Our Products
We offer the best product range of Hand Wash Stand, 3 Tap Hand Wash Stand, 2 Tap Hand Wash Stand, 1 Tap Hand Wash Station and 2 Taps Hand Wash Station.
The Doit Hand Wash Stand Consits of a submerisible pump , filtering units using the thread type filter cartridges and multiple settling tanks inside the wash stand itself . these internal settling tanks allows the gold smith sector operators to monitor the residue of precious metal from the drain water of various stages of jewellery manufacturer process .A Bigger percentage of the remnants of precioues metal from the discharge will get collected in the settling tanks and even the smallest percentage of minor sized pieces gets collected in the filter cartridges . thus a great amount of precious metal loss is saved here.
The Doit Hand Wash Stand consists of a submersiblepump, Filtering units using thethread type ltercartridges and multiple settling tanks inside the WashStand itself.These Internal settling tanks allows thegold smith sector Operators to monitor theresidue ofprecious metal from the drain water of various stagesof Jewellery Manufactureprocess. A Bigger percentageof the remnants of precious metal from the dischargewillget collected in the settling tanks and even thesmallest percentage of minor sized piecesgetscollected in the lter cartridges. Thus a great amountof precious metal loss issaved here.
Technical Features:-
Made of Polypropylene
Complete with Pump & FilterCartridge
Internal Cascade System does
notdisperse residues of precious metal
Foot Pedal Operated Tap
Automatic operated pump and pressure gauge
The Doit Hand Wash Stand consists of a submersiblepump, Filtering units using thethread type ltercartridges and multiple settling tanks inside the WashStand itself.These Internal settling tanks allows thegold smith sector Operators to monitor theresidue ofprecious metal from the drain water of various stagesof Jewellery Manufactureprocess. A Bigger percentageof the remnants of precious metal from the dischargewillget collected in the settling tanks and even thesmallest percentage of minor sized piecesgetscollected in the lter cartridges.Thus a great amountof precious metal loss
Made of Polypropylene
Complete with Pump & Filter Cartridge
Internal Cascade System does notdisperse residues of precious metal
Foot Pedal Operated Tap
Automatic operated pump andpressure gauge
The Doit Industries Hand Wash Stand consists of a submersible pump, Filtering units using the thread type filter cartridges and multiple settling tanks inside the Wash Stand itself. These Internal settling tanks allows the gold smith sector Operators to monitor the residue of precious metal from the drain water of various stages of Jewellery Manufacture process. A Bigger percentage of the remnants of precious metal from the discharge will get collected in the settling tanks and even the smallest percentage of minorsized pieces gets collected in the filter cartridges . Thus a great amount of precious metal loss is saved here.
Technical Features :
The Doit Industries Hand Wash Stand consists of a submersible pump, Filtering units using the thread type filter cartridges and multiple settling tanks inside the Wash Stand itself. These Internal settling tanks allows the gold smith sector Operators to monitor the residue of precious metal from the drain water of various stages of Jewellery Manufacture process. A Bigger percentage of the remnants of precious metal from the discharge will get collected in the settling tanks and even the smallest percentage of minorsized pieces gets collected in the filter cartridges . Thus a great amount of precious metal loss is saved here.