Welcome to Driplex House
Manufacturer / Exporter / Supplier / Retailer Of Reverse Osmosis Plant, Water Polishing Unit, Demineralisation Plants, Stp Plant, Etp Plant
Welcome to Driplex House
Manufacturer / Exporter / Supplier / Retailer Of Reverse Osmosis Plant, Water Polishing Unit, Demineralisation Plants, Stp Plant, Etp Plant
The municipal sewage is mostly treated by conventional activated sludge process. The treated water meets the standards of municipal and state pollution control board and can be used for agriculture or horticulture purpose. The general flow diagram and details are described below. The raw sewage is pumped to the inlet chamber of treatment plant, from there it flows to screen chamber where physical separation of floating and suspended organic and inorganic materials takes place. The sewage water from screen chamber flows to grit chamber, where coarse particles of sand, ash and clinkers, egg shells, bone clips and inert materials are removed. The sewage water from grit chamber flows to primary clarifier where sedimentation of settleable solids takes place. Primary clarifier also reduces the organics load on secondary treatment units.
Reverse Osmosis is reversal of natural process of osmosis - a process by which a dilute solution will pass through a semi-permeable barrier to a more concentrated solution. In reverse osmosis, a pressure in excess of osmotic pressure is applied to a concentrated solution, forcing essentially pure water through the semipermeable membrane, leaving behind the dissolved solids. The result is a pure, essentially mineral-free stream of water.
A wide range of condensate polishing solutions, from deep bed condensate polishers and powdered resin condensate treatment, to special resin grades and off-site regeneration. Condensate polishing can improve bottom line by reducing the losses or damages caused by corrosion and deposits; it can significantly reduce start-up times and the frequency of routine cleaning.
Demineralisation is the Process of removing the mineral salts from water by ion-exchange. Impurities that remains dissolved in water dissociate to form positive and negative charged particles known as ions. These impurities or compounds are called electrolytes. Generally, all natural water has electrolytes in varying concentrations. An ion-exchange vessel holds ion-exchange resin of the required type through which water is allowed to pass. The selective ions in the water are exchanged with ions or radicals loosely held by the resin. In this way, the water is passed through several vessels or a mixed bed vessel so that both positive and negative ions are removed and water is demineralised.
The effluent treatment plant is designed to treat the effluent coming from different areas of the plant. The treatment of different effluents varies with the type of effluent. Oily water effluent treatment plant is designed to treat effluent mainly containing oily effluent. The oily water from the Transformer Area, Turbine building, Workshop etc is collected in common collection sump from where water is pumped through the Plate Interceptor. Oil separated from Plate Interceptor is collected in drums & clear water is lead to central monitoring basin through gravity. Sludge generated from the Plate Interceptor is led to the Sludge Pit for further treatment.
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