH.

Accessories Included : Dish Antenna with LNB, Remote Control, RF Cable, AV Cable, Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Transistor Characteristics In CE/CB/CC Mode SA-115

The Trainer has DC 0-12V/500 mA (2 Nos) Variable Power supply, Transistors BJT NPN SL100 / BC548 with resistors are wired separately in CE / CB / CC mode/configurations to study their  I/P- O/P characteristics and Test Points  for connecting the meters in circuit.

Objectives :

  • To Study the Transistor  characteristics in CE / CB / CC  Mode.
  • To Study/Plot the I/P & O/P Characteristics of BJT in CE/CB/CC Mode.
  • To Determine Dynamic I/P & O/P resistance, DC & AC Current Gain of given Transistor.

Accessories Included :  

  • Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
  • In Built Digital Meters options are also available on demand
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Amplitude (AM) Modulation & Demodulation SA-207

AM Modulation: The IC wired with Resistors and capacitors to generate carrier internally and to provide the Amplitude modulated (AM) output for the applied modulating input signal. facility to adjust the modulation index. Carrier frequency about 1 MHz fixed internally generated. Built-in fixed DC ±12V/500mA Power supply. AM Demodulation: The Ge diode wired with RC Filter combinations as AM diode detector circuit to provide the demodulated output for the applied AM signal. facility to observe demodulated Output with and without AGC, facility to change RC filter bank and maximum test points on board.

Objectives :

  • To study the circuit of Amplitude Modulation using IC.
  • To measure the modulation index. To Determine the Bandwidth, No. of sidebands.
  • To observe the change in AM O/P w.r.t. change in I/P frequency & amplitude.
  • To study  the Amplitude (Envelope) Demodulation circuit using Detector diode.
  • To observe the change in Demodulated O/P Vo w.r.t change  in filter capacitors C1 & C2.
  • To observe and note the AGC output V1 for the selected capacitors.

Accessories Included :  

  • Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
  • In Built Test Signal generators options are available on demand.
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SSB-SC Modulation & Demodulation SA-233

SSB-SC Modulation - The circuit has two Balance modulators wired using IC 1496, two 900 RC Phase shift networks and OP-AMP IC 741 as summing amplifier. The external modulating signal and carrier signal are applied as an inputs directly to one Balance modulator and through 900 RC phase shifter to another Balance modulator to provide Balance modulator output which after summing network provides SSB-SC AM Balance modulator output. Maximum modulating frequency 10KHz, Maximum carrier frequency 100KHz, Built-in fixed DC ±12V/500mA Power supply and maximum test points.
SSB-SC Demodulation - The circuit uses IC 1496 wired with RC components and filter network as a SSB-SC Balance Demodulator to provide the demodulated AF output for the applied SSB-SC input. Maximum modulating frequency 10KHz, Maximum carrier frequency 100KHz, Bandwidth 3KHz, Built-in fixed DC +12V/500mA Power supply and maximum test points. Sine wave signal generators (2Nos) variable upto 100KHz frequency and 10Vpp amplitude.

Objectives :

  • To study the SSB-SC Balanced Modulator circuit. To observe the single side band output with a suppressed carrier signal. To observe and note the change in SSB output w.r.t. change in modulating & carrier signal.
  •  To study the SSB-SC AM Balanced Demodulator circuit. To observe and note the change in Demodulated output w.r.t. change in modulating. To observe the change in the demodulated w.r.t. change in carrier signal.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Error Detection & Correction Trainer SB-235

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : Error Detection & Correction Trainer

Model No. : SB-235

Product Details :

  • The trainer is intended to study detection and correction of error in transmission of 4 bit digital data and to recovered the error free transmitted bits at the receiver. The circuit uses Data and Parity Generators at the Transmission end, Digital Data Channel, Error Detection and Correction circuit at the Receiver end to provide the error free 4 bit digital data output. facility to change the Data inputs, Error Insertion in data bits by switches (4 Nos.),   facility to observe the Received Error signal, Output Data display by LED indications, Error codes 3 bits, Data Transmitted 4 bits, Error signal at Receiver 3 bits, Built-in fixed DC +5V/1A Power supply and maximum test points.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Error Detection & Correction techniques.
    • To Study hamming code for error detection and correction.
    • To observe and note Parity codes generated for the applied data inputs.
    • To observe and note the received corrected Data at receiver for the given data inputs.
    • To observe and note the variation in Received data w.r.t. transmitted data inputs.
    • To study the insertion of Error in transmitted data.
    • To study the correction in received data.
    • To observe and note the received data inputs w.r.t. error in transmitted data.  
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual


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Line Coding & Decoding Trainer SB-236

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : Line Coding & Decoding Trainer

Model No.: SB-236

Product Details :

  • The trainer is intended to study NRZ-Unipolar, NRZ-Bipolar, RZ-Unipolar, RZ-Bipolar and  Manchester or Bit split phase types of Line coding and Decoding techniques for digital data inputs. The circuit uses logic gates, Flip-flops, Transistors, OP-Amps, IC555 and RC components wired as various line coding and decoding techniques. On board 8 bit digital Data input and Clock signal generator. facility to change the digital data pattern. on board circuit blocks of NRZ-Unipolar Encoder & Decoder, NRZ-Bipolar Encoder & Decoder, RZ-Unipolar Encoder & Decoder, RZ-Bipolar Encoder & Decoder, Manchester or Bit split phase Encoder & Decoder. Built-in fixed DC ±12V/+5V/1A Power supply and maximum test point.
  • Objectives :
    • To study the operating principle of Line Encoding and Decoding techniques.
    • To study NRZ-Unipolar data Encoder and Decoder techniques. To observe and note NRZ Unipolar encoded data output for the applied data input pattern. To observe and note NRZ Unipolar decoded data output for the given data input.
    • To study NRZ-Bipolar data Encoder and Decoder techniques. To observe and note NRZ Bipolar encoded data output for the applied data input pattern. To observe and note NRZ bipolar decoded data output for the given data input.
    • To study RZ-Unipolar data Encoder and Decoder techniques. To observe and note RZ Unipolar encoded data output for the applied data input pattern. To observe and note RZ Unipolar decoded data output for the given data input.
    • To study RZ-Bipolar data Encoder and Decoder techniques. To observe and note RZ Bipolar encoded data output for the applied data input pattern. To observe and note RZ bipolar decoded data output for the given data input.
    • To study Manchester or Bit Split Phase data Encoder and Decoder techniques. To observe and note Manchester encoded data output for the applied data input pattern. To observe and note Manchester decoded data output for the given data input.
    • To observe and note the effect on the respective encoded and decoded data w.r.t. change in the data inputs pattern. To observe and note the flow of data from input to output.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.
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SCR Gate Triggering (Turn-ON Methods) Trainer SB-412

This has Built-In DC +12V/ AC 12V 50Hz/500mA Fixed Power supply, SCR 2P4M / TYN604  with UJT as relaxation oscillator and resistive load is used to study all the SCR gate triggering methods like SCR gate triggering using DC Voltage, using AC Voltage, UJT relaxation oscillator, using Square wave I/P, using RC Network (5 Methods), maximum test points provided to observe the intermediate effects.

Objectives :

  • To Study SCR gate triggering using DC Voltage.  To Observe & Note VAK w.r.t. change in DC gate Voltage.
  • To Study SCR gate pulse triggering using UJT as relaxation oscillator.  To Observe & Note VAK w.r.t. change in gate pulse width.
  • To Study SCR gate triggering using Square wave I/P.  To Observe & Note Voltage VAK w.r.t. change in gate pulse width.
  • To Study SCR gate triggering using RC Network. To Observe & Note Voltage VAK w.r.t. gate I/P. To observe & Note firing & conduction angle of SCR and Note the change w.r.t. change in RC Values.
  • To Study SCR gate triggering using AC Voltage.  To Observe & Note VAK w.r.t. applied AC I/P Voltage.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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SCR Parallel Inverter SD-408

This has Built-In DC +12V/500mA Fixed Power supply, Two SCR 2P4M/TYN604 with LC Commutating elements, two anti parallel diodes, step-up transformer and resistive load wired as SCR Parallel inverter, two separate synchronized UJT gate triggering circuits, the circuit converts the DC supply into AC sine wave output, facility to observe the AC output with/without resistive load, Ratings- Commutation type - Class-A Force Commutation, I/P  DC Voltage - 12V, AC O/P Voltage - @ 40VP-P,   AC O/P Frequency - 100Hz approx, maximum test points to observe the intermediate circuit effects.

Objectives :

  • To Study  the operation of SCR Parallel Inverter.
  • To study the triggering circuit used for  SCR Parallel Inverter.
  • To Observe & Note the amplitude & frequency of AC O/P.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Timer IC 555 Trainer SB-917

This has Built-In DC +12V/1A regulated fixed Power supply, variable +12V Power supply, One Timer IC 555 with Open terminals for interconnection with RC components are provided on the board to study configure the various applications of Timer IC555, fixed Resistor bank (9Nos), variable Resistor/Potentiometers bank of 10K, 100K, 1M (3Nos), fixed capacitors bank (8Nos), Diode 1N4007, LED, relay, NPN Transistor, Speaker, detailed instruction manual with circuit diagram and procedure to study applications.  

Objectives :

  • To Construct & Study IC 555 as Astable Multivibrator. To Observe & Note change in O/P amplitude, Time period, frequency w.r.t. change in RC Components & Compare theoretical & Practical Values.
  • To Construct & Study operation of IC555 as Monostable Multivibrator. To Observe & Note change in O/P width, frequency w.r.t. change in RC Components & applied Trigger Input signal & Compare theoretical & Practical Values.
  • To Construct & Study operation of IC 555 as Bistable Multivibrator. To Observe & Note change in O/P Voltage Vo w.r.t. change in applied DC I/P Voltage or  Square wave.
  • To Construct & Study the circuit of DC timer using IC 555. To Observe & Note the Turn-ON time of DC load & Compare the theoretical & Practical values.
  • To Construct & Study the circuit of AC timer using IC 555. To Observe & Note the Turn-ON time of AC load & Compare the theoretical & Practical values.
  • To Construct & o Study operation of IC 555 as frequency divider circuit. To Observe & Note change in O/P w.r.t. change in applied I/P.
  • To Construct &  Study operation of IC555 as Schmitt Trigger. To Observe & Note Square wave O/P w.r.t. applied sinewave Input. To determine UTP, LTP & Hysterises  Voltage.To Observe & Note change in UTP, LTP w.r.t. change in Components values.
  • To Study operation of IC 555 as Ramp generator circuit. To Observe & Note change in Ramp O/P w.r.t. change components values.
  • To Construct & Study circuit of Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) using IC 555.To Observe & Note the change in frequency of Oscillation w.r.t. applied Input voltage. Compare theoretical & Practical Values.
  • To Construct & Study the operation of Photo relay using IC 555. To Observe &  Note the load ON/OFF condition w.r.t. applied light ON/OFF
  • To Construct & Study the operation of Continuity Tester using IC 555. To Observe & Note change in beep/alarm sound O/P w.r.t. shorting of probes through conductor under test as a Continuity tester.
  • To Construct & Study the operation of Tone Generator using IC 555. To Observe & Note change in tone/sound O/P w.r.t. change in RC components.
  • And many more as per your designed.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Thevenins Theorem SE-619

Product Category :  Electrical Network Circuits and Bridges Lab Trainer  (Series : 600)

Product Name : Thevenin’s Theorem

Model No. : SE-619

Product Details  

  • This has Built-In DC +12V/500mA variable Power supply, the circuit uses resistive network of six fixed resistors and variable 10K load resistor wired as to verify the Thevenin's theorem for the applied variable DC input voltage source to a resistive circuit, facility to select resistors bank, facility to set an equivalent Thevenins Network using  variable voltage source VTH source & variable RTH for a given selected network and load, maximum test points to connect meters in circuit.  
  • Objectives :
    • To study the Thevenin’s Theorem.
    • To Determine the Value of VTH & RTH for the different Values of Vi.
  • Accessories Included : 
    • Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
    • In Built Digital Meters options are also available on demand.
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Superposition Theorem SE-622

Product Category :  Electrical Network Circuits and Bridges Lab Trainer  (Series : 600)

Product Name : Superposition Theorem

Model No. : SE-622

Product Details

  • This has Built-In DC +12V/500mA variable Power supply(2Nos), the circuit uses resistive network of six fixed resistors connected with two variable DC input sources wired as to verify the Superposition theorem for the applied variable DC input voltage source to a resistive circuit, facility to select resistors bank, facility to change the applied DC inputs, maximum test points to connect the meters in circuit.  
  • Objectives :
    • To study the Superposition Theorem.
    • To Determine the Value of Current & Voltage across R2 for the different values of V1 & V2.
  • Accessories Included : 
    • Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
    • In Built Digital Meters options are also available on demand.
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Soldering & Desoldering Practice Trainer SE-720

Product Category :  Electronics Components Display Boards (Series : 700)

Product Name : Soldering & Desoldering Practice Trainer

Model No.: SE-720

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In DC Power pack of +5V/+12V/+15V/-5V/-12V/-15V 1A regulated fixed Power supply, Variable +12V and -12V DC Power supply, Test Sine wave signal generator of variable frequency upto 100KHz and variable amplitude upto 10Vpp, Variable square/ Clock generator with variable frequency upto 100KHz in steps and amplitude, TTL Digital High/Low logic input generator (8 Nos.), TTL  High/Low logic output indicator by LED(2Nos.), Mono Pulse Generator(1No), Digital Volt Indicator (DPM) for DC 20Vmax, Set of solder tag boards for soldering and desoldering practice. The Best suitable trainer for the soldering/desoldering of Electronics circuits with the facility of applying testing inputs.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study  Board of Soldering and Desoldering Trainer for inputs/output sources.
    • To assemble any desired Electronics Circuit by Soldering on tag boards.
    • To Test the assembled circuit.
    • To Study the desoldering techniques.
  • Accessories Included : Soldering Iron 25W (1No), Soldering Stand (1No), Desoldering Wire sample (1No) and Desoldering hand Pump (1No), Set of Patch cords.


