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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of The Bhagavad Gita Book, Bhagavad Gita Book, Mahabharata Book, Sai Baba Book and Shri Kuber Kunji Book

The Bhagavad Gita Book

We are offering the bhagavad gita book. the bhagavad gita (hardcover) swami sivananda the bhagavadgita is one phase of the tripod of indian philosophy and culture, the other two phases being the upanishads and the brahmasutras. While the upanishads lay the foundation of the loftiest reach possible for humanity and the brahmasutras logically elucidate the intricate issues involved in the upanishads, the bhagavadgita blends together the transcendent and the immanent features of the ultimate reality, bringing together into an integrated whole knowledge and action, the inner and the outer, the individual and the society, man and god, all which are portrayed as facets of a universal operation, presenting entire life and all life as a perfectly complete organic wholeness, leaving nothing unsaid and attempting to solve every problem of life.
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Bhagavad Gita Book

We are offering bhagavad gita book. Bhagavad gita book summary of bhagavad gitachakravarti rajagopalachari, popularly known as rajaji or c.r was a great patriot, astute politician, incisive thinker, great visionary and one of the greatest statesmen of all time. He was a close associate of mahatma gandhi, hailed as conscience-keeper of the mahatma. As an ardent freedom-fighter, as chief minister of madras, as governor of west bengal, as home minister of india and as the first indian governor-general of india, he rendered yeoman service to the nation and left an indelible impression on our contemporary life.
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Mahabharata Book

