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Dynemech Systems Pvt Ltd
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Our Complete range of products are Press Brakes, Specialized Precision Levelling Mounts, turret punch press, forging hammers and Dynemech Spring Isolator.

Press Brakes

  • Type Press Brake Machine
  • Material Elastomeric Pads
  • Feature Vibration Isolation, CNC Integration, Precision Alignment
  • Other Relevant Characteristics ROHS-compliant, Exported Worldwide, Installed On Wedge Mounts
Fabrication shops are continuously pressured with demands for better delivery, improved quality and tighter tolerances. And the press brakes have evolved into a versatile and imperative tool for fabrication shops for both specialized sheet metal work and continuous production applications .The marriage of CNC to the machine has pushed its usefulness even further. A Press Brake is a machine used primarily to punch, form, and/or bend metal. But by their very nature, press brakes will generate vibratory shocks and vibrations that not only affect the performance of the metal working process but also transmit and disturb other machinery and office structures located in the premises.Dynemech vibration isolation mounts ensure faster production with minimum initial installation costs and control vibrations hence, improving die and machine life. Also, it needs to be noted that vibration isolation of machinery to prevent the transmission of vibration and noise has become one of the pre requisites to modern workshop building and layout planning. Light weight construction and the need to install mechanical equipment on upper floors, adjacent to quiet areas makes it imperative to control vibration. Furthermore, rising space rentals many a times, necessitates developing testing and quality control labs nearby sheet metal fabrication shop floor. Thus to ensure productive profitability from our machinery we must focus on vibration damping.Dynemech has successfully installed many press brakes on wedge mounts to ensure flexible installation, improved machinery performance, excellent vibration damping along with precision alignment and levelling. High coefficient of friction of assembled insulation plates prevent machine walking to adhere to OSHA criteria for machinery installation. Our anti vibration pads are ROHS-compliant and are exported to many countries around the world. Dynemech Press Brake Foundation Mounts with Elastomeric Pads offer many benefits
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Specialized Precision Levelling Mounts

  • Material Various Materials For Different Series
  • Brand Dynemech
  • Features Fast & Easy Installation, Minimal Maintenance, Enhanced Component Finish
With the advent of 4 and 5 axis manufacturing, manufacturers across the globe are always looking for reliable, larger and accurate work holding devices to meet the current precise manufacturing requirements. Proper leveling and alignment of machinery and process equipment is essential for long-term performance, calibration and accuracy. With larger bases, leveling and alignment may become a problem, thus necessitating the use of Dynemech Leveling mounts. Proper alignment and leveling is an absolute necessity in manufacturing industries such as automotive, printing, aerospace, metal stamping, injection molding, machining and food processing.With larger bases, leveling and alignment may become a problem, thus necessitating the use of Dynemech Leveling mounts. Proper alignment and leveling is an absolute necessity in manufacturing industries such as automotive, printing, aerospace, metal stamping, injection molding, machining and food processing. Benefits of Precision Levelling Wedges: Fast and Easy Installation solutions that provide precision leveling and alignment.2. Minimal maintenance and quick installation with minimum downtime.3. Floor/foundation mounted large work holding devices / tables can be easily leveled and aligned using Wedge Mounts.4. Top spherical plate in Series DTSP compensates for angular difference enabling precision levelling.5. Enhanced Component Finish, Accuracy and Part Tolerance.6. The Wedge design of VHS Series provides true vertical lift between machine base and the concrete floor.7. The superior design of VHS Series eliminates lateral movement as machines are raised or lowered.8. Built-in compensation for uneven areas in foundations and machine bases in Series VHS, Series DTSP and Series DTH.9. Series DTH has a sturdy design and construction with higher leveling adjustment to meet TPM requirement.10. Precision Levelling mounts are suitable for heavy machines with higher dynamic loading.
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Turret Punch Press

  • Type Turret Punch Press
  • Brand Name Dynemech
  • Material Metal
  • Features CNC Integration, Vibration Isolation Mounts, High Coefficient Of Friction Insulation Plates
Fabrication shops are continuously pressured with demands for better delivery, improved quality and tighter tolerances. And the Turret Punch Presss have evolved into a versatile and imperative tool for fabrication shops for both specialized sheet metal work and continuous production applications .The marriage of CNC to the machine has pushed its usefulness even further. A Turret Punch Press is a machine used primarily to punch, form, and/or bend metal. But by their very nature, Turret Punch Presss will generate vibratory shocks and vibrations that not only affect the performance of the metal working process but also transmit and disturb other machinery and office structures located in the premises. Dynemech vibration isolation mounts ensure faster production with minimum initial installation costs and control vibrations hence, improving die and machine life. Also, it needs to be noted that vibration isolation of machinery to prevent the transmission of vibration and noise has become one of the pre requisites to modern workshop building and layout planning. Light weight construction and the need to install mechanical equipment on upper floors, adjacent to quiet areas makes it imperative to control vibration. Furthermore, rising space rentals many a times, necessitates developing testing and quality control labs nearby sheet metal fabrication shop floor. Thus to ensure productive profitability from our machinery we must focus on vibration damping. Dynemech has successfully installed many Turret Punch Presss on wedge mounts to ensure flexible installation, improved machinery performance, excellent vibration damping along with precision alignment and levelling. High coefficient of friction of assembled insulation plates prevent machine walking to adhere to OSHA criteria for machinery installation. Our anti vibration pads are ROHS-compliant and are exported to many countries around the world.
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Forging Hammers

  • Material Steel, Elastomeric Isolators, Large Inertial Mass, Viscous Fluid Dampers
  • Type Heavy Industrial Machinery
  • Features Resists Dynamic Forces, Dissipates Shock Energy, Reduces Vibrations
Heavy industrial machinery which have reciprocating, impact, rotating masses and other machinery generating dynamic loads like crushers, hammers, punch presses often need a machinery support system that can resist dynamic forces and the resulting vibrations. It may be elastomeric isolators, large inertial mass, steel coil springs and viscous fluid dampers or a varied combination of these.Forging Hammers, Punching machines, Metal Forming Presses and other types of shock producing machines generate powerful short-period impact loads, characterised as shock pulses. Only a part of the shock energy is utilised in the intended hammering, punching, pressing, shaping operations and the rest is dissipated in the foundation causing intense vibration.The pre-impact kinetic energy of the ram converts to post-impact kinetic energy of the entire machine, forging hammer etc. making it oscillate.Shocks from hammer foundations transmit to the soil and surroundings causing horizontal soil vibrations that may induce resonant building oscillations while ground vibrations that are transformed in series of harmonic waves with the predominant frequency equal to the frequency of vertical vibrations of the source. This, oscillation has to be arrested or sufficiently decayed before the next impact. These excessive-machine-generated-vibrations, are detrimental to:1. The proper operation of the machinery installations, technological systems, and other workshop components.2. Cause damage / enhance maintenance cost of the building and the structures, dynamic settlements of column footings, where the machinery is installed.3. Generate waves, high amplitude impact shock pulses and noises that transmit to the environment, affecting the foundations of sensitive installations and equipment, besides causing discomfort / fatigue for the workshop personnel. In India, operation of large impact machines (like Mechanical presses, Forging Hammers, Punch presses , etc.) with very high dynamic load
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Dynemech Spring Isolator

  • Type Spring Isolator
  • Material Top Grade Wire With Protective Coatings
  • Features High Vibration And Shock Isolation, Better Structural Safety, Improved Health Protection Of Workers, Simple To Install And Reliable
Dynemech is providing anti vibration solutions to the Indian Industry for the last 10 years. We are the only company to provide almost all types of vibration control solutions under one roof. Our product range consists of stud mounts for very small machines to wedge mounts for precision machine tools, along with air springs for very low natural frequency vibration damping to spring isolators for heavy presses, hammers, gen sets etc. A spring isolator gives desired natural frequency to obtain phase difference in the frequencies for a rotating machine. Viscous Damping is an important feature of an isolation system. In most cases viscous damping is required to limit excessive movement which could occur as a machine operates at a speed near to, or coinciding with the resonant frequencies of the system. Generally this problem arises during slow run up and run down of rotating machines and during impact at each stroke in presses and hammers.Advantages of Spring Isolators:Very high vibration and shock isolationBetter Structural SafetyImproved Health Protection of workers reduced machine operator fatigue and provide more congenial working environmentInstallation of sensitive equipments and heavy machinery possible in the same workshopShop Floor Flexibility MaintainsExtended tool and machinery life.No foundation is required for small and medium weight machines and reduced depth of foundation for very heavy machinesSimple to install and reliable.Applications:Power PressesForging HammersFansBlowersGenerating SetsCentrifugesTest BedsTextile MachinesReducing Mills and MixersCoal and Stone CrushersRefrigeration UnitsPumps and Boilers etc.All types of heavy industrial machineryThe Springs are made in top grade wire & finished with protective coatings thus ensuring trouble free service life. Selection ProcedureDetermine the all-up weight of the machine to be mounted including work loadsEstimate the position of its combined center of gravity in both horizo

S.No Model Load Range Kgs Natural Frequency Hz
1 DSI-1.11 100-400 4-6
2 DSI-1.16-SPL 100-500 6-8
3 DSI-1.16 400-1000 4-6
4 DSI-2.16-SPL 300-1000 6-8
5 DSI-2.16 500-2000 4-6
6 DSI-4.11 250-900 4-6
7 DSI-4.16-SPL 500-2400 4-6
8 DSI-4.16 2000-4000 5-9
9 DSI-6.16 3000-6000 4-6
10 DSI-8.16 3500-7000 4-6
11 DSI-9.16 4000-8000 4-6
12 DSI-12.16 5000-11500 4-6
13 DSI-16.16 6000-13000 4-6
14 DSI-315.158.12C-HD 28000-45000 5-7
15 DSI-315.158.8C-HD 19000-35000 5-7
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Compressor Machine Mounts

  • Type Vibration Mounts
  • Material Elastomeric Insulation Sheets
  • Features Optimum Leveling, Alignment, Vibration Control, High Coefficient Of Friction
  • Other Relevant Characteristics Designed For Compressor Vibrations, Dampen Vertical And Horizontal Impacts, Prevent Machine Walking, Prevent Damage From Various Vibration Causes, Address Translational And Rotational Vibration Types
Compressor Mounts provide optimum leveling and alignment and controlling vibrations in Reciprocating Machinery and Piping Systems. The vibration mounts help to mount machines within minutes, without anchoring either the machine or machine mounts to the floor. Dynemech Insulation Sheets are designed especially for compressor vibrations. These vibration insulation sheets dampen both vertical and horizontal impacts found in reciprocating machines. In addition, each vibration isolation pad is engineered to possess an exceptionally high coefficient of friction that also prevents machine walking. The balance of force and response is the key to keeping vibration levels in check on any piece of machinery, and more so with a reciprocating compressor where there are more complex forces.Vibration can be caused by a variety of conditions including bent shafts, unbalance in rotating parts, worn or bent gears, damaged bearings, misaligned couplings or bearings, electromagnetic forces, etc. In compressors the most common causes are unbalance in rotating parts and abnormal aerodynamic forces. The design of our elastomeric insulation sheets prevent the damage caused by vibrations due to the above mentioned causes.The two vibration types in compressors are translational (lateral) and rotational (twist) vibration. Translational vibration is the motion of external piping structure due to resonance. When the vibration of external piping becomes excessive, it is because some vibration within the system is occurring at a frequency near the natural frequency of the piping structure. A common occurrence of rotational vibration is an extreme vibration along the crankshaft whose frequency is the same as shaft speed. This type of vibration is usually due to unbalance forces acting on the crankshaft caused by unequal weights in piston pairs. Most vibration problems in compressors are related to unbalance. A high vibration level may be directly related to a rotational force or a translational
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Dynemech Mac Level Series Dml Mount

  • Type Vibration Isolation Mount
  • Material Dynemech
  • Feature Suitable For High Speed Rotating Machines
Dynemech Mac Level Series DML is suitable for high speed rotating machines having small or no axial forces.

Screw Support Mount Series – DML

Model Max. Load (kg) D mm H mm d mm Levelling Adjust. mm Natural Frequiency at Max. Load (Hz) Bolt
DML1 175 50 40 32 10 7 M10
DML 2 500 80 46 45 12 7 M12
DML 3 1200 120 52 60 12 7 M16
DML 4 2000 160 56 90 15 8 M16
DML 5 4000 200 65 120 15 8 M20
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Precision Levelling Mounts

  • Type Levelling Mounts
  • Material Steel
  • Features Built-in Compensation For Uneven Areas, True Vertical Lift, Rigid Machine-to-foundation Connection
VHS Festofix Leveling Wedge Mounts are useful in leveling and aligning machinery to very strict tolerances and make it possible to vary adjustments at any time, even under maximum loads requiring only a small hand wrench to adjust. These mounts provide the most rigid machine-to-foundation connection. The 3-piece wedge design provides true vertical lift and eliminates lateral movement as machines are raised or lowered. Benefits of Festofix Precision Levelling Machinery Mounts : Built-in compensation for uneven areas in foundations and machine bases.Time consuming work and production losses normally associated with alignments are eliminatedThough VHS Series mounts are similar in appearance to conventional wedge-type leveling equipment, they differ significantly in concept and application. Alignment adjustments are made after anchor nuts have been tightened. In this way, the anchor bolts are tightened uniformly to predictable stress levels by adjusting the VHS Festofix mount basic unit upward prior to the final alignment procedure eliminating the customary torquing of anchor nuts. This gives substantial savings in time and effort normally required for the installation of sophisticated machine tools.

Model Recommended Load (Kg/pc) Max. Load (Kg/pc) L (mm) B (mm) H (mm) D (mm) h (mm) f (mm) a (mm) SW
VHS-I 1000 9000 175 105 55 60 5 17 12 19
VHS-II 2000 12000 175 120 75 75 5 21 13 19
VHS-III 4000 24000 220 150 98 88 6 25 23 24
VHS-IV 6000 36000 280 180 116 105 8 31 25 30
VHS-V 12000 70000 350 230 138 145 10 37 35 36
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TPM Series Mounts Series DR

  • Type Mounts
  • Material DYNEMECH Series DR
  • Features Suitable For Machines With Tapped Hole In Base, Bolt Rests Over Dimple On Top Face
DYNEMECH Series DR , are suitable for machines having tapped hole in the base.The bolt rests over the dimple provided on the top face of the mount. Dimple size is provided as per the bolt diameter in the machine base.

