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Dtl Ancillaries Ltd.

Incorporated in 1996, dtl ancillaries limited is one of the leading players in manufacturing customized cold roll formed (crf) sections and load body fabrication for railway wagons & coaches and commercial vehicles  dtl is promoted by mr. Vijay jain, an industry veteran and a first generation entrepreneur having more than 42 years of experience in dtl and other allied businesses. Mr. Jain is ably supported by his son mr. Sidharth jain in his capacity as the joint managing director of the company • the company is 100% owned by the promoter group  with strong expertise in crf, the company primarily caters to the following industry segments: • railways – dtl is one of the three part I suppliers certified by rdso for supply of crf component to the railways for company overview promoted by experienced first generation entrepreneur, dtl is one of the leading crf component manufacturer and company background…. Promoted by industry veteran with substantial business experience 28 wagons and coaches. Dtl manufactures crf components and fabricates side walls and roofs for wagons/coaches – this accounts for 76% of the company’s revenues 1 • commercial vehicles – dtl fabricates load bodies and panels for commercial vehicles and is one of the leading suppliers to tata motors, india’s largest domestic commercial auto company – this segment accounts for c. 23% of the company’s revenues 1 • infrastructure – this relatively new segment holds significant promise for dtl manufactured products. Few of the application areas which dtl currently caters to include air quality control systems for power plants, special steel foundation solutions for construction industry and rail guard and highway guards for infrastructure  the company has three manufacturing facilities at chakan, pune with current cumulative revenue capability of ` 2,500 mn one of the three part I components suppliers to the railway division 1. Based on fy 11 estimated numbers company background…. Backed by a pedigreed set of clientele  dtl has entered into an exclusive india partnership with a german company who is a pioneer in developing flexible cold roll forming (fcrf) technology. This patented technology will be revolutionary and has a wide ranging applications for the automotive industry • dtl has already signed a mou for commercial order from tata motors for outsourcing the manufacturing of their chassis of lcvs to dtl using the frcf technology  the company has seen stellar growth and clocked revenues of c. ` 1,213 mn in fy 10 with a cagr of 42% over the last 3 years. The company is expected to achieve gross sales of c. ` 1,800 mn in fy 11 with ebidta margins in excess of 14%  with dtl emerging as a part I supplier to railway in fy 11 it is expected to see strong surge in revenues from its railway division over the next few years. Furthermore the roll out of fcrf technology with firm commitment from tata motors and company overview dtl has been certified by rdso as a part I supplier for wagons/coaches in february 2011 making it one of the three part I suppliers in the industry. As a part I supplier dtl can provide 100% of components to 29 penetration into the value added infrastructure space backed by esteemed clientele will enable the company to achieve high scalability with strong margins  the company has a pedigreed set of customers including long term exclusive contracts with several customers. Dtl’s clientele includes: • railways – ministry of railways (including 14 zonal railways) , beml, titagarh wagons, integral coach factory, railway coach factory, texmaco, hindustan engineering, bharat wagons, braith waite etc • auto – tata motors, piaggio vehicles, vehicle factory jabalpur, beml (defense division) • infrastructure – thermax, alstom, clyde bergmann, isjec thomson (potential customers include arcelor mittal, bhel and l&t) wagon/coach manufacturers as against 25% which part ii suppliers provide. The criterion for being a part I supplier is very stringent resulting in high barriers to entry for newer players

Other Info:

METRO : Metro Coach Components â€Â¢ DTL has already expanded into manufacturing of CRF components for Metro coaches by leveraging on its past relationship with BEML â€Â¢ DTL is a Part I supplier to BEML and has supplied in the past components and assemblies for 800 railway coaches supplied by BEML to the Indian Railways â€Â¢ BEML jointly in collaboration with Rotem, Korea has been shortlisted for supply of 132 metro coaches for the Delhi and Bangalore Metro project and has approached the Company to supply components for its metro coaches â€Â¢ DTL expects to supply components worth ` 0.3 mn per coach to BEML for the above mentioned metro coaches and expects incremental revenues of c. ` Future Business Plan 59 40 mn from FY 12 onwards â€Â¢ Similarly, DTL has also been shortlisted by Bombardier, a leading international metro coach manufacturing company, for supply of 30 different metro coach components for 72 metro coaches being supplied by Bombardier â€Â¢ DTL expects to supply components worth ` 0.3 mn per coach to Bombardier for the metro coaches and expects incremental revenues of c. ` 12 mn from FY 12 onwards EMU’s â€Â¢ BEML has also got order for manufacture of low-cost EMU coaches and has approached the Company for supply of components for these EMU’s â€Â¢ DTL intends to supply components to BEML for these EMU coaches from FY 12 onwards

SHEET PILES : Foundation Solutions â€Â¢ DTL is in advanced stages of forming an exclusive supplier agreement with Arcelor Mittal Foundation Solutions, part of the Arcelor Mittal Group for manufacturing Sheet Piles – new age foundation solutions by civil engineering â€Â¢ These sheet metal foundation solutions will be widely used in road and sea infrastructure projects â€Â¢ Preliminary discussions have been initiated and the Company has currently agreed upon a price of 60,000 per MT for supply of 10,000 MT over the next 2 years Future Business Plan 58 â€Â¢ The Company expects to start tool development for the above by end of FY 11 and will start commercial production by FY 12 â€Â¢ Company expects this business to contribute c. ` 600 mn revenues over the next few years Environmental Solutions â€Â¢ DTL currently supplies environmental solutions in the form of customized collecting plates/electrodes as well as tad poles to customers such as Alstom, BHEL, Thermax etc â€Â¢ DTL is exploring possibilities of supplying tad poles and collecting plates to L&T as well â€Â¢ Company has already submitted initial samples for tad poles and collecting plates required for the ESP houses and expects firm orders in the near future â€Â¢ Company has received a potential enquiry from L&T for supply of 30,000 MT spread over the next 2 years at approximate realizations of 60,000 per MT

FLEXIBLE ROLL FORMING : â€Â¢ Flexible cold rolled forming technology is an advanced roll forming process in which the development of new roll formed cross sections are carried out by means of a numerical simulation for superior quality management â€Â¢ FCRF has the following distinct features as compared to traditional cold roll forming methods â€Â¢ Ability to manufacture discontinuous roll formed products with flexibility to alter width, height and depth variability â€Â¢ Better process safety and superiority with exactly same products manufactured â€Â¢ Ability to manufacture higher complexity products with tighter tolerances and controls â€Â¢ FCRF technology has wide applicability in auto components â€Â¢ Ability to develop and manufacture different sections with the same tooling thus lowering the initial investment required for any further product Future Business Plan 56 development

INFRASTRUCTURE : As a leading niche railway and automotive component supplier, DTL has also expanded its CRF capabilities into allied products for the infrastructure segment â€Â¢ Currently, DTL supplies the following products for the infrastructure segment â€Â¢ Cold rolled collecting plate for Alstom Projects â€Â¢ Collecting electrode for ACC Ltd (Environment Division) and â€Â¢ Customized air quality control systems (Electrostatic Business Line Description 52 precipitators) for Thermax, Clyde Betggman, BHEL etc â€Â¢ DTL is looking to expand into manufacture of highway guard rails & crash barriers for road infrastructure projects and sheet piles for civil engineering companies â€Â¢ DTL is also in discussions with Arcelor Mittal Foundation Solutions, part of the Arcellor Mittal Group for an exclusive marketing tie up for Sheet Piles – new age foundation solutions by civil engineering â€Â¢ Company expects this business to contribute c. ` 600 mn revenues from FY 12 Customized collecting electrodes and strips for Alstom, Thermax and ACC Key Clients - Infrastructure

