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  1. Gearboxes 12 Products available
  2. Storage Drums, Tanks & Containers 6 Products available
  3. Coupling 4 Products available
  4. Conveyors 3 Products available
  5. Warehouse Stacker

    2 Products available
  6. Cars

    2 Products available
  7. Gearbox & Gear Parts

    2 Products available
  8. Weighing Machine

    1 Products available
  9. Material Handling Equipments

    1 Products available
  10. Others Products 15 Products available

Our Products

Our offered Product range includes BRIDGE TYPE BUCKET WHEEL RECLAIMER, Wagon Loader, TWIN BOOM STACKER, BUCKET WHEEL RECLAIMER Unit and Heavy Duty Stirrer Unit.

Pipe Conveyors

A pipe conveyor is a rubberized belt which is formed from a conventional troughed shape into a pipe, or tubular shape. Pipe conveyor technology has come far in the last 40 years or so and presently is on par with trough conveyor technology. As such, these conveyors can be compared. The choice of conveyor for any application should be weighed up against the specific criteria and objectives of each customer andor site. ELECON has designed , Manufactured , supplied , erected and commissioned Single pipe conveyor of 7.7 Km Length with 1500 TPH to Manikgarh Cement plant , Nagpur , Maharastra, India and same is woking satisfactorily since it's installation in 2015. Following are the major industries where Pipe Conveyor is used : Bulk port terminals loading and unloading materials in environmentally sensitive areas.The raw materials handling industry, e.g. transporting coal and ore.The cement industry, conveying powdered cement or limestone rock.In power plants, transporting coal and disposing of the ash.
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Stacker Reclaimer

Stacker Reclaimer is for stacking and wheel on boom reclaimer for handling bulk. For continuous stacking an reclaiming of crushed bulk materials, economics solutions can only be achieved by the use of combined bucket wheel stacker reclaimer. Elecon bucket wheel stacker reclaimermachine can stack the material to form the stockpile or reclaim the stockpiled material and feed onto themain line conveyor. ELECON Supplied Stacker cum reclaimer with 60 Meters boom langth at JSPL Angul.
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ELECON has supplied High Speed Belt Conveyors with belt speed ranging from 4 Msec to 8.5 Msec to verious customers and Industries
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Barrel Type Blender Reclaimer for handling coal, iron ore, lime stone base mixed in steel plants , This equipment is essential for homogenius blending of verious type or size of materials accross the cross section of the stock pile . Till date ELECON have supplied more then 15 barrel type blender reclaimer to various customers with rail centres upto 37Meters and capacity upto 1500 TPH.
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Good Homogenizingblending is achieved as very thin layers of materials are cut off from the entire cross section of the stock pile by reciprocating harrows. Most suitable for large lumps and abrasive materials.
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Conveyor pulleys been recognized as a critical component of conveyor, failure of which could lead to extensive damage and down time. Hence special attention has been given to design an develop the most dependable pulleys. we manufacture pulleys for conveyors of belt width ranging from 400 mm to 2400 mm. for capacities upto 24, 000 TPH Available in rubber lagging and ceramic lagging.
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Magnetic Seperator

PEL, Group company of ELECON supplies MAGNETIC SEPERATOR Magnetic equipment for separation of tramp iron pieces. Air cooled, oil cooled and permanent magnet available up to 2, 400 mm belt width.
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Wagon Loader

To solve the ever increasing problem with handling of bags in process plants, PEL has join hands with Ms. BOUBIELA of France to manufacture Wagon and Truck Loaders. Boubiela have got to their credit, thousands of satisfied customers all over the world manufacturingdealing in FertilizerSugarChemicalsCattle Feed PlantsFood Corporations etc. Different models of truck loaders up to a maximum capacity of handling 3000 bags per hour each of 50 Kgs. can be supplied for loading, stacking and lining up bags onto trucks. Wagon Loaders in different models upto 3000 bags per hour are also available. The loading jib is telescopic with 180 rotation and can be lifted by a mechanical or hydraulic jack. Simultaneous loading of number of trucks as well as wagons on parallel track can be achieved with PEL-BOUBIELA make Wagon and Truck Loaders.
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Conveyor Idlers

  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Conveyor Idler
  • Shape Round
  • Length 10feet, 15feet
  • Application Conveyor

Elecon has been manufacturing Conveyor Idlers for over 6 decades. Developments made and experience gained over the years have inabled us to offer most relaible and well-designed idlers for bulk material handling systems. Our manufacturing programme covers idlers for capacities between 50 TPH and 24, 000 TPH and wide range of different types of idlers to handle coal, iron ore, fertilizer, lignite, cement and other such bulk materials.

