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Our Services

We offer the best product range of Tooth Extraction And DisImpaction, Partial and Complete Denture, Bruxism Treatment In Ahmedabad, TMJ Disorder treatment and Complete Gum Treatment.

Orthodontic Treatment

The process of restructuring your teeth, straightening or moving to improve your smile and appearance is known as Orthodontic Treatment. Orthodontic treatment also includes the process of improving the functions of teeth so that you may feel comfortable while chewing or eating your meal. Overcrowded and crooked teeth often lead to major dental problems as it is hard to bite and chew food. It stimulates pain and damages the soft gum tissues. To overcome such problems, orthodontic treatment is necessary.
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Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentistry is a branch of dentistry in which dental issues of children are dealt from birth through adolescence. From regular check-up to tooth extraction of children, everything comes in this branch. Pediatric dentists play a crucial role in this field as they treat children. Hence, they need to be a bit more conscious of their work. The responsibility of pediatric dentists is to be the source of awareness for the dental health of children.
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Child Dentistry

Professional pediatric dentists should be given a complete check-up routine and oral health chart to parents and also host occasional seminars at schools and academies for the awareness o oral hygiene so that children may learn about the dental hygiene and be aware of dental diseases. Besides this, they should be counselled by pediatric surgeons about what they should eat and what to avoid in order keeping their teeth healthy and bright, by preventing severe oral diseases.
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Dental Implant

Dr. Mansi Dental Clinic is best dental hospital in Satellite Ahmedabad. People who are looking for best dental implant in Ahmedabad, Dr. Mansi Dental Clinic is best option for them.So before to go for dental implant you should know about her. Dr. Mansi is senior dental implant surgeon in Ahmedabad who take care everything related to dental implant or single tooth implant. What is Dental Implantation Dental implantation is actually a way of replacing damaged teeth and embedding artificial teeth in human teeth structure. In fact, dental implantation has proved to be a boon for people who have lost their teeth in periodontal disease, injuries or due to age factor. We all want to live a life according to our choices and eating various types of meals is mans top most desire. But people, who have one or multiple tooth missing in their natural braces, find it really hard to have meals of their choice and suffer for long.
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Tooth Extraction And DisImpaction

With a horrified thought of having painful tooth extraction, people suffering from serious dental problems deny to get it treated. In some cases, when the teeth get damaged severely or have been attacked by germs and bacteria, and start decaying, it is necessary to get it removed else; it may harm the gum line area, ligaments and causes epidemic infection to other teeth as well, which will ultimately result in severe oral problems, leading to major surgeries. Removing damaged or infected tooth is known as Tooth Extraction. In earlier days, as tooth extraction was not as convenient as it is today specifically in case of removing and hence, people have to face pain after the process of tooth extraction. But, the case is not same today. Late eruption of wisdom tooth often leads to misalignment of other teeth that causes severe pain and to extract such wisdom tooth gives nightmares.
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Partial And Complete Denture

What are Dentures? Dentures are prosthetic devices to replace missing and damaged teeth. You can say them a conventional set of false teeth. These are a solid set of teeth embedded in a soft gum-like structure. They are easy to fix in and take out. Generally, people after the age of 70, use these dentures as their gum get loose with the teeth, eventually not being able to support the tooth. Dentures proved to be a blessing for those who have completely lost their teeth as they can work just like the natural teeth to chew and bite things easily, helping them to enjoy their favorite meal. At present there are custom designed dentures available in the market which can be used by anyone regardless of the structure and size of their mouth as they can fix in perfectly in anyones mouth.
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Bruxism Treatment In Ahmedabad

Bruxism is a medical term for the problem of tooth grinding. It is generally seen that people have a habit of grinding or clenching teeth either awake or during sleep. If frequent action is not taken, then it may lead to severe cracking of teeth or weak teeth. In some cases it has damaged the jaw points, resulting into a serious headache, disrupted sleep and many more disorders. If you are facing the problem of bruxism, then you must immediately visit to a dentist. If You are in Ahmedbad then Consult with Dr.Mansi Patel For Bruxism Treatment in Ahmedbad.
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Root Canal Treatment