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Digital Frequency Counter Demonstrator SE-805

Product Category :  Electronics Measuring Instruments Demonstrator (Series : 800)

Product Name : Digital Frequency Counter Demonstrator  

Model No. : SE-805

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In DC +5V/±12V/500mA fixed power supply, on board sine wave input signal generator with variable frequency upto 100KHz and variable amplitude upto10 Vp-p, the circuit uses associate circuitry of Schmitt trigger, driver, PLL frequency multiplier with logical & BCD Counter circuit to drive the LED Seven segment displays to indicate the frequency of applied input signal, Indication on three CC LED Seven segment Display, Frequency counter range 100KHz maximum, complete setup with maximum test points.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Principle of Digital Frequency Counter.
    • To observe and note the output frequency on LED Seven segment display w.r.t. the applied variable input signal frequency.
    • To compare the Observed (Practical) value with applied theoretical value.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual


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Measurement Of Linear Displacement Using LVDT (Digital) SE-1019

Product Category :  Instrumentation and Control System Lab Trainer (Series: 1000)

Product Name : Measurement of Linear Displacement using LVDT (Digital)

Model No. : SE-1019

Product Details :  

  • This has Built-In DC +5V/+12V/500mA regulated fixed Power supply, On board Sine wave AC Source generator with amplitude control, the LVDT of ±20mm mounted on board connected with variable AC source input wired with detection and calibration circuit to study the measurement of linear displacement using LVDT, Displacement Indicator 31/2 digit LED type, facility to control AC Source input, facility of calibration control, marked displacement (mm) scale, complete setup with maximum test points.  
  • Objectives :
    • To study the operation of a Linear Variable Differential Transducer(LVDT).
    • To Observe and note the output on display w.r.t. core displacement in mm.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.
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Digital V I Meter (DVI)

SINCOM's "Digital V I Meter (DVI)" for Voltage(V) and Current (I) Measurement Digitally. DVI meter is most useful for all LABS of  Engineering, Polytechnics, ITIs, Science Colleges etc.

Features :

  • Digital Volt and Current Display
  • Wall Mountable
  • Desktop type
  • Easy for Operation
  • Wide Viewing angle
  • Guaranteed Zero Reading for 0V Input on All Scales
  • Over Voltage Protections
  • Over Current Protections
  • High accuracy
  • AC Mains Operated
  • Calibrated
  • Easy to Service
  • Dedicated Input Supply Terminals for V & I.
  • Available in multiple ranges.

Technical Specifications -DVI :

  • Input Supply - AC 230V ± 10%, 50Hz
  • DC Power Supply - +5V Regulated
  • Measuring Input - DC
  • Display Meter- Voltage and Current
  • Volt Indicator (V) - 1
  • Current Indicator (I)  - 1
  • Indication Method - 7 segment LED Display
  • Display Digit  -  3 1/2
  • Polarity Indication - Automatic
  • Measuring Method - Dual Slope A-D Conversion  
  • Over range Indication - "1" or "-1"
  • Input Impedance- > 10 MΩ
  • Accuracy - ± 0.5% of full scale
  • Input Sensitivity - 200mV Full scale
  • Zero Input reading - ± 0.000
  • Power Consumption - < 2W
  • Operating temperature - 00c to 700c
  • Housing - Elegant Wooden cabinet- Desktop and Wall mountable
  • Ranges Available - Model No. DVI-01, DVI-02, DVI-03, DVI-04, DVI-05

DVI Models And Ranges

Model Ranges
DVI-01 V-20V, I-20mA DC
DVI-02 V-20V, I-200mA DC
DVI-03 V-2V, I-2000µA DC
DVI-04 V-2V, I-20mA DC
DVI-05 V-200V, I-200mA DC
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Digital Multi V I Meter (DMVI)

  • Type Digital Multi Meter
  • Weight 100-200gm, 200-300gm
  • Color Green, Grey, Red
  • Voltage 3-6VDC, 6-9VDC, 9-12VDC
  • Application Indsustrial Usage
  • Display Type Digital
  • Frequency 50Hz-65Hz
  • Body Material Aluminum, Plastic
  • Power Source Battery, Electric
  • Feature Light Weight, Stable Performance
  • Warranty 1Year, 2Years
We are the leading manufacturers, exporters and supplier of this products.
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Electronics Components Display Boards

7,000 - 10,000 /Unit Get Latest Price

Electronics Components Display Boards

  • Display Board of Electronics Components is an Unique wall mounted High Quality Poly coated wooden frame of actual Electronics components displayed with printed multicolor diagram includes assorted Electronics components on white acrylic sheet covered by transparent acrylic sheet.
  • Features :
  • Display Board gives a Practical view of components to the students.
  • The Display Board gives the actual view of Electronics Components rather than an imaginary view of conventional (old) printed charts.
  • Easy to understand about the components.
  • Easy to learn about Symbols, Types and values.
  • Easy to Identify the Components
  • Display board Contains Calculation Table with solved example wherever applicable.
  • Industrial Used components are mounted Wall Mountable
  • Regular viewing of Display Board will keep fresh the ideas about the components
  • Help to save the regular investments done on component as it is a Last Long Product.
  • Helpful on early stages of Education.
  • Available for various components.

Particular (Model No.)

  • Display Board of Different Fixed & Variable Resistor (SE-701)
  • Display Board of Different Variable Resistor (SE-702)
  • Display Board of Fixed & Variable Capacitors (SE-703)
  • Display Board of Diodes (SE-704)
  • Display Board of Transistor (SE-705)
  • Display Board of SCR, DIAC, TRIAC, UJT (SE-706)
  • Display Board of Wires & Cables (SE-707)
  • Display Board of Connector (SE-708)
  • Display Board of Display (SE-709)
  • Display Board of Switches (SE-710)
  • Display Board of Relays (SE-711)
  • Display Board of Inductor (SE-712)
  • Display Board of Transformers (SE-713)
  • Display Board of Transformers & Coil (SE-714)
  • Display Board of loud Speakers (SE-715)
  • Display Board of loud Speakers & Microphone (SE-716)
  • Display Board of Analog ICS (SE-717)
  • Display Board of Digital ICS (TTL & CMOS) (SE-718)
  • Display Board of Discrete ICs (Analog, Digital) (SE-719)
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QPSK Modulation & Demodulation SB-221

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : QPSK  Modulation &  Demodulation

Model No. : SB-221


Product Details

  • QPSK Modulation: This circuit has two bit Data Splitter, two Balance modulators wired using IC 1496, 900 RC Phase shift networks and OP-AMP IC 741 as summing amplifier. The 8 bit digital data input with clock input is applied to Data bit splitter  network to split the data into pairs, which is then applied as an inputs to separate balanced modulators with direct and 900carrier input to provide balance modulator outputs which after summing network provides QPSK modulated data output. on board 8 bit digital Data generator, Clock input, Sine wave carrier signal generators (1No) with variable frequency upto 100KHz and 10Vpp amplitude. facility to change the digital data input bits, and carrier input. four phases output 00, 900, 1800, 2700, for data inputs 00, 01, 11, 10 respectively. Maximum carrier frequency 50KHz, sampling pulse output, Discrete level circuit.
  • QPSK Demodulation: This circuit is wired with two mixers, 900 RC Phase shifter, two wave shaping networks, logical decision device circuit and OP-Amps to form QPSK Demodulation circuit to provide the demodulated serial data output with minimum noise for the applied QPSK input signal. Four phase QPSK input, Digital Data input 8 bit, sampling pulse input, maximum carrier input frequency 50KHz, QPSK detector bandwidth upto 2KHz, Discrete level circuit, Built-in fixed DC ±12V/+5V/1A Power supply and maximum test point.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) Modulation.
    • To observe & note the change in QPSK O/P w.r.t. the change in digital Data I/P.
    • To observe & note the change in QPSK O/P w.r.t. the change in Carrier I/P.
    • To Study the Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) Demodulation.
    • To observe the note demodulated O/P w.r.t. change in modulating digital Data I/P.
    • To observe and note the change in the O/P w.r.t. change in carrier I/P.
    • To observe and note the distortion/error in O/P w.r.t change in applied digital data I/P.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.
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Measurement Of Strain Using Strain Gauge (Digital Display) SE-1016

Product Category :  Instrumentation and Control System Lab Trainer (Series: 1000)

Product Name : Measurement of Strain using Strain Gauge  (Digital Display)

Model No. : SE-1016

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In DC +5V and ±5V/500mA regulated fixed Power supply, the circuit uses the resistive bridge with two arms of strain gauge and two arms of fixed resistors wired with Op-Amp as differential and Instrumentation amplifier with gain control to provide the output voltage proportional to the applied strain on bridge network, 31/2 digit LED type DPM for strain Display, mechanical strain arrangement with assorted weights, facility to control the gain and calibration, complete setup with maximum test points.  
  • Objectives :
    • To study the operation of a strain gauge amplifier and strain gauge transducer.
    • To Observe and note the output voltage Vo w.r.t. change in load on strain guage.
    • To control gain and calibrate the output voltage for the applied strain input.
  • Accessories Included :  Mechanical Strain Gauge Arrangement, Assorted weights upto 1Kg, Set of Patch cords and Instruction manual.


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Cordless Telephone Demonstrator With Faults Creating Facility SA-905

The trainer intended to demonstrate the installation and working of cordless Telephone and its signal/voltage analysis. The trainer is fully comprehensive, easy to understand and perform experiments on Cordless Telephone. This has Base Unit (Master) and Remote Unit or Handset Unit (Slave). RF link between Base and Remote unit for Intercom and DOT line interface. This has functional Block Diagram printed in multicolor on the front panel of the board with maximum test points and control sections, completely enclosed in elegant poly coated wooden cabinet separately for Master unit and Remote unit. The Master and Remote unit has detail block diagram of Dialer section, Speech Processing section, Hook switch, Rectifier section, Ringer section, System CPU section, RF Transmitter, RF Receiver and Antennas. Base unit control panel has Telephone IN, Telephone OUT, Handset Input, Pulse/Tone mode switch, Ring control and facility to connect external Audio Input from signal generator. Remote Handset unit control panel has Battery ON/OFF and facility to connect external Audio Input from signal generator. On board Power ON/OFF control. RF Transceiver 900 MHz. Distance 3mtr. LCD Display. Hands free option.TAM message. Facility of Pulse & Tone dialing. Facility of Mute, ON/OFF Hook Switch and Redial. Facility of Intercom.

Technical Specifications :

  • Line In Section - One DOT line connection port
  • Handset - One Handset connection port
  • Keyboard  - 4X3 Matrix keyboard
  • Dialer - Tone and Pulse
  • Speech Path - Fully Non-Blocking
  • Dial Pulse Ration - 10pps ±10%
  • Tone Frequency - 430 Hz OR as per available Input source
  • Input Power - DOT lines and Intercom
  • Communication - RF 900MHz

Objectives :

  • To study the basic Principle and concept of Cordless Telephone.
  • To study the functional block Diagram of  Master (Base) Unit.
  • To study the functional block Diagram of  Remote (Handset) Unit.
  • To study the setting up of Remote unit with Base Unit.
  • To study the Dialer Section.
  • To study the Speech Section.
  • To study the Ringer Section.
  • To study the Power Supply Section.
  • To study Pulse Dialing and Tone Dialing.
  • To study the RF section of Base and Remote Unit.
  • To study switching mechanism between subscribers.
  • To study the Transmission and Reception of audio signals between Base and Remote Unit.
  • To study voltage and signal analysis on Base and Remote unit.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Solar Cell Characteristics SA-130

The Trainer has DC 0-12V/500mA (1 No.) Variable Power supply, Solar Cell of @ 6V mounted on the Panel , Variable light intensity applied to the sell to study its V-I characteristics  and Test Points  for connecting the meters in circuit.

Objectives :

  • To Study the characteristics of Solar Cell.
  • To Observe & Note the Change in Voltage across Solar Cell w.r.t. change in intensity of light

Accessories Included :  

  • Set of Patch Cords, Lamp load, Operating Manual
  • In Built Digital Meters options are also available on demand
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DPCM Modulation & Demodulation SB-238

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : DPCM Modulation & Demodulation

Model No.: SB-238

Product Details :

  • DPCM Modulation: The circuit of OP-AMP IC 741 differential amplifier, 8 bit ADC with S/H Quantizer, Parallel to Serial converter, serial to parallel converter, Accumulator, 8 bit DAC and modulator are wired as Differential Pulse Code Modulation to provide digital DPCM output for applied modulating input. facility of AC/DC  modulating input, Clock section generates three clock signals, facility to control DPCM transmission, Start control, Sine wave signal generators (1Nos) and Square wave signal generators (1Nos) with variable frequency upto 100KHz and amplitude. facility to control carrier signal, DPCM 8 bit, Variable DC Input 0-5V, maximum modulating frequency 5KHz, maximum carrier frequency 100KHz, Built-in fixed DC ±12V/+5V/1A Power supply and maximum test points.  
  • DPCM Demodulation: The circuit of  Serial to Parallel converter, 8 bit DAC, Low pass filter and amplifier are wired as Differential Pulse Code Demodulation to provide demodulated output for the applied DPCM input. synchronized clock from transmitter, DPCM 8 bit, maximum modulating frequency 5KHz, maximum carrier frequency 100KHz, Bandwidth 3KHz and maximum test points.  


  • Objectives :
    • To study the principle of Differential Pulse Code Modulation and Demodulation (DPCM).
    • To study the circuit of DPCM modulator and Demodulator.
    • To study the Clock section of DPCM.
    • To observe the change in DPCM O/P w.r.t change in modulating input.
    • To observe the effect on DPCM O/P w.r.t change in carrier input.
    • To observe the difference between m(t) and m(k) signals.
    • To observe the change in Demodulated O/P w.r.t change in modulating input of DPCM.
    • To observe the effect on demodulated O/P w.r.t change in carrier input of DPCM.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual


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Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier Using Transistor (BJT) SD-121

This has DC +12V/500mA Fixed Power supply, Two single stage CE Amplifier using NPN transistor BC548/148 with voltage divider biasing interconnected such that the O/P of first stage is connected  to the input of second stage CE amplifier through RC network.