Model Load (Kg/pc) Dia(D) mm d mm H mm Applications
DR1-u 350 109 87 150 Applications: Compressors, Tool Room Machines, Plastic injection Moulding Machines, Pressure Die Casting Machines, Shaper, Printing and Textile Machines etc.
DR2-u 600 150 108 150
DR3-u 900 170 136 150
DR4-u 1400 210 161 150
DR5-u 1900 240 185 150
DR6-u 2500 270 215 150
DR1-m 450 109 87 150 Applications: Lathe Machines, Machining Centers, CNC Machines, Milling Machines, Precision Grinding Machines, Drilling Machine, Turning Centers, Transfer Lines etc.
DR2-m 800 150 108 150
DR3-m 1150 170 136 150
DR4-m 1750 210 161 150
DR5-m 2400 240 185 150
DR6-m 3200 270 215 150
DR1-p 175 109 87 155 Applications: Measuring & Testing Machines, Surface Plates, Hardness Testers, Microscopes, EDM Machine, Profile Projectors etc.
DR2-p 300 150 108 155
DR3-p 500 170 136 155
DR4-p 700 210 161 155
DR5-p 950 240 185 155
DR6-p 1250 270 215 155
DR1-s2 300 109 87 160 Applications: Medium Presses, Punching Presses, Centreless Grinding Machines, Gear Shapers, High Speed Machines on upper floors.
DR2-s2 550 150 108 160
DR3-s2 850 170 136 160
DR4-s2 1250 210 161 160
DR5-s2 1700 240 185 160
DR6-s2 2200 270 215 160
DR1-s1 200 109 87 155 Applications: Medium Presses, Punching Presses, Centreless Grinding Machines, Gear Shapers, High Speed Machines on upper floors.
DR2-s1 375 150 108 155
DR3-s1 575 170 136 155
DR4-s1 800 210 161 155
DR5-s1 1100 240 185 155
DR6-s1 1500 270 215 155
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Composite Elastomeric Material Metal Wedge Mounts

  • Type Mounts
  • Specialities High Height Adjustment, Precision Leveling, Variations For Free Standing And Bolt On Machine Bases, Insulation Damping, Tailor-made Solutions, Quick Installation Service
Dynemechs DTH Series mounts are designed for machines which require very high height adjustment and precision levelling. Variations are available for free standing and bolt on machine bases either with or without insulation damping. Dynemech also provides tailor made solutions besides providing quick installation service.

Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTH1-u 2250 200 125 88
DTH2-u 2700 200 150 120
DTH3-u 4200 280 170 150
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTH1-m 2500 200 125 88
DTH2-m 3000 200 150 120
DTH3-m 4600 280 170 150


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTH1-i 3500 200 125 98
DTH2-i 4200 200 150 130
DTH3-i 6400 280 170 160
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTH1-s2 2000 200 125 98
DTH2-s2 2400 200 150 130
DTH3-s2 3800 280 170 160


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTH1-s1 1250 200 125 93
DTH2-s1 1500 200 150 125
DTH3-s1 2380 280 170 155
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTH1-p1 1000 200 125 88
DTH2-p1 1200 200 150 120
DTH3-p1 1900 280 170 150


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTH1-p2 1250 200 125 93
DTH2-p2 1500 200 150 125
DTH3-p2 2380 280 170 155
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTH1-p3 1500 200 125 97
DTH2-p3 1800 200 150 129
DTH3-p3 2860 280 170 159


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTH1-hs1 5000 200 125 138
DTH2-hs1 6000 200 150 170
DTH3-hs1 9520 280 170 200
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTH1-a2 2500 200 125 81
DTH2-a2 3000 200 150 113
DTH3-a2 4760 280 170 143


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TPM Series Mounts Series DRC

  • Type Mounts
  • Features Suitable For Machines With Tapped Hole In Base. Bolt Rests Over Dimple On Top Face.
Series DRC, are suitable for machines having tapped hole in the base. The bolt rests over the dimple provided on the top face of the mount. Dimple size is provided as per the bolt diameter in the machine base.

Model Load (Kg/pc) Bolt Size Dia(D) mm d mm H mm Adjust.Range Applications
DRC1-u 350 M12 x 100 109 87 150 8 Applications: Compressors, Tool Room Machines, Plastic injection Moulding Machines, Pressure Die Casting Machines, Shaper, Printing and Textile Machines etc.
DRC2-u 600 M16 x 100 150 108 150 8
DRC3-u 900 M16 x 100 170 136 150 10
DRC4-u 1400 M18 x 150 210 161 150 10
DRC5-u 1900 M20 x 150 240 185 150 12
DRC6-u 2500 M20 x 150 270 215 150 12
DRC1-m 450 M12 x 100 109 87 150 8 Applications: Lathe Machines, Machining Centers, CNC Machines, Milling Machines, Precision Grinding Machines, Drilling Machine, Turning Centers, Transfer Lines etc.
DRC2-m 800 M16 x 100 150 108 150 8
DRC3-m 1150 M16 x 100 170 136 150 10
DRC4-m 1750 M18 x 150 210 161 150 10
DRC5-m 2400 M20 x 150 240 185 150 12
DRC6-m 3200 M20 x 150 270 215 150 12
DRC1-p 175 M12 x 100 109 87 155 8 Applications: Measuring & Testing Machines, Surface Plates, Hardness Testers, Microscopes, EDM Machine, Profile Projectors etc.
DRC2-p 300 M16 x 100 150 108 155 8
DRC3-p 500 M16 x 100 170 136 155 10
DRC4-p 700 M18 x 150 210 161 155 10
DRC5-p 950 M20 x 150 240 185 155 12
DRC6-p 1250 M20 x 150 270 215 155 12
DRC1-s2 300 M12 x 100 109 87 160 8 Applications: Medium Presses, Punching Presses, Centreless Grinding Machines, Gear Shapers, High Speed Machines on upper floors.
DRC2-s2 550 M16 x 100 150 108 160 8
DRC3-s2 850 M16 x 100 170 136 160 10
DRC4-s2 1250 M18 x 150 210 161 160 10
DRC5-s2 1700 M20 x 150 240 185 160 12
DRC6-s2 2200 M20 x 150 270 215 160 12
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Dynemech Machine Base Mounts Series SL

  • Type Machine Base Mounts
  • Material Stainless Steel
  • Features Vibration Isolation, Hygienic Seal, Corrosion Resistance
Dynemech Machine Base Mounts Series SL is used for light to medium weight machines suited to levelling screw support or having tapped hole in the base. These are suitable for placing in the pocket of the machine base. Dynemech Machine Base Mounts Series SLS, developed in stainless steel finds application in pharmaceutical, food and beverages processing and packaging units, medical equipment manufacturing and chemical processing industries. Provide vibration isolation with complete hygienic seal and corrosion resistance.Advantages of Machine Base Anti Vibration Mounts :1. Levelled, stable base for machinery or equipment2. Protection from vibration transmission3. Cost effective solution for uneven machine base, weak uneven floors.4. Rugged load bearing casting.6. Stops structure borne noise and machines from walking7. Effective machinery isolation and leveling even in low installation height.8. Bolting mechanism for point load leveling and fastening the equipment/machinery to the mount.9.Varitey of thread lengths and foot sizes available10. Bolt down version also available, Series SLT Applications :CNCs, Vertical Machining Centers, Turning Centers, Milling Machines, Lathes, Grinding Machines, Injection Molding Machines, Notching Machines, Transformers, Pumping Equipment, Compressors, and other industrial applications.

Model Max. Load (kg/pc) Model Max. Load (kg/pc) Model Max. Load (kg/pc) Length (L)



Width (W)



Height (mm)



SL 1 U 450 SL 1 m 500 SL 1 h 1100 80 64 30
SL 2 U 950 SL 1 m 1100 SL 1 h 2400 75 150 29
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Series Dgf Flexi Foot Mounts

  • Type Mounts
  • Features Vibration Damping In Compression And Shear, Anti Skid Plate, Anchor Holes For High Unbalance Forces
  • Applications Generators, Blowers, Pumps, ID & FD Fans, Cooling Towers, Etc.
Dynemech Flexi Foot Mounts Series DGF is well suited for machines requiring vibration damping in both compression and shear. An anti skid plate is provide in the base of the mount to prevent machine walking. These mounts can also be anchored to the floor through the holes provided in the base for machines producing high unbalance forces.Applications: Generators, Blowers, Pumps, ID & FD Fans, Cooling Towers, etc.

Model Max. Load (kg) L mm B mm H mm Natural Frequiency at Max. Load (Hz) Bolt
DGF1-A 75 132 125 84 6.0 M12
DGF1-B 100 132 125 84 6.0 M12
DGF1-C 150 132 125 84 6.5 M12
DGF1-D 225 132 125 84 6.5 M12
DGF1-E 300 132 125 84 7.0 M12
DGF2-A 250 230 200 100 6.5 M16
DGF2-B 500 230 200 100 6.5 M16
DGF2-C 850 230 200 100 7.0 M16
DGF2-D 1100 230 200 100 7.0 M16
DGF2-E 1575 230 200 100 7.0 M16
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Dynemech Horizontal Stops

  • Type Horizontal Stops
  • Brand Dynemech
  • Features Shock Absorption For Machines With High Axial Force, Flexible Mounting, Protection From Horizontal Shaking
Dynemech Horizontal Stop Series DHS is suitable for the shock absorption of machines having very high axial force on a light weight machine bed and for precision machines which has to be flexibly mounted but be protected from horizontal shaking due to inherent axial movements of their elements.

Model H mm L mm B mm a mm b mm e mm Imm m mm h mm
DHS1 150 150 125 50 65 25 125 100 75
DHS 2 200 150 125 50 65 25 175 150 125
DHS 3 200 175 150 60 75 30 215 180 150
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Screw Support Mounts - Series DL

  • Type AV Mounts
  • Material Stainless Steel
  • Features Vibration Isolation, Hygienic Seal, Corrosion Resistance
Dynemech DL Series AV mounts used for light to medium weight machines suited to levelling screw support or having tapped hole in the base. Dynemech DLS Series AV Mounts, developed in stainless steel finds application in pharmaceutical food and beverages processing and packaing units, medical equipment manufacturing and chemical processing industries.Provide vibration isolation with complete hygienic seal and corrsion resistance.

Screw Support Mount- DL Series- H

Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DL1-u 150 55 21 Du
DL2-u 350 85 25 Du
DL3-u 600 112 28 Du
DL4-u 900 135 30 Du
DL5-u 1400 160 30 Du
DL6-u 1900 185 34 Du
DL7-u 2500 215 37 Du
DL8-u 3500 249 44 Du
DL9-u 4200 276 43 Du
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DL1-m 190 55 21 Dm
DL2-m 450 85 25 Dm
DL3-m 800 112 28 Dm
DL4-m 1150 135 30 Dm
DL5-m 1750 160 30 Dm
DL6-m 2400 185 34 Dm
DL7-m 3200 215 37 Dm
DL8-m 4000 249 44 Dm
DL9-m 5000 276 43 Dm


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DL1-I 250 55 31 Di
DL2-I 575 85 35 Di
DL3-I 1000 112 38 Di
DL4-I 1600 135 40 Di
DL5-I 2300 160 40 Di
DL6-I 3100 185 44 Di
DL7-I 4000 215 47 Di
DL8-I 5200 249 54 Di
DL9-I 6500 276 53 Di
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DL1-s2 125 55 31 Ds2
DL2-s2 300 85 35 Ds2
DL3-s2 550 112 38 Ds2
DL4-s2 850 135 40 Ds2
DL5-s2 1250 160 40 Ds2
DL6-s2 1700 185 44 Ds2
DL7-s2 2200 215 47 Ds2
DL8-s2 2800 249 54 Ds2
DL9-s2 3500 276 53 Ds2


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DL1-s1 80 55 26 Ds1
DL2-s1 200 85 30 Ds1
DL3-s1 375 112 33 Ds1
DL4-s1 575 135 35 Ds1
DL5-s1 800 160 35 Ds1
DL6-s1 1100 185 39 Ds1
DL7-s1 1500 215 42 Ds1
DL8-s1 1900 249 49 Ds1
DL9-s1 2400 276 48 Ds1
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DL1-p1 75 55 21 Dp1
DL2-p1 175 85 25 Dp1
DL3-p1 300 112 28 Dp1
DL4-p1 500 135 30 Dp1
DL5-p1 700 160 30 Dp1
DL6-p1 950 185 34 Dp1
DL7-p1 1250 215 37 Dp1
DL8-p1 1500 249 44 Dp1
DL9-p1 1900 276 43 Dp1


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DL1-p2 80 55 26 Dp2
DL2-p2 220 85 30 Dp2
DL3-p2 410 112 33 Dp2
DL4-p2 620 135 35 Dp2
DL5-p2 900 160 35 Dp2
DL6-p2 1200 185 39 Dp2
DL7-p2 1600 215 42 Dp2
DL8-p2 2000 249 49 Dp2
DL9-p2 2600 276 48 Dp2
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DL1-p3 95 55 30 Dp3
DL2-p3 270 85 34 Dp3
DL3-p3 490 112 37 Dp3
DL4-p3 740 135 39 Dp3
DL5-p3 1060 160 39 Dp3
DL6-p3 1400 185 43 Dp3
DL7-p3 1950 215 46 Dp3
DL8-p3 2400 249 53 Dp3
DL9-p3 3150 276 52 Dp3


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DL1-hs1 300 55 71 Dhs1
DL2-hs1 880 85 75 Dhs1
DL3-hs1 1630 112 75 Dhs1
DL4-hs1 2450 135 80 Dhs1
DL5-hs1 3530 160 80 Dhs1
DL6-hs1 4750 185 84 Dhs1
DL7-hs1 6470 215 87 Dhs1
DL8-hs1 7950 249 94 Dhs1
DL9-hs1 10450 276 93 Dhs1
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DL1-hs2 120 55 71 Dhs2
DL2-hs2 350 85 75 Dhs2
DL3-hs2 650 112 75 Dhs2
DL4-hs2 980 135 80 Dhs2
DL5-hs2 1410 160 80 Dhs2
DL6-hs2 1900 185 84 Dhs2
DL7-hs2 2590 215 87 Dhs2
DL8-hs2 3180 249 94 Dhs2
DL9-hs2 4180 276 93 Dhs2


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DL1-hs3 430 55 56 Dhs3
DL2-hs3 1240 85 60 Dhs3
DL3-hs3 2290 112 63 Dhs3
DL4-hs3 3440 135 65 Dhs3
DL5-hs3 4950 160 65 Dhs3
DL6-hs3 6500 185 69 Dhs3
DL7-hs3 9070 215 72 Dhs3
DL8-hs3 11140 249 79 Dhs3
DL9-hs3 17870 276 78


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DL1-hs4 180 55 56 Dhs4
DL2-hs4 530 85 60 Dhs4
DL3-hs4 980 112 63 Dhs4
DL4-hs4 1470 135 65 Dhs4
DL5-hs4 2120 160 65 Dhs4
DL6-hs4 2850 185 69 Dhs4
DL7-hs4 3880 215 72 Dhs4
DL8-hs4 4770 249 79 Dhs4
DL9-hs4 6270 276 78 Dhs4


