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1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are PVC Trim, PVC Tile Trim, Tile Trim, Cove Trim and Carpet Trim.
This product is made out of PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) used wherever two tiles meet on an external corner such as a rib on wall and bath steps also enhancing the skirting while provide on top, Totally eliminate the chamfering procedure and saves the manpower. Available in sizes compatible with tile thickness – 7mm, 9.5mm, 10.5mm, 11.5mm.
Inner corner protection profile for inside corners of vertical and horizontal wall& floor surfaces acting as Armour for the inner corners from getting attacked with moss/ porous formation. Prevents staining of the walls, is acid resistant& limits the usage of grouts & other fillers. These profiles are highly useful in areas where liquid flow is more, preventing staining of the floor area particularly in the operation theatres, high tech kitchens, highly hygiene oriented areas like testing rooms of pharmaceutical companies, research & development laboratories, etc.
The latest in the field of profiles in the form of carpet edge protection tris or otherwise carpet skirtings. These profiles are made out of galvanized / powder coated sheet aluminium of high rigidity & tempered to withstand rough usage.