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Metal Detectors

PEL , Group company of ELECON supplies Metal detector for detection of presence of Potentially demaging metel objects from materila over running conveyors
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The stockpile is in circular form with feed from the center. Requires less space and is economical. Very good blending efficiency and end effect.
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Bucket Wheel Drive

Elecon Bucket wheel planetary gear units are available in various sizes ranging from 40 to 460 kw and reduction ratio ranging from 140 to 480. These gear units are especially designed for bucket wheel drive of stacker-reclaimer machines. The gear unit consists of Four to Five reduction stages comprising of bevel, helical and planetary being a last pair in the system. The gear units are available in hollow shaft design with Shrink Disc and have a integral drive frame for mounting electric motor and brake, with necessary fork for fixing the torque arm. The sun, planet and helical wheels are case hardened and ground to quality 6 as per DIN 3961-63. The annulus is made up of high tensile alloy steel, heat treated or nitrided depending upon power requirement. The spiral bevel gears having cyclopalloid tooth from are case hardened and lapped in pairs so as to ensure optimum tooth contact pattern during assembly. The casing is of welded construction mainly in two parts made out of Fe 410 WA IS 2062. The bearing bores are machined with high degree of accuracy on CNC machines.
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Slew Drive

Elecon slewing gear units of planetary as well as bevel-helical type (conventional) are available in various sizes ranging from 1.5 kW and reduction ratio ranging from 400 to 1000. These gear units are especially designed for the slewing mechanism of the stacker-reclaimer machines. The planetary gear units normally have four-stage reductions out of which the first stage is designed as helical or bevel pair, and the remaining stages according to planetary gear systems. The conventional gear unit consists of five to six reduction stages comprising bevel and helical gear pairs. The sun and planet gears are case-hardened and ground to quality 6 as per DIN 396163. The annulus is made up of high tensile alloy steel, heat treated or nitrated depending upon power requirement. The spiral bevel gears in case of conventional gear units are case-hardened and lapped in pair so as to ensure optimum tooth contact pattern during assembly. The casing is of welded construction mainly in three parts in case of planetary gear unit and in two parts in case of conventional gear unit. The bearing bores are machined with high degree of accuracy on CNC machines.
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Shiftable Conveyors

Shiftable conveyors, used at open-caste mines. Capable of handling materials at the rate of ranging from 6000 TPH to 20, 000 TPH and is suitable for belt widths upto 2, 400 mm. and up to 4.2 MSec belt speed .
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Side arm charger, widely used with Wagon Tippler as Wagon Marshalling equipment, helps in increasing the tippling speed of Wagon Tippler by Fast Placement and removal of Wagons from tippler table.
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Belt Weigher

PEL, Group company of ELECON supplies microprocessor based electronic belt weighers incorporating the latest state-of-the-art technology for continuous weighing applications in cement, steel, chemical, petrochemical industries and coal handling plants. PEL belt weighers consist of three major elements: The weigh bridge assembly with precise strain gauge load cellbending beam load.The belt speed sensor assembly, andThe electronic cabinet often referred as the totaliser or the integrator. Each serves a distinct function in the process of accurately weighing material moving on the belt. Different models of scale carriage are available depending upon the application, scale capacity and belt speed. Capacities from a fraction of tonne to 10, 000 TPH.Simple rugged and unitized scale assembly for easy installation.Super precision stainless steel strain gauge load cell applied in tension for highly accurate load measurement.Special trunion bushes to absorb normal shocks and transverse forces.Weigh idler deflection less than 0.025 mm at full load.Brushless digital tacho provides accurate measurement of speed.Fully digital with microprocessor and battery back-up memory.Fully automatic tare and span calibration.Self-checking diagnostics for fault indications.Special electronic calibration facility for frequent calibration checks without handling standard weights.
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Twin Boom Stacker is suitable for handling limestones, iron ore, dolomite, coal, etc.1.Two booms with luffing arrangement can make the pile on both side of the track and can form Chevron and Cone shell type of pile. 2.This machine is used where blending of material is required.3.We have been commissioned the machine with Capacities up to 2000 TPH and Boom length up to 29 M.
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Automatic Weighing & Bagging Machine