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DL1-hs5 430 55 86 Dhs5
DL2-hs5 1240 85 90 Dhs5
DL3-hs5 2290 112 93 Dhs5
DL4-hs5 3440 135 95 Dhs5
DL5-hs5 4950 160 95 Dhs5
DL6-hs5 6500 185 99 Dhs5
DL7-hs5 9070 215 102 Dhs5
DL8-hs5 11140 249 109 Dhs5
DL9-hs5 17870 276 108 Dhs5
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DL1-h 460 55 21 Dh
DL2-h 1330 85 25 Dh
DL3-h 2450 112 28 Dh
DL4-h 3680 135 30 Dh
DL5-h 5300 160 30 Dh
DL6-h 7140 185 34 Dh
DL7-h 9700 215 37 Dh
DL8-h 11930 249 44 Dh
DL9-h 15690 276 43 Dh


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Dynemech Jackup Mounts Series DJM

  • Type Jackup Mounts
  • Material Hard Damping Elastomer
  • Feature Effective Vibration Isolation, High Machine Leveling Capabilities, Exchangeable Sockets, High Load Capacity, Non-skid Properties, Adjustable Levellers
Dynemech provides isolation solutions for various machines and mounting conditions. Dynemech Jackup Mounts provide effective vibration isolation. Series DJM Jackup Mounts also provide for high machine leveling capabilities. The exchangeable sockets below provide for many designs as per customers requirements. Series DJM leveling elements provide high load capacity and best level stability. The bottom design provides for non-skid properties for the Jackup Mounts. Series DJM adjustable levellers are ideal for passive vibration isolation. Addressing a multitude of machine leveling problems, Dynemech has designed and developed Machine Jackup Mounts , Series DJM. Series DJM, adjustable levellers or Leveling Elements provide levelled, stable machinery base to mitigate vibration transmission and compensate for uneven floors. Simple , cost effective solutions for quick machinery installation. Cast fitting and hard damping elastomer provide horizontal stability and anti slip high friction grip. Resistant to most industrial oils, coolants and chemicals. Precise leveling possible.Applications :Machine Tools, Textile Machines, Printing and Packaging Machinery, Graphics Machines, Planners, Food, beverage and pharmaceutical equipment, Conveyors , Power Packs, Test stands, Drive train applications, Measuring Tables and other industrial applications.

Model Load Capacity (kg/pc) Height (H) (mm) Dia (D) (mm) G (mm) HEX (h)(mm)
DJM-0 850 49 90 M20X2.5


(Length 38mm)

DJM-1 1500 49 120 M20X2.5


(Length 38mm)

DJM-2 2500 49 160 M20X2.5


(Length 38mm)

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Compac Machinery Mounts Series DH

  • Type Machinery Mounts
  • Material Rubber In Compression And Shear
  • Features Tight Tolerances On Stiffness Rate, Load Range 40-130 Kgs, Shock-proof Device Up To 4.5g, Domed Shape Cover
Dynemech compac machinery mounts uses rubber in compression and shear. They provide tight tolerances on stiffness rate for accurate vibration calculations. Load range is from 40 to 130 Kgs per piece. The strong base metal withstands high shock loads without deformation. Fitted as standard with a shock-proof device (up to 4.5g) with resilient stop, it is ideal for mobile or marine use. Domed shape cover to protect against oil contamination. Light weight and compact. Ideal for Diesel engines, Compressors, Cooling Towers, Pumps, Industrial generators, Marine generators, ID, FD Fans etc.

Model D A H K d G Weight(Kg.) M.Max (kg.)
DH 1 63 76 35 93.5 8.5 M12 0.22 130
DH 2 63 76 35 93.5 8.5 M12 0.22 105
DH 3 63 76 35 93.5 8.5 M12 0.22 70
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Dynemech’s Vibration Insulation Plates

  • Type Vibration Insulation Plates
  • Material High Grade Synthetic Composite Material
  • Feature Different Load Capacities, Various Natural Frequencies, Resistant To Water, Oils, Fuels
  • Brand Name Dynemech
  • Thicknesses 2mm, 8mm, 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 65mm
Dynemech offers ANTI VIBRATION SHEETS made from high grade synthetic composite material. These sheets have different load capacities and are available in different natural frequencies to suit various industrial applications. These are resistant to water, oils, lubricating oils, fuels etc. used in the shop floor. Each sheet has defined stress value and can be placed directly under the machine as per the weight of the machine and no. of mounting positions. These plates will not deform plastically, if the weight of machine does not exceed maximum load value of the insulation plates. The available thicknesses are 2mm, 8mm, 15mm, 20mm, 25mm and 65mm.

Type Load
Du 3-9 15 Tool room machine, plastic injection moulding machines, pressure die
casting machines, printing and textile machine (For Machine having high axial forces).
Coefficient of friction 0.9, natural frequency range 35Hz – 18 Hz
Dm 5-10 15 Lathe machines, milling machines, grinding machines, machining centers,
turning centers etc. Coefficient of friction 0.7 natural frequency range 50 Hz-30 Hz.
Di 5-14 25 For machine with high vertical dynamic forces such as power presses,
punching machines, stamping machines, shearing machines etc. Coefficient of friction 0.8,
natural frequency range 25 Hz -7 Hz
Dp 1-4 20 Tuned to low natural frequency, suitable for passive vibration control of
Measuring & Testing Machines, Grinders etc. Coefficient of frication 0.8,
natural frequency 20 Hz-7 Hz.
Ds1 2.5-5 20 Light weight presses, tool room machines, compressors etc, on ground
floor as well as upper floors coefficient of friction 0.8, natural frequency range 35 Hz-15 Hz.
Ds2 2-8 25 High vibration insulation for both active and passive range, medium
presses, stamping machine, also well suited for high speed rotating machine on upper
floors. Coefficient of friction 0.8, natural frequency range 35 Hz-8 Hz.
Dhs1 5-15 65 Forging Hammers, Heavy Gen-Sets, Heavy Industrial Machines. Coefficient
of friction 0.8, natural frequency range 25 Hz-8 Hz.
Dh 10-35 15 Very heavy and long bed machines, long machining centers, planners etc.
Coefficient of friction 0.6, natural frequency range 70 Hz -45 Hz
Da1 2-18 2 Anti- Skid Plate
Da2 2-10 8 Anti- Skid Plate

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Dynemech Texl Foot Machine Mounts Series DTXL

  • Type Machine Mounts
  • Material Cast Iron
  • Brand Dynemech
  • Features Shock Absorption, Vibration Control, Low Height Installation, Stable Support
  • Applications Gensets, Compressors, Pumps, Blowers, Fans, Motor Units, Centrifuges, Cooling Towers, Plastic And Rubber Processing Machinery, Construction Equipments, Agricultural Instruments, Textile Machines, Food, Beverage And Pharmaceutical Industry, Packaging Equip
Low cost solution for Shock Absorption and Vibration Control. Rugged CI body mount provide option for low height machinery installation option. Simple, ready to install configuration with top cup and bottom base plate bolting options. Provides stability, smoother operation and reduced maintenance in machinery. High efficiency, stable fixed support, long service life of mounts ensures greater productivity of machinery. .Applications: Gensets, Compressors, Pumps, Blowers, Fans and Motor Units, Centrifuges, Cooling Towers, Plastic and Rubber Processing Machinery, Construction Equipments, Agricultural Instruments, Textile Machines, Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Industry , Packaging equipment, Granulators, Conveyors, General Industrial Machinery.

Model A (mm) H (mm) G (mm) d (mm) F (mm) C



DTXL 1 108 40 M12 12 175 150
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Rubber Air Springs - Series DRAS

  • Type Rubber Air Springs
  • Material Rubber
  • Specialities Highly Effective Insulation Against Low Frequency Vibration/impact, Vertical Natural Frequencies Between 2.5 To 6.0 Hz, Vertical To Horizontal Stiffness Ratio Of Approximately One, Suited For Active And Passive Vibration Control
Dynemech rubber air springs Series DRAS provide highly effective insulation of machines against low frequency vibration / impact. The element offers a vertical natural frequencies between 2.5 to 6.0 Hz (depending upon the pressure required to support the load). The component has vertical to horizontal stiffness ratio of approximately one. Suited for both active and passive vibration control.

Model Load (Kg/pc) Max. Pressure Bar S mm D mm H App. mm d mm h mm Bolt
DRAS1 25 – 60 3 88 84 64 41 6 M10
DRAS2 80 – 300 5 125 120 70 80 6 M12
DRAS3 270 – 800 6 182 174 88 100 6 M16
DRAS4 650 – 1500 6 252 250 108 127 8 M16
DRAS5 1200 – 3400 6 370 360 111 200 8 M20
DRAS6 3000 – 6500 6 500 480 114 315 8 M20
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Pneumatic Air Springs - Series DLPM

  • Type Pneumatic Air Springs
  • Specialities 3-point Precision Leveling, Automatic Height Control Valves, Minimal Setting Time
  • Brand Name Dynemech
  • Isolation Characteristics 2.5 - 2.7 Hz, 2.0 - 4.5 Hz, 6% - 20%, 5% - 6%
A complete Dynemech DLPM system consists of three master pneumatic isolators for 3-point precision leveling. Each pneumatic damping isolator consists of a leveling valve which is the load sensing and height controlling element. Systems are supplied with automatic height control valves, tubing and all other pneumatic accessories necessary for complete system installation. Dynemech DLPM Mounts have minimal setting time. Long setting time using pneumatic isolators is not acceptable because precision measuring and positioning machines can suffer repeatability errors and through put losses. Isolation Characteristics Natural Frequency for the Pneumatic IsolatorVertical 2.5 2.7 HzHorizontal 2.0 4.5 Hz DampingVertical (Adj.) 6% 20%Horizontal 5% 6%

Model Load (Kg/pc) Max. Pressure Bar S mm D mm H App. mm d mm h mm Bolt
DRAS1 25 – 60 3 88 84 64 41 6 M10
DRAS2 80 – 300 5 125 120 70 80 6 M12
DRAS3 270 – 800 6 182 174 88 100 6 M16
DRAS4 650 – 1500 6 252 250 108 127 8 M16
DRAS5 1200 – 3400 6 370 360 111 200 8 M20
DRAS6 3000 – 6500 6 500 480 114 315 8 M20
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Wedge Mounts - Series DF

  • Type Wedge Mounts
  • Material Various Materials
  • Feature Precision Leveling, Adjustable Bolt, Anti-skid Plate, Vibration Reduction
  • Brand Name Dynemech
Dynemech wedge mounts are designed for industrial machine tools that require precision leveling. This 3-piece wedge mount has an adjustable bolt which moves the center wedge between top and bottom stationery wedges to provide lift, to the top wedge. Anti-Skid plate is provided on the top wedge therefore, machines are installed as free standing. Large supporting surface ensures solidity and rigidity. Vibration reduction is possible through assembling respective Dynemech insulation plates.

Model-DF Series M

Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DF1-m 500 105 55 54
DF2-m 1200 150 75 57
DF3-m 2000 200 100 64
DF4-m 4000 200 200 67
DF5-m 5000 200 250 67
DF6-m 8000 250 320 87
DF7-m 12000 300 400 92
DF8-m 20000 400 500 97
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DF1-u 400 105 55 60
DF2-u 900 150 75 63
DF3-u 1500 200 100 70
DF4-u 3200 200 200 73
DF5-u 4000 200 250 93
DF6-u 6400 250 320 98
DF7-u 9600 300 400 98
DF8-u 16000 400 500 103


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DF1-s1 280 105 55 59
DF2-s1 560 150 75 62
DF3-s1 1000 200 100 69
DF4-s1 2000 200 200 72
DF5-s1 2500 200 250 92
DF6-s1 4000 250 320 97
DF7-s1 6000 300 400 97
DF8-s1 10000 400 500 102


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm) DF1-s2 350 105 55 64 DF2-s2 800 150 75 67 DF3-s2 1400 200 100 74 DF4-s2 2800 200 200 77 DF5-s2 3500 200 250 97 DF6-s2 5500 250 320 102 DF7-s2 8500 300 400 102 DF8-s2 14000 400 500 107


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DF1-i 600 105 55 70
DF2-i 1500 150 75 73
DF3-i 2500 200 100 80
DF4-i 5200 200 200 83
DF5-i 6500 200 250 103
DF6-i 10000 250 320 108
DF7-i 15000 300 400 108
DF8-i 26000 400 500 113


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CNC/VMC Machining Centers

  • Type CNC Milling Machine
  • Brand Name Dynemech
  • Material Various Metals
  • Features Computer Controlled, Vertical Spindle Movement, Multi-axis Capability, Vibration Control
CNC milling machines (also called machining centres) are computer controlled vertical mills with the ability to move the spindle vertically along the Z-axis. This extra degree of freedom permits their use in die sinking, engraving applications, and 3D surfaces.CNC machines can exist in virtually any of the forms of manual machinery, like horizontal mills. The most advanced CNC milling-machines, the multi-axis machine, add two more axes in addition to the three normal axes (XYZ). Horizontal milling machines also have a C or Q axis, allowing the horizontally mounted work-piece to be rotated, essentially allowing asymmetric and eccentric turning. The fifth axis (B axis) controls the tilt of the tool itself. When all of these axes are used in conjunction with each other, extremely complicated geometries, even organic geometries such as a human head can be made with relative ease with these machines. For such highly accurate machines, proper levelling and vibration control is of utmost priority. Dynemechs Anti Vibration Mounts provide both these levelling and vibration damping properties. The Anti Vibration Mounts are also very simple to install and easy & convenient to order. These Anti Vibration mounts remove the need to make any kind of foundation for the machine, thus making maintenance and movement of the machine a trivial affair. The tool life of the machine is greatly improved because of enhanced vibration control of the machine placed on Dynemechs Anti Vibration Mounts. Even external factors like press or hammer vibrations can be effectively controlled using Dynemechs Anti Vibration Mounts.
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Vibration Reduction Textile Machines

  • Brand Name Dynemech Systems
  • Type Vibration Reduction Solutions
  • Features Customized And High Efficient Solutions Against Vibrations In Textile Manufacturing Applications.
In Textile Manufacturing, as in many other industrial fields, production speed is a decisive factor. But high production speed often means vibration problems due to rotating rolls and other machinery parts. Vibrations not only put at risk the productivity and the operation time. Mechanical averages caused by vibrations can lead to great loss of investments. Most spinning is done using break or open-end spinning, this is a technique where the staples are blown by air into a rotating drum, where they attach themselves to the tail of formed yarn that is continually being drawn out of the chamber. The spinning machine takes the roving, thins it and twists it, creating yarn which it winds onto a bobbin. Plying is done by pulling yarn from two or more bobbins and twisting it together, in the opposite direction from that in which it was spun. Dynemech Systems are experts in vibration reduction for fast rotating systems since many years. Different well-proven concepts are available to realize customized and high efficient solutions against vibrations in most textile manufacturing applications. Well proven and tested solutions from Dynemech are successful in reducing rotating/spinning vibration considerably.Advantages of Dynemech Pads in Textile MachinesDifferent products/customized solutions available.Simple integration into the production plant due to flexible installation.Significantly increased productivity without higher breakdown risk.Extended Tool And Machinery Life.Better Structural Safety.High precision levelling and accurate alignment possible.
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Dynemech Sandwich Mounts Series DMS

  • Type Sandwich Mount
  • Material Elastomer Bonded To Flat Steel Plates
  • Feature Designed For High Compressive Loads, Slim And Stackable Design, Free Movement In All Directions, High Axial Stiffness To Radial Stiffness Ratio
  • Brand Dynemech
The Sandwich mounts comprise of one or more layers of elastomer bonded to flat steel plates. They are designed to withstand very high cpmpressive loads. They are very slim, having large supporting surface area, stackable mounts. The suspended equipment is free to move in all directions. High ratio of axial stiffness to radial stiffness. Very high axial loads.