Objectives :

  • To Study the Transistor as a CE Amplifier.
  • To Study the Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier using Transistor.
  • To Observe & Note change in O/P of second stage  w.r.t. change in I/P Freq. of first stage.
  • To Plot the frequency response &  Determine  Bandwidth. To Calculate Voltage gain of each stage  & Overall Voltage Gain of circuit & to verify AV = AV1 x AV2

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Frequency (FM) Modulation And Demodulation Using PLL IC 565 SA-216

FM Modulation - The monolithic function generator IC and Op-Amp IC 741 as non-inverting amplifier wired with Resistors & Capacitors to generate carrier internally and to provide Frequency modulated (FM) output for applied modulating input. facility to adjust the modulation index. fixed Carrier frequency about 1 MHz generated internally.   FM Demodulation: The PLL IC 565 wired with RC network and higher order filter to form a FM demodulation circuit using PLL IC to provide demodulated output for applied FM input. FM detector bandwidth upto 3KHz, facility to change the VCO free running and locking frequency. Built-in fixed DC ±12V/500mA Power supply and maximum test points for studying the experiments. 
Objectives :

  • To Study Principle & circuit of Frequency modulation (FM) and observe it’s FM waveforms.
  • To observe & note the change in FM O/P w.r.t. change in modulating I/P signal.
  • To determine Modulation index, Bandwidth, sidebands & frequency deviation of FM O/P.
  • To Study PLL IC565 as Frequency Demodulation.
  • To Observe the change in the change in the O/P w.r.t. change in Modulating I/P.
  • To observe and note the change in the O/P w.r.t. change in free running frequency of VCO.

Accessories Included :  

  • Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
  • In Built Test Signal generators options are available on demand.
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Analog To Digital (A To D) Converter SG-301

The trainer has on board DC +5V, ±12V fixed Power supply, Variable Analog Input 0-5V and Digital TTL Logic level Indicator (3 No). On board 8 to 3 Priority Encoder IC wired with  OP-Amps as a comparator and Resistive network of different reference voltage to study the Analog to Digital Converter (A to D) and verify its truth table. Analog Input voltage range 0-5V, Digital Output 3 bits. Facility to change Analog Input and observe the corresponding Digital outputs.

Objectives :

  • To Study Concept of Analog to Digital Converter.
  • To Study Analog to Digital (A-D) converter using Op-Amps and verify its truth table.
  • To Observe and note the change in Digital Outputs w.r.t. change in Analog Inputs.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Digital To Analog (D To A) Using IC 0800 SG-306

The trainer has on board DC +5V, ±12V fixed Power supply, Digital TTL Logic Level Generator (8 No). On board DAC IC 0800 wired with Op-Amp and resistive network to study the Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) and verify its truth table. On board 8 bit Digital Input, Reference input, Analog Output. Facility to change Digital Input and observe the corresponding Analog outputs.

Objectives :

  • To Study Concept of Digital to Analog Converter.
  • To Study Digital to Analog (D-A) converter using IC 0800 and verify its truth table.
  • To Observe and note the change in Analog Outputs w.r.t. change in Digital Inputs.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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DPSK Modulation & Demodulation SB-227

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : DPSK Modulation &  Demodulation

Model No.: SB-227

Product Details  :

  • DPSK Modulation: The circuit uses logic gates, Delay circuit, PSK modulator using IC 1496 wired with RC components to provide the DPSK output for the applied 8 bit Data input. The 8 bit digital data input and clock input is applied to logical delayed circuit to provide the differential data input signal to PSK modulator with the carrier input signal to output DPSK signal. On board 8 bit digital Data and Clock signal generator. Sine wave carrier signal generators (1No) with variable frequency upto 100KHz and 10Vpp amplitude. facility to change the digital data input bits and carrier input. maximum modulating Data input frequency 5KHz, maximum carrier input frequency 100KHz.
  • DPSK Demodulation: The circuit uses PSK demodulator using IC 1496, logic gates, Delay circuit wired with RC components to provide the demodulated digital data output with minimum noise for the applied DPSK input. Digital Data input 8 bit, carrier reference input, maximum carrier input frequency 100KHz, DPSK Detector bandwidth upto 2KHz, Discrete level circuit, Built-in fixed DC +12V/+5V/1A Power supply and maximum test point.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) Modulation.
    • To observe & note the change in DPSK O/P w.r.t. the change in digital Data I/P.
    • To observe & note the change in DPSK O/P w.r.t. the change in Carrier I/P.
    • To Study the Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) Demodulation.
    • To observe the note demodulated O/P w.r.t. change in modulating digital Data I/P.
    • To observe and note the change in the O/P w.r.t. change in carrier I/P.
    • To observe and note the distortion/error in O/P w.r.t change in applied digital data I/P.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual


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DC Power Supply Demonstrator With Faults Creating Facility (Single 0-30V/2A) SB-901

Product Category :  Electronics Measuring Instruments Demonstrator (Series : 800)

Product Name : DC Power Supply Demonstrator with faults creating facility (Single 0-30V/2A)

Model No.: SB-901

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In DC +12V/±12V/+5V-1A fixed variable Power supply. The trainer has multi-tapped transformer of 18-0-18V/0-18V/0-12V/2A wired with rectifier, capacitive filter, voltage regulator circuit, controller circuit, constant voltage and constant current circuits to provide the DC 0-30V/0-2A power supply. Facility to control the Voltage and current. Maximum test points on the block diagram to study all the corners of the DC variable power supply.  Input voltage AC 230V ± 10% 50Hz, Panel Mounting Glass Cartridge Fuse for AC input protection, Automatic overload and short circuit protection, Output voltage 0-30V, Output current 0-2Amp, Constant voltage and constant current mode of operation, DPM 4 digit- 7 segment LED display for voltage and current indications, Voltage coarse & fine control, Current coarse & fine control.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Functional Blocks of DC Single Power supply.
    • To Study the Constant Voltage Regulator Circuit.
    • To Study the Constant Current Regulator Circuit.
    • To Study the display methods of Voltage and Current.
    • To study the voltage and signal analysis on DC power supply.
    • To study the Faults (5) finding on various sections of DC single Power Supply.  
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
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Adaptive Delta Modulation & Demodulation SB-212

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : Adaptive Delta Modulation &  Demodulation

Model No. : SB-212

Product Details  :

  • ADM Modulation :This has OP-AMP IC 741 as differential amplifier, Integrator, RC network, logic sequence detector, variable gain amplifier and modulator are wired as to form a Adaptive Delta Modulation circuit to provide the ADM output for the applied modulating AF input signal. facility to control the Clock signal, AF sawtooth input wave (1No) generator with variable frequency, Square wave carrier signal generators (1No) with variable frequency upto 100KHz and amplitude. facility to control carrier signal.  ADM Demodulation : This has logic sequence detector, variable gain amplifier, OP-AMP IC 741 as amplifier, Integrator, RC network and low pass filter wired as to form a Adaptive Delta Demodulation circuit to provide the demodulated output for the applied ADM input signal. maximum modulating frequency 10KHz, maximum carrier frequency 100KHz, Bandwidth 5KHz, Discrete level circuit, Built-in fixed DC ±12V/+5V/1A Power supply and test point.
  • Objectives :
    • To study the principle and circuit of Adaptive Delta Modulation (ADM).
    • To observe and note ADM O/P for the applied modulating AF input and carrier input.
    • To observe and note the change in ADM O/P w.r.t change in modulating input.
    • To observe the effect on ADM O/P w.r.t change in carrier input.
    • To study the limitations and distortions of ADM.
    • To study the principle and circuit of Adaptive Delta Demodulation.
    • To observe and note demodulated O/P for the applied ADM input.
    • To observe the change in Demodulated O/P w.r.t change in modulating AF input of ADM.
    • To observe the effect on demodulated O/P w.r.t change in carrier input of ADM.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
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Maxwells Bridge SE-635

Product Category :  Electrical Network Circuits and Bridges Lab Trainer  (Series : 600)

Product Name : Maxwell’s Bridge

Model No.: SE-635

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In AC 12V/50Hz/500mA Power source with current limiting resistor Rs, the arms of LC bridge has two fixed and one variable known resistors, one fixed capacitor wired with Two Unknown Inductors Lx1/Lx2 of mH value to study the Maxwell's Bridge to determine the value of these unknown Inductors, facility to select two unknown inductors, Galvanometer used for null indication, maximum test points to measure all the elements of a bridge.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Maxwell's Inductance-Capacitance Bridge.
    • To Study measurement of Unknown Inductance. To Determine Q Factor.
    • To Compare the Theoretical and Practical Values.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
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Astable Multivibrator Using Transistor SE-117

The trainer has DC +12V/500mA Fixed Power supply, Two NPN Transistors BC548 in CE  mode with identical collector load resistor, four resistors & four capacitors bank as a feedback components wired as positive feedback amplifier to provide Astable multivibrator O/P at both the collectors with the facility to vary the frequency.

Objectives :

  • To Study operation of Astable (Free-running) Multivibrator using transistor.
  • To Observe & Note the waveforms at the base & collector of two transistors.
  • To Observe & Note Change in Switching Times & Frequency of Oscillation w.r.t. change in RC  feedback Components. Compare the Theoretical & Practical values.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Delta Modulation & Demodulation SB-209

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : Delta Modulation &  Demodulation

Model No.: SB-209

Product Details :

  • DM Modulation : This has OP-AMP IC 741 as differential amplifier, Integrator, RC network and modulator are wired as to form a Delta Modulation circuit to provide the DM output for the applied modulating AF input signal. facility to control the Clock signal, Sine wave signal generators (1No) and Square wave signal generators (1No) with variable frequency upto 100KHz and amplitude. facility to control carrier signal. DM Demodulation : This has OP-AMP IC 741 as an Integrator, RC network and low pass filter wired as to form a Delta Demodulation circuit to provide the demodulated output for the applied DM input signal. maximum modulating frequency 10KHz, maximum carrier frequency 100KHz, Bandwidth 3KHz, Discrete level circuit, Built-in fixed DC ±12V/1A Power supply and maximum test points.  
  • Objectives :
    • To study the principle and circuit of Delta Modulation (DM).
    • To observe and note DM O/P for the applied modulating AF input and carrier input.
    • To observe and note the change in DM O/P w.r.t change in modulating input.
    • To observe the effect on DM O/P w.r.t change in carrier input.
    • To study the limitations and distortions of DM.
    • To study the principle and circuit of Delta Demodulation.
    • To observe and note demodulated O/P for the applied DM input.
    • To observe the change in Demodulated O/P w.r.t change in modulating AF input of DM.
    • To observe the effect on demodulated O/P w.r.t change in carrier input of DM.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual


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Automatic Battery Charger With 12V Battery SD-404

This has Built-in DC ±12V/500mA power supply, the circuit uses single phase step down 12V/500mA transformer with three diodes 1N4007, two SCRs 2P4M/TYN604 and IC741 OP-Amp to form a trickle automatic battery charger circuit, normal and control charging methods, facility to control the battery voltage level, maximum test points to observe the voltages and currents at all components, Ratings- I/P Voltage - 230V Step Down to 12V/1A, DC Battery Charging Voltage - 12 V, SCR Ratings - 4Amp , Battery Charging Current - 500mAhmax, Battery Type - 12V Rechargeable maintenance free.

Objectives :

  • To study the Operation of trickle Automatic Battery charger using  SCR.
  • To Observe & Note Charging Voltage, charging Current, Voltage across  both the SCR w.r.t Battery  Voltage.
  • To Observe & Note the change in Battery Voltage & Charging Current.
  • To study the circuit of Automatic Battery charger using SCR.

Accessories Included : Battery 12V, Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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SCR Step Down Chopper SD-410

This has Built-In DC +12V/500mA Fixed Power supply, SCR 2P4M with class-B LC Commutating elements, three Diodes 1N4007, and resistive load wired as SCR Step-Down chopper circuit to provides the step-down DC output voltage for the applied high input DC voltage, the circuit converts high DC inputs voltage into low DC output, facility to vary the output DC voltage by changing duty cycle, IC555 wired as astable multivibrator with variable duty cycle to provide the square gate trigger pulse to SCR, Ratings- Commutation type - Class-B Force Commutation, I/P  DC Voltage - +12V, Variable DC O/P Voltage Range - @ 5V to 11V DC, maximum test points to observe the intermediate circuit effects.

Objectives :

  • To Study the operation of SCR Step-Down Chopper.
  • To Study the triggering circuit used for SCR  Step-Down Chopper.
  • To Observe & Note the DC O/P Voltage w.r.t. TON & TOFF of SCR. Compare the theoretical & practical values.
  • To Observe & Note change in DC Voltage w.r.t. changes in duty cycle of triggering circuit.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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SCR Series Inverter SD-407

This has Built-In DC +12V/500mA Fixed Power supply, Two SCR 2P4M with LC Commutating elements and resistive load wired as SCR series inverter, two square pulse with opposite phase applied as gate pulses to both the SCRs, the circuit converts the DC supply into AC output, Ratings- Commutation type - Class-A Force Commutation, I/P  DC Voltage - 12V, AC O/P Voltage - @ 20VP-P, O/P Frequency - 150Hz approx, maximum test points to observe the intermediate circuit effects.

Objectives :

  • To Study  the operation of SCR Series Inverter.
  • To study the triggering circuit used for SCR Series Inverter.
  • To Observe & Note the amplitude & frequency of AC O/P.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Kirchoffs Laws (KCL & KVL) SE-604

Product Category :  Electrical Network Circuits and Bridges Lab Trainer  (Series : 600)

Product Name : Kirchoff’s Laws (KCL & KVL)

Model No. : SE-604

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In DC +12V/500mA variable Power supply (2Nos), the circuit uses resistive network of different combinations connected with one/two variable DC input voltage source wired as to study the Kirchoff's Current/ Voltage Law (KCL/KVL) in resistive circuit, Two toggle switches to select the various resistive network combinations, maximum test points.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Kirchoff's Current Law (KCL) in DC resistive circuit. To Observe & Note the DC voltage and currents in a circuit to verify the KCL law at different nodes.
    • To Study the Kirchoff's Voltage Law (KVL) in DC resistive circuit. To Observe & Note the DC voltage and currents in a circuit to verify the KVL law in different loops.
  • Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual In Built Digital Meters options are also available on demand.
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Transducer Trainer (RTD, Thermister, Thermocouple) SE-1009

Product Category :  Instrumentation and Control System Lab Trainer (Series: 1000)

Product Name : Transducer Trainer (RTD , Thermister, Thermocouple)

Model No.: SE-1009

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In DC +5V fixed and +12V/500mA Variable Power Supply. The transducer trainer used to study the characteristics of RTD, Thermister and Thermocouple. The circuit uses module of RTD PT100 and NTC Thermister wired with resistance and DC variable voltage to study V-I characteristics and Resistance of RTD & Thermister w.r.t. applied heating inputs.  The Separate module of CRAL type Thermocouple to study characteristics of Thermocouple w.r.t. applied heating inputs.  on board Digital DC Volt Indicator 20Vmax, Digital DC Current Indicator 50mA max, reference Digital Temperature Indicator for measuring the heating input temperature, Electrical Heating arrangement, complete setup.
  • Objectives :
    • To study Construction of RTD. To study the change in Resistance w.r.t. change in Temperature. To Observe and note the change in Voltage(V) and Current(I) of RTD w.r.t. change in Temperature. To Plot Temperature Vs Resistance characteristics.
    • To study characteristics of (NTC) Thermister. To study the change in Resistance w.r.t. change in Temperature. To study the characteristics of  Thermister for different temperatures. To observe & Note the change in Current & Voltage w.r.t. change in Temperature.
    • To study Construction of Thermocouple. To study thermocouple as an active transducer. To study Temperature Vs Voltage across Thermocouple characteristics.
  • Accessories Included :  Electrical Heating Arrangement, Digital Standard Temperature Indicator on board, Set of Patch cords and Instruction manual.


