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  1. Brakes & Braking Systems

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Our Products

Our product range contains a wide range of Mill Duty Brakes

Cable Reeling Drums

Cable Reeling Drums, spring operated up to 30 meters in different Drum Sizes based on cable size.

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Steel Grid Resistor

Original Non Breakable resistor met with instant
favour operates continuously in adverse conditions
such as Dust, Moisture & Vibration

Wire Grid or Punched Grid are corrosion resisting
chromium alloy S.S.304

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Master Controllers

Cam type, Contacts get actuated by Cams on
operating sequence, shaft to the desired sequence
and are wired to contactor panel. IP41 & IP54
enclosur. Options feature like dead means handle,
spring return and twin controllers can be supplied.
Long Life, Simple Maintenance, Wide Electrical
Size-1 upto 6 contacts.
Size-2 upto 12 contacts.
Size-3 upto 18 contacts.
Size-4 upto 24 contacts.


The following arrangements show the most common ways of installing the reels. For other applications please consult our technical sales department.

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Cable Reeling Geared Coupling

Geared Coupling in Standard sizes from EM 100 to 118, Full Gears ad half gear & half rigid coupling, are also available in same size. Geared Brake Drum couplings are Drum dia of 100 to 500 can be

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Radio Remote Control

Water / Dust proof IP 65 Strong Casing
Adapts to different applications
Specification :
Sections-assembled push buttons, easy to upgrade
to different models.
Gold plated switches, specially for industrial
used, long stage with high sensivity
PC casing, extremely shock, water, dust proof
Extra-protection : International standard EMS-stop push buttons
Features :
Securitycoad : 256 sets
Output power : Less than 1mW
Frequency Control : Quartz crystals

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Electromagnetic Brakes

  1. Instant Operation
  2. Maximunm No. of Operations 240
  3. Requires Stroke Adjustment
  4. Sizes 100 mm to 400 mm
  5. Braking Torque - 2 Kgm. to 65 Kgm.
  6. Disk Brakes for Hoist, with torque rating
  7. upto 35 Kgm
  8. Available in single phase 220V, 440V &
  9. 3 phase 440V

100 90-10-C1 220 90-10-C2 184 165
150 90-15-C1 760 90-15-C2 650 165
200 90-20-C1 1775 90-20-C2 1500 280
250 90-25-C1 2270 90-25-C2 1930 335
300 90-30-C1 4570 90-30-C2 3880 350
375 90-37-C1 6900 90-37-C2 5860 600
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Mill Duty Brakes

  1. D C Brakes, IPSS/AISE standards,
  2. Dia 100 mm to 800 mm with breaking torque
  3. ranging from 6 Kgm. to 700 Kgm.
  4. Thruster Brakes with Electro Hydraulic Thrusters having thrusts - of 18 Kg 228 Kg

Model No. Drum Dia 
Brake Shoe Width (mm) Thrust Braking (kgs) Torque (kg mtr)
94-1021 100 57 18 6.0
94-1521 150 70 18 10.0
94-2021 200 88 18 20.0
94-2022 200 88 34 30.0
94-2023 200 88 45 40.0
94-2521 250 108 18 28.0
94-2522 250 108 34 44.0
94-2523 250 108 45 68.0
94-3021 300 127 18 44.0
94-3022 300 127 34 60.0
94-3023 300 127 45 70.0
94-3721 375 152 18 52.0
94-4021 400 152 18 58.0
94-4022 400 152 34 90.0
94-4023 400 152 45 120.0
94-4024 400 152 68 170.0
94-4025 400 152 114 280.0
94-5024 500 190 68 225.0
94-5025 500 190 114 370.0
94-6024 600 228 68 340.0
94-6025 600 228 114 570.0

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Limit Switches

Roller Level type, Rotary Geared with Ratio 48 : 1 &
60 : 1 No. of contacts up to 4, Rating 10 A. & 40A.
Series Limit Switch up to150 Amp.
The Limit Switch contact block is of high grade
melamine capable of withstanding heavy arcing. The
tips are made of high grade silver cadmium oxide

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Thrustor Brake

OperationThe braking torque is applied through the action of compression springs that operate the shoes when the current is interrupted. When the current is switched on the shoes is lifted from the drum, the electro-hydraulic thrustor unit acting against the pressure of the springs. The normal position of the brakes is, therefore, 'ON' (shoes gripping the drum), and the brake will return to this position when the current fails.