Model Max. Load (kg) LXB mm H mm I mm Natural Frequiency (Hz) Bolt
DMS1-A 40 85 x 40 36 25 6 M8
DMS1-B 50 85 x 40 36 25 6 M8
DMS1-C 75 85 x 40 36 25 6.5 M8
DMS1-D 120 85 x 40 36 25 6.5 M8
DMS1-E 150 85 x 40 36 25 7.0 M8
DMS2-A 125 165 x 55 43 6.5
DMS2-B 250 165 x 55 43 6.5
DMS2-C 425 165 x 55 43 7.0
DMS2-D 550 165 x 55 43 7.0
DMS2-E 800 165 x 55 43 7.0
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Electrical Discharge Machining

  • Type Manufacturing Process
  • Material Various Materials
  • Brand Name Dynemech
  • Features Accurate Shaping, Erosion Of Material, Affordable, High Accuracy
Electrical Discharge Machining, EDM is one of the most accurate manufacturing processes available for creating complex or simple shapes and geometries within parts and assemblies. EDM works by eroding material in the path of electrical discharges that form an arc between an electrode tool and the work piece. EDM manufacturing is quite affordable and a very desirable manufacturing process when low counts or high accuracy is required. To obtain a specific geometry, the EDM tool is guided along the desired path very close to the work; ideally it should not touch the workpiece, although in reality this may happen due to the performance of the specific motion control in use. In this way, a large number of current discharges (colloquially also called sparks) happen, each contributing to the removal of material from both tool and workpiece, where small craters are formed. The size of the craters is a function of the technological parameters set for the specific job at hand. They can be with typical dimensions ranging from the nanoscale (in micro-EDM operations) to some hundreds of micrometers in roughing conditions. For such highly accurate machines, proper levelling and external vibration isolation is of utmost priority. Dynemechs Anti Vibration Mounts provide both these levelling and vibration damping properties. The Anti Vibration Mounts are also very simple to install and easy & convenient to order. Anti Vibration mounts remove the need to make any kind of foundation for the machine, thus making maintenance and movement of the machine a trivial affair. The tool life of the electrode is greatly improved because of enhanced vibration control of the machine placed on Dynemechs Anti Vibration Mounts. Even external factors like press or hammer vibrations can be effectively controlled using Dynemechs Anti Vibration Mounts. EDM machine can be installed on Dynemechs Ultra sensitive Air Springs or Screw Support Mounts with dual layer Dp insulation plates for maximising the
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Shock Resistant / Anti-vibration Table With Pneumatic Vibration Mounts

  • Type Anti-Vibration Table
  • Material Granite Surface Plate
  • Features Pneumatic Vibration Mounts, Grade-1 Accuracy, Low-frequency Vibration Isolation
Our Anti Vibration Tables Series DIT-AS are ideal for isolation of LOW-FREQUENCY vibration due to working machines like presses, hammers, VMCs etc. The passive vibrations are absorbed by the pneumatic mounts making the surface plate float on AIR. These Anti-Vibration Tables have a Granite Surface Plate with Grade-1 accuracy for very precise measuring accuracies. These Vibration Tables provide economical solution where low frequency vibrations need to be removed. The passive vibrations from nearby motors and other heavy machinery is reduced by 90-95%. APPLICATIONS: The Vibration Isolated Table (VIT) finds usage in critical areas where reading accuracy of instruments like CMM, Spectroscopes, Balances, Galvanometers, Electronic Microscopes and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers, is affected by Vibrations.

Model Length (L) (mm) Width (B) (mm) Height (H) (mm) Surface Plate Thickness (mm) Table Loading Capacity (Kg) Adjustment range (mm)
DIT-AS/01 500 500 800 50 100 – 250 8
DIT-AS/02 750 500 800 / 1000 80 200 – 450 8
DIT-AS/03 900 600 1000 100 500 – 1250 12
DIT-AS/04 1000 800 1000 100 800 – 1600 12
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Screw Support Mounts - Series DLK

  • Type Vibration Dampers
  • Material Steel Body With Composite Vibration Insulating Base Pad
  • Features Low Frequency Attenuation, Stable Machine Leveling, Fast Installation, Enhanced Component Finish, Health Protection, Structural Safety, High Precision Leveling, Accurate Alignment
Dynemech Screw Support Mounts Series DLK are simple and effective vibration dampers for machines with respective holes in the base. These mounts offer both low frequency attenuation and stable machine levelling. The DLK Series of Vibration damping and leveling mounts provide fast and easy installation of machines. These Anti-vibration mounts provide enhanced component finish/part tolerance and extend tool and machinery life. The machine mounts provide improved health protection and better structural safety. DLK series Anti-vibration mounts have steel body and are used for machines having mounting holes in the base. This leveling mount has a cover plate and dimpled bottom plate holding the insulation plate. Leveling is done by tightening the bolt which lifts the cover plate with the machine foot. The vibration insulating Base pad is made of composite material at varying composition giving different natural frequencies to provide vibration damping solutions to all types of industrial machines. These vibration isolation plates are resistant to water, almost all the coolants, chemicals, fuels, lubricating oils used in the modern machine shop. These vibration insulating machine pads will not deform plastically, if the weight of machine does not exceed maximum load value of the insulation plates. Advantages of Dynemech DLK Mounts:1. Different products/customized solutions possible. 2. Simple integration into the production plant due to flexible installation. 3. Significantly increased productivity without higher breakdown risk 4. Extended Tool And Machinery Life. 5. Better Structural Safety. 6. High precision levelling and accurate alignment possible.

Screw Support Mount- DLK1

Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLK1-a 580 92 50  
DLK1-b 750 92 50  
DLK1-c 900 92 50
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLK2-a 1200 135 50  
DLK2-b 1900 135 50  
DLK2-c 2600 135 50
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLK3-a 2900 195 58  
DLK3-b 3400 195 58  
DLK3-c 4200 195 58
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLK4-a 4000 238 80  
DLK4-b 5000 238 80  
DLK4-c 6000 238 80
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLKH2-c 2600 135 62


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLKH3-c 4200 195 72

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CMM Vibration Isolation

  • Type Vibration Isolation System
  • Material Pneumatic Isolators
  • Feature Low Frequency Vibration Control, Auto-levelling, Significant Vibration Isolation
  • Brand Name Dynemech Systems
CMMs have traditionally performed the quality assurance function in labs and gage rooms off of, or away from, the production floor. Today, however, we are hearing much more discussion about putting CMMs into the factory environment. The measuring speed and accuracy of Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) are improving every year. Newer CMMs are being designed and built which should function with repeatability right on the production floor. Machining, stamping and other operations produce plenty of vibration, and those processes should be floor-isolated. Still, energy can find its way into the CMM as a source of errors, so some type of vibration isolation is needed. The production floor may have presses or hammers near the CMM, which produce massive vibrations and can lead to grossly inaccurate readings on the CMM. Vibration is one environmental factor which can compromise a CMMs accuracy and repeatability. Without compromising accuracy, CMM manufacturers provide their users with the maximum levels of vibration which their machines are capable of withstanding. Ideally, if all components of a CMM, including the part to be measured, were to vibrate in unison at a specific frequency, amplitude, phase and orientation, no degradation in measured performance would result. When isolation is required, it is typically low frequency (less than 25 Hz) vibration that requires attenuation. Dynemech Systems has over 20 years experience in vibration isolation. They are specialists in CMMs, Dynamometers, Electron Microscopes, Metrology Equipment. Dynemechs pneumatic isolators Series DRAS and Series DLPM provide significant vibration isolation for metrology equipment requiring low frequency vibration control. Series DRAS are ideal for low-cost metrology equipment where there is no sudden loading across the table. Series DLPM are auto-levelling pneumatic isolators which can sense the load placed on the table and automatically level the table surface. Both these models are highly
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Stud Mounts Series DS

  • Type Vibration Dampers
  • Material Highly Effective And Compact
  • Features For Compressors, Pumps, Fans, Motors, Machine Tools, Gensets, Air Conditioners, Measuring Equipment, Material Handling, Laboratory
Dynemech Stud Mounts Series DS are highly effective and compact vibration dampers for a varity of applications like- Compressors, Pumps, ID & FD fans, Motors, Machine tools, Gensets, Air Conditioners, Measuring and Testing Equipment / Instruments, Material Handling Equipment, Laboratory etc. These mounts can be used for load applications in both compression and shear.

Model D mm H mm G Thread L mm Load Kgs. Natural Frequency Hz.
DS a 10-10 10 10 M4 10 2 12
DS b 10-10 10 10 M4 10 4 15
DS c 10-10 10 10 M4 10 6.5 15
DS a 15-15 15 15 M4 10 4 12
DS b 15-15 15 15 M4 10 9 12
DS c 15-15 15 15 M4 10 15 12
DS a 20-15 20 15 M6 13 9 12
DS b 20-15 20 15 M6 13 18 12
DS c 20-15 20 15 M6 13 25 12
DS a 20-25 20 25 M6 13 7 10
DS b 20-25 20 25 M6 13 16 10
DS c 20-25 20 25 M6 13 24 12
DS a 25-25 25 25 M8 20 12 12
DS b 25-25 25 25 M8 20 28 12
DS C 25-25 25 25 M8 20 39 12
DS a 25-30 25 30 M8 20 10 9
DS b 25-30 25 30 M8 20 22 9
DS C 25-30 25 30 M8 20 30 9
DS a 30-30 30 30 M8 20 17 8
DS b 30-30 30 30 M8 20 37 8
DS c 30-30 30 30 M8 20 57 9
DS a 40-30 40 30 M10 25 34 7
DS b 40-30 40 30 M10 25 70 8
DS c 40-30 40 30 M10 25 110 8
DS a 40-40 40 40 M10 25 30 7
DS b 40-40 40 40 M10 25 60 8
DS c 40-40 40 40 M10 25 95 8
DS a 50-45 50 45 M10 25 55 8
DS b 50-45 50 45 M10 25 110 8
DS c 50-45 50 45 M10 25 160 8
DS a 60-25 60 25 M10 30 85 6
DS b 60-25 60 25 M10 30 170 7
DS c 60-25 60 25 M10 30 250 7
DS a 60-45 60 45 M10 30 75 7
DS b 60-45 60 45 M10 30 150 7
DS c 60-45 60 45 M10 30 200 7
DS a 75-55 75 55 M16 30 125 6
DS b 75-55 75 55 M16 30 275 7
DS c 75-55 75 55 M16 30 400 7
DS a 100-55 100 55 M16 45 250 7
DS b 100-55 100 55 M16 45 500 7
DS c 100-55 100 55 M16 45 750 7
DS a 150-55 150 55 M16 50 450 7
DS b 150-55 150 55 M16 50 800 8
DS c 150-55 150 55 M16 50 1300 8
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TPM Series Mounts - Series DFP

  • Type Mounts
  • Material Steel
  • Features Adjustable Bolt, Anti-Skid Plate, Vibration Reduction
TPM Series Mounts are designed for industrial machines that require the machines to be placed at a height of 100mm / 150mm for proper cleaning and repairing under the machine as per IMTMA guidelines. This 3-piece wedge mount has an adjustable bolt which moves the center wedge between top and bottom stationery wedges to provide lift, to the top wedge. Anti-Skid plate is provided on the top wedge therefore, machines are installed as free standing. Large supporting surface ensures solidity and rigidity. Vibration reduction is possible through assembling respective Dynemech insulation plates.

Model Load (Kg/pc) Length (L) (mm) Width (B) (mm) Height at mean position (H) (mm) Adjustment range (mm) Applications
DFP1-u 400 105 55 100 / 150 8 Top anti skid plate Da2 & bottom Insulation plate Du.


Applications: Tool Room Machines, Plastic injection Moulding Machines, Pressure Die Casting Machines, Shaper, Printing and Textile Machines etc.

DFP2-u 900 150 75 100 / 150 10
DFP3-u 1500 200 100 100 / 150 10
DFP4-u 3200 200 200 100 / 150 12
DFP5-u 4000 200 250 100 / 150 18
DFP6-u 6400 250 320 100 / 150 18
DFP7-u 9600 300 400 100 / 150 20
DFP1-m 500 105 55 100 / 150 8 Top anti skid plate Da1 & bottom insulation plates Dm.


Applications: Lathe Machines, Machining Centers, Milling Machines, Precision Grinding Machines, Drilling Machine, Turning Centers, Transfer Lines etc.

DFP2-m 1200 150 75 100 / 150 10
DFP3-m 2000 200 100 100 / 150 10
DFP4-m 4000 200 200 100 / 150 12
DFP5-m 5000 200 250 100 / 150 18
DFP6-m 8000 250 320 100 / 150 18
DFP7-m 12000 300 400 100 / 150 20
DFP1-s2 350 105 55 100 / 150 8 Top anti skid plate Da1 & bottom Insulation plates Ds2


Applications: Medium Presses, Punching Presses, Centreless Grinding Machines, Gear Shapers, High Speed Machines on upper floors.

DFP2-s2 800 150 75 100 / 150 10
DFP3-s2 1400 200 100 100 / 150 10
DFP4-s2 2800 200 200 100 / 150 12
DFP5-s2 3500 200 250 100 / 150 18
DFP6-s2 5500 250 320 100 / 150 18
DFP7-s2 8500 300 400 100 / 150 20
DFP1-i 600 105 55 100 / 150 8 Top anti skid Da2 & bottom insulation plate Di


Applications: Power Presses, Stamping Machines, Shearing Machines, Punching Machines, For Machine with high vertical impact.