COMMERCIAL VEHICLES : Commercial Load Bodies and Panels for Tata Motors â€Â¢ DTL started off as a bought-out supplier for Tata Motors supplying panels for its commercial trucks â€Â¢ The Company then backward integrated 5 years back to manufacture CRF sections (in addition to panels) for Tata Motors â€Â¢ Some of the different CRF sections and panels that the Company supplies include: â€Â¢ Chassis / frames for vehicles through flexible roll forming â€Â¢ Runners, end covers, top supports etc for load bodies â€Â¢ Load body panels Business Line Description 49 â€Â¢ DTL also set up a large integrated facility to manufacture commercial load bodies for LCV/MCV and HCV trucks exclusively for Tata Motors â€Â¢ The Company currently has capacity to manufacture 60 load bodies per day – proposed to be increased to 120 load bodies per day after installation of the CED plant â€Â¢ Company has the ability to manufacture commercial bodies ranging from size 3m x 2m x 0.5m to 6m x 3m x 1.5m (L x W x H) â€Â¢ Going forward, the company is planning to modernize its paint shop by installing a CED plant used world wide by global auto companies â€Â¢ The Company estimates the CED plant to cost c. ` 100 mn and already has an LOI from Tata Motors to increase capacity to 120 load bodies per day CRF sections for Tata Motors Commercial Load Bodies for Tata Motors.Commercial Load Body Panels for Piaggio â€Â¢ In addition to Tata Motors, DTL also supplies commercial load body panels to Piaggio Vehicles, BEML (defense division) and Vehicle Factory Jabalpur â€Â¢ Piaggio is a leading player in the 3 wheeler segment in India and sources 100% of its load body panel requirements from DTL â€Â¢ DTL supplied 50,000 sets number of panels to Piaggio in FY 2010 â€Â¢ Further, Piaggio has expressed their intention to source panels for their passenger vehicles also from DTL Business Line Description 50 â€Â¢ Piaggio expects to order 40,000 sets additional panels from the Company in the future New Business Line â€Â¢ DTL is also planning to enter into manufacture of Long Members Chassis exclusively for Tata Motors and expects revenues of ` 600 mn from FY 13 onwards â€Â¢ DTL also plans to forward integrate to supply complete chassis assemblies duly electro-coated for the commercial vehicles of Tata Motors from FY 14 onwards â€Â¢ Post the above, the company will significantly move up the value chain in the auto segment and will be comparable to large MNC’s such as the Coparo group, Amtech & Metalsa DTL is the only Indian company who is supplying both Load bodies and CRF panels to OEMs Particular type of CRF panels for commercial vehicles

RAILWAY COACHES : DTL has developed capabilities to manufacture roof panels and assemblies as well as side wall and assemblies in full length using CRF technology which eliminates the need for welding at constant intervals â€Â¢ Further, Company’s excellent relationships with Integral Coach Factory, Rail Coach Factory and BEML has resulted in the Company winning orders for supplying CRF sections, stainless steel subassemblies and side/end wall roofing for all types of coaches manufactured at the customer’s facilities â€Â¢ DTL has also been selected for supply of CRF components to BEML and Bombardier for the Delhi and Bangalore Metro

RAILWAY WAGONS : â€Â¢ DTL has developed all fabricated aggregates and CRF sections for leading wagon manufacturers in India â€Â¢ CRF business for wagons expected to grow substantially with DTL becoming a Part I supplier, thereby removing limitation of order procurement eligibility from present 25% to 100% going forward â€Â¢ In addition, the Company has indigenously developed capabilities to manufacture assembly flap door, side wall 46 End wall Assemblies Flap Door Assemblies and end wall assemblies as well as Single Piece Center Sil for Railway wagons â€Â¢ DTL has also bid for the Indian Railways’ tender to refurbish old mild steel wagon component & assemblies with stainless steel DTL Ancillaries is one of the only 3 Part I suppliers approved by the RDSO for supply of CRF sections for wagons Key

