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Cooling Tower, Heat Exchanger & Parts

Our offered Product range includes Compressed Aftercooler, Aftercoolers, Belt Guard Air Cooled Aftercooler and Water Cooled Pipe Line Aftercooler.

Compressed Aftercooler

Bracketed amidst the topmost Manufacturers, Exporters and Suppliers, it is our prime responsibility to make available precisely designed and performance oriented Compressed Aftercooler. Feel free to place small as well as bulk orders of Compressed Aftercooler with us and we will deliver them within the promised time frame. Rely on us!

Why is aftercoolering required?The compressed air discharged from an air compressor is hot (fig. AC1-1). Compressed air at these temperature contains large quantities of water in vapor form. As the compressed air cools this water vapor condenses into a liquid form. As an example if an Aftercooler is not used, a 200 SCFM compressor operating at 100 psig introduces 45 gallons of water into the compressed air system each day. 
Functions of compressed air Aftercoolers :

  • Reduce risk of fire (Hot compressed air pipes can be a source of ignition)
  • Cool air discharged from air compressor via the heat exchanger
  • Reduce compressed air moisture level
  • Protect downstream equipment from excessive heat
  • Increase system capacity

Highlights :Coolers are usually sized with a CTD (Cold temperature Difference) of 5ºF, 10ºF, 15ºF or 20ºF (2.7ºC, 5.5ºC, 8.3ºC, or 11ºC). This means that the compressed air temperature at the outlet of the Aftercooler will be equal to the cooling medium temperature plus the CTD when sized at the specified inlet air temperature and flow.

Compressor Outlet Temperatures

Type of Compressor

Average Outlet Air

Temperature (ºF)

Average Outlet Air

Temperature (ºC)

Average Outlet Air

Temperature (ºC)

200 93.3

Oil Free Rotary

350 176.6

2-Stage Reciprocating

300 148.8


225 107.2


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The compressed air discharged from an air compressor is hot (fig. AC1-1). Compressed air at these temperatures contains large quantities of water in vapor form. As the compressed air cools this water vapor condenses into a liquid form. As an example if an aftercooler is not used, a 200 scfm compressor operating at 100 psig introduces 45 gallons of water into the compressed air system each day.

Learn more about the aftercoolers offers by viewing our product selection of aftercoolers. Compressor Outlet TemperaturesCompressor Outlet Temperatures.

Compressor Outlet Temperatures

Additionally by reducing the air temperature condensate forms. Most air aftercoolers are sized to cool the air to within 5F to 20F (2.7C to 11C) of ambient air temperature. As the compressed air cools up to 75% of the water vapor present condenses to a liquid and can be removed from the system.

A moisture separator installed at the discharge of the aftercooler removes most of the liquid moisture and solids from the compressed air. Utilizing centrifugal force, moisture and solids collect at the bottom of the moisture separator. An automatic drain should be used to remove the moisture and solids.

  • Functions of compressed air aftercoolers

    • Cool air discharged from air compressors via the heat exchanger
    • Reduce risk of fire (Hot compressed air pipes can be a source of ignition)
    • Reduce compressed air moisture level
    • Increase system capacity
    • Protect downstream equipment from excessive heat

    Coolers are usually sized with a CTD (Cold Temperature Difference) of 5F, 10F, 15F or 20F (2.7C, 5.5C, 8.3C, or 11C). This means that the compressed air temperature at the outlet of the aftercooler will be equal to the cooling medium temperature plus the CTD when sized at the specified inlet air temperature and flow.

Type of Compressor Average Outlet Air Temperature (°F) Average Outlet Air Temperature (°C)
Oil Flooded Rotary 200 93.3
Oil Free Rotary 350 176.6
2-Stage Reciprocating 300 148.8
Centrifugal 225 107.2
Figure AC1-1




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Belt Guard Air Cooled Aftercooler

Shake hands with us for obtaining preeminent and enduring Belt Guard Air Cooled Aftercooler! We are a prestigious Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Belt Guard Air Cooled Aftercooler from Uttar Pradesh, India. The Air Cooled Aftercooler stands out of all others on grounds of performance, pricing and longevity. Stop worrying about the prices of our Compressed Aftercooler as they are pocket-friendly!

More about Belt Guard Air Cooled Aftercooler :A belt guard air cooled Aftecooler mounts to the compressor's v-belt guard. The compressor's belt pulley has fins designed to force ambient air over the compressor and air cooled Aftercooler. The air passing over the Aftercooler facilitates the heat transfer. The pulley also sends air over the compressor helping maintain proper operating temperature.

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Water Cooled Pipe Line Aftercooler

Water Cooled Pipe Line Aftercooler, which we deal in is robust in construction and comes with outstanding workability. Offered by us in the standard size, our Water Cooled Aftercooler have fetched a lot of buyers from all over the globe. We are a celebrated Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Water Cooled Pipe Line Aftercooler from Uttar Pradesh, India.

More about Water Cooled Pipe Line Aftercooler :A water-cooled pipeline Aftercooler comes in different styles. The most common style for compressed air service is a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger/Aftercooler. The pipe line Aftercooler consists of a shell with a bundle of tubes fitted inside. Typically the compressed air flows through the tubes in one direction as water flows on the shell side in the opposite direction. Heat from the compressed air is transferred to the water. Water vapor forms as the compressed air cool downs. The moisture is removed by the moisture separator and drain valve. A modulating valve is recommended to maintain a consistent temperature and reduce water consumption. The tube bundles can be fixed or removable. Fixed tube bundles cost less but are more difficult to maintain than bundles that can be removed for cleaning or service. Advantages to using a water-cooled Aftercooler include better heat transfer and no required electricity.

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