DFP2-i 1500 150 75 100 / 150 10
DFP3-i 2500 200 100 100 / 150 10
DFP4-i 5200 200 200 100 / 150 12
DFP5-i 6500 200 250 100 / 150 18
DFP6-i 10000 250 320 100 / 150 18
DFP7-i 15000 300 400 100 / 150 20
DFP1-p 180 105 55 100 / 150 8 Top anti skid Da1 & bottom insulation plate Dp.


Applications: Measuring & Testing Machines, Surface Plates, Hardness Testers, Microscopes, EDM Machine, Profile Projectors etc.

DFP2-p 400 150 75 100 / 150 10
DFP3-p 725 200 100 100 / 150 10
DFP4-p 1450 200 200 100 / 150 12
DFP5-p 1800 200 250 100 / 150 18
DFP6-p 2900 250 320 100 / 150 18
DFP7-p 4400 300 400 100 / 150 20
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Wedge Mounts - Series DTO

  • Type Wedge Mounts
  • Material Dynemech
  • Feature Designed For Top Heavy Machines, Adjustable Bolt For Precise Leveling, Vibration Absorption Insulation Plates Optional
  • Other Characteristics Large Centered Hole For Heavy Duty Grouting, High Coefficient Of Friction For Anti-skid Properties
Dynemech Wedge Mounts, Series DTO are designed for machines which are top heavy or have eccentric motion or machines which must be anchored to the ground for higher machine stability. A large centered hole instead of two eccentric hole , allows for heavy duty grouting or fixing of machine to the ground for added strength. The adjustable bolt has been retained at an offset position to allow for center wedge movement and precise levelling and height adjustment. DTO Series Wedge Mounts can be supplied with and without the vibration absorption insulation plates. For enhanced vibration isolation and decreased vibration travel , we can bolt the machine with insulating discs. The machine hence, can be fixed securely to the foundation with no shifting/displacement thanks to high coefficient of friction and anti skid properties of Dynemech insulation plates. NOTE: Isulating discs , heavy duty anchor bolt, washers and nuts are optional accessories and not part of standard supply

Wedge Mount -DTO Series-a1

Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1-u 1100 115 115 59
DTO2-u 1800 150 150 65
DTO3-u 3200 200 200 65
DTO4-u 4000 200 250 85
DTO5-u 6400 250 320 90
DTO6-u 9600 300 400 90
DTO7-u 16000 400 500 95
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1-m 1400 115 115 59
DTO2-m 2200 150 150 65
DTO3-m 4000 200 200 65
DTO4-m 5000 200 250 85
DTO5-m 8000 250 320 90
DTO6-m 12000 300 400 90
DTO7-m 20000 400 500 95


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1-i 1800 115 115 69
DTO2-i 2900 150 150 75
DTO3-i 5200 200 200 75
DTO4-i 6500 200 250 95
DTO5-i 10000 250 320 100
DTO6-i 15000 300 400 100
DTO7-i 26000 400 500 105
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1-s2 950 115 115 69
DTO2-s2 1600 150 150 75
DTO3-s2 2800 200 200 75
DTO4-s2 3500 200 250 95
DTO5-s2 5500 250 320 100
DTO6-s2 8500 300 400 100
DTO7-s2 14000 400 500 105


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1-s1 660 115 115 64
DTO2-s1 1130 150 150 70
DTO3-s1 2000 200 200 70
DTO4-s1 2500 200 250 90
DTO5-s1 4000 250 320 95
DTO6-s1 6000 300 400 95
DTO7-s1 10000 400 500 100
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1-p1 530 115 115 59
DTO2-p1 900 150 150 65
DTO3-p1 1600 200 200 65
DTO4-p1 2000 200 250 85
DTO5-p1 3200 250 320 90
DTO6-p1 4800 300 400 90
DTO7-p1 8000 400 500 95


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1-p2 660 115 115 64
DTO2-p2 1130 150 150 70
DTO3-p2 2000 200 200 70
DTO4-p2 2500 200 250 90
DTO5-p2 4000 250 320 95
DTO6-p2 6000 300 400 95
DTO7-p2 10000 400 500 100
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1-p3 790 115 115 68
DTO2-p3 1350 150 150 74
DTO3-p3 2400 200 200 74
DTO4-p3 3000 200 250 94
DTO5-p3 4800 250 320 99
DTO6-p3 7200 300 400 99
DTO7-p3 12000 400 500 104


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1-hs1 2650 115 115 109
DTO2-hs1 4500 150 150 115
DTO3-hs1 8000 200 200 115
DTO4-hs1 14000 200 250 135
DTO5-hs1 16000 250 320 140
DTO6-hs1 24000 300 400 140
DTO7-hs1 40000 400 500 145
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1-hs2 1060 115 115 109
DTO2-hs2 1800 150 150 115
DTO3-hs2 3200 200 200 115
DTO4-hs2 4000 200 250 135
DTO5-hs2 6400 250 320 140
DTO6-hs2 9600 300 400 140
DTO7-hs2 16000 400 500 145


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1-hs3 3700 115 115 94
DTO2-hs3 6300 150 150 100
DTO3-hs3 11200 200 200 100
DTO4-hs3 14000 200 250 120
DTO5-hs3 22400 250 320 125
DTO6-hs3 33600 300 400 125
DTO7-hs3 56000 400 500 130
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1-hs4 1590 115 115 94
DTO2-hs4 2700 150 150 100
DTO3-hs4 4800 200 200 100
DTO4-hs4 6000 200 250 120
DTO5-hs4 9600 250 320 125
DTO6-hs4 14000 300 400 125
DTO7-hs4 24000 400 500 130


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1-hs5 3700 115 115 124
DTO2-hs5 6300 150 150 130
DTO3-hs5 11200 200 200 130
DTO4-hs5 14000 200 250 150
DTO5-hs5 22400 250 320 155
DTO6-hs5 33600 300 400 155
DTO7-hs5 56000 400 500 160


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1-h 3970 115 115 59
DTO2-h 6750 150 150 65
DTO3-h 12000 200 200 65
DTO4-h 15000 200 250 85
DTO5-h 24000 250 320 90
DTO6-h 36000 300 400 90
DTO7-h 60000 400 500 95
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1 3600 115 115 44
DTO2 3800 150 150 50
DTO3 10400 200 200 50
DTO4 13000 200 250 70
DTO5 20000 250 320 75
DTO6 30000 300 400 75
DTO7 40000 400 500 80


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTO1-a1 2380 115 115 46
DTO2-a1 4050 150 150 52
DTO3-a1 7200 200 200 52
DTO4-a1 9000 200 250 72
DTO5-a1 14400 250 320 77
DTO6-a1 21600 300 400 77
DTO7-a1 36000 400 500 82


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Shock Resistant / Anti-vibration Table With Elastomeric Mounts

  • Type Anti-Vibration Table
  • Material Granite Surface Plate With Grade-1 Accuracy
  • Feature Double-Layered Dp Elastomeric Sheets, Single Or Dual Layer Insulation Plate, Vibration Isolation Efficiency Increased By Placing More Than 2 Layers Of Dp Insulation Sheets
Our Anti Vibration Tables Series DIT-E are ideal for Testing / Quality Laboratories co-located with industrial units having high degree of vibration due to working machines like presses, hammers, VMCs etc. The Vibrations are isolated using Double-Layered Dp Elastomeric Sheets. These Anti-Vibration Tables have a Granite Surface Plate with Grade-1 accuracy for very precise measuring accuracies. We can select single or dual layer insulation plate depending upon the vibrations present in the Testing Laboratory. These Vibration Tables provide the most economical solution where high frequency vibrations need to be removed. The passive vibrations from nearby motors and other heavy machinery is reduced by 65-70%. The vibration isolation efficiency of these tables can be further increased by placing more than 2 layers of our Dp insulation Sheets.APPLICATIONS: The Vibration Isolated Table (VIT) finds usage in critical areas where reading accuracy of instruments like Balances, Galvanometers, Electronic Microscopes and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers, is affected by Vibrations.

Model Length (L) (mm) Width (B) (mm) Height (H) (mm) Surface Plate Thickness (mm) Table Loading Capacity (Kg) Adjustment range (mm)
DIT-E/01 500 500 800 50 100 – 250 8
DIT-E/02 700 550 800 / 1000 80 200 – 450 8
DIT-E/03 900 600 1000 100 500 – 1250 12
DIT-E/04 1000 800 1000 100 800 – 1600 12
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  • Material Steel
  • Brand Name Dynemech Systems
  • Features Vibration Damping, Foundation-Free Mounting, Precision Alignment
  • Other Relevant Characteristics High Rotation Speeds, Faulty Bearings, Gear Tooth Breakage, Wire Breakage Prevention
Bunching machines are used extensively in wire and cable industries and are used for bunching copper, steel wires for varied applications. Our Screw Support Mounts, Series DLC and Wedge Mounts, Series DF are used by high speed double twist bunching machines OEMs to provide foundation-free flexible mounting on vibration damping elements to adhere to OSHA guidelines for machine installation.High rotation speeds, faulty bearings, gear tooth breakage, winding force etc. at high speed give rise to vibration which needs to be damped to improve production efficiency and reduce maintenance down time. Vibration values in bunching machines should conform to the standard. It cant be too high as it may cause problems with the main axis. Wire breakage problems in case of fine wire bunching can lead to huge production losses.To avoid problems in wire guides/ bending sections and to protect electronic controllers against damage by excessive vibration our sturdy, circular Series DLC/DL mounts come handy. Furthermore, unbalances in machine or in case of machine installation on suspended floor, our anti vibration mountings provide the ideal machinery installation solutions with precision alignment and levelling, besides of course, vibration damping.Dynemech Systems are experts in vibration reduction for fast rotating systems since many years. Different well-proven concepts are available to realize customized and high efficient solutions against vibrations in most manufacturing applications. Well proven and tested solutions from Dynemech are successful in reducing rotating/spinning vibration considerably. Advantages of Dynemech Pads in High-Speed Bunching Machines* Different products/customized solutions available.* Simple integration into the production plant due to flexible installation.* Significantly increased productivity without higher breakdown risk.* Extended Tool And Machinery Life.* Better Structural Safety.* High precision levelling and accurate alignment possible
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Wedge Mounts - Series DTSP With Spherical Positioners

  • Type Wedge Mounts With Spherical Positioners
  • Specialities Transmit Load To Ground Through Wedge Mounts At 90°, Better Alignment Of Machine Possible
SPHERICAL POSITIONERSare designed to transmit the load of the machine to the ground through wedge mounts at 90 despite the angle difference between machine base and foundation. The pressure on the insulation plates remains even. Thus, better alignment of the machine is possible. Variations are available for free standing and bolt on machine bases either with or without insulation damping. Dynemech is open to the idea of developing customer specific requirements.

Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)< /td>
DTSP1-m 1300 115 115 59
DTSP2-m 2250 150 150 65
DTSP3-m 4000 200 200 65
DTSP4-m 5000 200 250 85
DTSP5-m 8000 250 320 90
DTSP6-m 8500 300 400 90
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTSP1-i 1800 115 115 69
DTSP2-i 2900 150 150 75
DTSP3-i 5200 200 200 75
DTSP4-i 6500 200 250 95
DTSP5-i 10000 250 320 100
DTSP6-i 15000 300 400 100


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTSP1-s2 950 115 115 69
DTSP2-s2 1600 150 150 75
DTSP3-s2 2800 200 200 75
DTSP4-s2 3500 200 250 95
DTSP5-s2 5500 250 320 100
DTSP6-s2 8500 300 400 100
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTSP1-s1 660 115 115 64
DTSP2-s1 1120 150 150 70
DTSP3-s1 2000 200 200 70
DTSP4-s1 2500 200 250 90
DTSP5-s1 4000 250 320 95
DTSP6-s1 6000 300 400 95


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTSP1-p1 530 115 115 59
DTSP2-p1 900 150 150 65
DTSP3-p1 1600 200 200 65
DTSP4-p1 2000 200 250 85
DTSP5-p1 3200 250 320 90
DTSP6-p1 4800 300 400 90
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTSP1-p2 660 115 115 64
DTSP2-p2 1125 150 150 70
DTSP3-p2 2000 200 200 70
DTSP4-p2 2500 200 250 90
DTSP5-p2 4000 250 320 95
DTSP6-p2 6000 300 400 95


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTSP1-p3 800 115 115 68
DTSP2-p3 1350 150 150 74
DTSP3-p3 2400 200 200 74
DTSP4-p3 3000 200 250 94
DTSP5-p3 4800 250 320 99
DTSP6-p3 7200 300 400 99
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTSP1-hs1 2600 115 115 109
DTSP2-hs1 4500 150 150 115
DTSP3-hs1 8000 200 200 115
DTSP4-hs1 10000 200 250 135
DTSP5-hs1 16000 250 320 140
DTSP6-hs1 24000 300 400 140


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTSP1-hs2 1060 115 115 109
DTSP2-hs2 1800 150 150 115
DTSP3-hs2 3200 200 200 115
DTSP4-hs2 4000 200 250 135
DTSP5-hs2 6400 250 320 140
DTSP6-hs2 9600 300 400 140
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTSP1-hs3 3700 115 115 94
DTSP2-hs3 6300 150 150 100
DTSP3-hs3 11200 200 200 100
DTSP4-hs3 14000 200 250 120
DTSP5-hs3 22400 250 320 125
DTSP6-hs3 33600 300 400 125


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTSP1-hs4 1600 115 115 94
DTSP2-hs4 2700 150 150 100
DTSP3-hs4 4800 200 200 100
DTSP4-hs4 6000 200 250 120
DTSP5-hs4 9600 250 320 125
DTSP6-hs4 14400 300 400 125
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTSP1-hs5 3700 115 115 124
DTSP2-hs5 6300 150 150 130
DTSP3-hs5 11200 200 200 130
DTSP4-hs5 14000 200 250 150
DTSP5-hs5 22400 250 320 155
DTSP6-hs5 33600 300 400 155


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTSP1-h 3970 115 115 59
DTSP2-h 6750 150 150 65
DTSP3-h 12000 200 200 65
DTSP4-h 15000 200 250 85
DTSP5-h 24000 250 320 90
DTSP6-h 36000 300 400 90
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTSP1 3600 115 115 44
DTSP2 5800 150 150 50
DTSP3 10400 200 200 50
DTSP4 13000 200 250 70
DTSP5 20000 250 320 75
DTSP6 30000 300 400 75


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTSP1-a1 2380 115 115 46
DTSP2-a1 4050 150 150 52
DTSP3-a1 7200 200 200 52
DTSP4-a1 9000 200 250 72
DTSP5-a1 14400 250 320 77
DTSP6-a1 21600 300 400 77
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DTSP1-a2 1320 115 115 52
DTSP2-a2 2250 150 150 58
DTSP3-a2 4000 200 200 58
DTSP4-a2 5000 200 250 78
DTSP5-a2 8000 250 320 83
DTSP6-a2 12000 300 400 83