What is Root Canal Treatment? Also known as Endodontic therapy, root canal treatment is a process which is performed to cure infections in tooth and its root, securing it not to get infected again. It is carried out in the pulp of the tooth. Talking about the term root canal, it is a part of a tooth, a hollow section that contains the nerve tissues, blood vessels and other cells which is on a combined form, known as the Pulp. The structure of a tooth can be divided into two main parts-the crown and the root. The section which is above the gum-line is known as the crown whereas the inner section below the gum-line is known as the root that attaches the tooth with the jawbone. Now, the pulp filled inside the root canal nourishes the tooth, providing moisture. The process is known as root canal or endodontic therapy because it is performed in the root canal or you can say inside the tooth below the gum line. The term root canal is commonly used as compared to the scientific term. If the pulp of a tooth gets injured by any means or gets infected, it cannot repair the damage by itself and hence the tissues die. In some other cases, if it gets deep, the tooth is damaged or gums get loosely attached to the tooth, it allows bacteria to enter into the pulp and hence, the root canal gets infected. If bacteria succeed to penetrate through the root openings, it can also cause infection to the jawbone, resulting in the swelling of ligaments around the tooth, sensitivity and pain.
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TMJ Disorder Treatment

The joint on each side of our face near the ear, that links the lower jaw of the mandible to the temporal bone of skull, is known as the Temporomandibular Joint. These joints are smooth, providing flexibility and thus enabling us to easily talk, chew and yawn. If these joints fail to run smoothly and we start having problem while eating, biting, chewing something and yawning because of any disorder in these joints, then it is called TMJ disorder. TMJs are different from other joints of our body that works to bear the load of the body such as knee joints, hip bones etc. TMJ disorder usually occurs more in women than in men. TMJ specialists and scientists are researching to find out the reason why females are facing this disorder more. Having the combination of hinge and sliding motion, this joint is considered as the one of the most complicated joint of the body. Disorder in the functionality of jaw bone, cheek bone, the inflamed joint and muscles associated with the joint is known as TMJ disorder.
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Complete Gum Treatment

Many people have problem of bleeding gums, pain and swelling in gum line. These are the signs that your gums are infected by bacteria which are gradually making them weak. This kind of infection can get severe and even spoil the whole jaw structure if not get treated in the nick of time. After sometime, your teeth will get loosely bound to the gum and will be ultimately decayed. These kinds of infections around the teeth that cause serious oral problems are regarded as Periodontal Diseases. The term Periodontal defines itself as Perio means around and dontal refers to dental. Periodontal diseases affects your gum-line, periodontal ligaments along with the alveolar bone, making the tissues weakly bound and hence, you face pain, swelling, and sometimes problem of bleeding gums in the major stages of infection.
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Veneers Crown And Bridges

Veneer is actually a thin piece of porcelain, used to recreate the natural appearance of teeth. It provides more strength and resilience as compared to natural teeth enamel. They can be customised according the contour of your teeth and are usually used to close small gaps or correct misalignment. The process of applying veneers takes one to three appointments, depending upon if the veneers are prefabricated or need to prepare in lab according to the case. First, the dentist estimates the correct shade of veneers according to your teeth and a small amount of enamel is removed to fill it with temporary veneer and sample is sent to the lab to prepare the original veneer. Before etching the veneer, the tooth is completely cleaned with pumice and water. Then the light-cured veneer is etched, rinsed thoroughly with water and dried and thats it.
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Emergency Dental Care

We love to smile and always be ready to say cheese in front of the camera. But what if our teeth dont look healthy and bright? Although we take care of our teeth, brush them on regular basis, do flossing and make sure to use right brush yet accidents can happen anytime. When oral injuries happen, they need to be treated immediately. If you are having weak teeth, they may knock out any time, can be cracked while biting or chewing something hard, or can be broken while performing any tough sport. Minor injuries can wait but major injuries cannot be avoided and in that case, emergency dental care is must. Emergency dental care is necessary especially in case of children as their teeth are brittle and of course, at the time when new teeth are yet to come. In standard dental care centers, there are dental seminars held every now and then to aware people about oral diseases through which people can have an idea to deal with oral scenarios when they need to cure their teeth by own.
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Fluoride Therapy

In the simplest definition, the treatment of diseases with the help of fluoride is known as the fluoride therapy. And, in terms of dental care, fluoride therapy is used to prevent dental diseases in adults and children specially adolescents. With this therapy, your teeth become stronger and have better life. In areas where the percentage of fluoride in water is less than needed, doctors suggest fluoride treatment if someone is facing the tooth decay problem because of lack of fluoride.
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Restoration Treatment

Restoration Treatment
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Scaling (Cleaning Of Teeth) Treatment

Scaling (Cleaning of teeth) Treatment
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