General Specification

Break ConstructionThe brakes are robustly made with few and simple working parts, The shoes and base of close grained cast iron and the fulcrum pins are of ground mild steel working in long, reamed bearings. The shoes are fitted with easily renewable woven, fibre, linings held by countersunk rivets, They are adjustable for wear and the pressure exerted by them is easily varid Pivoted shoes are standard on all thrustor-operated brakes.

ThrustorsThese are standard electro-hydraulic supplied complete with their first filling of oil. This is 'insulating' oil, Grade 8.30 to British Standard 148, which is readily available at home and overseas. The thrustor cannot be injured by overload or under load.

WindingsAll size can be wounded for 3 phase A.C. supplies up to 550 volts and outputs are given here for 50 and 60 C/S supplies. For lower supply frequencies the outputs will be reduced and enquiries should-be referred to us. All thrustors are continuously rated.

EnclosuresAll standard units are totally enclosed. Dust seals are fitted as standard, but in extremely dusty situations, or for mounting in the open, a cowl or cover the thrustor is recommended.

Cable EntryStandard units have tapped inch BS conduit thread. Supply leads must be flexible to allow free movement, and cables should have 18 inches free length and be not larger than three-core 7/0.029'' to avoid side drag.

Optional Special Features

Manual ReleaseA level for releasing the brake can be fitted at a small extra cost; this lever is self-resetting.

Hydraulic Over-RideHydraulic control, which enables the brake to be applied by the operator by means of a lever or pedal while the thrustor is energized, can be fitted at extra cost. These brakes can be supplied complete with master and brake cylinder, copper pipe and pedal assembly.

Brake DrumsBrake drums, or drums combined with rigid or flexible couplings, can be supplied to customers' requirements at extra cost. A stout high duty cast-iron drum will be supplied with the brake, if specified. Drums are machined and keywayed ready for fitting to the motor shaft at cost.

Asbestos LiningsAsbestos linings can be fitted to any of the brakes listed in the table. These linings withstand higher temperatures but result in reduced torques, about 0%, because of their lower friction coefficient. They should only used when drum temperatures of over 2200F have to be tolerated and should be the subject of a special enquiry to us.

Choosing The Correct BrakeWhen selecting a brake from the rating table, opposite, it is important to consider not only the brake torque but also its duty, i.e. its frequency of application and the duration of each stop.

TorqueWhen a large amount of store energy has to be dissipated or when the stopping times is specified, it will be necessary to caculate the torque from inertias and speeds of the moving parts. For many purposes, however the braking torque can be related to the torque being transmitted. The full load torque of a shaft transmitting a known horsepower is given by:Torque (lb-ft.) = hp x 5250rev/min of shaft.Usually, sufficient will be known about the drive to enable a suitable brake torque to be determined.

DutyThe bake must be chosen with consideration of its intended duty to ensure that the linings will not overheat or wear down too quickly. Selection of a brake for torque only would not ensure this. Since the speed of the drum will also affect the rate at which the drum can dissipate the absorbed energy without overheating. The higher the drum speed for a given torque, the higher will be the rate of energy dissipation in the brake linings during each stopping period the rate being expressible as a horsepower. The column headed 'Nominal horsepower based on linings' in the table is intended as a rough guide to the horsepower of the motor for which a brake is suitable when the duty is equivalent to 'normal' crane duty, i.e. not more than 120 operations per hour continuously applied and with a stopping time not exceeding about one second. If the duty of the brake is less than this 'normal' the horsepower given in the table can be increased. If however, the frequency of application is greater or the stopping time is longer, a larger brake may have to be used; asbestos linings can be fitted and a higher drum temperature accepted with a lower torque. Details of brakes with non-standard features may be obtained from us."EMC" THRUSTOR OPERATED BRAKESAC THRUSTOR-OPERATED BRAKES have a wide application; they can be used with such machinery as electrically driven hoists, cranes elevators, ropeways, machine tools, mixers and laundry machinery.

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