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Honing Machine

  • Type Honing Machine
  • Material Metal
  • Features Precision Bore Dimension, Geometry, Surface Finish, Vibration Reduction
Honing is a metal removal process used after casting, sintering, drilling, boring, or reaming to obtain precise bore dimension, geometry (cylindricity, roundness, straightness, and taper) and surface finish. Though with the development of precision machining and ultra precision machining technology, machining precision demands to achieve sub micron level have increased, chatter is still a problem during grinding which affects surface quality directly and reduces productivity. It is more serious in high precision honing process in which a small vibration would make the size or surface roughness of proposed part poor, leading to rejections. In general honing the movement of the honing head is the synthesis of rotation movement and reciprocating movement whose trajectory is a spiral curve with up and down movement in close tolerances. With them numerous mechanical structure, rotating and revolving parts with different mechanisms working in compression, stress and torsion in a machine, lead to arousal of vibrations during the honing process. Vibrations may also travel from external environment to Honing Machines disturbing surface finish and accuracy of the job. Dynemech low natural frequency isolators damps most of the incoming vibrations and allows smooth operation Vibration isolation is imposed to separate a dynamical system from its environment by means of isolator/pad/mounts which has a considerably different natural frequency, compared to the forcing frequency of the applied force.DYNEMECH VIBRATION REDUCTION MOUNTS: 1. By creating a phase difference of vibration frequency, both passive and vibration control can be achieved in honing applications.2. Vibration damping is imposed to separate a dynamical system from its environment by means of isolator/pad/mounts which has a considerably different natural frequency, compared to the forcing frequency of the applied force.
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TPM Series Mounts - Series DBP (Bolt On)

  • Material Metal
  • Features Precision Leveling, Vibration Reduction, 2 Holes On Top Plate For Bolt
  • Packaging Type Standard
  • Other Relevant Characteristics Designed For Industrial Machines, Height Adjustment Of 100mm/150mm, No Anchoring Required
TPM Series Mounts are designed for industrial machines that require the machines to be placed at a height of 100mm / 150mm for proper cleaning and repairing under the machine as per IMTMA guidelines. Series DBP mounts are designed for machines which require precision leveling along with vibration reduction and are desired to be firmly mounted with the isolator or machines with high axial thrust and do require any anchoring to the floor.These mounts provide 2 holes on the top plate of the wedge. The bolt which is supplied as a standard accessory with these wedge mounts can be fixed in any of these two holes. While installing the machine, the bolt can be fixed in the hole which makes sure that most of the wedge mount is covered by the leg/base of the machine.

Model Load (Kg/pc) Length (L) (mm) Width (B) (mm) Height (H) at mean position (mm) d (mm) e (mm) Bolt size Adjustment range (mm) Applications
DBP1-u 1100 115 115 100 / 150 50 24 M16 8 Tool Room Machine, Plastic Injection Moulding Machines, Pressure Die Casting Machines, Shaper, Printing and Textile machines etc.
DBP2-u 1800 150 150 100 / 150 60 23 M18 10
DBP3-u 3200 200 200 100 / 150 75 27 M20 12
DBP4-u 4000 200 250 100 / 150 95 27 M20 18
DBP5-u 6400 250 320 100 / 150 125 55 M24 18
DBP6-u 9600 300 400 100 / 150 148 50 M24 20
DBP1-m 1400 115 115 100 / 150 50 24 M16 8 Lathe Machines, Machining Centers, Milling Machines, Precision Grinding Machines, Drilling Machines, Turning Centers, Transfer Lines etc.
DBP2-m 2200 150 150 100 / 150 60 23 M18 10
DBP3-m 4000 200 200 100 / 150 75 27 M20 12
DBP4-m 5000 200 250 100 / 150 95 27 M20 18
DBP5-m 8000 250 320 100 / 150 125 55 M24 18
DBP6-m 12000 300 400 100 / 150 148 50 M24 20
DBP1-i 1800 115 115 100 / 150 50 24 M16 8 Power Presses, Stamping Machines, Shearing Machines, Punching Machines, For Machines with high vertical impact
DBP2-i 2900 150 150 100 / 150 60 23 M18 10
DBP3-i 5200 200 200 100 / 150 75 27 M20 12
DBP4-i 6500 200 250 100 / 150 95 27 M20 18
DBP5-i 10000 250 320 100 / 150 125 55 M24 18
DBP6-i 15000 300 400 100 / 150 148 50 M24 20
DBP1-s2 950 115 115 100 / 150 50 24 M16 8 Medium Presses, Punching Presses, Centerless Grinding Machines, Gear Shapers, High Speed Machines on upper floors
DBP2-s2 1600 150 150 100 / 150 60 23 M18 10
DBP3-s2 2800 200 200 100 / 150 75 27 M20 12
DBP4-s2 3500 200 250 100 / 150 95 27 M20 18
DBP5-s2 5500 250 320 100 / 150 125 55 M24 18
DBP6-s2 8500 300 400 100 / 150 148 50 M24 20
DBP1-s1 600 115 115 100 / 150 50 24 M16 8 Tools Room Machines on suspended Floors, Light Weight Presses, Compressors etc.
DBP2-s1 1000 150 150 100 / 150 60 23 M18 10
DBP3-s1 1800 200 200 100 / 150 75 27 M20 12
DBP4-s1 2200 200 250 100 / 150 95 27 M20 18
DBP5-s1 3500 250 320 100 / 150 125 55 M24 18
DBP6-s1 5200 300 400 100 / 150 148 50 M24 20
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Wedge Mounts - Series DB (Bolt On)

  • Type Wedge Mounts
  • Material Dynemech
  • Specialities Precision Leveling, Vibration Reduction, 2 Holes On Top Plate, Bolt For Fixing
  • Packaging Type Standard
Dynemech Wedge Mounts Series DB is designed for machines which require precision leveling along with vibration reduction and are desired to be firmly mounted with the isolator or machines with high axial thrust and do require any anchoring to the floor. These mounts provide 2 holes on the top plate of the wedge. The bolt which is supplied as a standard accessory with these wedge mounts can be fixed in any of these two holes. While installing the machine, the bolt can be fixed in the hole which makes sure that most of the wedge mount is covered by the leg/base of the machine.

Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DB0-u 900 100 100 53
DB1-u 1100 115 115 59
DB2-u 1800 150 150 65
DB3-u 3200 200 200 65
DB4-u 4000 200 250 85
DB5-u 6400 250 320 90
DB6-u 9600 300 400 90
DB7-u 16000 400 500 95
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DB0-m 1000 100 100 53
DB1-m 1400 115 115 59
DB2-m 2200 150 150 65
DB3-m 4000 200 200 65
DB4-m 5000 200 250 85
DB5-m 8000 250 320 90
DB6-m 12000 300 400 90
DB7-m 20000 400 500 95


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DB0-i 1400 100 100 63
DB1-i 1800 115 115 69
DB2-i 2900 150 150 75
DB3-i 5200 200 200 75
DB4-i 6500 200 250 95
DB5-i 10000 250 320 100
DB6-i 15000 300 400 100
DB7-i 26000 400 500 105
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DB0-s2 800 100 100 63
DB1-s2 950 115 115 69
DB2-s2 1600 150 150 75
DB3-s2 2800 200 200 75
DB4-s2 3500 200 250 95
DB5-s2 5500 250 320 100
DB6-s2 8500 300 400 100
DB7-s2 14000 400 500 105


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DB0-s1 500 100 100 58
DB1-s1 600 115 115 64
DB2-s1 1000 150 150 70
DB3-s1 1800 200 200 70
DB4-s1 2200 200 250 90
DB5-s1 3500 250 320 95
DB6-s1 5200 300 400 95
DB7-s1 9500 400 500 100
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DB0-p1 400 100 100 53
DB1-p1 530 115 115 59
DB2-p1 900 150 150 65
DB3-p1 1600 200 200 65
DB4-p1 2000 200 250 85
DB5-p1 3200 250 320 90
DB6-p1 4800 300 400 90
DB7-p1 8000 400 500 95


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DB0-p2 500 100 100 58
DB1-p2 660 115 115 64
DB2-p2 1120 150 150 70
DB3-p2 2000 200 200 70
DB4-p2 2500 200 250 90
DB5-p2 4000 250 320 95
DB6-p2 6000 300 400 95
DB7-p2 10000 400 500 100
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DB0-p3 600 100 100 62
DB1-p3 790 115 115 68
DB2-p3 1350 150 150 74
DB3-p3 2400 200 200 74
DB4-p3 3000 200 250 94
DB5-p3 4800 250 320 99
DB6-p3 7200 300 400 99
DB7-p3 12000 400 500 104


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DB0-hs1 2000 100 100 103
DB1-hs1 2640 115 115 109
DB2-hs1 4500 150 150 115
DB3-hs1 8000 200 200 115
DB4-hs1 10000 200 250 135
DB5-hs1 16000 250 320 140
DB6-hs1 24000 300 400 140
DB7-hs1 40000 400 500 145

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Composite Elastomeric Material And Metal Wedge Mounts - Series DT (Bolt Through), Grade: Standard

  • Type Wedge Mounts
  • Material Composite Elastomeric Material And Metal
  • Features Designed For Top Heavy Or Eccentric Motion Machines, Anchors Machines To The Ground
Dynemech Wedge Mounts, Series DT are designed for machines which are top heavy or have eccentric motion or machines which must be anchored to the ground. Drilling and milling machines, machining centres, special machines, long lathes, long planers, power presses etc.

Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DT0-u 900 100 100 53
DT1-u 1100 115 115 59
DT2-u 1800 150 150 65
DT3-u 3200 200 200 65
DT4-u 4000 200 250 85
DT5-u 6400 250 320 90
DT6-u 9600 300 400 90
DT7-u 16000 400 500 95
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DT0-m 1000 100 100 53
DT1-m 1400 115 115 59
DT2-m 2200 150 150 65
DT3-m 4000 200 200 65
DT4-m 5000 200 250 85
DT5-m 8000 250 320 90
DT6-m 12000 300 400 90
DT7-m 20000 400 500 95


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DT0-i 1400 100 100 63
DT1-i 1800 115 115 69
DT2-i 2900 150 150 75
DT3-i 5200 200 200 75
DT4-i 6500 200 250 95
DT5-i 10000 250 320 100
DT6-i 15000 300 400 100
DT7-i 26000 400 500 105
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DT0-s2 800 100 100 63
DT1-s2 950 115 115 69
DT2-s2 1600 150 150 75
DT3-s2 2800 200 200 75
DT4-s2 3500 200 250 95
DT5-s2 5500 250 320 100
DT6-s2 8500 300 400 100
DT7-s2 14000 400 500 105
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DT0-s1 500 100 100 58
DT1-s1 600 115 115 64
DT2-s1 1000 150 150 70
DT3-s1 1800 200 200 70
DT4-s1 2200 200 250 90
DT5-s1 3500 250 320 95
DT6-s1 5200 300 400 95
DT7-s1 9500 400 500 100
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DT0-p1 400 100 100 53
DT1-p1 530 115 115 59
DT2-p1 900 150 150 65
DT3-p1 1600 200 200 65
DT4-p1 2000 200 250 85
DT5-p1 3200 250 320 90
DT6-p1 4800 300 400 90
DT7-p1 8000 400 500 95


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DT0-p2 500 100 100 58
DT1-p2 660 115 115 64
DT2-p2 1120 150 150 70
DT3-p2 2000 200 200 70
DT4-p2 2500 200 250 90
DT5-p2 4000 250 320 95
DT6-p2 6000 300 400 95
DT7-p2 10000 400 500 100


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DT0-p3 600 100 100 62
DT1-p3 790 115 115 68
DT2-p3 1350 150 150 74
DT3-p3 2400 200 200 74
DT4-p3 3000 200 250 94
DT5-p3 4800 250 320 99
DT6-p3 7200 300 400 99
DT7-p3 12000 400 500 104
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DT0-hs1 2000 100 100 103
DT1-hs1 2640 115 115 109
DT2-hs1 4500 150 150 115
DT3-hs1 8000 200 200 115
DT4-hs1 10000 200 250 135
DT5-hs1 16000 250 320 140
DT6-hs1 24000 300 400 140
DT7-hs1 40000 400 500 145


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DT0-hs2 800 100 100 103
DT1-hs2 1060 115 115 109
DT2-hs2 1800 150 150 115
DT3-hs2 3200 200 200 115
DT4-hs2 4000 200 250 135
DT5-hs2 6400 250 320 140
DT6-hs2 9600 300 400 140
DT7-hs2 16000 400 500 145
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DT0-hs3 2800 100 100 88
DT1-hs3 3700 115 115 94
DT2-hs3 6300 150 150 100
DT3-hs3 11200 200 200 100
DT4-hs3 14000 200 250 120
DT5-hs3 22400 250 320 125
DT6-hs3 33600 300 400 125
DT7-hs3 56000 400 500 130


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DT0-hs4 1200 100 100 88
DT1-hs4 1580 115 115 94
DT2-hs4 2700 150 150 100
DT3-hs4 4800 200 200 100
DT4-hs4 6000 200 250 120
DT5-hs4 9600 250 320 125
DT6-hs4 14400 300 400 125
DT7-hs4 24000 400 500 130
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Length (L) mm Width (B) mm Height (H) at mean position (mm)
DT0-hs5 2800 100 100 118
DT1-hs5 3700 115 115 124
DT2-hs5 6300 150 150 130
DT3-hs5 11200 200 200 130
DT4-hs5 14000 200 250 150
DT5-hs5 22400 250 320 155
DT6-hs5 33600 300 400 155
DT7-hs5 56000 400 500 160


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TPM Series Mounts - Series DTP (Bolt Through)

  • Type Mounts
  • Features Designed For Industrial Machines At 100mm/150mm Height, Series DTP For Top Heavy Or Eccentric Motion Machines, Anchoring To The Ground
  • Range Of Applications Drilling And Milling Machines, Machining Centres, Special Machines, Long Lathes, Long Planers, Power Presses Etc.
TPM Series Mounts are designed for industrial machines that require the machines to be placed at a height of 100mm / 150mm for proper cleaning and repairing under the machine as per IMTMA guidelines. Series DTP are designed for machines which are top heavy or have eccentric motion or machines which must be anchored to the ground. Range of Applications: Drilling and milling machines, machining centres, special machines, long lathes, long planers, power presses etc.