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FDM (Frequency Division) Multiplexing & Demultiplexing SA-250

FDM Multiplexing - This has two DSB-SC balanced modulators and two channel OP-AMP based linear multiplexer wired as Frequency Division Multiplexer (FDM). Every DSB-SC Balanced modulator circuit has IC 1496 wired with RC components to provide the DSB-SC Balanced AM output for the applied modulating and carrier input signal. The modulating inputs are processed through two DSB-SC Balanced modulators for the applied respective carrier inputs to provide two DSB-SC outputs which is then applied as an input to linear FDM modulator circuit to output two channel frequency division multiplexed outputs.
FDM Demultiplexing - This has two channel FDM Demodulator and two DSB-SC Balanced Demodulators with low pass filter wired as FDM Demultiplexer. Every DSB-SC demodulator has IC 1496 wired with RC components and filter network to provide the demodulated outputs for both channel inputs. The applied two channel FDM input is separated by FDM demodulator and then these signals are processed through DSB-SC balanced demodulators to recover the multiplexed signals. on board Sine wave (modulating & carrier) signal generators (4Nos) with variable  frequency upto 100KHz and amplitude. FDM Channels two analog, facility to control the modulating inputs and carrier inputs of both the channel, maximum modulating frequency 10KHz, maximum carrier frequency 100KHz, Bandwidth 3KHz, Built-in fixed DC ±12V/1A Power supply and maximum test points.  

Objectives :

  • To study the concept of Frequency Division Multiplexer (FDM).
  • To study  the operation of two channel  FDM.
  • To study the DSB-SC Balanced Modulation. To observe and note the DSB-SC outputs for the applied modulating and carrier inputs.
  • To observe and note change in FDM output w.r.t. change in channel inputs.
  •  To study the concept of Frequency Division Demultiplexing.
  • To study the operation of FDM Demodulator.
  • To study the DSB-SC Balanced Demodulation.
  • To observe and note the demodulated outputs for the applied FDM inputs.
  • To observe and note the change in demodulated outputs w.r.t. channel modulating inputs.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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  3. Transistors 3 Products available
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  9. Others Products 85 Products available

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We offer the best product range of EPABX Demonstrator with P & T Interface and Faults Creating Facility SA-904, Op-Amp IC 741 Application and Characteristics (Parameter) Trainer SB-913, P,PI,PID Control System- Temperature Control SE-1027, 4:1 Multiplexer &amp;amp; 1:4 Demultiplexer SD-311 and Graphic Equalizer Trainer SD 214.

Characteristics Of All Diodes SB-903

The Trainer has DC 12V / 500 mA Variable Power supply, Semiconductor PN Junction Diodes (Si and Ge), Zener (5.2V and 6.2V), Schottky, 5mm Red LED, Varactor diodes are used to study their characteristics and Test Points for connecting the meters.

Objectives :

  • To Study the Forward & Reverse characteristics of Semiconductor Diode  (Si, Ge) &  To Determine forward static & dynamic resistance of  diode at a given operating point.
  • To Study the Forward & Reverse characteristics of Zener Diodes & To Determine the  Zener Voltage Vz from the reverse characteristics of Zener Diode.
  • To Study the  characteristics of Schottkey Diode & Rectification Property of Schottkey Diode w.r.t. change in I/P Signal frequency.
  • To Study the Forward characteristics of light emitting diode (LED). To Observe & Note the Change in the Intensity & Voltage across LED w.r.t. applied  forward Voltage.
  • To Study the characteristics of Varactor Diode &  To Observe & Note change in Capacitance C w.r.t. change in applied reverse Voltage.

Accessories Included :

  •  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
  • In Built Digital Meters options are also available on demand.
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EPABX Demonstrator With P & T Interface And Faults Creating Facility SA-904

The trainer intended to demonstrate the installation and working of EPABX and its signal/voltage analysis on various sections. The trainer is fully comprehensive, easy to understand and perform experiments on EPABX. This has functional Block Diagram printed in multicolor on the front panel of the board with maximum test points and control sections, completely enclosed in elegant  wooden cabinet. On board detail block diagram of MDF Section, Extension Hybrid Mixer, Trunk Hybrid Mixer, Digital Switching Matrix Network, Tone Generators, System Control section and Power Supply section. On board MDF section for 8 Extensions and 3 Telephone line interface. On board LED indications for Power ON, 8 Extensions and 3 Telephone lines. On board Power ON/OFF control. On board Open Circuit board (PCB) to observe the various components of EPABX circuit.

Features : Non blocking, Distinctive ringing, DTMF/Pulse Dialing, Music on holds, Line Status indication on the exchange. Abbreviated dialing, Automatic Call back, Barge-in-with/without tone, Call camp-on, Call Parking, Call Pick-up, Call Restriction, Call transfer, Call Forwarding, Follow me, Conference 4-Party, Direct outward dialing. Do not disturb, Extension Privacy, Extension to Extension Call, Hotline on Extension, Hunting Group, Last Number Redial, Selective Trunk Line Access, Simultaneous Ringing, Wake up Alarm/Reminder Call, Printer Interfacing.

Technical Specifications :

  • Line In Section - DOT line and Extensions connection port
  • No of Subscribers - 3 DOT Lines and 8 Extension Lines (3 x 8 System)
  • Line Section - Opto Isolation for Trunk Lines and 8 Extension Lines.
  • Tonic Generation - Dial Tone, Busy Tone, Ring Back Tone, Hold-on music etc.
  • CPU Section - Microprocessor Z80 or other
  • Memory - 64KB Program memory (EPROM) and 32KB Data RAM for buffer
  • Speech Path - Fully Non-Blocking
  • Loop Resistance - Extension - 600 Ohms   and Co-line -1200 Ohms
  • Cross Talk Attenuator - > 70 dBM
  • Idle Channel Voice - > 70 dBM
  • Insertion Loss - Extension to Extension and Extension to DOT Line -60 dBm
  • Dial Pulse Ratio - 10pps +/- 10%
  • Dialer - Tone and Pulse
  • Input Power - 230V AC, 50HZ.
  • Longitudinal Balance - 60dBm
  • Telephone Instruments - 4 Nos.
  • Power supply - +12V, +5V, etc.

Objectives :

  • To study the basic Principle and concept of EPABX.
  • To study the functional Block Diagram of EPABX.
  • To study the Dial Tone.
  • To study the Busy Tone.
  • To study the Ringing Tone.
  • To study the Power Supply Section of EPABX.
  • To study the MDF section.
  • To study the EPABX Programming.
  • To study Pulse and Tone Dialing.
  • To study switching mechanism between subscribers.
  • To observe & note the signals at the various points of the circuit.  

Accessories Included : Telephone Instrument (4 No.), Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Op-Amp IC 741 Application And Characteristics (Parameter) Trainer SB-913

This has Built-In DC ±12V/1A regulated fixed Power supply, variable ±12V Power supply, Potential divider network to provide V1-V4 DC input levels, Two Op-Amps IC 741 with Open terminals for interconnection with RC components bank provided on the board to study following applications of Op-Amp IC741, fixed and variable Resistor bank (17 Nos), fixed capacitors bank (4Nos), detailed instruction manual with circuit diagram and procedure to determine all 16 parameters of given Op-Amp.  

Objectives :  

  • To Study the following Op-Amp based Applications.
  • To study the Op-Amps applications Trainer
  • IC 741 as Inverting Amplifier.
  • IC 741 as Non-Inverting Amplifier.
  • IC 741 as an Adder Circuit.
  • IC 741 as an Averager Circuit.
  • IC 741 as Subtractor Circuit.
  • IC 741 as Unity Gain Amplifier.
  • IC 741 as AC Amplifier.
  • IC 741 as Differential Amplifier.
  • IC 741 as a first order Low Pass Filter
  • IC 741 as a first order High Pass Filter
  • IC 741 as Differentiating Circuit.
  • IC 741 as Integrating Circuit.
  • IC 741 as Square wave generator Circuit.
  • IC 741 as Schmitt Trigger Circuit.
  • To Study the Op-Amp Parameters/ Characteristics/ Specifications

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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P,PI,PID Control System- Temperature Control SE-1027

Product Category :  Instrumentation and Control System Lab Trainer (Series: 1000)

Product Name : P, PI, PID Control System- Temperature control

Model No.: SE-1027

Product Details

  • This has Built-In DC +5V/±12V/500mA regulated fixed Power supply, Variable Reference input adjust, Variable Set Point input control, temperature process P, PI, PID control system, RTD as Temperature sensor, 31/2 digit LED type Temperature Indicator (0C) display, the Temperature controller circuit has Op-Amp IC 741 based Integrator with amplifier as "Integral Controller (I)" and Op-Amp IC 741 based Differentiator with amplifier as "Derivative Controller (D)" wired with Op-Amp based summing amplifier and error controller as "Proportional Controller (P)" to drive the AC Heater input and maintained the temperature of the heater at desired preset value, facility to select P/PI/PID control process, facility to control AC Heater condition, on board Ref/set point/ feedback gain/temp set/PI-Gain/PD-Gain/P-Gain controllers, Electrical Heating arrangement, complete setup with maximum test points.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Principle of P, I, D Controller.
    • To Study the Operation of PID Temperature controller.
    • To Study the Temperature controller in Open Loop.
    • To Study the Temperature controller in Closed Loop-PID mode.
    • To Observe and note the ON/OFF of AC Heater at the set value in closed loop.
  • Accessories Included :  Electrical Heating Arrangement, Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.


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4:1 Multiplexer & 1:4 Demultiplexer SD-311

7,000 - 8,000 /no, Get Latest Price

The trainer is intended to study the Truth Table of Multiplexer and Demultiplexer. The trainer has on board DC +5V fixed Power supply, Digital TTL Logic Level Generator (7 No), Digital TTL Logic level Indicator (5No). 4:1 Multiplexer : On board IC 74153 with open terminals wired as to study the 4:1 Multiplexer using IC and verify its truth table. On board 4 bit data input and 2 bit control input. 1:4 Demultiplexer : On board IC 74155 with open terminals wired as to study the 1:4 Demultiplexer using IC and verify its truth table. On board 1 bit data input and 2 bit control select input. Facility to change the Digital Data Input, Control Inputs and observe the corresponding MUX/DEMUX output.

Objectives :

  • To Study 4:1 Multiplexer using IC 74153 and to verify its Truth Table.
  • To Study 1:4 Demultiplexer using IC 74155 and to verify its Truth Table.

Instruments Required : Digital Multimeter (Optional)

Other Models Available (Model No) :

  • Multiplexer 4:1 using IC 74153 (SD-301)
  • Multiplexer 8:1 using IC 74151 (SD-302)
  • Multiplexer 16:1 using IC 74150 ( SD-303)
  • Demultiplexer 1:4 using IC 74155 (2:4 Decoder) (SD-304)
  • Demultiplexer 1:8 using IC 74138 (3:8 Decoder) (SD-305)
  • Demultiplexer 1:16 using IC 74154 (4:16 Decoder) (SD-306)
  • Multiplexer 4:1 using Gates (SD-307)
  • Multiplexer 8:1 using Gates (SD-308)
  • Demultiplexer 1:4 using Gates (SD-309)
  • Demultiplexer 1:8 using Gates (SD-310)
  • 4:1 Multiplexer & 1:4 Demultiplexer (SD-311)
  • 8:1 Multiplexer & 1:8 Demultiplexer (SD-312)
  • 16:1 Multiplexer & 1:16 Demultiplexer (SD-313)
  • Multiplexer Trainer (4:1, 8:1, 16:1) (SD-314)
  • Demultiplexer Trainer (1:4, 1:8, 1:16) (SD-315)
  • Multiplexer 8:1 and Demultiplexer 1:4 (SD-316)

Product Category : Digital Electronics Lab Trainer (Series : 300)

Product Name : 4:1 Multiplexer and 1:4 Demultiplexer

Model No.: SD-311

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Nand & Nor As Universal Gates SB-309

The trainer has on board DC +5V fixed Power supply, Digital TTL Logic Level Generator (3 No), Digital TTL Logic level Indicator (2No). On board two Input NAND gates by using IC 7400 (6 No) with open terminals for constructing all the logic gates. On board two Input NOR gates by using IC 7402 wired as AND, NAND, OR, NOR, NOT, Ex-OR and Ex-NOR gate separately. Facility to change the Digital Input and observe the corresponding gates outputs.    

Objectives :

  • To study the NAND gate as universal gate.
  • To study the AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR gate using NAND gate.
  • To study the EX-OR/EX-NOR gate using NAND gate.
  • To study the NOR gate as universal gate.
  • To study the AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR gate using NOR gate.
  • To study the EX-OR/EX-NOR gate using NOR gate.

Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Graphic Equalizer Trainer SD 214

This trainer is intended to plot the frequency response of 5 Band Graphic equalizer with individual gain controls for the applied audio frequency input. This uses two Quad OP-Amp IC LM324 wired with Buffer amplifier, 5 Band Pass filters with gain control and Summing amplifier as 5 Band Graphic Equalizer circuits to output the desired equalized audio signal. Graphic Equalizer-5 Band type. Centre frequencies are 60Hz, 300Hz, 1KHz, 3KHz and 12KHz. Gain controlled ±dB by potentiometers. Low frequency bands LF1-60Hz & LF2-300Hz, Medium Frequency Band MF-1KHz, High frequency bands HF1-3KHz & HF2-12KHz. Facility to control the gain individually. Facility to plot the characteristics of every BPF. Audio Input range 20Hz-20KHz. Built-in fixed DC ± 12V/500mA Power supply and maximum test point.

Product Category :  Audio, Video, Radio, Television Lab Trainer (Series : 200-D)

Product Name : Graphic Equalizer Trainer 

Model No. : SD-214

Objectives :

  • To study concept and operation of 5 Band Graphic Equalizer circuit.
  • To study and plot frequency response of Low frequency bands 60Hz and 300Hz AF output.
  • To study and plot frequency response of Medium frequency bands 1KHz AF output.
  • To study and plot frequency response of High frequency bands 3KHz and 12KHz AF output.
  • To observe and note the change in selected AF output bands w.r.t. change in AF input Vi.
  • To determine centre cut-off frequency, Bandwidth and Voltage gain for all bands.

Instruments Required :  Function Generator 1MHz, CRO 20MHz, Digital Multimeter (DMM).

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Signal Generator Demonstrator SE-806

Product Category :  Electronics Measuring Instruments Demonstrator (Series : 800)

Product Name : Signal Generator Demonstrator  

Model No. : SE-806

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In DC ±12V/500mA regulated fixed Power supply, IC XR- 2206 with its associate circuitry of variable RC Bank and BJT NPN 548 as direct coupled amplifier wired as to provide Sine, Square, Triangular signal O/Ps with variable amplitude (10Vmax) & frequency (100KHzmax) in steps, on board frequency and amplitude control, frequency range selector in 100Hz/1KHz/ 10KHz/100KHz/1MHz, sine/square/triangular output selector, complete setup with maximum test points.  
  • Objectives :
    • To Study operation of IC XR-2206 as Function generator to generate Sine, Square, Triangular wave O/P.
    • To Observe & Note  time period, amplitude , frequency of Sine, Square, Triangular wave O/P w.r.t. change in RC  Components values.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.
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Optical Communication Trainer With Analog Link SE-201

Product Category : Fiber Optics Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-E)

Product Name : Optical Communication Trainer with Analog Link

Model No.: SE-201

Product Details :

  • This has Optical Analog Transmitter coupled to Analog Receiver through Fiber optics cable to link the analog electrical signal from Transmitter to receiver section in the form of light signals. The optical Analog Transmitter section is wired using Op-Amp IC741, RC Components, Transistor Driver and FOC LED transmitter to provide the optical output for the applied AF input. The optical Analog Receiver section is wired using FOC Photo Diode Receiver, Op-Amps and RC components to provide the analog output for the received optical input signal. Plastic Fiber optics Transceiver pair. FOC Transmitter LED 650nm wavelength. FOC Receiver Photo Diode 650nm. Plastic Connector Housing with 2.2mm aperture holds standard 1000 micron Plastic Fiber. Fast switching time. No cross talk. No fiber stripping required. Forward current greater than 2mA. Molded Microlens for efficient coupling. Fiber optics cable. Sine wave AF signal generators (1Nos) with variable frequency upto 100KHz and 10 Vpp amplitude. Built-in fixed DC ±12V/+5V/1A Power supply and maximum test points.  
  • Objectives :
    • To study the concept of fiber optics communication
    • To study the transmission and reception of analog signal using fiber optics.
    • To observe the change in received data w.r.t. transmitted data.
    • To study the operation of fiber optics LED transmitter.
    • To study the operation of fiber optics Photodiode receiver.
    • To observe the change in the O/P w.r.t. Bending of cable.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Fiber optics cable, Operating Manual.
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Characteristics Of Loud Speaker & Microphone SD-218

Product Category :  Audio, Video, Radio, Television Lab Trainer (Series : 200-D)

Product Name : Characteristics of  Loud Speaker & Microphone

Model No. : SD-218

Product Details

  • This has Built-In DC +12V/500mA regulated fixed Power supply. For Microphone: Condenser type microphone wired with resistive network and fixed DC supply to study the characteristics of microphone w.r.t. applied external sound input. For Loud Speakers: Three types of speakers Woofer, Midrange and Tweeter to be wired with respective three way cross-over network to study the frequency response of these speakers for the applied external AF input. All Enclosed in High Quality Poly coated wooden box. Test Points to observe all corners of experiment.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study Symbols of Loudspeakers and Microphone.
    • To Study the frequency response  of Microphone w.r.t. applied variable AF sound input.
    • To Observe the various types of  loud Speakers like Woofer, Midrange and Tweeter.
    • To Study the different Parts of Speakers.
    • To Study the three way Cross-over network.
    • To Study the frequency response of Woofer, Midrange and Tweeter w.r.t. applied AF input.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch cords and detailed Instruction manual.
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QAM Modulation & Demodulation SB-224

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : QAM Modulation &  Demodulation


Model No. : SB-224


Product Details  

  • QAM Modulation: This circuit has four bit Data Splitter, 2-bit DACs, two Balance modulators wired using IC 1496, 900 RC Phase shifter network, two low pass filters and OP-AMP IC 741 as summing amplifier. The 12 bit digital data input with clock input is applied to four bit Data splitter network to split the data into four bits, which is then applied in pair to respective 2-bit DAC and balanced modulators with direct and 900carrier input to provide balance modulator outputs which is after LPF and summing network provides QAM modulated data output. On board 12 bit digital Data generator, Clock input, Sine wave carrier signal generators (1No) with variable frequency upto 100KHz and 10Vpp amplitude. facility to change the digital data input bits and carrier input. facility to connect external clock  and data input. variation in phase and amplitude of carrier for the given data input pattern. 4-QAM system, maximum carrier frequency 50KHz, Discrete level circuit.  QAM Demodulation: This circuit is wired with two mixers, 900 RC Phase shifter, two low pass filters, logical decision device circuit, multiplexers and OP-Amps to form QAM Demodulation circuit to provide the demodulated serial data output with minimum noise for the applied QAM input signal. QAM input, Digital Data input 12 bit, carrier reference input, maximum carrier input frequency 50KHz, QAM detector bandwidth upto 2KHz, Discrete level circuit, Built-in fixed DC ±12V/+5V/1A Power supply and maximum test point.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM).
    • To observe & note the change in QAM O/P w.r.t. the change in digital Data I/P.
    • To observe & note the change in QAM O/P w.r.t. the change in Carrier I/P.
    • To Study the Quadrature Amplitude Demodulation.
    • To observe the note demodulated O/P w.r.t. change in modulating digital Data I/P.
    • To observe and note the change in the O/P w.r.t. change in carrier I/P.
    • To observe and note the distortion/error in O/P w.r.t change in applied digital data I/P.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.
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Logic Gate Trainer Using IC SC-901

Product Category :  Digital Electronics Lab Trainer  (Series : 300)

Product Name : Logic Gate trainer using IC

Model No.: SC-901

Product Details :

  • The trainer has on board DC +5V fixed Power supply, Digital TTL Logic Level Generator (4 No), Digital TTL Logic level Indicator (2No). It has two sets of AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR logic gates using TTL Digital ICs and also the Basic logic gates AND, OR, NOT using diodes and Transistor. Facility to study logic gates using Discrete components and Integrated Circuits. Equipped with detailed instruction manual and the set of 2mm patch cords for interconnections.  
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the structure of Logic gates trainers for various inputs and outputs.
    • To Study basic logic gates AND, OR, NOT using diode and transistor. Verify its truth table.
    • To Study the truth table of AND, OR, NOT logic gates using TTL Digital ICs.
    • To Study the truth table of NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR logic gates using TTL Digital ICs.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual


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Digital Satellite Receiver DTH Trainer With Dish Antenna KU BAND SA-903

The Trainer is intended to demonstrate the Installation and working of Direct to Home (DTH) Digital Satellite Receiver. The trainer is fully comprehensive, easy to understand and perform experiments on DTH. This has functional Block Diagram printed in multicolor on the front panel of the board with maximum test points and control sections, completely enclosed in elegant poly coated wooden cabinet. This has KU Band Dish Antenna coupled to Digital Satellite Receiver to provide Audio and Video Outputs. On board detail block diagram of RF Section with Dish Antenna Input, Video Decoder, Audio Decoder, System Controller, RF Modulator, Power supply and Display unit.  Control panel has Audio (Left & Right) Out, Video Out, RF Out. On board Dish Antenna LNB Input control. On board Open Circuit board (PCB) to observe the various components of DTH Receiver. On board Remote sensor with LED indications. On board Power ON/OFF control. Facility to control all functions by Remote. Fault created by Switches in UP-Normal & Down-Faulty condition. Facility to study Signal and Voltage analysis of all sections. Facility to create 3 Faults on all sections.

Technical Specifications :

  • Power Supply - 110V - 250V AC 50Hz/60Hz
  • DC Power Supply - +12V, +5V 1A Regulated
  • Dish Antenna  - 3ft Parabolic
  • Dish Input -  F - Connector
  • LNB - 640
  • Receiver Type - Digital
  • RF Output - VHF / UHF  
  • RF Input - 950 MHz - 2150 MHz
  • RF Signal Level - 25dB -65 dB
  • RF Input Impedance - 75 Ohm
  • Channel Decode  - QPSK (SCPC, MCPC)
  • I/P Symbol Rate - 2 - 30 MSPS
  • Audio Out - Stereo Left and Right
  • Audio Frequency Range - 20Hz- 20KHz
  • Audio Decoding - MPEG –II layer I & II
  • Audio Sampling rate - 32/44.1/48KHz
  • Video Out -  CCVS- NTSC/PAL Out
  • Video Decoding - MPEG –II MP@ML
  • Out Terminal - RCA  
  • Video Output level - 1 Vpp ( 75 Ohms)
  • Satellite -  INSAT
  •  Display -  LED Graphical  
  • Distortions -  10 to 15% in live program
  • Controls on Board - Channel Up/Down , Volume Up/Down.
  • Remote Control  -  Control all functions 
  • Total Faults - 3 Faults

Objectives :

  • To study the principle of Digital Satellite Receiver.
  • To study the installation process of Digital Satellite Receiver (DTH).
  • To study the Operation of  DTH.
  • To study the control Panel of  DTH.
  • To study the RF part of Digital Satellite Receiver.
  • To study the MPEG Video Decoder of Digital Satellite Receiver.
  • To study the Audio Decoder of Digital Satellite Receiver.
  • To observe and note the Voltages at various sections.
  • To observe and note the signals/waveforms at various sections.  
  • To study 3 faults on DTH.

Accessories Included : Dish Antenna with LNB, Remote Control, RF Cable, AV Cable, Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Transistor Characteristics In CE/CB/CC Mode SA-115

The Trainer has DC 0-12V/500 mA (2 Nos) Variable Power supply, Transistors BJT NPN SL100 / BC548 with resistors are wired separately in CE / CB / CC mode/configurations to study their  I/P- O/P characteristics and Test Points  for connecting the meters in circuit.

Objectives :

  • To Study the Transistor  characteristics in CE / CB / CC  Mode.
  • To Study/Plot the I/P & O/P Characteristics of BJT in CE/CB/CC Mode.
  • To Determine Dynamic I/P & O/P resistance, DC & AC Current Gain of given Transistor.

Accessories Included :  

  • Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
  • In Built Digital Meters options are also available on demand
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Amplitude (AM) Modulation & Demodulation SA-207

AM Modulation: The IC wired with Resistors and capacitors to generate carrier internally and to provide the Amplitude modulated (AM) output for the applied modulating input signal. facility to adjust the modulation index. Carrier frequency about 1 MHz fixed internally generated. Built-in fixed DC ±12V/500mA Power supply. AM Demodulation: The Ge diode wired with RC Filter combinations as AM diode detector circuit to provide the demodulated output for the applied AM signal. facility to observe demodulated Output with and without AGC, facility to change RC filter bank and maximum test points on board.

Objectives :

  • To study the circuit of Amplitude Modulation using IC.
  • To measure the modulation index. To Determine the Bandwidth, No. of sidebands.
  • To observe the change in AM O/P w.r.t. change in I/P frequency & amplitude.
  • To study  the Amplitude (Envelope) Demodulation circuit using Detector diode.
  • To observe the change in Demodulated O/P Vo w.r.t change  in filter capacitors C1 & C2.
  • To observe and note the AGC output V1 for the selected capacitors.

Accessories Included :  

  • Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
  • In Built Test Signal generators options are available on demand.
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SSB-SC Modulation & Demodulation SA-233

SSB-SC Modulation - The circuit has two Balance modulators wired using IC 1496, two 900 RC Phase shift networks and OP-AMP IC 741 as summing amplifier. The external modulating signal and carrier signal are applied as an inputs directly to one Balance modulator and through 900 RC phase shifter to another Balance modulator to provide Balance modulator output which after summing network provides SSB-SC AM Balance modulator output. Maximum modulating frequency 10KHz, Maximum carrier frequency 100KHz, Built-in fixed DC ±12V/500mA Power supply and maximum test points.
SSB-SC Demodulation - The circuit uses IC 1496 wired with RC components and filter network as a SSB-SC Balance Demodulator to provide the demodulated AF output for the applied SSB-SC input. Maximum modulating frequency 10KHz, Maximum carrier frequency 100KHz, Bandwidth 3KHz, Built-in fixed DC +12V/500mA Power supply and maximum test points. Sine wave signal generators (2Nos) variable upto 100KHz frequency and 10Vpp amplitude.