PEL manufactures electromechanical as well as electronic microprocessor based weighing and bagging machines for high speed automatic weighing and bagging of variety of materials such as fertilizers, food grains, sugar, cattle feed, PVC granules, cereals, coal, coke, chemical powder, flour, flakes, soda ash, etc. Machines are designed and manufactured adopting the latest technological developments in the field of accurate weighing. The weighing and bagging machines are available in different models like gravitybeltscrew feeder or vibrating feeder tray. These machines are available as a net or gross model, in mild steel or stainless steel construction. Electronic type microprocessor based automatic weighing & bagging machines incorporating highly accurate strain gauge load cells and latest state-of-the-art fully digital microprocessor controller are available for capacity upto 900 bagshour with an accuracy of 50 gms or better over a range of 25 kgs to 100 kgs as well as jumbo bags of 1 tonne.
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Good Homogenizing Blending result are achieved by this type of reclaimer as every thin layers of material are cut-off from the entire cross section of the stockpile by reciprocating harrows. The reclaiming capacity is constant and easily adjustable by varying the operational speed of travel drive with help of VVVF Panel. This type of scraper reclaimer is provided with two harrows to dislodge the material from front face of stockpile. Scraper blade fitted on scraper chain collect the dislodged material & feed it to reclaim yard conveyor. It is most suitable for reclaiming the material having large lumps and abrasive nature. Mainly used, Where Blending of Material Required.Suitable for Larger lump size.Scraper blades fitted on chain at regular interval carry the reclaim material and feeds it in to Belt conveyor.Harrows are used to dislodge material from front face of Stockpile.Max. Installed Reclaim capacity of machine is 1600 MTPH.Maximum Rail Centre Of machine is 42.35 meter.Total number of Bridge Reclaimer Machine supplied is 47 nos.
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Cable Reeling Drum

Elecon is an organization of international reputation in the field of Material Handling Equipments and power Transmission Equipments for all core sector industries and also manufacture Motorised Cable Reels for all types of mobiles material handling equipments. With the Synergy of state-of-art design and development, manufacturing Facilities, and strict quality control, we deliver the Cable Reels that provides complete satisfaction to the customer in entire span of its operational life.
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Rail Pusher Car

Pusher Car, also known as miniature locomotive, pushes wagon in or out of tippler. It consists of Drive Unit and body. After leading wagon is decoupled manually from the rake, remaining wagons are pulled back by the pusher car at predetermined wagon waiting position. Meanwhile, the tippler tips the loaded wagon and come back to the original position with empty wagon. Now, pusher car pushes the rake of remaining wagon to the tippler table, pushing out empty wagon. Thus, the cycle goes on till all wagons are tipped.
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The Reclaimer unit can reclaim various type of material from pile on both side of the track and discharged onto the boom conveyor by the bucket fitted to the bucket wheel body and, the Boom Conveyor feeds the material onto the main-line conveyor.
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Cooling Tower Fan Drive Gear Unit

Cooling Tower Fan Drive Gear Unit incorporates an extended top bearing housing to accommodate the larger wheel shaft bearing. Length of the output shaft extension are manufactured to client's requirements and to suit fan hub mounting. Lubriction is entirely contained by splash and lower bearing dip in the oil bath while oil is pumped to the top wheel shaft bearing by mean of a built in plunger mechanism. All exposed parts other than the extensions are applied with corrossion resistant paint.
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Spiral Bevel Gears

Elecon has started producing Spiral Bevel Gears in 1976. Since then, Elecon using these specially designed, spiral-toothed gears in all Right Angle drive Bevel Helical Gearboxes and also supplying loose Spiral Bevel Pair to various users as per specific requirement.
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Heavy Duty Stirrer Unit

Heavy Duty Stirrer unit incorporates an extended bearing housing to accommodate a larger bottom bearing and increased shaft size, there by enhancing the unit capacity to absorb the high bending loads imposed during stirrer applications. This gear unit is compact with facility of top mounted pivoted platform where electricmotor can be directly mounted above the gear unit using belt tensioning device.
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Tube Drawing Mill Gear Unit

Steel tubes having diameter 20 to 50 mm sizes are drawn by cold drawing process and process from steel stripes passes through each gear unit output double shafts on which different formation of shape dies are mounted on both output shaft and between dies, steel stripes passes results to form a steel tube of specific diameter. These type of Gear units are installed in series. The first gear box is having three input in which the first input is connected to electric motor. Second input is connected to the input of next gear box and the third input is connected to generator so that in case of the power failure the process of drawing the tube will continue in operation. The other gear units in the series is having input shaft double extended. These type of gears are specially developed for one.
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