Model Load (Kg/pc) Length (L) (mm) Width (B) (mm) Height (H)   at mean position (mm) d (mm) e (mm) Bore Ø size (mm) Adjustment range (mm)
DTP1-u 1100 115 115 100 / 150 50 24 22 8
DTP2-u 1800 150 150 100 / 150 60 23 22 10
DTP3-u 3200 200 200 100 / 150 75 27 28 12
DTP4-u 4000 200 250 100 / 150 95 27 28 18
DTP5-u 6400 250 320 100 / 150 125 55 28 18
DTP6-u 9600 300 400 100 / 150 148 50 30 20
DTP1-m 1400 115 115 100 / 150 50 24 22 8
DTP2-m 2200 150 150 100 / 150 60 23 22 10
DTP3-m 4000 200 200 100 / 150 75 27 28 12
DTP4-m 5000 200 250 100 / 150 95 27 28 18
DTP5-m 8000 250 320 100 / 150 125 55 28 18
DTP6-m 12000 300 400 100 / 150 148 50 30 20
DTP1-i 1800 115 115 100 / 150 50 24 22 8
DTP2-i 2900 150 150 100 / 150 60 23 22 10
DTP3-i 5200 200 200 100 / 150 75 27 28 12
DTP4-i 6500 200 250 100 / 150 95 27 28 18
DTP5-i 10000 250 320 100 / 150 125 55 28 18
DTP6-i 15000 300 400 100 / 150 148 50 30 20
DTP1-s2 950 115 115 100 / 150 50 24 22 8
DTP2-s2 1600 150 150 100 / 150 60 23 22 10
DTP3-s2 2800 200 200 100 / 150 75 27 28 12
DTP4-s2 3500 200 250 100 / 150 95 27 28 18
DTP5-s2 5500 250 320 100 / 150 125 55 28 18
DTP6-s2 8500 300 400 100 / 150 148 50 30 20
View Complete Details

Screw Support Mounts - Series DLM/DLMS

  • Type Antivibration Mounts
  • Material Steel And Stainless Steel
  • Features Low Frequency Attenuation, Stable Machine Leveling, Vibration Reduction, Flexible Leveling Screw
Dynemech DLM/DLMS Series Antivibration Mounts, developed in steel and stainless steel respectively are simple and effective vibration dampers for machines with respective holes in the base. These mounts offer low frequency attenuation, stable machine levelling and vibration reduction. The flexible levelling screw accommodates uneven/sloped surface up to 5 degree. DLMS Series find application where corrosion resistant materials for hygienic, climatic and environmental reasons are required like in pharmaceutical, food and beverages processing and packaging units, medical equipment manufacturing and chemical processing industries.

Screw Support Mount- DLM Series -U

Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLM1-u (M-Type) 150 59 21 Du
DLM1-u (RA-Type) 150 59 21 Du
DLM1-u (F-Type) 150 59 21 Du
DLM2-u (M-Type) 350 85 24 Du
DLM2-u (RA-Type) 350 85 24 Du
DLM2-u (F-Type) 350 85 24 Du
DLM3-u (M-Type) 600 110 28 Du
DLM3-u (RA-Type) 600 110 28 Du
DLM3-u (F-Type) 600 110 28 Du
DLM4-u (M-Type) 900 135 30 Du
DLM4-u (RA-Type) 900 135 30 Du
DLM4-u (F-Type) 900 135 30 Du
DLM5-u (M-Type) 1400 165 30 Du
DLM5-u (RA-Type) 1400 165 30 Du
DLM5-u (F-Type) 1400 165 30 Du
DLM6-u (M-Type) 1900 185 34 Du
DLM6-u (RA-Type) 1900 185 34 Du
DLM6-u (F-Type) 1900 185 34 Du
DLM7-u (M-Type) 2500 215 35 Du
DLM7-u (RA-Type) 2500 215 35 Du
DLM7-u (F-Type) 2500 215 35 Du
DLM8-u (M-Type) 3500 249 44 Du
DLM8-u (RA-Type) 3500 249 44 Du
DLM8-u (F-Type) 3500 249 44 Du
DLM9-u (M-Type) 4200 276 43 Du
DLM9-u (RA-Type) 4200 276 43 Du
DLM9-u (F-Type) 4200 276 43 Du
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLM1-m (M-Type) 205 59 21 Dm
DLM1-m (RA-Type) 205 59 21 Dm
DLM1-m (F-Type) 205 59 21 Dm
DLM2-m (M-Type) 440 85 24 Dm
DLM2-m (RA-Type) 440 85 24 Dm
DLM2-m (F-Type) 440 85 24 Dm
DLM3-m (M-Type) 790 110 28 Dm
DLM3-m (RA-Type) 790 110 28 Dm
DLM3-m (F-Type) 790 110 28 Dm
DLM4-m (M-Type) 1230 135 30 Dm
DLM4-m (RA-Type) 1230 135 30 Dm
DLM4-m (F-Type) 1230 135 30 Dm
DLM5-m (M-Type) 1890 165 30 Dm
DLM5-m (RA-Type) 1890 165 30 Dm
DLM5-m (F-Type) 1890 165 30 Dm
DLM6-m (M-Type) 2350 185 34 Dm
DLM6-m (RA-Type) 2350 185 34 Dm
DLM6-m (F-Type) 2350 185 34 Dm
DLM7-m (M-Type) 3240 215 35 Dm
DLM7-m (RA-Type) 3240 215 35 Dm
DLM7-m (F-Type) 3240 215 35 Dm
DLM8-m (M-Type) 3980 249 44 Dm
DLM8-m (RA-Type) 3980 249 44 Dm
DLM8-m (F-Type) 3980 249 44 Dm
DLM9-m (M-Type) 5230 276 43 Dm
DLM9-m (RA-Type) 5230 276 43 Dm
DLM9-m (F-Type) 5230 276 43 Dm


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLM1-i (M-Type) 290 59 31 Di
DLM1-i (RA-Type) 290 59 31 Di
DLM1-i (F-Type) 290 59 31 Di
DLM2-i (M-Type) 620 85 34 Di
DLM2-i (RA-Type) 620 85 34 Di
DLM2-i (F-Type) 620 85 34 Di
DLM3-i (M-Type) 1100 110 38 Di
DLM3-i (RA-Type) 1100 110 38 Di
DLM3-i (F-Type) 1100 110 38 Di
DLM4-i (M-Type) 1720 135 40 Di
DLM4-i (RA-Type) 1720 135 40 Di
DLM4-i (F-Type) 1720 135 40 Di
DLM5-i (M-Type) 2640 165 40 Di
DLM5-i (RA-Type) 2640 165 40 Di
DLM5-i (F-Type) 2640 165 40 Di
DLM6-i (M-Type) 3290 185 40 Di
DLM6-i (RA-Type) 3290 185 40 Di
DLM6-i (F-Type) 3290 185 40 Di
DLM7-i (M-Type) 4530 215 45 Di
DLM7-i (RA-Type) 4530 215 45 Di
DLM7-i (F-Type) 4530 215 45 Di
DLM8-i (M-Type) 5570 249 54 Di
DLM8-i (RA-Type) 5570 249 54 Di
DLM8-i (F-Type) 5570 249 54 Di
DLM9-i (M-Type) 7320 276 53 Di
DLM9-i (RA-Type) 7320 276 53 Di
DLM9-i (F-Type) 7320 276 53 Di
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLM1-s2 (M-Type) 125 59 31 Ds2
DLM1-s2 (RA-Type) 125 59 31 Ds2
DLM1-s2 (F-Type) 125 59 31 Ds2
DLM2-s2 (M-Type) 300 85 34 Ds2
DLM2-s2 (RA-Type) 300 85 34 Ds2
DLM2-s2 (F-Type) 300 85 34 Ds2
DLM3-s2 (M-Type) 550 110 38 Ds2
DLM3-s2 (RA-Type) 550 110 38 Ds2
DLM3-s2 (F-Type) 550 110 38 Ds2
DLM4-s2 (M-Type) 850 135 40 Ds2
DLM4-s2 (RA-Type) 850 135 40 Ds2
DLM4-s2 (F-Type) 850 135 40 Ds2
DLM5-s2 (M-Type) 1250 165 40 Ds2
DLM5-s2 (RA-Type) 1250 165 40 Ds2
DLM5-s2 (F-Type) 1250 165 40 Ds2
DLM6-s2 (M-Type) 1700 185 40 Ds2
DLM6-s2 (RA-Type) 1700 185 40 Ds2
DLM6-s2 (F-Type) 1700 185 40 Ds2
DLM7-s2 (M-Type) 2200 215 45 Ds2
DLM7-s2 (RA-Type) 2200 215 45 Ds2
DLM7-s2 (F-Type) 2200 215 45 Ds2
DLM8-s2 (M-Type) 2800 249 54 Ds2
DLM8-s2 (RA-Type) 2800 249 54 Ds2
DLM8-s2 (F-Type) 2800 249 54 Ds2
DLM9-s2 (M-Type) 3500 276 53 Ds2
DLM9-s2 (RA-Type) 3500 276 53 Ds2
DLM9-s2 (F-Type) 3500 276 53 Ds2


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLM1-s1 (M-Type) 110 59 26 Ds1
DLM1-s1 (RA-Type) 110 59 26 Ds1
DLM1-s1 (F-Type) 110 59 26 Ds1
DLM2-s1 (M-Type) 220 85 29 Ds1
DLM2-s1 (RA-Type) 220 85 29 Ds1
DLM2-s1 (F-Type) 220 85 29 Ds1
DLM3-s1 (M-Type) 380 110 33 Ds1
DLM3-s1 (RA-Type) 380 110 33 Ds1
DLM3-s1 (F-Type) 380 110 33 Ds1
DLM4-s1 (M-Type) 620 135 35 Ds1
DLM4-s1 (RA-Type) 620 135 35 Ds1
DLM4-s1 (F-Type) 620 135 35 Ds1
DLM5-s1 (M-Type) 950 165 35 Ds1
DLM5-s1 (RA-Type) 950 165 35 Ds1
DLM5-s1 (F-Type) 950 165 35 Ds1
DLM6-s1 (M-Type) 1180 185 35 Ds1
DLM6-s1 (RA-Type) 1180 185 35 Ds1
DLM6-s1 (F-Type) 1180 185 35 Ds1
DLM7-s1 (M-Type) 1620 215 40 Ds1
DLM7-s1 (RA-Type) 1620 215 40 Ds1
DLM7-s1 (F-Type) 1620 215 40 Ds1
DLM8-s1 (M-Type) 2250 249 49 Ds1
DLM8-s1 (RA-Type) 2250 249 49 Ds1
DLM8-s1 (F-Type) 2250 249 49 Ds1
DLM9-s1 (M-Type) 2620 276 48 Ds1
DLM9-s1 (RA-Type) 2620 276 48 Ds1
DLM9-s1 (F-Type) 2620 276 48 Ds
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLM1-p1 (M-Type) 70 59 21 Dp1
DLM1-p1 (RA-Type) 70 59 21 Dp1
DLM1-p1 (F-Type) 70 59 21 Dp1
DLM2-p1 (M-Type) 180 85 24 Dp1
DLM2-p1 (RA-Type) 180 85 24 Dp1
DLM2-p1 (F-Type) 180 85 24 Dp1
DLM3-p1 (M-Type) 300 110 28 Dp1
DLM3-p1 (RA-Type) 300 110 28 Dp1
DLM3-p1 (F-Type) 300 110 28 Dp1
DLM4-p1 (M-Type) 490 135 30 Dp1
DLM4-p1 (RA-Type) 490 135 30 Dp1
DLM4-p1 (F-Type) 490 135 30 Dp1
DLM5-p1 (M-Type) 760 165 30 Dp1
DLM5-p1 (RA-Type) 760 165 30 Dp1
DLM5-p1(F-Type) 760 165 30 Dp1
DLM6-p1 (M-Type) 940 185 34 Dp1
DLM6-p1 (RA-Type) 940 185 34 Dp1
DLM6-p1 (F-Type) 940 185 34 Dp1
DLM7-p1 (M-Type) 1500 215 35 Dp1
DLM7-p1 (RA-Type) 1500 215 35 Dp1
DLM7-p1 (F-Type) 1500 215 35 Dp1
DLM8-p1 (M-Type) 1590 249 44 Dp1
DLM8-p1 (RA-Type) 1590 249 44 Dp1
DLM8-p1 (F-Type) 1590 249 44 Dp1
DLM9-p1 (M-Type) 2090 276 43 Dp1
DLM9-p1 (RA-Type) 2090 276 43 Dp1
DLM9-p1 (F-Type) 2090 276 43 Dp1
DLM1-p3 (M-Type) 110 59 30 Dp3
DLM1-p3 (RA-Type) 110 59 30 Dp3
DLM1-p3 (F-Type) 110 59 30 Dp3
DLM2-p3 (M-Type) 270 85 33 Dp3
DLM2-p3 (RA-Type) 270 85 33 Dp3
DLM2-p3 (F-Type) 270 85 33 Dp3
DLM3-p3 (M-Type) 460 110 37 Dp3
DLM3-p3 (RA-Type) 460 110 37 Dp3
DLM3-p3 (F-Type) 460 110 37 Dp3
DLM4-p3 (M-Type) 740 135 39 Dp3
DLM4-p3 (RA-Type) 740 135 39 Dp3
DLM4-p3 (F-Type) 740 135 39 Dp3
DLM5-p3 (M-Type) 1140 165 39 Dp3
DLM5-p3 (RA-Type) 1140 165 39 Dp3
DLM5-p3(F-Type) 1140 165 39 Dp3
DLM6-p3 (M-Type) 1410 185 39 Dp3
DLM6-p3 (RA-Type) 1410 185 39 Dp3
DLM6-p3 (F-Type) 1410 185 39 Dp3
DLM7-p3 (M-Type) 1950 215 44 Dp3
DLM7-p3 (RA-Type) 1950 215 44 Dp3
DLM7-p3 (F-Type) 1950 215 44 Dp3
DLM8-p3 (M-Type) 2390 249 53 Dp3
DLM8-p3 (RA-Type) 2390 249 53 Dp3
DLM8-p3 (F-Type) 2390 249 53 Dp3
DLM9-p3 (M-Type) 3140 276 52 Dp3
DLM9-p3 (RA-Type) 3140 276 52 Dp3
DLM9-p3 (F-Type) 3140 276 52 Dp3


