Our Product / Services
Electrical Installation
1 Services availableElectrical & Signaling Contractors
1 Products availableSteel Pipes
1 Products availableSolar Panel
1 Products availableComputer Networking Services
1 Services availableWe offer the best product range of Early Streamer Emission System and UG Power Cable.
We are counted as one of the leading EPC Firm in the state of Tripura for offering Engineering , procurement, and construction services in the field of Solar power system . We undertake execution of ON /Off Grid , Hybrid type solar power system on turnkey basis, which includes detail designing of solar power system as per customer requirement, supply of complete Solar power kit , and installation & commissioning of the system. We are eager to offer our EPC services for installation of all kinds of solar power plant to our esteem clients in any part of NE states of India.
We are pioneer in designing , installation , testing & commissioning of both Analogue / IP CCTV network in small/medium/large installation and earned high reputation for successfully execution of various type of CCTV system for effectively surveillance of the establishment up to entire satisfaction of our esteem client .We are interested to offer cost effective solution for setting up video surveillance system to our honored client of any part of NE States of India.
We are equipped with high skilled technical man power and all modern instruments , tools & plants require to execute both Conventional as well as Addressable type Fire Detection system truly in specified manner as laid in statutory body's guidelines. So far we have installed & commissioned a good number of Fire detection system in various Govt. / private establishments in the state of Tripura. We are very much enthusiastic and keen to take up voluminous Fire detection system work in any part of NE states of India.
We are specialised in Designing and execution of Dry/Wet Riser Fire Hydrant system in multistoried buildings , Residential / Industrial complexes etc. and have high skilled certified welder, fitter and advance machineries require for execution , testing & commissioning of the system. So far we have been awarded with a good number of assignment for designing and complete execution of Fire Fighting system in some prestigious property situated in the state of Tripura and completed the work very satisfactorily . We are keen to undertake any kinds of Fire Fighting system installation work in any part of NE states of India.
We have started our journey in the field of constructional work with successfully execution of building Electrical wiring works in concealed manner and continued this till today .So far we have executed a lots building Electrical work in medium to large including high rise buildings , constructed for star category hotel/ Govt. offices / Custom stations /Institution/industry House etc. In the state of Tripura & Mizoram .We under take this type of work on turnkey basis , which includes detail designing of the system , and execution of the work with supply of all require materials. We are equipped with all modern machineries , tools & tackles along with a team of a good number of highly skilled certified electrician , technical person etc. We are interested to take up this type of work on turn key basis in any part of NE States of India
We are well known as a leading Construction agency in the field of construction of 33 KV , 11 KV , Over Head Transmission Line and construction Electrical sub station up to Voltage grade of 33 KV in the state of Tripura . So far we have executed some project in this field in the state of Tripura and earned huge appreciation from our esteem client . We are eagerly looking for this type of job specially Sub station work in any part of the NE states of India.
Based in Agartala (Tripura, India), we are dedicated in offering reliable electrical substation installation services. We are supported by a team of reliable engineers that is experienced in this domain and capable of carrying out the installation task with ease. Installation of the entire electrical substation at any required site is our forte. For conducting the installation service, we make use of advanced machines, tools, and equipment. Also, we offer our services at reasonable charges.
We have been considered as a reputed firm in the state of Tripura for execution of supply & Laying of MS ERW/SEAMLESS pipe directly in the ground by using modern tools/plant & instrument . We also deal in finding location of fault of any type , in U.G Cable by using our own modern cable fault locater. Pipe laying work , we execute mainly for Fire Fighting purpose , where static pressure of water is to be maintain around 7.0 Kg/cm2 and thus any sort of minor leakage in the joint is not at all acceptable. For this purpose welding work for jointing the pipeline is carried out by our certified welder with modern thyristor controlled variable current type DC welding machine. We are looking forward to get an enquiry for this type of work from any part of NE states in India.
We have been considered as a reputed firm in the state of Tripura for execution of supply & Laying of U.G. power cable directly in the ground by using modern tools/plant & instrument . We also deal in finding location of fault of any type , in U.G Cable by using our own modern cable fault locater. Pipe laying work , we execute mainly for Fire Fighting purpose , where static pressure of water is to be maintain around 7.0 Kg/cm2 and thus any sort of minor leakage in the joint is not at all acceptable. For this purpose welding work for jointing the pipeline is carried out by our certified welder with modern thyristor controlled variable current type DC welding machine. We are looking forward to get an enquiry for this type of work from any part of NE states in India.