Objectives :

  • To study the SSB-SC Balanced Modulator circuit. To observe the single side band output with a suppressed carrier signal. To observe and note the change in SSB output w.r.t. change in modulating & carrier signal.
  •  To study the SSB-SC AM Balanced Demodulator circuit. To observe and note the change in Demodulated output w.r.t. change in modulating. To observe the change in the demodulated w.r.t. change in carrier signal.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Error Detection & Correction Trainer SB-235

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : Error Detection & Correction Trainer

Model No. : SB-235

Product Details :

  • The trainer is intended to study detection and correction of error in transmission of 4 bit digital data and to recovered the error free transmitted bits at the receiver. The circuit uses Data and Parity Generators at the Transmission end, Digital Data Channel, Error Detection and Correction circuit at the Receiver end to provide the error free 4 bit digital data output. facility to change the Data inputs, Error Insertion in data bits by switches (4 Nos.),   facility to observe the Received Error signal, Output Data display by LED indications, Error codes 3 bits, Data Transmitted 4 bits, Error signal at Receiver 3 bits, Built-in fixed DC +5V/1A Power supply and maximum test points.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Error Detection & Correction techniques.
    • To Study hamming code for error detection and correction.
    • To observe and note Parity codes generated for the applied data inputs.
    • To observe and note the received corrected Data at receiver for the given data inputs.
    • To observe and note the variation in Received data w.r.t. transmitted data inputs.
    • To study the insertion of Error in transmitted data.
    • To study the correction in received data.
    • To observe and note the received data inputs w.r.t. error in transmitted data.  
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual


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Line Coding & Decoding Trainer SB-236

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : Line Coding & Decoding Trainer

Model No.: SB-236

Product Details :

  • The trainer is intended to study NRZ-Unipolar, NRZ-Bipolar, RZ-Unipolar, RZ-Bipolar and  Manchester or Bit split phase types of Line coding and Decoding techniques for digital data inputs. The circuit uses logic gates, Flip-flops, Transistors, OP-Amps, IC555 and RC components wired as various line coding and decoding techniques. On board 8 bit digital Data input and Clock signal generator. facility to change the digital data pattern. on board circuit blocks of NRZ-Unipolar Encoder & Decoder, NRZ-Bipolar Encoder & Decoder, RZ-Unipolar Encoder & Decoder, RZ-Bipolar Encoder & Decoder, Manchester or Bit split phase Encoder & Decoder. Built-in fixed DC ±12V/+5V/1A Power supply and maximum test point.
  • Objectives :
    • To study the operating principle of Line Encoding and Decoding techniques.
    • To study NRZ-Unipolar data Encoder and Decoder techniques. To observe and note NRZ Unipolar encoded data output for the applied data input pattern. To observe and note NRZ Unipolar decoded data output for the given data input.
    • To study NRZ-Bipolar data Encoder and Decoder techniques. To observe and note NRZ Bipolar encoded data output for the applied data input pattern. To observe and note NRZ bipolar decoded data output for the given data input.
    • To study RZ-Unipolar data Encoder and Decoder techniques. To observe and note RZ Unipolar encoded data output for the applied data input pattern. To observe and note RZ Unipolar decoded data output for the given data input.
    • To study RZ-Bipolar data Encoder and Decoder techniques. To observe and note RZ Bipolar encoded data output for the applied data input pattern. To observe and note RZ bipolar decoded data output for the given data input.
    • To study Manchester or Bit Split Phase data Encoder and Decoder techniques. To observe and note Manchester encoded data output for the applied data input pattern. To observe and note Manchester decoded data output for the given data input.
    • To observe and note the effect on the respective encoded and decoded data w.r.t. change in the data inputs pattern. To observe and note the flow of data from input to output.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.
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SCR Gate Triggering (Turn-ON Methods) Trainer SB-412

This has Built-In DC +12V/ AC 12V 50Hz/500mA Fixed Power supply, SCR 2P4M / TYN604  with UJT as relaxation oscillator and resistive load is used to study all the SCR gate triggering methods like SCR gate triggering using DC Voltage, using AC Voltage, UJT relaxation oscillator, using Square wave I/P, using RC Network (5 Methods), maximum test points provided to observe the intermediate effects.

Objectives :

  • To Study SCR gate triggering using DC Voltage.  To Observe & Note VAK w.r.t. change in DC gate Voltage.
  • To Study SCR gate pulse triggering using UJT as relaxation oscillator.  To Observe & Note VAK w.r.t. change in gate pulse width.
  • To Study SCR gate triggering using Square wave I/P.  To Observe & Note Voltage VAK w.r.t. change in gate pulse width.
  • To Study SCR gate triggering using RC Network. To Observe & Note Voltage VAK w.r.t. gate I/P. To observe & Note firing & conduction angle of SCR and Note the change w.r.t. change in RC Values.
  • To Study SCR gate triggering using AC Voltage.  To Observe & Note VAK w.r.t. applied AC I/P Voltage.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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SCR Parallel Inverter SD-408

This has Built-In DC +12V/500mA Fixed Power supply, Two SCR 2P4M/TYN604 with LC Commutating elements, two anti parallel diodes, step-up transformer and resistive load wired as SCR Parallel inverter, two separate synchronized UJT gate triggering circuits, the circuit converts the DC supply into AC sine wave output, facility to observe the AC output with/without resistive load, Ratings- Commutation type - Class-A Force Commutation, I/P  DC Voltage - 12V, AC O/P Voltage - @ 40VP-P,   AC O/P Frequency - 100Hz approx, maximum test points to observe the intermediate circuit effects.

Objectives :

  • To Study  the operation of SCR Parallel Inverter.
  • To study the triggering circuit used for  SCR Parallel Inverter.
  • To Observe & Note the amplitude & frequency of AC O/P.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Timer IC 555 Trainer SB-917

This has Built-In DC +12V/1A regulated fixed Power supply, variable +12V Power supply, One Timer IC 555 with Open terminals for interconnection with RC components are provided on the board to study configure the various applications of Timer IC555, fixed Resistor bank (9Nos), variable Resistor/Potentiometers bank of 10K, 100K, 1M (3Nos), fixed capacitors bank (8Nos), Diode 1N4007, LED, relay, NPN Transistor, Speaker, detailed instruction manual with circuit diagram and procedure to study applications.  

Objectives :

  • To Construct & Study IC 555 as Astable Multivibrator. To Observe & Note change in O/P amplitude, Time period, frequency w.r.t. change in RC Components & Compare theoretical & Practical Values.
  • To Construct & Study operation of IC555 as Monostable Multivibrator. To Observe & Note change in O/P width, frequency w.r.t. change in RC Components & applied Trigger Input signal & Compare theoretical & Practical Values.
  • To Construct & Study operation of IC 555 as Bistable Multivibrator. To Observe & Note change in O/P Voltage Vo w.r.t. change in applied DC I/P Voltage or  Square wave.
  • To Construct & Study the circuit of DC timer using IC 555. To Observe & Note the Turn-ON time of DC load & Compare the theoretical & Practical values.
  • To Construct & Study the circuit of AC timer using IC 555. To Observe & Note the Turn-ON time of AC load & Compare the theoretical & Practical values.
  • To Construct & o Study operation of IC 555 as frequency divider circuit. To Observe & Note change in O/P w.r.t. change in applied I/P.
  • To Construct &  Study operation of IC555 as Schmitt Trigger. To Observe & Note Square wave O/P w.r.t. applied sinewave Input. To determine UTP, LTP & Hysterises  Voltage.To Observe & Note change in UTP, LTP w.r.t. change in Components values.
  • To Study operation of IC 555 as Ramp generator circuit. To Observe & Note change in Ramp O/P w.r.t. change components values.
  • To Construct & Study circuit of Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) using IC 555.To Observe & Note the change in frequency of Oscillation w.r.t. applied Input voltage. Compare theoretical & Practical Values.
  • To Construct & Study the operation of Photo relay using IC 555. To Observe &  Note the load ON/OFF condition w.r.t. applied light ON/OFF
  • To Construct & Study the operation of Continuity Tester using IC 555. To Observe & Note change in beep/alarm sound O/P w.r.t. shorting of probes through conductor under test as a Continuity tester.
  • To Construct & Study the operation of Tone Generator using IC 555. To Observe & Note change in tone/sound O/P w.r.t. change in RC components.
  • And many more as per your designed.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Thevenins Theorem SE-619

Product Category :  Electrical Network Circuits and Bridges Lab Trainer  (Series : 600)

Product Name : Thevenin’s Theorem

Model No. : SE-619

Product Details  

  • This has Built-In DC +12V/500mA variable Power supply, the circuit uses resistive network of six fixed resistors and variable 10K load resistor wired as to verify the Thevenin's theorem for the applied variable DC input voltage source to a resistive circuit, facility to select resistors bank, facility to set an equivalent Thevenins Network using  variable voltage source VTH source & variable RTH for a given selected network and load, maximum test points to connect meters in circuit.  
  • Objectives :
    • To study the Thevenin’s Theorem.
    • To Determine the Value of VTH & RTH for the different Values of Vi.
  • Accessories Included : 
    • Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
    • In Built Digital Meters options are also available on demand.
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Superposition Theorem SE-622

Product Category :  Electrical Network Circuits and Bridges Lab Trainer  (Series : 600)

Product Name : Superposition Theorem

Model No. : SE-622

Product Details

  • This has Built-In DC +12V/500mA variable Power supply(2Nos), the circuit uses resistive network of six fixed resistors connected with two variable DC input sources wired as to verify the Superposition theorem for the applied variable DC input voltage source to a resistive circuit, facility to select resistors bank, facility to change the applied DC inputs, maximum test points to connect the meters in circuit.  
  • Objectives :
    • To study the Superposition Theorem.
    • To Determine the Value of Current & Voltage across R2 for the different values of V1 & V2.
  • Accessories Included : 
    • Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
    • In Built Digital Meters options are also available on demand.
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Soldering & Desoldering Practice Trainer SE-720

Product Category :  Electronics Components Display Boards (Series : 700)

Product Name : Soldering & Desoldering Practice Trainer

Model No.: SE-720

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In DC Power pack of +5V/+12V/+15V/-5V/-12V/-15V 1A regulated fixed Power supply, Variable +12V and -12V DC Power supply, Test Sine wave signal generator of variable frequency upto 100KHz and variable amplitude upto 10Vpp, Variable square/ Clock generator with variable frequency upto 100KHz in steps and amplitude, TTL Digital High/Low logic input generator (8 Nos.), TTL  High/Low logic output indicator by LED(2Nos.), Mono Pulse Generator(1No), Digital Volt Indicator (DPM) for DC 20Vmax, Set of solder tag boards for soldering and desoldering practice. The Best suitable trainer for the soldering/desoldering of Electronics circuits with the facility of applying testing inputs.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study  Board of Soldering and Desoldering Trainer for inputs/output sources.
    • To assemble any desired Electronics Circuit by Soldering on tag boards.
    • To Test the assembled circuit.
    • To Study the desoldering techniques.
  • Accessories Included : Soldering Iron 25W (1No), Soldering Stand (1No), Desoldering Wire sample (1No) and Desoldering hand Pump (1No), Set of Patch cords.


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Digital Frequency Counter Demonstrator SE-805

Product Category :  Electronics Measuring Instruments Demonstrator (Series : 800)

Product Name : Digital Frequency Counter Demonstrator  

Model No. : SE-805

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In DC +5V/±12V/500mA fixed power supply, on board sine wave input signal generator with variable frequency upto 100KHz and variable amplitude upto10 Vp-p, the circuit uses associate circuitry of Schmitt trigger, driver, PLL frequency multiplier with logical & BCD Counter circuit to drive the LED Seven segment displays to indicate the frequency of applied input signal, Indication on three CC LED Seven segment Display, Frequency counter range 100KHz maximum, complete setup with maximum test points.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Principle of Digital Frequency Counter.
    • To observe and note the output frequency on LED Seven segment display w.r.t. the applied variable input signal frequency.
    • To compare the Observed (Practical) value with applied theoretical value.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual


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Measurement Of Linear Displacement Using LVDT (Digital) SE-1019

Product Category :  Instrumentation and Control System Lab Trainer (Series: 1000)

Product Name : Measurement of Linear Displacement using LVDT (Digital)

Model No. : SE-1019

Product Details :  

  • This has Built-In DC +5V/+12V/500mA regulated fixed Power supply, On board Sine wave AC Source generator with amplitude control, the LVDT of ±20mm mounted on board connected with variable AC source input wired with detection and calibration circuit to study the measurement of linear displacement using LVDT, Displacement Indicator 31/2 digit LED type, facility to control AC Source input, facility of calibration control, marked displacement (mm) scale, complete setup with maximum test points.  
  • Objectives :
    • To study the operation of a Linear Variable Differential Transducer(LVDT).
    • To Observe and note the output on display w.r.t. core displacement in mm.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.
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Digital V I Meter (DVI)

SINCOM's "Digital V I Meter (DVI)" for Voltage(V) and Current (I) Measurement Digitally. DVI meter is most useful for all LABS of  Engineering, Polytechnics, ITIs, Science Colleges etc.

Features :

  • Digital Volt and Current Display
  • Wall Mountable
  • Desktop type
  • Easy for Operation
  • Wide Viewing angle
  • Guaranteed Zero Reading for 0V Input on All Scales
  • Over Voltage Protections
  • Over Current Protections
  • High accuracy
  • AC Mains Operated
  • Calibrated
  • Easy to Service
  • Dedicated Input Supply Terminals for V & I.
  • Available in multiple ranges.

