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1 Products availableWe offer a complete product range of ELFLEX FLEXIBLE COUPLING, SCOOP CONTROLLED VARIABLE SPEED FLUID COUPLING, Gear Coupling, Scoop Fluid Coupling and Flexible Couplings
Flexible coupling is a cushioned drive type, transmitting the torque through rubber bushes which have excellent capacity to absorb shocks.
Type | Size | Rating |
EFC | 01 to 17 | 0.007 to 2.835 kW/R.P.M. |
FC | 630 to 1600 | 3.35 to 45 kW/R.P.M. |
FBC | 150 to 500 | 0.012 to 1.025 kW/R.P.M |
Variable Speedmeans the change of the speed of a driven machine in running condition. TheELECON Variable Fill Scoop Fluid Couplingis therefore located between a constant speed motor and driven machine.
ELECONmakeESCseries of Variable Fill Scoop Fluid Coupling provides step less speed variations when connected to a constant speed electric motor. The variation in speed is obtained by change of quantity of oil in the main circuit through scoop tube movement, sliding in & out. The available speed regulation range depends on the type of load.
Mainly the ranges available are Centrifugal Loads 4:1, Constant Torque Loads 2:1, and Rising Torque Loads 1.5:1 etc., These ranges can be further extended provided operation is possible in the specified regulation range. (See Operating and Control Ranges in the catalogue).
By the use ofELECON ESCcoupling customer has benefit of energy saving /cost saving.
Increased service life of motor & driven machine.
Fluid Coupling Ideally suitable for smooth and jerkless start and also act as energy saver
ELIGN Gear coupling consists of hubs with multi crowned teeth at Flank, tip and teeth.
ELIGN Gear coupling is a simple, compact and light unit for transmitting the same power when compared to the couplings of similar capacity available in the market.
For the distance between shaft ends exceeding beyond N4 limit, Elecon make ET type of geared couplings are used to connect the driving and driven equipment. This type is provided with appropriate torsion shaft to accommodate required distance between shaft ends.
ET type geared coupling are widely used in Cement industries, Steel Industries, Industries and Mining/Power stations. The Shaft is manufactured from Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe on precise machinery to maintain the design tolerances. This shaft is designed considering moment of Inertia, Deflection and Critical speed with appropriate safety factor.
Elecon has supplied these type of units up to 75000 size and up to 7500mm length.
The sizes supplied are covering continuous rating up to 115.19 kW/rpm.