Our Product / Services
Mbbr Media
2 Products availableWaste Management & Pollution Control Services
2 Services availableEffluent Treatment Plant
2 Products availableRO Membranes
2 Products availableEvaporator
2 Products availableCentrifugal Blowers
1 Products availableEnvironment Protection Services
1 Services availableDosing System
1 Products availableIndustrial Water Filters
1 Products availableWater Treatment Plant
1 Services availableZERO LIQUID DISCHARGE: In the current Scenario, companies understand the importance of sustainable
operations. With the increasing focus on water usage and water discharge, companies look ways to
consumption and reduce discharge to the environment. ZLD not only helps to reduce water usage, but also
concentrates on eliminating water discharge is known as zero liquid discharge (ZLD). ZLD processes purify and
recycle plant wastewater, changing liquid waste into disposable dry solids and delivering effluent water back
into the plant process stream to be reused.
WE are involved in offering Zero Liquid Discharge Plant, We supply systems based on membrane processes,
evaporative processes or a hybrid combining the two processes to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge from the
plants in a cost-effective manner.
Ultrafiltration (UF) is an important purification technology used for the production of high-purity water in the many industries. When strategically combined with other purification technologies in a complete water & Wastewater system. UF membranes used to remove high molecular-weight substances, colloidal materials, silt, turbidity, organic / inorganic polymeric molecules, algae, particulate matters, suspended solids and all microorganisms from Water & Wastewater.
UF Plants are designed for a variety of industrial & commercial applications requiring high quality equipment with a fast delivery and competitive price. These pre-engineered, pre-assembled and factory tested units minimize installation and startup time. With simple utility connections and easy to set up controls, the unit is ready for quick online service. The control system is an advanced microprocessor based system that is very easy to use.
Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or cause damage to the natural environment or built environment, into the atmosphere. Air Pollution Control System Manufacturers - The atmosphere is a complex dynamic natural gaseous system that is essential to support life on planet Earth. Stratospheric ozone depletion due to air pollution has longbeen recognized as a threat to human health as well as to the Earth's ecosystems.
The design of wet scrubbers or any air pollution control device depends on the industrial process conditions and the nature of the air pollutants involved. Wet scrubbers remove dust particles by capturing them in liquid droplets. Wet scrubbers remove pollutant gases by dissolving or absorbing them into the liquid.
ESP (Electrostatic Precipitator) :
An Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) is a device which removes particles from a gas stream. It accomplishes particle separation by use of an electric field. The fundamental principle is that the particulates are passed through an electric field where they initially receive an electric charge and then as a charged particle are deflected across the field to be collected on an earthed plate. Then the particles on the collection surface are removed to a hopper by rapping the collection surface.
CYCLONE SEPERATORS : High Dust collection efficiency cyclone separators are cost effective means for stringent particulate pollution control and material recovery. It is used as a primary collector with or without bag filters, to separate dust of moderate to coarse particle size.
SIZE RANGE : 400 mm diameter to 2400 mm diameter.
CAPACITY RANGE : 1, 000 CMH TO 45, 000 CMH
• Modular and sturdy construction ensuring ease of assembly at site.
• Can Handle upto 45, 000 CMH (in single configuration)
• Can be manufactured in different Material of Construction like Mild Steel, Stainless Steel, MS with FRP Lining etc. depending on the application
• Surface treatment is done using epoxy and other anstick coating which ensures dust does not stick inside the cyclone surface, powder coating available on request.
• Available in Left and Right Hand Configuration to suit site layout
• Low Initial Cost
• Excellent pre-collector to Fine Dust collectors like Bag Filters, etc.
• Convenient and efficient cleaning of work area.
• Highly durable
• No expensive filters involved, therefore ensuring ease of operation.
• Low maintenance costs.
• Works at high temperatures as well
For particulate emission control Krishna Bag filters are setting industry standards. Our wide assortment of Bag Filters offered in Rectangular and Cyclonic Configuration economically meet the need of most industrial applications for collecting dust and controlling pollution of Air and form and integral part of Dust extraction and collection efficiency of approx. 99.997% ensures that they are widely used in most critical dust generation processes in the industry. Pulse-jet system provides continuous, automatically online bag cleaning.
CAPACITY RANGE : 1000 CMH to 3, 50, 000 CMH
Water is the most essential element of our lives. Water from different sources can be found to have different characters. Because water becomes contaminated by the substances with which it comes into contact, it is not available for use in its pure state. To some degree, water can dissolve every naturally occurring substance on the earth. Because of this property, water has been termed a “universal solvent.”