Technical Specifications -DVI :

  • Input Supply - AC 230V ± 10%, 50Hz
  • DC Power Supply - +5V Regulated
  • Measuring Input - DC
  • Display Meter- Voltage and Current
  • Volt Indicator (V) - 1
  • Current Indicator (I)  - 1
  • Indication Method - 7 segment LED Display
  • Display Digit  -  3 1/2
  • Polarity Indication - Automatic
  • Measuring Method - Dual Slope A-D Conversion  
  • Over range Indication - "1" or "-1"
  • Input Impedance- > 10 MΩ
  • Accuracy - ± 0.5% of full scale
  • Input Sensitivity - 200mV Full scale
  • Zero Input reading - ± 0.000
  • Power Consumption - < 2W
  • Operating temperature - 00c to 700c
  • Housing - Elegant Wooden cabinet- Desktop and Wall mountable
  • Ranges Available - Model No. DVI-01, DVI-02, DVI-03, DVI-04, DVI-05

DVI Models And Ranges

Model Ranges
DVI-01 V-20V, I-20mA DC
DVI-02 V-20V, I-200mA DC
DVI-03 V-2V, I-2000µA DC
DVI-04 V-2V, I-20mA DC
DVI-05 V-200V, I-200mA DC
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Digital Multi V I Meter (DMVI)

  • Type Digital Multi Meter
  • Weight 100-200gm, 200-300gm
  • Color Green, Grey, Red
  • Voltage 3-6VDC, 6-9VDC, 9-12VDC
  • Application Indsustrial Usage
  • Display Type Digital
  • Frequency 50Hz-65Hz
  • Body Material Aluminum, Plastic
  • Power Source Battery, Electric
  • Feature Light Weight, Stable Performance
  • Warranty 1Year, 2Years
We are the leading manufacturers, exporters and supplier of this products.
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Electronics Components Display Boards

7,000 - 10,000 /Unit Get Latest Price

Electronics Components Display Boards

  • Display Board of Electronics Components is an Unique wall mounted High Quality Poly coated wooden frame of actual Electronics components displayed with printed multicolor diagram includes assorted Electronics components on white acrylic sheet covered by transparent acrylic sheet.
  • Features :
  • Display Board gives a Practical view of components to the students.
  • The Display Board gives the actual view of Electronics Components rather than an imaginary view of conventional (old) printed charts.
  • Easy to understand about the components.
  • Easy to learn about Symbols, Types and values.
  • Easy to Identify the Components
  • Display board Contains Calculation Table with solved example wherever applicable.
  • Industrial Used components are mounted Wall Mountable
  • Regular viewing of Display Board will keep fresh the ideas about the components
  • Help to save the regular investments done on component as it is a Last Long Product.
  • Helpful on early stages of Education.
  • Available for various components.

Particular (Model No.)

  • Display Board of Different Fixed & Variable Resistor (SE-701)
  • Display Board of Different Variable Resistor (SE-702)
  • Display Board of Fixed & Variable Capacitors (SE-703)
  • Display Board of Diodes (SE-704)
  • Display Board of Transistor (SE-705)
  • Display Board of SCR, DIAC, TRIAC, UJT (SE-706)
  • Display Board of Wires & Cables (SE-707)
  • Display Board of Connector (SE-708)
  • Display Board of Display (SE-709)
  • Display Board of Switches (SE-710)
  • Display Board of Relays (SE-711)
  • Display Board of Inductor (SE-712)
  • Display Board of Transformers (SE-713)
  • Display Board of Transformers & Coil (SE-714)
  • Display Board of loud Speakers (SE-715)
  • Display Board of loud Speakers & Microphone (SE-716)
  • Display Board of Analog ICS (SE-717)
  • Display Board of Digital ICS (TTL & CMOS) (SE-718)
  • Display Board of Discrete ICs (Analog, Digital) (SE-719)
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QPSK Modulation & Demodulation SB-221

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : QPSK  Modulation &  Demodulation

Model No. : SB-221


Product Details

  • QPSK Modulation: This circuit has two bit Data Splitter, two Balance modulators wired using IC 1496, 900 RC Phase shift networks and OP-AMP IC 741 as summing amplifier. The 8 bit digital data input with clock input is applied to Data bit splitter  network to split the data into pairs, which is then applied as an inputs to separate balanced modulators with direct and 900carrier input to provide balance modulator outputs which after summing network provides QPSK modulated data output. on board 8 bit digital Data generator, Clock input, Sine wave carrier signal generators (1No) with variable frequency upto 100KHz and 10Vpp amplitude. facility to change the digital data input bits, and carrier input. four phases output 00, 900, 1800, 2700, for data inputs 00, 01, 11, 10 respectively. Maximum carrier frequency 50KHz, sampling pulse output, Discrete level circuit.
  • QPSK Demodulation: This circuit is wired with two mixers, 900 RC Phase shifter, two wave shaping networks, logical decision device circuit and OP-Amps to form QPSK Demodulation circuit to provide the demodulated serial data output with minimum noise for the applied QPSK input signal. Four phase QPSK input, Digital Data input 8 bit, sampling pulse input, maximum carrier input frequency 50KHz, QPSK detector bandwidth upto 2KHz, Discrete level circuit, Built-in fixed DC ±12V/+5V/1A Power supply and maximum test point.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) Modulation.
    • To observe & note the change in QPSK O/P w.r.t. the change in digital Data I/P.
    • To observe & note the change in QPSK O/P w.r.t. the change in Carrier I/P.
    • To Study the Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) Demodulation.
    • To observe the note demodulated O/P w.r.t. change in modulating digital Data I/P.
    • To observe and note the change in the O/P w.r.t. change in carrier I/P.
    • To observe and note the distortion/error in O/P w.r.t change in applied digital data I/P.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.
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Measurement Of Strain Using Strain Gauge (Digital Display) SE-1016

Product Category :  Instrumentation and Control System Lab Trainer (Series: 1000)

Product Name : Measurement of Strain using Strain Gauge  (Digital Display)

Model No. : SE-1016

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In DC +5V and ±5V/500mA regulated fixed Power supply, the circuit uses the resistive bridge with two arms of strain gauge and two arms of fixed resistors wired with Op-Amp as differential and Instrumentation amplifier with gain control to provide the output voltage proportional to the applied strain on bridge network, 31/2 digit LED type DPM for strain Display, mechanical strain arrangement with assorted weights, facility to control the gain and calibration, complete setup with maximum test points.  
  • Objectives :
    • To study the operation of a strain gauge amplifier and strain gauge transducer.
    • To Observe and note the output voltage Vo w.r.t. change in load on strain guage.
    • To control gain and calibrate the output voltage for the applied strain input.
  • Accessories Included :  Mechanical Strain Gauge Arrangement, Assorted weights upto 1Kg, Set of Patch cords and Instruction manual.


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Cordless Telephone Demonstrator With Faults Creating Facility SA-905

The trainer intended to demonstrate the installation and working of cordless Telephone and its signal/voltage analysis. The trainer is fully comprehensive, easy to understand and perform experiments on Cordless Telephone. This has Base Unit (Master) and Remote Unit or Handset Unit (Slave). RF link between Base and Remote unit for Intercom and DOT line interface. This has functional Block Diagram printed in multicolor on the front panel of the board with maximum test points and control sections, completely enclosed in elegant poly coated wooden cabinet separately for Master unit and Remote unit. The Master and Remote unit has detail block diagram of Dialer section, Speech Processing section, Hook switch, Rectifier section, Ringer section, System CPU section, RF Transmitter, RF Receiver and Antennas. Base unit control panel has Telephone IN, Telephone OUT, Handset Input, Pulse/Tone mode switch, Ring control and facility to connect external Audio Input from signal generator. Remote Handset unit control panel has Battery ON/OFF and facility to connect external Audio Input from signal generator. On board Power ON/OFF control. RF Transceiver 900 MHz. Distance 3mtr. LCD Display. Hands free option.TAM message. Facility of Pulse & Tone dialing. Facility of Mute, ON/OFF Hook Switch and Redial. Facility of Intercom.

Technical Specifications :

  • Line In Section - One DOT line connection port
  • Handset - One Handset connection port
  • Keyboard  - 4X3 Matrix keyboard
  • Dialer - Tone and Pulse
  • Speech Path - Fully Non-Blocking
  • Dial Pulse Ration - 10pps ±10%
  • Tone Frequency - 430 Hz OR as per available Input source
  • Input Power - DOT lines and Intercom
  • Communication - RF 900MHz

Objectives :

  • To study the basic Principle and concept of Cordless Telephone.
  • To study the functional block Diagram of  Master (Base) Unit.
  • To study the functional block Diagram of  Remote (Handset) Unit.
  • To study the setting up of Remote unit with Base Unit.
  • To study the Dialer Section.
  • To study the Speech Section.
  • To study the Ringer Section.
  • To study the Power Supply Section.
  • To study Pulse Dialing and Tone Dialing.
  • To study the RF section of Base and Remote Unit.
  • To study switching mechanism between subscribers.
  • To study the Transmission and Reception of audio signals between Base and Remote Unit.
  • To study voltage and signal analysis on Base and Remote unit.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Solar Cell Characteristics SA-130

The Trainer has DC 0-12V/500mA (1 No.) Variable Power supply, Solar Cell of @ 6V mounted on the Panel , Variable light intensity applied to the sell to study its V-I characteristics  and Test Points  for connecting the meters in circuit.

Objectives :

  • To Study the characteristics of Solar Cell.
  • To Observe & Note the Change in Voltage across Solar Cell w.r.t. change in intensity of light

Accessories Included :  

  • Set of Patch Cords, Lamp load, Operating Manual
  • In Built Digital Meters options are also available on demand
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DPCM Modulation & Demodulation SB-238

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : DPCM Modulation & Demodulation

Model No.: SB-238

Product Details :

  • DPCM Modulation: The circuit of OP-AMP IC 741 differential amplifier, 8 bit ADC with S/H Quantizer, Parallel to Serial converter, serial to parallel converter, Accumulator, 8 bit DAC and modulator are wired as Differential Pulse Code Modulation to provide digital DPCM output for applied modulating input. facility of AC/DC  modulating input, Clock section generates three clock signals, facility to control DPCM transmission, Start control, Sine wave signal generators (1Nos) and Square wave signal generators (1Nos) with variable frequency upto 100KHz and amplitude. facility to control carrier signal, DPCM 8 bit, Variable DC Input 0-5V, maximum modulating frequency 5KHz, maximum carrier frequency 100KHz, Built-in fixed DC ±12V/+5V/1A Power supply and maximum test points.  
  • DPCM Demodulation: The circuit of  Serial to Parallel converter, 8 bit DAC, Low pass filter and amplifier are wired as Differential Pulse Code Demodulation to provide demodulated output for the applied DPCM input. synchronized clock from transmitter, DPCM 8 bit, maximum modulating frequency 5KHz, maximum carrier frequency 100KHz, Bandwidth 3KHz and maximum test points.  


  • Objectives :
    • To study the principle of Differential Pulse Code Modulation and Demodulation (DPCM).
    • To study the circuit of DPCM modulator and Demodulator.
    • To study the Clock section of DPCM.
    • To observe the change in DPCM O/P w.r.t change in modulating input.
    • To observe the effect on DPCM O/P w.r.t change in carrier input.
    • To observe the difference between m(t) and m(k) signals.
    • To observe the change in Demodulated O/P w.r.t change in modulating input of DPCM.
    • To observe the effect on demodulated O/P w.r.t change in carrier input of DPCM.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual


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Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier Using Transistor (BJT) SD-121

This has DC +12V/500mA Fixed Power supply, Two single stage CE Amplifier using NPN transistor BC548/148 with voltage divider biasing interconnected such that the O/P of first stage is connected  to the input of second stage CE amplifier through RC network.

Objectives :

  • To Study the Transistor as a CE Amplifier.
  • To Study the Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier using Transistor.
  • To Observe & Note change in O/P of second stage  w.r.t. change in I/P Freq. of first stage.
  • To Plot the frequency response &  Determine  Bandwidth. To Calculate Voltage gain of each stage  & Overall Voltage Gain of circuit & to verify AV = AV1 x AV2

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Frequency (FM) Modulation And Demodulation Using PLL IC 565 SA-216

FM Modulation - The monolithic function generator IC and Op-Amp IC 741 as non-inverting amplifier wired with Resistors & Capacitors to generate carrier internally and to provide Frequency modulated (FM) output for applied modulating input. facility to adjust the modulation index. fixed Carrier frequency about 1 MHz generated internally.   FM Demodulation: The PLL IC 565 wired with RC network and higher order filter to form a FM demodulation circuit using PLL IC to provide demodulated output for applied FM input. FM detector bandwidth upto 3KHz, facility to change the VCO free running and locking frequency. Built-in fixed DC ±12V/500mA Power supply and maximum test points for studying the experiments. 
Objectives :

  • To Study Principle & circuit of Frequency modulation (FM) and observe it’s FM waveforms.
  • To observe & note the change in FM O/P w.r.t. change in modulating I/P signal.
  • To determine Modulation index, Bandwidth, sidebands & frequency deviation of FM O/P.
  • To Study PLL IC565 as Frequency Demodulation.
  • To Observe the change in the change in the O/P w.r.t. change in Modulating I/P.
  • To observe and note the change in the O/P w.r.t. change in free running frequency of VCO.

Accessories Included :  

  • Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
  • In Built Test Signal generators options are available on demand.
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Analog To Digital (A To D) Converter SG-301

The trainer has on board DC +5V, ±12V fixed Power supply, Variable Analog Input 0-5V and Digital TTL Logic level Indicator (3 No). On board 8 to 3 Priority Encoder IC wired with  OP-Amps as a comparator and Resistive network of different reference voltage to study the Analog to Digital Converter (A to D) and verify its truth table. Analog Input voltage range 0-5V, Digital Output 3 bits. Facility to change Analog Input and observe the corresponding Digital outputs.

Objectives :

  • To Study Concept of Analog to Digital Converter.
  • To Study Analog to Digital (A-D) converter using Op-Amps and verify its truth table.
  • To Observe and note the change in Digital Outputs w.r.t. change in Analog Inputs.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Digital To Analog (D To A) Using IC 0800 SG-306

The trainer has on board DC +5V, ±12V fixed Power supply, Digital TTL Logic Level Generator (8 No). On board DAC IC 0800 wired with Op-Amp and resistive network to study the Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) and verify its truth table. On board 8 bit Digital Input, Reference input, Analog Output. Facility to change Digital Input and observe the corresponding Analog outputs.