FACILITIES : â€Â¢ DTL has over 30 years of experience in metal fabrication â€Â¢ The company started off in 1996 as the first bought out load body manufacturer for Tata Motors â€Â¢ Since then, the Company has come a long way in providing sheet metal fabrication and metal finishing solutions for a variety of industries including Railways, Automotives and Infrastructure â€Â¢ DTL’s uniqueness lies in its ability to provide complete customized end solutions to all its clients backed by capabilities in CRF components, fabrication and metal finishing â€Â¢ DTL’s competitors including Pennar and TI Industries do not have capabilities to provide sheet metal fabrication and outsource the same to third party vendors 38 which allows it to provide complete customized end solutions to all its clients. Further, stringent quality checks has enabled DTL to be one of the preferred supplier to Tata Motors and Indian Railways Painting and Quality Check â€Â¢ DTL was the first company to start electro coating for CV bodies in line with processes used worldwide for car bodies â€Â¢ The company is in the process of installing a new CED plant at an c. cost of ` 100 mn at its facilities in Pune â€Â¢ The CED plant set up exclusively for Tata Motors will make DTL the first 3rd party vendor for CED for Tata’s â€Â¢ The CED equipped plant will have capacity to manufacture 120 load bodies per day as against existing capacity of 60 bodies â€Â¢ DTL has been among the few self certified sources to Tata Motors and currently supplies commercial load bodies and panels for its LCV, MCV and HCV â€Â¢ DTL has laid down stringent measures for quality checks of its final products which has enabled it to transform into one of the preferred suppliers for reputed customers such as Tata Motors and Indian Railways â€Â¢ DTL has successfully supplied 1,500 wagon set components without any rejections that have been in operation for over a year â€Â¢ This has enabled it to transform into a Part 1 supplier approved by RDSO

APPLICATIONS : Railways â€Â¢ Coach building, carriage frames, CRF components for wagons, side wall, end wall and roof for coaches Automotives â€Â¢ LCV/HCV cargo boxes, bus body, load body panels, sections, bumpers & fenders, window, chassis, frames Construction and Infrastructure â€Â¢ Replacement of conventional hot rolled and tubular sections for purlins, trusses, columns, beam, portal frames, concrete shuttering, sheet piling, scaffolding â€Â¢ Door and window frames, partition frames, false ceiling supports, prefab structures, rolling shutters, fence poles Environment â€Â¢ Air pollution control system equipments such as dust collecting & discharge electrodes, energy equipments for solar and wind technologies

ROLL FORMING : â€Â¢ Roll Forming is a sheet metal forming process in which material is passed through a pair of rolls to deform it into the desired shape and size â€Â¢ Roll Forming can be classified according to the temperature of the material rolled – the process is termed as hot rolling if material is rolled above its recrystallization temperature (usually room temperature) whereas the process is called cold rolling if material is rolled below its recrystallization temperature â€Â¢ There are various different types of rolling processes - flat rolling, ring rolling, roll bending, roll forming, profile rolling and controlled rolling being some of them â€Â¢ Cold Roll forming is a continuous bending operation in which coiled steel is passed through consecutive sets of shaped Manufacturing Process – Cold Roll Forming (CRF) Process 34 stands, each set of which makes a progressive change in the structure of the sections to obtain the desired profile rolls, or stands, each performing only an incremental part of the bend, until the desired cross-section profile is obtained â€Â¢ Advantages of Cold Roll Forming â€Â¢ Roll Forming sections have a much wide scope of cross section, compared with press brake sections â€Â¢ Uniform shapes and dimensions can be maintained thought out the entire length of the part - every piece is exactly like every other piece â€Â¢ Production is much faster than with press brakes, particularly in the case of complex profiles â€Â¢ Parts can be made to any length that is practical to handle, package and ship â€Â¢ Roll forming is generally faster and hence ideal for producing parts with long lengths or in large quantities


Basic Information

  • Nature of Business Manufacturer / Exporter / Supplier / Retailer
  • Contact Person J Sidharth Jain
  • Registered Address 366, Ambethan Road Chakan Pune, Maharashtra - 410501, India
  • Total Number of Employees 50 - 100
  • Year of Establishment 1996
  • Legal Status of Firm Corporation/Limited Liability Company

Corporate Office

  • Address 366, Ambethan Road Chakan Pune, Maharashtra - 410501, India
  • Phone +91-2135-253230
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