We strive to initiate advanced and distinctive technologies for our consumers. Over the years, we have successfully established state-of-the-art equipments and a strong dedicated team. With our expertise and technical know-how, we continue to deliver products and solutions to meet specific customer requirements. Our technologically advanced water treatment processes have served these requirements well. We design and develop technologically sound standard plants to cover all aspects of drinking water and wastewater processes.
The wastewater generation and its treatment has become a consequential health issue in the developing countries due to the inadequate treatment facilities. The discharge of untreated wastewater in surface and sub-surface water courses is the most important source of contamination of water resources.
Depending on the Source the type of effluent generated is categorized into two type :-
1. ETP – Effluent Treatment Plant
2. STP – Sewage Treatment Plant
While ETP is entirely Chemical based treatment system depending on the contents of the chemical present in the discharged effluent whereas STP is both Anaerobic as well as Aerobic. The combination of both systems has also been used in STP’s.
Every Year we Humans had been wasting the Most Precious and important thing which is the lifeline for every living Organism on Earth i;e WATER. Be it anywhere this precious lifeline has been ill – treated with and had not been taken with serious note. Now when the scarcity has been on rise everywhere, the ways and methods are being applied for efficient use. While other part of Increasing the Underground Water Level ie AQUIFER. The best and most adopted process is Rain Water Harvesting.
Rain Water harvesting depends on Amount of Rainfall and whether the Rain Water to be harnessed is of Roof Top or Pavement Area. It is good to harness Rain Water of Roof Top as it is of Good Quality rather than any other surface. The one that we are promoting is Rain Water Harvesting which is Modular Type.
Modular Type Version of RAIN WATER HARVESTING can be installed in a cavity of ground, in which it can be fitted without any expert knowledge or experience. It doesn’t require any replaceable parts, it’s almost free for maintenance
Activated Carbon Filter is used to adsorb chlorine, organics , taste, odour, and colour from Water & Wastewater.
Activated carbon filtration is an adsorptive process in which the contaminant is attracted to and adsorbed onto the surface of the carbon particles. The efficiency of the adsorption process is influenced by carbon characteristics (particle and pore size, surface area, density and hardness) and the contaminant characteristics.
Multi Grade Filter is used for removal of suspended solids, turbidity and some part of colour and odour from Water & Wastewater
Raw water is passed through the Multi grade media filter, contains anthracite at a top layer of media followed by fine & Coarse Garnet and quartz sand supported by pebbles and gravels. Multi grades of media and layers provide extra ordinary dirt holding capacity at various level of total media depth and produce unparalleled filter water quality. During the filtration cycle the largest particles are strained out by the anthracite, coarse and fine sand, Coarse & fine garnet though a combination of adhesion and straining. Since the particles in the water are filtered out at various depths in a multimedia filter, the filter does not clog as quickly as if all of the particles were all caught by the top layer.
A wet scrubber is a type of filter that removes pollutants from a gas stream by using a liquid to wash them out. The liquid is usually water, but other chemicals can be added to react with specific contaminants. The working principle of a wet scrubber depends on how much energy is used to bring the gas stream into contact with the liquid. In wet scrubbing processes, liquid or solid particles are removed from a gasstream by transferring them to a liquid. The liquid most commonly used is water. A wet scrubber's particulate collection efficiency is directly related to the amount of energy expended in contacting the gas stream with the scrubber liquid
The solvent’s composition affects its ability to absorb contaminants. The critical factor is the solvent’s electric charge. A positive, negative or neutral charge will allow the solvent to bind with different inorganic pollutants. Some of the most common wet scrubber solvents include:
Water, or H2O.
Sodium hydroxide, or NaOH.
Calcium hydroxide, or Ca(OH)2.
Sodium carbonate, or Na2CO3.
As the solvent absorbs contaminants, a new solvent is necessary to purge the pollutants and replace the evaporated liquid. Solvent flooding can be either continuous or periodic. A wet scrubber’s effectiveness depends on how much gas makes contact with the solvent, which requires a stream of energy. Low-energy scrubbers can remove large particles, while high-energy scrubbers can remove the tiniest particles.