We are offering mahabharata book. mahabharata - very sacred epic of hindus according to legend, mahabharata was written down by the elephant god ganesha under the instructions of sage ved vyasa. Mahabharata is a very sacred epic of hindus. Its longest sanskrit epic ever written, mahabharata has a collection of more than 74, 000 verses. The mahabharata story is much revered in india and basically among the hindus. The mahabharata contains the bhagawad gita, the famous gospel of duty that was taught to the great warrior, arjuna by lord krishna. The mahabharata dwells on the aspect of the important goals of a human being in his mortal life. The epic aims at making people realize the relation between the individual and the society and how they both are inter dependent on each other. Read on further a summary of mahabharata, the greatest epic ever. dhritarashta and pandu were born to bhisham's brothers. Dhritarashta was born blind and though the elder, he had to forfeit his claim to the throne due to this physical defect. Pandu became king. Of the two brothers dhritarashta married gandhari, whereas pandu, the younger had two wives, kunti and madri. Gandhari was so devoted to her husband that she bandaged her eyes, not to enjoy anything that she could not share with her royal husband, and thus remained voluntarily blind for life. She became the mother of the kouravs, 100 in total, whereas kunti got three sons and madri two. one day while hunting, pandu the pandavs, was so righteous that he gained the name dharamputr. Bheem was a giant in physical strength. Arjun was handsome and the most skilful archer. Dharamputr was the beloved of the people and being the eldest among the 105 princes, was naturally, and by his right too, the heir to the throne. Duryodhan, the eldest of the kouravs, however was jealous of the pandavs and tried every means to destroy them. When yudhishthir was proclaimed king, duryodhan could not sit quiet and watch. Dhritarashter loved all the 105 princes alike, and there was no partiality in his mind between his own sons and the nephews, the pandavs. The great blind royal father, came under the bad influence of duryodhan and, though directly not an evil-doer, was in sympathy with his son's disappointments and sorrows. duryodhan's plan to kill the pandavs cunningly giving poison to bheem, burning down the lac-house etc., failed miserably. Bheem was strong enough to digest the poison. The pandavs were warned in time by their uncle vidur and so in the darkness of the night the five brothers along with their mother escaped into the jungle from the burning lac-house. After their miraculous escape from the lac-house, they did not return to the palace. They roamed about in the guise of brahmins with their mother. Every one including the kouravs believed them to be dead. during that time, they heard of the swayamvara of droupadi. The qualification to marry her lay in the extraordinary skill of archery in hitting a moving target. Arjun easily won. Everybody congratulated the winner, and discovered that it was arjun. Thus the pandavs were found out, he took his bride to their hut and called to his mother to come outside and see what he had brought. Instead of doing so, she answered back "my dear children, whatever it be, you share it among yourselves". Therefore, droupadi became the common wife of all the five pandavs. Krishna, who was also present, at the marriage ceremony became a great friend of the pandavs from then onwards. On bhisham's advice, the kingdom was divided into two parts. Naturally the better half was taken away by the kouravs. Still, the others built a wonderful city in their own half and called it indraprastha. Duryodhan watching the increasing prosperity of the pandavs and could contain himself no longer. He openly challenged dharamputr for a game of dice, sakuni, deceit in human form, was the uncle of the kouravs. He played for them. Inevitably dharamputr lost everything - his kingdom, his brothers and also his wife. not satisfied with this gain, duryodhan tried to insult droupadi in public. By lord krishna's grace, nothing disastrous happened. Dhritarashter, fearing that this might bring unforeseen calamities begged droupadi to take whatever she wanted. She asked for the freedom of her husbands. It was granted. Dhritarashter due to his excessive love for the eldest son was blind to what is right and what is wrong. So again duryodhan invited dharamputr for another game of dice, and the bet was that the losers would live in the forest for 13 years without any claim to the kingdom, the last year however to be spent incognito. But if in the thirteenth year, they were detected, again a round of 13 years' exile; and this would go on forever. dharamputr lost again. During the twelve years in the forests, the pandavs visited many holy places. They had many interesting adventures at this time. One of them led to hanuman's friendship and grace. Arjun is called kapidhvaja as he keeps on his flag the emblem of hanuman. Krishna visited them now and then. Arjun, at the advice of vyasa, practiced penance, propitiated siva and got from him the mighty weapon, the pasupatastra. He propitiated also the other gods lndra, agni, varuna and others and got from all of them very powerful weapons. Thus the twelve years were not wasted but spent in securing the divine weapons, which would become useful later on. in the 13th year, hiding all their weapons in the hollow of a tree in a burial ground, all the pandavs with droupadi went to the palace of the king of the viratas and stayed there as servants. Duryodhan was making frantic efforts to discover them. When he heard about the strange murder of kichaka the brother-in-law of the king, he concluded that the pandavs must be in the virata country. So the kouravs attacked the viratas, with apparent purpose of carrying away its cattle-wealth. Of course the pandavs took part in the battle, but when they were recognized as pandavs the time limit of thirteen years had already passed. dharamputra yudhishter was fond of peace, and was ever against any quarrel, much less war. So he sent krishna as a messenger to hastinapura to claim his kingdom back from duryodhan. But duryodhan had by this time come to regard indraprastha as his own. He not only refused to give their kingdom back, but refused to give even 5 houses for the five brothers to live! war had to be declared. This is the great war fought at kurukshetra to decide the right of claim. The hundred kouravs, bhisham, drone, asvathama, etc., were on one side and the pandavs, krishna, drupada, etc., were on the other. Krishna did not actually fight. He was the charioteer of arjun and hence he is called parthasarathy. Krishna was very impartial. He gave his army to the kouravs and himself offered to serve the pandavs. The kourav and the pandav armies arrayed themselves for the war. The kouravs planned their attacks under the supervision of bhisham, and under bheem's management the pandava army marched into formation. This is the point at which arjun has second thoughts about fighting in the battle. Krishna gives arjun good advise that brings back his war-spirit. This advice is known as: the bhagvad-gita . all the kourava princes died in this battle, and yudhishthir became king. He continued to reign until he felt that he had completed his life's work. Then he renounced the throne and set out for heaven with the other pandavs and their wife, droupadi. With them also went a dog which represented dharma, the god of duty and moral law. After more adventures, the pandavs were finally united in heaven. this story, which forms the main theme of the mahabharat, makes up only about a quarter of the poem. The mahabharat contains many other popular stories, including the tales of nala and damayanti, savitri and satyawan, rama, and shakuntala. The battle of kurukshetra offers an opportunity to discuss military strategy, there is also a mention of a board game chaturanga from which the modern day chess originated. But the underlying theme of the mahabharat concerns moral duty and right conduct. The long and complex dispute that divides the royal family of bharat affords an opportunity to explain the duties and conduct expected of a king. It also shows the ideals of behavior for subjects, soldiers, religious hermits, and people suffering misfortune. details :- language : englishauthor name:dr. Ishvar chandra sharma, o.n. Bimalisize : 25 x 18 cmpages : 7000 (approx.)total volumes : set of 9 booksbinding : hardboundaccidentally killed the wife of a sage, who got enraged and cursed pandu that if ever he had intercourse with a woman, he would die instantly. Pandu renounced his crown to become a hermit and went to the jungle with his two wives, kunti and madri. But one day, pandu couldn't resist himself and had intercourse with madri and thus died. Madri immolated herself and walked into her husband's funeral fire leaving behind her two sons nakul and sahadev in custody of kunti who already had three sons yudhishthir, bheem and arjun. On pandu's death dhritarashter became the king and the five sons of pandu, known as the pandavs grew up in the guardianship of kunti. The five pandav princes were educated along with kourav boys under the supervision of bhisham and the patronage of dhritarashter. Drone, though a brahmin was a very skilful and efficient teacher, who taught them the art of archery and the various techniques of warfare. yudhishthir, the eldest of publisher: parimal publications, new delhimrp : 22000.00-weight of books : 13 kgs (after packing weight around 17 kgs)
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Sai Baba Book