Objectives :

  • To Study Concept of Digital to Analog Converter.
  • To Study Digital to Analog (D-A) converter using IC 0800 and verify its truth table.
  • To Observe and note the change in Analog Outputs w.r.t. change in Digital Inputs.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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DPSK Modulation & Demodulation SB-227

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : DPSK Modulation &  Demodulation

Model No.: SB-227

Product Details  :

  • DPSK Modulation: The circuit uses logic gates, Delay circuit, PSK modulator using IC 1496 wired with RC components to provide the DPSK output for the applied 8 bit Data input. The 8 bit digital data input and clock input is applied to logical delayed circuit to provide the differential data input signal to PSK modulator with the carrier input signal to output DPSK signal. On board 8 bit digital Data and Clock signal generator. Sine wave carrier signal generators (1No) with variable frequency upto 100KHz and 10Vpp amplitude. facility to change the digital data input bits and carrier input. maximum modulating Data input frequency 5KHz, maximum carrier input frequency 100KHz.
  • DPSK Demodulation: The circuit uses PSK demodulator using IC 1496, logic gates, Delay circuit wired with RC components to provide the demodulated digital data output with minimum noise for the applied DPSK input. Digital Data input 8 bit, carrier reference input, maximum carrier input frequency 100KHz, DPSK Detector bandwidth upto 2KHz, Discrete level circuit, Built-in fixed DC +12V/+5V/1A Power supply and maximum test point.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) Modulation.
    • To observe & note the change in DPSK O/P w.r.t. the change in digital Data I/P.
    • To observe & note the change in DPSK O/P w.r.t. the change in Carrier I/P.
    • To Study the Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) Demodulation.
    • To observe the note demodulated O/P w.r.t. change in modulating digital Data I/P.
    • To observe and note the change in the O/P w.r.t. change in carrier I/P.
    • To observe and note the distortion/error in O/P w.r.t change in applied digital data I/P.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual


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DC Power Supply Demonstrator With Faults Creating Facility (Single 0-30V/2A) SB-901

Product Category :  Electronics Measuring Instruments Demonstrator (Series : 800)

Product Name : DC Power Supply Demonstrator with faults creating facility (Single 0-30V/2A)

Model No.: SB-901

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In DC +12V/±12V/+5V-1A fixed variable Power supply. The trainer has multi-tapped transformer of 18-0-18V/0-18V/0-12V/2A wired with rectifier, capacitive filter, voltage regulator circuit, controller circuit, constant voltage and constant current circuits to provide the DC 0-30V/0-2A power supply. Facility to control the Voltage and current. Maximum test points on the block diagram to study all the corners of the DC variable power supply.  Input voltage AC 230V ± 10% 50Hz, Panel Mounting Glass Cartridge Fuse for AC input protection, Automatic overload and short circuit protection, Output voltage 0-30V, Output current 0-2Amp, Constant voltage and constant current mode of operation, DPM 4 digit- 7 segment LED display for voltage and current indications, Voltage coarse & fine control, Current coarse & fine control.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Functional Blocks of DC Single Power supply.
    • To Study the Constant Voltage Regulator Circuit.
    • To Study the Constant Current Regulator Circuit.
    • To Study the display methods of Voltage and Current.
    • To study the voltage and signal analysis on DC power supply.
    • To study the Faults (5) finding on various sections of DC single Power Supply.  
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
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Adaptive Delta Modulation & Demodulation SB-212

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : Adaptive Delta Modulation &  Demodulation

Model No. : SB-212

Product Details  :

  • ADM Modulation :This has OP-AMP IC 741 as differential amplifier, Integrator, RC network, logic sequence detector, variable gain amplifier and modulator are wired as to form a Adaptive Delta Modulation circuit to provide the ADM output for the applied modulating AF input signal. facility to control the Clock signal, AF sawtooth input wave (1No) generator with variable frequency, Square wave carrier signal generators (1No) with variable frequency upto 100KHz and amplitude. facility to control carrier signal.  ADM Demodulation : This has logic sequence detector, variable gain amplifier, OP-AMP IC 741 as amplifier, Integrator, RC network and low pass filter wired as to form a Adaptive Delta Demodulation circuit to provide the demodulated output for the applied ADM input signal. maximum modulating frequency 10KHz, maximum carrier frequency 100KHz, Bandwidth 5KHz, Discrete level circuit, Built-in fixed DC ±12V/+5V/1A Power supply and test point.
  • Objectives :
    • To study the principle and circuit of Adaptive Delta Modulation (ADM).
    • To observe and note ADM O/P for the applied modulating AF input and carrier input.
    • To observe and note the change in ADM O/P w.r.t change in modulating input.
    • To observe the effect on ADM O/P w.r.t change in carrier input.
    • To study the limitations and distortions of ADM.
    • To study the principle and circuit of Adaptive Delta Demodulation.
    • To observe and note demodulated O/P for the applied ADM input.
    • To observe the change in Demodulated O/P w.r.t change in modulating AF input of ADM.
    • To observe the effect on demodulated O/P w.r.t change in carrier input of ADM.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
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Maxwells Bridge SE-635

Product Category :  Electrical Network Circuits and Bridges Lab Trainer  (Series : 600)

Product Name : Maxwell’s Bridge

Model No.: SE-635

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In AC 12V/50Hz/500mA Power source with current limiting resistor Rs, the arms of LC bridge has two fixed and one variable known resistors, one fixed capacitor wired with Two Unknown Inductors Lx1/Lx2 of mH value to study the Maxwell's Bridge to determine the value of these unknown Inductors, facility to select two unknown inductors, Galvanometer used for null indication, maximum test points to measure all the elements of a bridge.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Maxwell's Inductance-Capacitance Bridge.
    • To Study measurement of Unknown Inductance. To Determine Q Factor.
    • To Compare the Theoretical and Practical Values.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual
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Astable Multivibrator Using Transistor SE-117

The trainer has DC +12V/500mA Fixed Power supply, Two NPN Transistors BC548 in CE  mode with identical collector load resistor, four resistors & four capacitors bank as a feedback components wired as positive feedback amplifier to provide Astable multivibrator O/P at both the collectors with the facility to vary the frequency.

Objectives :

  • To Study operation of Astable (Free-running) Multivibrator using transistor.
  • To Observe & Note the waveforms at the base & collector of two transistors.
  • To Observe & Note Change in Switching Times & Frequency of Oscillation w.r.t. change in RC  feedback Components. Compare the Theoretical & Practical values.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Delta Modulation & Demodulation SB-209

Product Category :  Digital Communication Lab Trainer  (Series : 200-B)

Product Name : Delta Modulation &  Demodulation

Model No.: SB-209

Product Details :

  • DM Modulation : This has OP-AMP IC 741 as differential amplifier, Integrator, RC network and modulator are wired as to form a Delta Modulation circuit to provide the DM output for the applied modulating AF input signal. facility to control the Clock signal, Sine wave signal generators (1No) and Square wave signal generators (1No) with variable frequency upto 100KHz and amplitude. facility to control carrier signal. DM Demodulation : This has OP-AMP IC 741 as an Integrator, RC network and low pass filter wired as to form a Delta Demodulation circuit to provide the demodulated output for the applied DM input signal. maximum modulating frequency 10KHz, maximum carrier frequency 100KHz, Bandwidth 3KHz, Discrete level circuit, Built-in fixed DC ±12V/1A Power supply and maximum test points.  
  • Objectives :
    • To study the principle and circuit of Delta Modulation (DM).
    • To observe and note DM O/P for the applied modulating AF input and carrier input.
    • To observe and note the change in DM O/P w.r.t change in modulating input.
    • To observe the effect on DM O/P w.r.t change in carrier input.
    • To study the limitations and distortions of DM.
    • To study the principle and circuit of Delta Demodulation.
    • To observe and note demodulated O/P for the applied DM input.
    • To observe the change in Demodulated O/P w.r.t change in modulating AF input of DM.
    • To observe the effect on demodulated O/P w.r.t change in carrier input of DM.
  • Accessories Included :  Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual


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Automatic Battery Charger With 12V Battery SD-404

This has Built-in DC ±12V/500mA power supply, the circuit uses single phase step down 12V/500mA transformer with three diodes 1N4007, two SCRs 2P4M/TYN604 and IC741 OP-Amp to form a trickle automatic battery charger circuit, normal and control charging methods, facility to control the battery voltage level, maximum test points to observe the voltages and currents at all components, Ratings- I/P Voltage - 230V Step Down to 12V/1A, DC Battery Charging Voltage - 12 V, SCR Ratings - 4Amp , Battery Charging Current - 500mAhmax, Battery Type - 12V Rechargeable maintenance free.

Objectives :

  • To study the Operation of trickle Automatic Battery charger using  SCR.
  • To Observe & Note Charging Voltage, charging Current, Voltage across  both the SCR w.r.t Battery  Voltage.
  • To Observe & Note the change in Battery Voltage & Charging Current.
  • To study the circuit of Automatic Battery charger using SCR.

Accessories Included : Battery 12V, Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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SCR Step Down Chopper SD-410

This has Built-In DC +12V/500mA Fixed Power supply, SCR 2P4M with class-B LC Commutating elements, three Diodes 1N4007, and resistive load wired as SCR Step-Down chopper circuit to provides the step-down DC output voltage for the applied high input DC voltage, the circuit converts high DC inputs voltage into low DC output, facility to vary the output DC voltage by changing duty cycle, IC555 wired as astable multivibrator with variable duty cycle to provide the square gate trigger pulse to SCR, Ratings- Commutation type - Class-B Force Commutation, I/P  DC Voltage - +12V, Variable DC O/P Voltage Range - @ 5V to 11V DC, maximum test points to observe the intermediate circuit effects.

Objectives :

  • To Study the operation of SCR Step-Down Chopper.
  • To Study the triggering circuit used for SCR  Step-Down Chopper.
  • To Observe & Note the DC O/P Voltage w.r.t. TON & TOFF of SCR. Compare the theoretical & practical values.
  • To Observe & Note change in DC Voltage w.r.t. changes in duty cycle of triggering circuit.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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SCR Series Inverter SD-407

This has Built-In DC +12V/500mA Fixed Power supply, Two SCR 2P4M with LC Commutating elements and resistive load wired as SCR series inverter, two square pulse with opposite phase applied as gate pulses to both the SCRs, the circuit converts the DC supply into AC output, Ratings- Commutation type - Class-A Force Commutation, I/P  DC Voltage - 12V, AC O/P Voltage - @ 20VP-P, O/P Frequency - 150Hz approx, maximum test points to observe the intermediate circuit effects.

Objectives :

  • To Study  the operation of SCR Series Inverter.
  • To study the triggering circuit used for SCR Series Inverter.
  • To Observe & Note the amplitude & frequency of AC O/P.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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Kirchoffs Laws (KCL & KVL) SE-604

Product Category :  Electrical Network Circuits and Bridges Lab Trainer  (Series : 600)

Product Name : Kirchoff’s Laws (KCL & KVL)

Model No. : SE-604

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In DC +12V/500mA variable Power supply (2Nos), the circuit uses resistive network of different combinations connected with one/two variable DC input voltage source wired as to study the Kirchoff's Current/ Voltage Law (KCL/KVL) in resistive circuit, Two toggle switches to select the various resistive network combinations, maximum test points.
  • Objectives :
    • To Study the Kirchoff's Current Law (KCL) in DC resistive circuit. To Observe & Note the DC voltage and currents in a circuit to verify the KCL law at different nodes.
    • To Study the Kirchoff's Voltage Law (KVL) in DC resistive circuit. To Observe & Note the DC voltage and currents in a circuit to verify the KVL law in different loops.
  • Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual In Built Digital Meters options are also available on demand.
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Transducer Trainer (RTD, Thermister, Thermocouple) SE-1009

Product Category :  Instrumentation and Control System Lab Trainer (Series: 1000)

Product Name : Transducer Trainer (RTD , Thermister, Thermocouple)

Model No.: SE-1009

Product Details :

  • This has Built-In DC +5V fixed and +12V/500mA Variable Power Supply. The transducer trainer used to study the characteristics of RTD, Thermister and Thermocouple. The circuit uses module of RTD PT100 and NTC Thermister wired with resistance and DC variable voltage to study V-I characteristics and Resistance of RTD & Thermister w.r.t. applied heating inputs.  The Separate module of CRAL type Thermocouple to study characteristics of Thermocouple w.r.t. applied heating inputs.  on board Digital DC Volt Indicator 20Vmax, Digital DC Current Indicator 50mA max, reference Digital Temperature Indicator for measuring the heating input temperature, Electrical Heating arrangement, complete setup.
  • Objectives :
    • To study Construction of RTD. To study the change in Resistance w.r.t. change in Temperature. To Observe and note the change in Voltage(V) and Current(I) of RTD w.r.t. change in Temperature. To Plot Temperature Vs Resistance characteristics.
    • To study characteristics of (NTC) Thermister. To study the change in Resistance w.r.t. change in Temperature. To study the characteristics of  Thermister for different temperatures. To observe & Note the change in Current & Voltage w.r.t. change in Temperature.
    • To study Construction of Thermocouple. To study thermocouple as an active transducer. To study Temperature Vs Voltage across Thermocouple characteristics.
  • Accessories Included :  Electrical Heating Arrangement, Digital Standard Temperature Indicator on board, Set of Patch cords and Instruction manual.


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FDM (Frequency Division) Multiplexing & Demultiplexing SA-250

FDM Multiplexing - This has two DSB-SC balanced modulators and two channel OP-AMP based linear multiplexer wired as Frequency Division Multiplexer (FDM). Every DSB-SC Balanced modulator circuit has IC 1496 wired with RC components to provide the DSB-SC Balanced AM output for the applied modulating and carrier input signal. The modulating inputs are processed through two DSB-SC Balanced modulators for the applied respective carrier inputs to provide two DSB-SC outputs which is then applied as an input to linear FDM modulator circuit to output two channel frequency division multiplexed outputs.
FDM Demultiplexing - This has two channel FDM Demodulator and two DSB-SC Balanced Demodulators with low pass filter wired as FDM Demultiplexer. Every DSB-SC demodulator has IC 1496 wired with RC components and filter network to provide the demodulated outputs for both channel inputs. The applied two channel FDM input is separated by FDM demodulator and then these signals are processed through DSB-SC balanced demodulators to recover the multiplexed signals. on board Sine wave (modulating & carrier) signal generators (4Nos) with variable  frequency upto 100KHz and amplitude. FDM Channels two analog, facility to control the modulating inputs and carrier inputs of both the channel, maximum modulating frequency 10KHz, maximum carrier frequency 100KHz, Bandwidth 3KHz, Built-in fixed DC ±12V/1A Power supply and maximum test points.  

Objectives :

  • To study the concept of Frequency Division Multiplexer (FDM).
  • To study  the operation of two channel  FDM.
  • To study the DSB-SC Balanced Modulation. To observe and note the DSB-SC outputs for the applied modulating and carrier inputs.
  • To observe and note change in FDM output w.r.t. change in channel inputs.
  •  To study the concept of Frequency Division Demultiplexing.
  • To study the operation of FDM Demodulator.
  • To study the DSB-SC Balanced Demodulation.
  • To observe and note the demodulated outputs for the applied FDM inputs.
  • To observe and note the change in demodulated outputs w.r.t. channel modulating inputs.

Accessories Included : Set of Patch Cords, Operating Manual.

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