All wet scrubbers, whether high or low energy, have a mist eliminator component. The mist eliminator collects and removes the contaminated droplets from the solvent. An effective mist eliminator is a fundamental component of any wet scrubber. Before discharging or reusing scrubbing liquid, it’s essential to treat it to ensure total pollutant removal. A wet scrubber can control specific airborne pollutants. Industries that produce such pollutants should consider using wet scrubbers to minimize environmental impact and human safety risks. They can help reduce any of the following air pollutants.
1. Inorganic Fumes, Vapors and Gases > Some of the most common such pollutants include:
Chromic acid. Hydrogen sulfide. Ammonia. Chlorides. Fluorides. Sulfur dioxide.
2. Volatile Organic Compounds > A wet scrubber can also remove VOCs produced during specific manufacturing
Paints. Paint strippers. Industrial cleaning supplies. Fuels.
Varnishes Building materials. Pest control solutions. Adhesives.
3. Particulate Matter > Other air pollutants include PMs of the following, given a size of 10 mm or smaller
Dust. Dirt. Soot. Smoke. Pollen.
4. Hazardous Air Pollutants > Toxic air pollutants, have grave health implications. They may cause cancer, birth
INTRODUCTION | MBBR is a biofilm process. | This technology is a | A variant of Activated Sludge | A reactor in which the |
This technology is essentially | combination of membrane | Process (ASP) Technology & | microorganism responsible | |
the same as Activated Sludge | process like :- | is essentially a batch | for treatment are kept in | |
Process (ASP) except that the | Microfiltration, | treatment by combination of | suspension and aerated | |
media suspended in the | Nanofiltration, | primary settling, aeration, | Liquid-solids separation in a | |
reactor offers additional | Ultrafiltration | secondary settling and | sedimentation tank | |
surfaces for the microbes to | with biological waste water | decanting the treated sewage | ||
grow which supports the | treatment process i.e. ASP – | in a series of sequenced and | ||
growth of microbes in a given | ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS. | or simultaneous reactions in | ||
volume of aeration tank | the same basin on a time | |||
deferred cycle. | ||||
PROCESS DETAILS | When compared to the | It overcomes drawbacks of ASP | Thus, among the multiple | A recycle system for |
conventional aeration | that includes | basins, one basin is used in | returning solids removed | |
without the media and to that | big space for secondary | one part of the cycle of | from the liquid-solids | |
extent, it does appear | clarifiers, | aeration, settling and | separation unit back to the | |
preferable. Diffused aeration | liquid–solid separation | discharging the treated | reactor (to maintain a | |
is also required. Sludge | issues, | sewage in a cyclically | sufficient conc. Of biomass in | |
recycle is provided to | production of excess | repeated operation is done in | the aeration tank) | |
increase MLSS and maintain | sludge. | another tank. Membrane of | ||
BOD levels as per CPCB | Ability to hold & sustain MLSS | high efficiency fine bubble | ||
norms | 3–4 times, helps in minimizing | non-clog for diffused aeration | ||
space. | is preferred. | |||
Diffused aeration is required. | ||||
Different membrane with | ||||
various shapes as flat sheet, | ||||
cross flow, dead end flow etc, | ||||
which makes it easy for | ||||
validated std design criteria. |
Every Year we Humans had been wasting the Most Precious and important thing which is the lifeline for every
living Organism on Earth i;e WATER. Be it anywhere this precious lifeline has been ill – treated with and had not been
taken with serious note.
Now when the scarcity has been on rise everywhere, the ways and methods are being applied for efficient use. While
other part of Increasing the Underground Water Level ie AQUIFER. The best and most adopted process is Rain Water
Rain Water harvesting depends on Amount of Rainfall and whether the Rain Water to be harnessed is of Roof Top or
Pavement Area. It is good to harness Rain Water of Roof Top as it is of Good Quality rather than any other surface. The
one that we are promoting is Rain Water Harvesting which is Modular Type.
Strong Structure.
Low Cost.
Nil Maintenance.
Long Life.
Efficient Structure.
Erection time – few hours only.
Modular Type Version of RAIN WATER HARVESTING can be installed in a cavity of ground, in which it can be
fitted without any expert knowledge or experience. It doesn’t require any replaceable parts, it’s almost free
for maintenance.
Dual Media Filter is used for removal of suspended solids, turbidity and some part of colour and odour from Water & Wastewater.
Raw water is passed through the dualmedia filter, contain anthracite along with fine sand reinforced by marbled and gravels. These filters consist of a coating of anthracite (1.25-2.5mm) resting on a coating of fine sand (0.6-1.5mm) Anthracite is coarse and has more dirt holding capacity as compared to fine sand.