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLM1-p2 (M-Type) 100 59 26 Dp2
DLM1-p2 (RA-Type) 100 59 26 Dp2
DLM1-p2 (F-Type) 100 59 26 Dp2
DLM2-p2 (M-Type) 200 85 29 Dp2
DLM2-p2 (RA-Type) 200 85 29 Dp2
DLM2-p2 (F-Type) 200 85 29 Dp2
DLM3-p2 (M-Type) 400 110 33 Dp2
DLM3-p2 (RA-Type) 400 110 33 Dp2
DLM3-p2 (F-Type) 400 110 33 Dp2
DLM4-p2 (M-Type) 600 135 35 Dp2
DLM4-p2 (RA-Type) 600 135 35 Dp2
DLM4-p2 (F-Type) 600 135 35 Dp2
DLM5-p2 (M-Type) 700 165 35 Dp2
DLM5-p2 (RA-Type) 700 165 35 Dp2
DLM5-p2 (F-Type) 700 165 35 Dp2
DLM6-p2 (M-Type) 1200 185 35 Dp2
DLM6-p2 (RA-Type) 1200 185 35 Dp2
DLM6-p2 (F-Type) 1200 185 35 Dp2
DLM7-p2 (M-Type) 1500 215 40 Dp2
DLM7-p2 (RA-Type) 1500 215 40 Dp2
DLM7-p2 (F-Type) 1500 215 40 Dp2
DLM8-p2 (M-Type) 2000 249 49 Dp2
DLM8-p2 (RA-Type) 2000 249 49 Dp2
DLM8-p2 (F-Type) 2000 249 49 Dp2
DLM9-p2 (M-Type) 2500 276 48 Dp2
DLM9-p2 (RA-Type) 2500 276 48 Dp2
DLM9-p2 (F-Type) 2500 276 48 Dp2
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLM1-hs1 (M-Type) 410 59 71 Dhs1
DLM1-hs1 (RA-Type) 410 59 71 Dhs1
DLM1-hs1 (F-Type) 410 59 71 Dhs1
DLM2-hs1 (M-Type) 880 85 74 Dhs1
DLM2-hs1 (RA-Type) 880 85 74 Dhs1
DLM2-hs1 (F-Type) 880 85 74 Dhs1
DLM3-hs1 (M-Type) 1570 110 78 Dhs1
DLM3-hs1 (RA-Type) 1570 110 78 Dhs1
DLM3-hs1 (F-Type) 1570 110 78 Dhs1
DLM4-hs1 (M-Type) 2450 135 80 Dhs1
DLM4-hs1 (RA-Type) 2450 135 80 Dhs1
DLM4-hs1 (F-Type) 2450 135 80 Dhs1
DLM5-hs1 (M-Type) 3770 165 80 Dhs1
DLM5-hs1 (RA-Type) 3770 165 80 Dhs1
DLM5-hs1 (F-Type) 3770 165 80 Dhs1
DLM6-hs1 (M-Type) 4700 185 84 Dhs1
DLM6-hs1 (RA-Type) 4700 185 84 Dhs1
DLM6-hs1 (F-Type) 4700 185 84 Dhs1
DLM7-hs1 (M-Type) 6470 215 85 Dhs1
DLM7-hs1 (RA-Type) 6470 215 85 Dhs1
DLM7-hs1 (F-Type) 6470 215 85 Dhs1
DLM8-hs1 (M-Type) 7950 249 94 Dhs1
DLM8-hs1 (RA-Type) 7950 249 94 Dhs1
DLM8-hs1 (F-Type) 7950 249 94 Dhs1
DLM9-hs1 (M-Type) 10450 276 93 Dhs1
DLM9-hs1 (RA-Type) 10450 276 93 Dhs1
DLM9-hs1 (F-Type) 10450 276 93 Dhs1


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLM1-hs2 (M-Type) 160 59 71 Dhs2
DLM1-hs2 (RA-Type) 160 59 71 Dhs2
DLM1-hs2 (F-Type) 160 59 71 Dhs2
DLM2-hs2 (M-Type) 350 85 74 Dhs2
DLM2-hs2 (RA-Type) 350 85 74 Dhs2
DLM2-hs2 (F-Type) 350 85 74 Dhs2
DLM3-hs2 (M-Type) 630 110 78 Dhs2
DLM3-hs2 (RA-Type) 630 110 78 Dhs2
DLM3-hs2 (F-Type) 630 110 78 Dhs2
DLM4-hs2 (M-Type) 780 135 80 Dhs2
DLM4-hs2 (RA-Type) 780 135 80 Dhs2
DLM4-hs2 (F-Type) 780 135 80 Dhs2
DLM5-hs2 (M-Type) 1510 165 80 Dhs2
DLM5-hs2 (RA-Type) 1510 165 80 Dhs2
DLM5-hs2 (F-Type) 1510 165 80 Dhs2
DLM6-hs2 (M-Type) 1880 185 84 Dhs2
DLM6-hs2 (RA-Type) 1880 185 84 Dhs2
DLM6-hs2 (F-Type) 1880 185 84 Dhs2
DLM7-hs2 (M-Type) 2590 215 85 Dhs2
DLM7-hs2 (RA-Type) 2590 215 85 Dhs2
DLM7-hs2 (F-Type) 2590 215 85 Dhs2
DLM8-hs2 (M-Type) 3180 249 94 Dhs2
DLM8-hs2 (RA-Type) 3180 249 94 Dhs2
DLM8-hs2 (F-Type) 3180 249 94 Dhs2
DLM9-hs2 (M-Type) 4180 276 93 Dhs2
DLM9-hs2 (RA-Type) 4180 276 93 Dhs2
DLM9-hs2 (F-Type) 4180 276 93 Dhs2
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLM1-hs3 (M-Type) 570 59 56 Dhs3
DLM1-hs3 (RA-Type) 570 59 56 Dhs3
DLM1-hs3 (F-Type) 570 59 56 Dhs3
DLM2-hs3 (M-Type) 1240 85 59 Dhs3
DLM2-hs3 (RA-Type) 1240 85 59 Dhs3
DLM2-hs3 (F-Type) 1240 85 59 Dhs3
DLM3-hs3 (M-Type) 2200 110 63 Dhs3
DLM3-hs3 (RA-Type) 2200 110 63 Dhs3
DLM3-hs3 (F-Type) 2200 110 63 Dhs3
DLM4-hs3 (M-Type) 3440 135 65 Dhs3
DLM4-hs3 (RA-Type) 3440 135 65 Dhs3
DLM4-hs3 (F-Type) 3440 135 65 Dhs3
DLM5-hs3 (M-Type) 5280 165 65 Dhs3
DLM5-hs3 (RA-Type) 5280 165 65 Dhs3
DLM5-hs3 (F-Type) 5280 165 65 Dhs3
DLM6-hs3 (M-Type) 6580 185 69 Dhs3
DLM6-hs3 (RA-Type) 6580 185 69 Dhs3
DLM6-hs3 (F-Type) 6580 185 69 Dhs3
DLM7-hs3 (M-Type) 9060 215 70 Dhs3
DLM7-hs3 (RA-Type) 9060 215 70 Dhs3
DLM7-hs3 (F-Type) 9060 215 70 Dhs3
DLM8-hs3 (M-Type) 11130 249 79 Dhs3
DLM8-hs3 (RA-Type) 11130 249 79 Dhs3
DLM8-hs3 (F-Type) 11130 249 79 Dhs3
DLM9-hs3 (M-Type) 14640 276 78 Dhs3
DLM9-hs3 (RA-Type) 14640 276 78 Dhs3
DLM9-hs3 (F-Type) 14640 276 78 Dhs3


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLM1-h (M-Type) 610 59 21 Dh
DLM1-h (RA-Type) 610 59 21 Dh
DLM1-h (F-Type) 610 59 21 Dh
DLM2-h (M-Type) 1330 85 24 Dh
DLM2-h (RA-Type) 1330 85 24 Dh
DLM2-h (F-Type) 1330 85 24 Dh
DLM3-h (M-Type) 2360 110 28 Dh
DLM3-h (RA-Type) 2360 110 28 Dh
DLM3-h (F-Type) 2360 110 28 Dh
DLM4-h (M-Type) 3680 135 30 Dh
DLM4-h (RA-Type) 3680 135 30 Dh
DLM4-h (F-Type) 3680 135 30 Dh
DLM5-h (M-Type) 5660 165 30 Dh
DLM5-h (RA-Type) 5660 165 30 Dh
DLM5-h (F-Type) 5660 165 30 Dh
DLM6-h (M-Type) 7050 185 34 Dh
DLM6-h (RA-Type) 7050 185 34 Dh
DLM6-h (F-Type) 7050 185 34 Dh
DLM7-h (M-Type) 9700 215 35 Dh
DLM7-h (RA-Type) 9700 215 35 Dh
DLM7-h (F-Type) 9700 215 35 Dh
DLM8-h (M-Type) 11930 249 44 Dh
DLM8-h (RA-Type) 11930 249 44 Dh
DLM8-h (F-Type) 11930 249 44 Dh
DLM9-h (M-Type) 15680 276 43 Dh
DLM9-h (RA-Type) 15680 276 43 Dh
DLM9-h (F-Type) 15680 276 43 Dh

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Screw Support Mounts - Series DLT

  • Type Antivibration Mounts
  • Material Dynemech
  • Features Used For Anchoring Machines To The Floor, Levelling, And Reducing Vibration. Includes Bolts With Thru Holes, Insulating Disc, Dimple, And Thru Hole In The Mount.
Dynemech DLT Series Antivibration mountings are used in the machines which must be anchored to the floor along with levelling and vibration reduction. Bolts with thru holes are provided in the machine foot and anchor bolt passes from the machine foot, mount and anchored in the floor nut. An insulating disc is provided between the nut and the machine foot to prevent vibration from transmitting in the floor via the bolt. The dimple and the thru hole in the mount are provide as per the bolt specifications of the machine.

Screw Support Mount -DLT Series -U

Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLT1-u 150 59 21 Du
DLT2-u 350 85 24 Du
DLT3-u 600 110 28 Du
DLT4-u 900 135 30 Du
DLT5-u 1400 165 30 Du
DLT6-u 1900 185 34 Du
DLT7-u 2500 215 35 Du
DLT8-u 3500 249 44 Du
DLT9-u 4200 276 43 Du
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLT1-m 205 59 21 Dm
DLT2-m 440 85 24 Dm
DLT3-m 790 110 28 Dm
DLT4-m 1230 135 30 Dm
DLT5-m 1890 165 30 Dm
DLT6-m 2350 185 34 Dm
DLT7-m 3240 215 35 Dm
DLT8-m 3980 249 44 Dm
DLT9-m 5230 276 43 Dm


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLT1-i 290 59 31 Di
DLT2-i 620 85 34 Di
DLT3-i 1100 110 38 Di
DLT4-i 1720 135 40 Di
DLT5-i 2640 165 40 Di
DLT6-i 3290 185 40 Di
DLT7-i 4530 215 45 Di
DLT8-i 5570 249 54 Di
DLT9-i 7320 276 53 Di
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLT1-hs1 410 59 71 Dhs1
DLT2-hs1 880 85 74 Dhs1
DLT3-hs1 1570 110 78 Dhs1
DLT4-hs1 2450 135 80 Dhs1
DLT5-hs1 3770 165 80 Dhs1
DLT6-hs1 4700 185 84 Dhs1
DLT7-hs1 6470 215 85 Dhs1
DLT8-hs1 7950 249 94 Dhs1
DLT9-hs1 10450 276 93 Dhs1


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLT1-h 610 59 21 Dh
DLT2-h 1330 85 24 Dh
DLT3-h 2360 110 28 Dh
DLT4-h 3680 135 30 Dh
DLT5-h 5660 165 30 Dh
DLT6-h 7050 185 34 Dh
DLT7-h 9700 215 35 Dh
DLT8-h 11930 249 44 Dh
DLT9-h 15680 276 43 Dh
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLT1-a2 190 59 14 Da2
DLT2-a2 450 85 17 Da2
DLT3-a2 800 110 21 Da2
DLT4-a2 1150 135 23 Da2
DLT5-a2 1750 165 23 Da2
DLT6-a2 2400 185 27 Da2
DLT7-a2 3200 215 28 Da2
DLT8-a2 3975 249 37 Da2
DLT9-a2 4900 276 36 Da2


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Screw Support Mounts - Series DLC

  • Type Vibration Dampers
  • Material Dynemech
  • Features Low Frequency Attenuation, Stable Machine Leveling
Dynemech Screw Support Mounts Series DLC are simple and effective vibration dampers for machines with respective holes in the base. These mounts offer both low frequency attenuation and stable machine levelling

Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLC1-u 150 65 30 Du
DLC2-u 350 98 37 Du
DLC3-u 600 125 44 Du
DLC4-u 900 150 46 Du
DLC5-u 1400 180 48 Du
DLC6-u 1900 204 52 Du
DLC7-u 2500 235 57 Du
DLC8-u 3500 270 72 Du
DLC9-u 4200 302 84 Du
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLC1-m 190 65 30 Dm
DLC2-m 450 98 37 Dm
DLC3-m 800 125 44 Dm
DLC4-m 1150 150 46 Dm
DLC5-m 1750 180 48 Dm
DLC6-m 2400 204 52 Dm
DLC7-m 3200 235 57 Dm
DLC8-m 4000 270 72 Dm
DLC9-m 5000 302 84 Dm


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLC1-i 250 65 40 Di
DLC2-i 575 98 47 Di
DLC3-i 1000 125 54 Di
DLC4-i 1600 150 56 Di
DLC5-i 2300 180 58 Di
DLC6-i 3100 204 62 Di
DLC7-i 4000 235 67 Di
DLC8-i 5200 270 82 Di
DLC9-i 6500 302 94 Di
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLC1-s2 125 65 40 Ds2
DLC2-s2 300 98 47 Ds2
DLC3-s2 550 125 54 Ds2
DLC4-s2 850 150 56 Ds2
DLC5-s2 1250 180 58 Ds2
DLC6-s2 1700 204 62 Ds2
DLC7-s2 2200 235 67 Ds2
DLC8-s2 2800 270 82 Ds2
DLC9-s2 3500 302 94 Ds2


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLC1-hs1 300 65 80 Dhs1
DLC2-hs1 880 98 87 Dhs1
DLC3-hs1 1630 125 94 Dhs1
DLC4-hs1 2450 150 96 Dhs1
DLC5-hs1 3530 180 98 Dhs1
DLC6-hs1 4750 204 102 Dhs1
DLC7-hs1 6470 235 107 Dhs1
DLC8-hs1 7950 270 122 Dhs1
DLC9-hs1 10450 302 134 Dhs1
Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLC1-s1 76 65 35 Ds1
DLC2-s1 220 98 42 Ds1
DLC3-s1 490 125 49 Ds1
DLC4-s1 620 150 51 Ds1
DLC5-s1 890 180 53 Ds1
DLC6-s1 1190 204 57 Ds1
DLC7-s1 1620 235 62 Ds1
DLC8-s1 1990 270 77 Ds1
DLC9-s1 2620 302 89 Ds1


Model Load Capacity Kg/pc Diameter (D) mm Height (H) mm Bottom pad Type
DLC1-hs2 120 65 80 Dhs2
DLC2-hs2 350 98 87 Dhs2
DLC3-hs2 650 125 94 Dhs2
DLC4-hs2 980 150 96 Dhs2
DLC5-hs2 1410 180 98 Dhs2
DLC6-hs2 1900 204 102 Dhs2
DLC7-hs2 2590 235 107 Dhs2
DLC8-hs2 3180 270 122 Dhs2
DLC9-hs2 4180 302 134 Dhs2


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