We offer Sai Baba Book that has excellent printing quality and reliable content. The Sai Vrat katha book is available in both Hindi & English language. Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Vrat Katha Shirdi wale Saibaba ka nau [9] guruvaar ka chamatkarik Sai vrat. You will reap the rewards in no time, when you do this Vrath. May Sai bless you with all his grace to do this vrat Properly and answer your prayers : Story behind the Sai Vrat PoojaKokilaben and her husband Maheshbhai used to live in a big city and they had lots of love for each other. However, Maheshbhais nature was very annoying and he had no sense of talking. Neighbors were also very much frustrated by his this kind of nature. Kokilaben had lots of faith in GOD and she was very religious. She was tolerating all her problems silently having lots of faith in GOD that GOD will make everything all right one day. However, because of Maheshbhais nature, their business went down gradually and there was not enough income. He started staying at home all day and his nature become worst. It was an afternoon. One old saint came to Kokilabens door. There was enormous light on his face. And he asked for rice and dal (lentils). Kokilaben gave him rice and dal and she folded her both hands and said namaste (greetings). Saint replied, SAI will always keep you happy. Kokilaben said There is no happiness in my life and she told all her problems to the saint. After listening to all her problems, Saint told her about. Sai Nav (nine) Guruwar (Thursday) VRAT. Saint told as follows about the VratThis Vrath can be started from any Thursday by uttering SAI BABAs nameThis Vrath has to be continued for 9 ThursdaysAny male, female or child can do this VratOn these Nine Thursday, individual who is doing vrat can eat fruitmilksweets etc. all day long or can have one meal a day. One Must Not Do This Vrat Without Eating Anything.If possible, go to SAI BABAs temple to have SAIBABAs darshan on these Nine ThursdayAt home, do pooja prayer of SAI BABA as followsIn the morning or in the evening, do the pooja as mentioned belowPut Yellow Cloth in front of you and place SAI BABAs Photo or Statue on this clothLight lamp (diya) in front of BABAs pictureWash or wipe BABAs picture with clean water and clothPut tikka (Bindi on the forehead) with kumkum (red powder) on BABAs faceOffer Yellow Flower to BABAOffer Fruit or Sweets to BABA as Naivadhya (Prasad)Read this SAI story and Read Sing SAIBABAs Aarti after finishing Pooja and reading storyTell BABA why you are doing this Vrat and ask him to fulfill your wishGive Prasad to all your friends and family members and you also eat it someIf, because of any reason, you cannot do vrat on any Thursday, skip that Thursday and continue from the next ThursdayIf female is doing this Vrat, skip the Thursday during Menstrual Cycle periodOn the 9th Thursday, Celebrate SAI VRAT. In this celebration process, feed 5 poor people and distribute this SAI VRAT book among people. One can give 5, 11 or 21 etc
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Shri Kuber Kunji Book

We are offering shri kuber kunji book. shri kuber kunjiaccording to the ramayana, lord kuber made the gold lanka, which was later taken by ravan, his brother. All ancient sacred texts encourage the use of kuber kunji for the quick gain of wealth. when lord kuber is pleased, he blesses the person with success and wealtthe chances of winning wealth through lotteries etc. Is increasedno matter how much you spend, money will always keep flowing in provided the wealth is used for constructive and good purposes and not for destructive or anti-social activities. we are the manufacturer of kuber kunji.
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