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Industrial Designing, Plant & Equipment Installation

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of IP CCTV Installation, Fire Alarm System Installation and Fire Hydrant System Installation.

IP CCTV Installation

We are pioneer in designing , installation , testing & commissioning of both Analogue / IP CCTV network in small/medium/large installation and earned high reputation for successfully execution of  various type of CCTV system for  effectively surveillance of  the establishment up to entire satisfaction of our esteem client .We are interested to offer  cost effective solution  for setting up video surveillance system to our honored client of any part of NE States of India.

Fire Alarm System Installation

We are equipped with  high skilled technical man power and all modern instruments , tools & plants require to execute both Conventional as well as Addressable type Fire Detection system truly in specified manner as laid in statutory  body's guidelines.  So far we have installed & commissioned a good number of Fire detection system in various  Govt. / private establishments in the state of Tripura. We are very much enthusiastic and keen to take up voluminous Fire detection system work in any part of  NE states of India.

Fire Hydrant System Installation

We are specialised in  Designing and execution of  Dry/Wet Riser Fire Hydrant system in multistoried  buildings , Residential / Industrial complexes etc. and have high skilled certified welder, fitter and advance machineries require for execution , testing & commissioning of the system.  So far we have been awarded with  a good number of assignment for designing  and complete execution of Fire Fighting system in some prestigious property situated  in the state of Tripura and completed the work very satisfactorily . We are keen to undertake any kinds of  Fire Fighting  system installation work in any part of NE states of India.

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